You need to give answer which is mentioned in each case study and following three are essay so you need to do as per given criteria. It is exam preparation so write perfect answer for each question . Don't write too much each question is 30marks so give answer according to marks.
Case Study 1: Leaking Sensitive Information
Question 1: DET
Q1: Edward Snowden leaked sensitive national security related material for Washington Post and The Guardian in May 2013. These leaked reports have revealed that NSA has used three surveillance programs, known as Tempora, PRISM and XKeyscore.
Q2: The facts in this case study are as follows:
- i) A former employee of NSA has leaked sensitive national security related materials in two popular magazines.
- ii) As per the leaked reports, at least three Internet surveillance programs were used here, called Tempora, PRISM and XKeyscore.
iii) NSA has collected metadata from telephone communications and it had intercepted the data in US and Europe.
Q3: The non-ethical issues are as follows:
- i) Leaking of data by a former employee of NSA.
- ii) Publishing the leaked data in Washington Post and The Guardian.
iii) Interception of telephone communications in US and Europe.
Q4: The NSA or National Security Agency is affected in the entire case study. Moreover, the other employees are also affected here.
Q5: The major ethical issues in this case and the implications are given below:
- i) The first ethical issue here is that Edward Snowden hasleaked the sensitive data. The main implication of this ethical issue is that the confidentiality of the data is lost.
- ii) The next ethical issue here is that this hacker has intercepted telephone communications in both United States and Europe. It implies that NSA has collected the metadata from these communications.
iii) Another important ethical issue is that the leaked reports have revealed NSA uses three Internet surveillance programs. It implies that these three programs help NSA in keeping the track of the data.
- iv) The US intelligence capabilities are damaged due to this leaking of data and this implies that the they could serious issues due to this.
Q6: The above mentioned four issues should be resolved on time and proper measures could be taken for these issues. Proper security and legal measures could be undertaken for solving the ethical issues.
Q7: The options are as follows:
- i) Involving legal measures in the case study so that if any type of discrepancy is observed in the security of data or material, the hacker could be stopped.
- ii) Involvement of various security measures like antivirus software, firewalls and passwords could also be effective for solving these issues.
Q8: The best option in this case study is to involve legal measures so that this type of hacking is stopped easily and promptly.
Question 2: Four Ethical Theories
Utilitarianism: As per utilitarianism theory, this case study is absolutely unethical as it does not provide any utility to the situation or NSA. On the contrary, it has leaked sensitive material of NSA.
Deontology: As per deontology theory, this case study is unethical since it is only focusing on the wrongness of the situation and also the consequences that have been faced by NSA.
Virtue: Virtue ethics focuses on the duties or rules to be followed by the individuals involved in a situation. In this case study, the ex-employee of NSA has not followed his duty of maintaining confidentiality and hence it is unethical.
Contract: As per contract theory, this case study is unethical since a social contract between the organization and the ex-employee is not maintained here and he has leaked the organizational data.
Question 1: DET
Q1: Donald Sterling, the owner of NBA’s San Diego Clippers had made racist remarks about African Americans in April 2014. His girlfriend had secretly recorded the remarks in an electronic device and spread them in public. As result, Sterling was forced to sell his team and became a major controversy in worldwide.
Case Study 2: Making Racist Remarks
Q2: The facts are as follows:
- i) Donald Sterling has made racist remarks on African Americans.
- ii) His girlfriend has recorded secretly and made these remarks viral.
iii) Sterling had to sell his team after being forced by NBA.
- iv) Many people pointed out the fact that recording anything secretly is not at all ethical.
Q3: The non-ethical issues here are as follows:
- i) Sterling making racist remarks on African Americans, whereas most of his players were African Americans.
- ii) The second non-ethical issue here is that his girlfriend has secretly recorded the remarks in an electronic device, without the consent of Sterling.
Q4: Donald Sterling is mainly affected in this case study as he had to sell off his football team and also was forced to resign by NBA. The African Americans were the next affected persons in this case study, since they might feel demotivated with these types of racist remarks.
Q5: The ethical issues and their implications are as follows:
- i) The first ethical issue here is that Sterling, being the owner of the National Basketball Association (NBA)’s San Diego Clippers has made racist remarks on the African Americans. It implies that the African Americans might be feeling demotivated in this case and would not be able to play as a team.
- ii) The next ethical issue in this case study is that V. Stiviano, the then girlfriend of Sterling has recorded these comments in her electronic device and eventually made them public for getting wide audience. This issue implies that his girlfriend has secretly recorded the remarks, without taking a consent from Donald Sterling.
Q6: These two ethical issues could be resolved by undertaking some of the major ethical steps and also by the proper involvement of ethical theories. With the mitigation of these issues, the case study may be termed as ethical.
Q7: The options are as follows:
- i) The first option here is to provide motivational speeches and motivational workshops for the African Americans, so that they do not feel demotivated with these remarks.
- ii) The next option is to take necessary actions against for both Donald Sterling and his girlfriend. For Donald Sterling, it is correct to force his resign, since no leader should be racist for his team members. For his girlfriend, she should be penalized since she had secretly recorded the remarks and spread them to public.
Q8: The best option in this case study is to penalize Sterling’s girlfriend. One should never record private conversations of other persons, without taking their consents. This is completely unethical and should not allowed at any circumstances.
Question 2: Four Ethical Theories
Utilitarianism: As per utilitarianism theory, this case study is absolutely unethical as Donald Sterling mas made racist remarks on the African Americans and his girlfriend has recorded these remarks secretly. Both of these facts are not providing any utility to the situation and on the other hand, is spreading illegal and unethical activities.
Deontology: As per deontology theory, this case study is unethical as this theory focuses of rightness and wrongness of a situation with the consequences. Here, the entire scenario is wrong and there is no correct or right activity.
Virtue: This ethics theory depicts that all rules and duties should be followed by individuals, who are involved in any situation. Here, both Sterling and his girlfriend has not followed the social duties and responsibilities and hence this is termed as unethical.
Contract: According to the contract theory, this case study is unethical as a social contract or relationship between Sterling and his team members are not maintained. Moreover, the contract between Sterling and his girlfriend of confidentiality is also not maintained here.
Question 1: DET
Q1: A computer programmer is working in Company X for six months. Recently, this organization is been occupied with reengineering the respective inventory system of the local hardware chain of ABC Hardware. X has the major objective of enabling ABC for keeping a good inventory track. For a better inventory management, the supervisor of the programmer asks him about any existing software known to him. The programmer suggests of the software that he has worked in this previous job. However, this software is expensive. The supervisor agrees to the point and asks him to install on the systems of ABC. The programmer points out that this would violate the licensing agreement; however the supervisor is reluctant to listen to this issue.
Case Study 3: Violating Licensing Agreements
Q2: The main facts in this case study are as follows:
- i) A computer programmer is working in Company X for last six months.
- ii) Company X has been occupied with the reengineering of inventory system of ABC Hardware.
iii) Supervisor asks about the software for better inventory management and the programmer suggests about an expensive software.
- iv) Supervisor wants to make his clients happier at any circumstance.
Q3: The major non-ethical issues are as follows:
- i) The supervisor instructs the computer programmer to install the suggested software in the systems of ABC hardware, which would be subsequently violating the licensing agreement X has with the developers of the software.
- ii) The next non-ethical issue is that the supervisor wants the programmer to install this software without anyone’s consent and secretly.
Q4: The computer programmer is mainly affected here since he is instructed to execute wrong deeds. The client or ABC hardware is the next affected individual in this particular scenario. Both of these affected individuals might face unethical actions and consequences.
Q5: The major ethical issues and their implications are as follows:
- i) Supervisor asks the computer programmer to install the software in each and every system of ABC Hardware all by himself so that the other expenses of this software installation is saved and Company X does not face any issues regarding finance. It implies that the supervisor is only thinking about his profit and does not care for the organization.
- ii) The second issue is that the programmer points out at the fact that if he would install the software in systems, it would be a violation of the licensing agreement that X has with all software developers. It implies that the supervisor is not concerned eve about the legal rules and regulations.
iii) Moreover, the supervisor wants to keep this as a secret and does not want anyone to know about it. This implies that the supervisor knows that this is an illegal activity.
Q6: The computer programmer should report about this activity to the senior management for stopping this type of illegal activity. Necessary actions should be undertaken immediately, so that the supervisor could learn from his mistakes.
Q7: The main options in this scenario are as follows:
- i) The programmer should report this phenomenon to the senior authority so that the company could take necessary actions against this supervisor.
- ii) The programmer could listen to the supervisor and do whatever he is advising to do.
iii) The programmer should directly lodge a police complaint against the supervisor and make him penalize heavily.
Q8: The best option in this case study is that the programmer should report to the senior authority of Company X and get them notified against the wrong intensions of his supervisor.
Question 2: Four Ethical Theories
Utilitarianism: According to utilitarianism theory, this case study is ethical, since the supervisor is asking his programmer to install the software for making the client happy. This is providing utility to the situation and company.
Deontology: According to deontology theory, this case study is unethical, since as per deontology, one should check what is right and wrong and then face the consequences. In this case study, it is evident that the supervisor is advising actions by incorrect means.
Virtue: As per the virtue ethics, the responsibilities or duties must be followed. However, supervisor is not executing his responsibilities or duties for the betterment of the organizations. Rather he is advising to do the activity by wrong intentions and thus this is unethical.
Contract: As per contract theory, this case study is unethical since the contract between the software developers and Company X might be broken by violating the licensing agreement.
There has been a development of several system for recording the coded information regarding disabilities in the ethnic communities. A new coding convention is developed for rationalizing the respective inconsistent coding convention of all the legacy systems. However, there are some under and over reporting of disability categories; hence the management has decided not to fix the historical systems and adopt new systems.
Two Ethical Theories
The two ethical theories involved in this case study are utilitarianism theory and deontology theory. Utilitarianism theory states that the action that provides maximum utility for the society as well as users is termed as the best action. The utilitarianism theory is applicable here since it is providing utility to the situation by saving expenses as well as work for fixing the historical systems. The management has taken the decision for not spending enough resources and hence would be beneficial for the ethnic communities.
As per deontology theory, the morality of the action is eventually based on the fact that whether the action is correct or incorrect. This particular case study is applicable to deontology theory, since right activities are being followed here for the users. The organizational management has undertaken an appropriate action and this action is correct on the basis of their consequences.
Examples of Professional Codes of Ethics
There are six professional codes of ethics. These are primacy of the public interest, enhancement of quality of life, honesty, competence, professional development and professionalism. Amongst them two are applicable in this case study, which are competence and professional development.
As per competence code, the specific individual should work competently as well as diligently for the organizational stakeholders. The competence code in this case study is highly required in the case study since the new coding convention is developed to rationalize the inconsistent coding convention of all the legacy systems. Hence, they are working for their stakeholders by maintaining legal rules.
The professional development code is also maintained for recording the coded information. This type of up gradation of the new systems for the betterment of the organization by removing the issues related to high resource consumption. Thus, they are enhancing professional development.
Thus, the management has taken the right decision by adopting the new systems, instead of updating the old systems. All they want is to reduce the expenses and other resources and maintaining a balance of the financial state. Hence it could be termed that the case study is ethical.
Google, online tools or any other search engine is the fastest means to search for any personal information regarding other people. These are extremely important and significant for all of the users, who use these as their search engines. However, often it is noticed that the person is searching for information that is personal for any other person. This is often unknown to the public, about whom the information is being gathered. This could be threatening for the privacy of people.
Two Ethical Theories
The two ethical theories involved in this case study are contract theory and virtue ethics. The first theory is contract theory. As per contract theory, a proper social contract should be maintained between the users and their search engines. This ensures that the confidentiality as well as integrity of data is maintained. Moreover, the professional behaviour is also required here. The social contract between the online search engines and the users is broken and hence this is unethical as permission is not taken from that person.
The second theory is virtue ethics. According to virtue ethics, the responsibilities or duties must be followed by the respective user so that ethics is maintained within the scenario. The social rules and duties are not followed in the case study as the privacy of the people are threatened. Hence, this is not at all ethical in terms of virtue ethics.
Examples of Professional Codes of Ethics
Within the six professional code of ethics of primacy of the public interest, quality of life, honesty, competence, professional development and professionalism, the two distinct examples of codes of ethics are honesty and professionalism.
According to honesty factor, the person or the individual, who is searching about the personal information of any other person, should be honest enough to confess about this type of act. However, by searching through online tools, this data is kept secret and the user secretly searches for the personal information, which is not ethical.
As per professionalism, the integrity of the data should be maintained and there should respect for one another. In this case study, the users of Google and other online tools are not maintaining professionalism by searching for others’ personal information. This information could be used for wrong deeds and hence this is unethical.
Therefore, the case study is unethical as it is extremely threatening for the privacy of ordinary people. This is mainly because the specific person has no idea about the fact that his information is being searched on online tool.
Elsevier Press is a popular academic publisher in Netherlands. It majorly publishes science and mathematics books and journals. However, they have restricted access to some vital information and are following pricing and policy practices. Hence, a popular mathematician has organized a formal boycott to this publisher. This boycott has been named as The Cost of Knowledge and more than 16000 signatures are collected until 2015.
Two Ethical Theories
There are four ethical theories, which are utilitarianism theory, deontology theory, virtue ethics and contract theory. Amongst them, the two ethical theories involved in this case study are utilitarianism theory and virtue ethics.
As per utilitarianism theory, any specific action that provides maximum utility for the society as well as users is termed as the best action. In this case study, Elsevier Press is not providing utility to the situation since they have restricted the access to vital information for costs. Hence, the users, who does not have enough resources are unable to access the data. This is a huge loss for both education and knowledge. Thus this case study is unethical in terms of utilitarianism theory.
According to virtue ethics, the various rules and duties should be followed for the proper execution of social rules. In this particular case study, Elsevier Press is not following their social duties and rules as a scholarly publisher and thus virtue ethics is also not maintained here.
Examples of Professional Codes of Ethics
The six professional codes of ethics are primacy of the public interest, quality of life, honesty, competence, professional development and professionalism. The two examples of codes of ethics applicable for this case study are professionalism and professional development.
As per professionalism, the integrity should be enhanced and the members should respect one another. This professionalism code within the users is not maintained properly and hence Elsevier Press has suffered boycott in their business.
According to professional development, the organization of Elsevier Press should enhance their professional development and even their staffs. Elsevier Press was unable to develop professionalism within their business by involving high costs for their publications. Thus, this case study is unethical in terms of professional development.
Hence, the boycott called The Cost of Knowledge is absolutely correct and ethical, since Elsevier Press is not following any ethical theory or code of ethics and they are only considering their profit and Elsevier Press could be termed as unethical.
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