Explain the factors that determine an individual’s personality describe and compare the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Big Five personality models explain how the major personality attributes predict behaviour at work contrast terminal and instrumental values list the dominant values in today’s workforce Define and understand the factors that affect ethical behaviour identify Hofstede’s six value dimensions of national culture.
2.0 Self-awareness
Every individual has to develop self-awareness as part of their practical exercise with personal benefits in the suitable employment position as well as for improving the professional career. The purpose of this report is to demonstrate the self-awareness elements. These elements include the personality of the individual values and motivating factors emotional intelligence leadership and workplace power and politics. In addition to that, how the personal strengths and weaknesses related to the professional career is part of the study. Similarly, the organisational behaviour and its relation with self-awareness and decision-making process will be evaluated by focusing on the events and business management career.
2.0 Self-awareness
In the process of self-awareness, personality development is considered as major because the influential quality of an individual's personality creates an impression on others in the workplace. In the Event and business management industry, personality creates a huge influence on managing customers and clients (Allen, 2015). For understanding the personality traits, evaluation of an individual’s reactions an interaction process with others accounted with the other personality determinants. The personality determinants include the situation, heredity and environment which affect the elements of an individual’s personality. Understanding my personality traits the big personality model is used in the process of professional development.
The big five personality model highlights the five different components of personality. Those include openness to expression, extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness and emotional stability (Bryson, 2018). Each of these components has different characteristics. For example, openness to expression can be divided into four different types; those are curious, artistic imaginative and sensitive. Similarly, the conscientiousness can be responsible organised, persistent or dependable.
The agreeableness is either good nature of cooperative or trusting. For the extraversion, an individual can be assertive, sociable or gregarious. Finally, the emotional stability of a person can be the various types which include calm, secure under stress, insecure under stress, self-confident, nervous and depressed. According to this theory, the major five personality traits a part of an individual's personality and one characteristic from each of the section is similar to one individual (Caruso et al. 2014).
By investigating these five big personality traits, I have able to find out my personality traits. The career of the event and business management an employee has to be either artistic or imaginative for opening up his expression. However, I am imaginative according to this use of the big five personality test. In addition to that, I am a responsible and social able individual who like to communicate with others and try to understand their perspective for gathering more knowledge from others. However, I have Cooperative nature and try to work with a team. Finally, I am self-confident, and my personal traits also help me in providing confidence to the other team members at the time of stress.
Personality traits |
openness to expression |
extraversion |
conscientiousness |
agreeableness |
emotional stability |
Personal evaluation |
imaginative |
responsible |
sociable |
Cooperative |
self-confident |
2.2 Values and Motivators
Table 1: My personality traits
Similarly, the personality attributes which are influencing the organisational behaviour are core self-evaluation process, self-monitoring, risk-taking, the positive and negative effect. In the process of Event Management and business management, these personality attributes are essential because the responsibility of this management area is associated with developed personality skills
2.2 Values and Motivators
Value is considered as a system which is hierarchy based honour ranking. In the process of professional development, the individual's value is associated with the terms of their intensity on the provided classification. In maintaining organisational behaviour in the event and business management process, the importance of value is highly dependable in the process of self-awareness (Fayolleet al. 2014). The importance of value includes providing proper knowledge about the attitudes behaviours and motivation of individual and their culture
It is evident that the perception of our surrounding world also influences the value system. The representation of interpretation and what are the specific behaviour of an individual or outcome which are referred by other even part of the importance of value. Value is being differentiated into different type one is terminal, and the other one is instrumental. The Terminal values include the desire of one person for achieving the goals for existence, and the instrumental value includes the preferable behaviour of the individual in achieving the terminal values (FioriandVesely-Maillefer, 2018).
The personal influences and organisational influences influence the ethical behaviour of an individual. In addition to that, the individual influence of my professional development is dependable on the value system, cognitive moral development and locus of control. The organisational influence of my article behaviour is dependable on the ethics communication system, organisational policies and procedures and the code of conduct in the organisation.
In understanding my values for maintaining my organisational behaviour, I have found out that my terminal values are equality, wisdom, true friendship, an exciting life, family security, freedom and mature love. Similarly, my instrumental values are ambitious, capable, honest, responsible and self-controlled (Forsgren, 2015).
Terminal values |
Instrumental values |
· Equality · wisdom, · true friendship · an exciting life · family security · freedom · mature love |
· ambitious · capable · honest · responsible · self-controlled |
Table 2: My terminal and instrumental values
Motivation is considered the vital area of working in the management area and leading others towards achieving a goal. This personal trait the persistence, intensity and direction attribute of an individual. The process of motivation is a step-by-step process. Initially, the unsatisfied needs create tension and drive towards a solution. After getting the solution dissatisfied needs to develop and total reduction of the tension is possible (Hutteman et al. 2014). After the process of reduction of tension development of unsatisfied need generally increases and the process works similarly for the next time.
2.3 Emotional intelligence
There are various motivation theories which are used by organisations for managing the employees or as a management employee I can use. The early theories include Maslow's hierarchy of needs, two-factor theory etc. Similarly, the contemporary theory includes McClelland's theory of need, goal setting theory, equity theory, etc. For understanding my motivation settings, I have focused on the goal-setting theory (Jonkeret al. 2014). The basic premises of this theory are to understand the specific goals, generation of self-feedback and finally leading the performance to a higher level. The process of personal motivation also helps an individual to motivate others. The influences of this theory help an individual to understand the goal commitment National culture, task characteristics and the specific needs of the goal.
The smart goal setting factor includes the basic requirement of achieving a goal. Those are specific about the goal, the goal has to be measurable, and the goal has to be attainable. The smart goal setting also includes the relevant work and time bound for the individual. Career satisfaction is an important area because achieving the goal is part of the organisational behaviour (Kim et al. 2015).
Therefore, for the self-awareness process, I have selected the theory of smart goal setting for achieving my personal goals, and the motivators help me in achieving these goals for the organisational interest and career development.
2.3 Emotional intelligence
Emotions are considered a negative factor in the organisational behaviour process for a long time. The definitions of emotion and mode are different which has been identified the leadership of organisations, and due to that, the positive and negative both effects of emotion on the labour of the organisation can find out. The emotional intelligence e help an employee of the organisation in carrying out information for the process which is more sophisticated and also emotion relevant (Körkkö et al. 2016).
It has been found out that this information is also useful for thinking and behaviour development of the employee engagement process for performing the organisation roles. There are two experimental and to strategic emotional intelligence branches which are connected with maintaining the organisational behaviour by an employee. The experimental emotional intelligence e is either recognising emotion or using emotion. Similarly, the strategic area of emotional intelligence e can be related to understanding the emotion or managing the emotion (Lovan et al. 2017).
The theory of Mayer Salovey model also helps in understanding emotional intelligence e of an individual and how it is related to maintaining the organisational behaviour. According to this model, knowledge and skill are involved with emotion. Therefore the differences in the skills impact in the individual's social relationship, career development process, work relationship and also achieving success in the workplace. There are two types of effects of emotion. The positive effect expands the thinking process, helps in creating new ideas and also encourages the individual in considering the various potentials.
The negative effect is related to giving a clear focus details examination and also the number of errors increase (Megginson and Whitaker, 2017). Individuals have two type of emotion, one is actual feelings by them, and they display the other. In the event and business management process, developing the knowledge about displayed emotion is very important because it is considered as part of the hospitality industry. My emotional intelligence e helps me in developing my work relationship and also in the process of career development. However, the displayed emotion is not an easy career development skills it records a lot of self-control and also controlling the emotions.
My emotional intelligence skills |
· Building work relationship · career development · developing the displayed emotion |
Table 3: My emotional intelligence skills
2.4 Leadership
There are mainly two types of leadership one is known as authentic leadership, and the other is ethical leadership. Authentic leadership includes believe in values, act openly depending on the values, and also they consider ethical leaders as their follow (Panait, 2017). The ethical leadership mainly follows their goals; they work positively which generally help in changing the attitude and also the behaviour of the employees. Finally, the behaviour of these leaders are constructive for engaging socially, and they also do not use their power as abusive.
Leadership is considered as the ability to influence individuals and groups for achieving the organisational goals and vision. The Trends of leadership include motivational and influencing others by introducing change in the procedure (Pettigrew, 2014).
The process of managing event and business the proper characteristics of a leader is essential because it helps in influencing others as well as interpreting the reality. In this industry, the charismatic leaders need a proper vision. Checking personal risk for achieving the vision is an essential part. In addition to that, the charismatic leader has to be sensitive to the expectation and needs of the following as well as about the environmental issues. Finally, the exhibited behaviour of a charismatic leader has to be extraordinary which create the influence among others.
Transactional and transformational leadership are also important to understand in evaluating the potential qualities of leadership in an individual (Ramaniet al. 2017). The transformational characters are generally effective, and the transitional characters are ineffective for most of the time. Transformational characteristics include individualised consideration, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and Idealised influence. However, the transactional characters include laissez-faire, management of exception and contingent reward.
Evaluating my personal leadership aspiration and potential among the different mentioned leadership approaches, the most influential characteristic is the inspiration motivation and individualised consideration (RathoreandPandey, 2018). Except that, I have the abilities to be a charismatic leader because I have the potential to take personal risk for the organisation with considering the sensitiveness for both my team members and environmental issues. In investigating my organisation behaviour, I have found out I have the abilities of ethical leadership.
My leadership traits and skills |
· inspiration motivation · individualised consideration · taking personal risk · sensitiveness for both my team members and environmental issues · abilities of ethical leadership |
Table 4: My leadership traits and skills
2.5 Power and Politics
In the event management business, the use of power and politics help an individual in achieving the organisational goals. The leadership is considered as part of the effectiveness of power tactics. The effectiveness of power help in is consistent with the targeted values, and also the culture of the organisation can be affected by power (Rocha et al. 2017). The power in a group is associated with solutions which help in maximising the influence and also supporting the objective of the leader. In addition to that, the coalition also occurs frequently in performing a high task a resource based dependency.
Politics within the organisation put the power in action. However, the political behaviour is divided into two parts in an event and business management organisation. It is either legitimate political behaviour or illegal political behaviour. Politics within the organisation can also negatively affect on the organisational process.
The activities which are not at all required in the formal role of an organisation for influencing others is considered as politics in the organisation. There is two type of factors which influence the political behaviour one is individual factors and the other is organisational factors (Van der Wagen and White, 2018). The individual factors include internal locus of control, the expectation of success, etc. But the organisational factors of political behaviour develop from promotion opportunity, role ambiguity, unclear performance evaluation system, low trust, etc.
In evaluating my power, politics and attitude for maintaining my organisational behaviour and also career development is not very active. In working the management role, there is a different type of powers in my job role, but personally political behaviour within the event and business management process is not considered as my approach. According to my understanding, it will minimise opportunities for most of the potential employees and also the organisational performance is disrupted because of political activities in the organisation.
3.0 Decision making and planning
The process of problem-solving and decision making for the internship or graduate employment is beneficial for my future career development process. The rational decision-making model helps in identifying the problem and different criteria of decisions. Allocation of the weights to the criteria and developing the alternative is part of the process. In addition to that evaluating the alternative and selecting the best among them is part of this decision-making model.
Finally, the implementation of the selection and evaluating the effectiveness of the decision is done by this process (Wilson, 2018). There is another type of decision-making model which is known as consensus decision making. This process is known as group decision making where the members of the group support or agree with one decision which has the best interest among the whole. This decision-making process focuses on cooperativeness, negativeness, inclusiveness, participation and egalitarian behaviour for making the decision.
By contrasting both of these theories, it can be said that the process of problem-solving and decision making is very complicated. In addition to that, the main focus is provided in this process on the effectiveness of the decision on the organisational performance. The rational decision-making model can be performed by an individual, but the consensus decision making is associated with a group performance (Van der Wagenand White, 2018).
In my internship position decision is related to the geographical location. As in the process of the internship, I am associated with the business and event management process the Australian business and events have some specific rules and factors to maintain which affect my decisions on managing the event for client and customer. This internship employment is unpaid, but the opportunity of training and development is high. However, this entire internship process is associated with giving proper certification for working in this industry in my future career. The problem solving and decision making which are part of my daily internship process help me in developing my personality for the specific job role.
4.0 Conclusion
In light of the above discussion, it can be concluded that for the career development in event and business management industry, the self-awareness practice help in enhancing the personal traits. This includes the organisational behaviour which needs to maintain in developing the self-awareness. However for working in this industry the process of problem-solving and decision making help in developing decisions for future careers and also provide appropriate confidence in achieving the organisational goals by maintaining the organisational policies and procedure.
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