1. Understand the nature and purpose of total quality management and how it is influenced by the management culture of organisations.
2. Identify a range of total quality management techniques including benchmarking and process re-engineering.
3. Determine how the introduction of total quality management involves reconsideration and synchronisation of functional policies to achieve maximum efficiency in organisational performance.
Plan -Do- Act -Check
Tesco is one of the largest retail markets in U.K. It is popular for the product and service quality offered to the consumers. The operations of the company started in 1920 in the UK and now it is known as the largest retail company globally. Tesco introduced many products in the market to satisfy the needs and wants of the consumers and also to enhance the customer base. The company takes into consideration the products like food items, books, clothes and many daily products. The business of the company is spread globally and the stores are located in 12 countries. Tesco is also involved in many joint ventures that offer many kinds of services like insurance services, internet services, and financial services.
The company also delivers low-cost products that assist the company in operating the activities globally. Image of the company play a great role to increase the operations of the company. If the company adopts effective strategies and policies, then the image of the company can be enhanced in the market. In this report, the main focus will be given to the total quality management tools that are used by Tesco. The main emphasis of the company is to offer high-quality products so that the satisfaction level of the customers can be enhanced.
Under this report, the tools that are taken into consideration by the Tesco will be discussed. Total quality management tools help to increase the quality of the products and services that are given to the consumers. If the quality is good, then it can be easy for the organization to attain success in the market. In the next phase of the report, the implementations of the tools are also discussed. The last phase of the report gives focus on the effectiveness of implementation techniques and also the recommendations that should be considered by the organization to attain the goals and objectives.
There are many total quality management tools used by the organization. The tools help to maintain the quality and services that are offered by the company to its customers. Tesco also considered Total quality management to enhance the quality of every services and product that are offered to the consumers. With the help of TQM, the company is able to attain a high level of satisfaction of the consumers (Steingold, 2017). The manufacturing sector was the first where these techniques are taken into consideration and by evaluating the effectiveness it is also followed in the service sector. Total quality management tools that are used by the Tesco are discussed below:
- Plan – Do- Act –Check
- Training
- Quality assessment
PDCA model is also known as Deming Circle. The focus is given on this because the effectiveness of the quality can be enhanced. It is known as the father of modern quality control. The growth and opportunities of the organization are enhanced by considering this tool in the organization. The model comprises four stages:
- Plan: It is one of the essential plans that are considered by the company and also it gives emphasis to the organizational structure of Tesco. To increase the level of quality it is one of the important points that should be considered. It assists the company to operate the activities in the competitive environment (Sung and Choi, 2014).
- Do: In this step, the plan will be implemented by the company that assists to increase the quality and profitability level.
- Check: The performance level is measured at this stage. The performance is measured to implement the selected plan in a proper manner. On this step, proper analyzes are done that how effective the plan was, if it is taken into consideration.
- Act: In this step, the main emphasis is given to the measures. The problems that are evaluated will be removed so that the goals and objectives can be accomplished (Dale, 2015).
Training is one of the essential tools that should be considered to conserve the proper quality of the products and services offered to the consumers. It is evaluated that if proper training is given to the employees of the organization, then they can give best towards the work. The quality of work is enhanced if they have the proper knowledge to conduct the activities. Quality of the organization depends upon the working pattern of the employees. If the employees of the organization are not efficient, then it can result in lack of training. Tesco takes into consideration training as a total quality management tool, as it helps to maximize the satisfaction level of the customers. If proper knowledge is possessed by employees of the organization, then the quality of work can be increased. The company used training as a tool so that the dedication of the workers can be enhanced. It also assists the company to manage the quality of the company by having proper control and it encourages the development of innovative changes (Oakland, 2014).
Tesco takes into consideration quality assessment techniques that enhance the satisfaction level of the customers. If the products and services offered to the consumers are of good quality, then it can be easy for the company to attain goals and objectives of the company. Quality assessment tool helps to evaluate the needs and wants of the consumers (Goetsch and Davis, 2014).
The company gives emphasis on attaining the high satisfaction level of the customers. Tesco monitors outlets that they clean and safe surrounding to the consumers. The company also considers the operating standards and specifications that are related to the quality and presentation of the items in the stores. Tesco follows a set of rules and policies that should be considered by every franchise so that the customers can feel happy and also satisfied with the products and services offered by the company (Zink, 2012).
The survey is also conducted so that the quality can be accessed in a proper manner. If the products that are offered by the company are of good quality and also fresh, then the customers buy it again and again. By collecting the feedback the organization can easily increase the performance level and also the productivity. The survey helps to collect information that how many people are satisfied and also how many are not satisfied with the products and services (Sallis, 2014).
Quality assessment
Total quality management tools are important for the organization. Tesco takes into consideration total quality management tools so that the profitability and productivity can be enhanced in a proper manner. If the organization does not take into consideration, total quality management tools then it can create difficulty for the company to accomplish the goals and objectives. To survive in the competitive environment, it is analyzed that the company should have good quality products, so that satisfaction level of the customers can be increased and also the growth can be attained by the organization (Macdonald, 2013).
Tesco considers the proper implementation of the quality management tool so that the customer satisfaction level cannot be minimized. Plan- Do-Act- Check plays a significant role to control the quality offered to the consumers. Tesco is one of the largest supermarkets in which proper management of quality is essential to survive. It is very important for the employees to fulfill the needs and wants of the customers (Stark, 2015).
By considering this method the company provides a good environment to the customers and also the customer feel happy and satisfied at the time of availing the products and services. To increase the level of performance it is very essential to give focus on enhancing the quality of products. Tesco has implemented the technique that has given direct impact on the performance level of the organization. If the quality of products and services are good, then the barriers that give effect on the performance level is also minimized (Atkin and Brooks, 2014).
Training is essential for the employees. If proper training is given to them, then the efficiency and productivity level can be enhanced. Tesco has the policy to give training to its employees so that they can give quality service to its consumers and can also resolve query of the customers at any point of time (Van Heerden, 2014).Skilled labors are also placed in the organization so that the decorum of the place can be maintained. If at any point the customers complain about the product, place, then the problems should be also resolved in short span of time. Tesco give training to the employees, so that the quality of services and products can be maintained. The employees of the organization keep a proper eye on the expiry of products by considering the internal and external condition of the products (Dhar, 2015).
Food items like groceries are sold on a daily basis and are also replaced on daily basis to keep the quality level of the products offered to the consumers. This method helps the company to keep the quality of eatable and also to satisfy the consumers. Tesco has the policy to remove the defective items from the shelves and to donate to the household’s products that are not able to purchase it and where the defective products can be used immediately. Training is given to the employees by considering these points only, so that the satisfaction level of the customers can be increased in a proper manner (Chae, Olson and Sheu, 2014).
Methods of Implementation of total quality management tool
Quality control or assessment used by Tesco consists of two methods known as inspection and testing. These are taken into consideration before the production and after the production. Before the product is made, the raw material is kept under testing to check the standards. If the standards are not followed then it is replaced with some good one. Before placing the products on shelves it is again tested and inspected. Without the proper assurance of standards the products are not kept on shelves. Each and every product placed on the shelves are tested at various stages of production (Kangu, Wanjau, Kosimbei and Arasa, 2013).
When the operating is conducted in a faster manner in one department, then it gives effect to the other department also. It is essential to have a uniform speed of effectiveness. So the information should be connected in a proper manner. By proper information technology system the supply chain for quality output is made. Also, ERP is used to enhance the quality of internal and external communication. Proper hygiene and cleanliness are maintained by the company so that the profitability can be accomplished (Bani Ismail, 2012).
It is essential for Tesco to give respect to the employees and associates and also to offer what they deserve. So the policies of the company are employee focused and also the attention is given towards the development of the employees. The profits are dedicated to rewarding their employees under employee rewarding and compensation system. The main aim of Tesco is to increase the growth globally. It is evaluated that total quality management helps the company to survive in the competitive environment. The success of Tesco could be evaluated by taking into consideration following points:
- Consistency: The Company takes into consideration consistency of offering products and services. The way of presentation of the products is same at every outlet. By analyzing the needs and wants of the consumers the improvements are also taken into consideration by the company. Every outlet of Tesco follows same rules and procedures that help to maintain cleanliness and hygiene (Malik, 2015).
- Low-cost management: The Company follows line internal processes that offer the competitive benefits to carry out their internal procedures at low cost. It also offers good quality services and products to the customers at low cost. Due to the low-cost competitiveness, the company also attains profitability at the time of recession. So by their low-cost policies, the company has maintained their mass shopping volumes (Reason, 2016).
- Innovation: Innovation plays a great role to enhance the operations of the company. The direct impact is given to innovating the products and services of Tesco. By adopting innovative techniques the company has enhanced the quality and also the satisfaction level of the customers. By introducing TQM, flexibility also became the main agenda. The concentration is given to provide the new products and to offer financial services, insurance services at a low price. The company also started offering products like Irish Yogurt and also started manufacturing milk, butter. It has also given impact on the efficiency and enhancing their revenues and profits (Bon and Mustafa, 2013).
By analyzing the recent scenario, it is evaluated that the company has achieved success by setting up various techniques of total quality management. Tesco also considered various products for sale, so that the products can be easily available to the consumers. The company has offered effective services to the consumers (Zahra, Iram and Naeem, 2014). Human resource management of the company also given effect on the quality of services and goods provided to the consumers. The company only needs that the customer should be satisfied with respect and every demand should be fulfilled. Tesco has also spent the revenue on training and rewarding the employees. Making use of total quality management method has given an impact on the revenue and brand name of the company. The company also started to provide services like financial services, insurance services which have given success to the company (PilarMartínez et al, 2014).
By evaluating the report, it is concluded that Tesco has enhanced the productivity and performance level by giving emphasis on total quality management tools. To provide a competitive advantage to the goods the company should give focus on innovating the products and services so that the value given by the products can keep a benchmark standard. Tesco should give emphasis on the human resources and should give training in order to keep their capabilities. Employees play an important role to keep the supply chain management rather than the technology.
It is also analyzed that the non-products are the part of the future development. So it is recommended that the company should have a wide range of non-products and to innovate its inventory systems. Tesco is enhancing the growth by taking into consideration internet shopping. In the era of the internet, it is analyzed that there is a growth in the online market. So the company should give emphasis on providing a great customer experience by considering online grocery shopping. This can assist the company in international expansion also. By giving focus on total quality management tool the company can minimize the cost of production and can also enhance the satisfaction level of the customers.
In this report, total quality management tools and implementation were discussed. In the last phase of the report, the proper conclusion and recommendation are given so that the company can easily enhance the operations. If proper quality management tools are considered, then the company can easily accomplish the goals and objectives.
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