Provide the necessary project management information in the sub-sections below. This section is only needed in the final research proposal submission. Do not include it in your draft submission.
Explain boundaries of your research scope (i.e. geographic boundary, sampling, etc.) The boundaries could be self-imposed (de-limitations) or potential weaknesses in the study design or methodology. Explain the rationale as to why and how you chose to narrow your study and explain what you will do to minimize the effect of the identified weaknesses.
You should use the table below to schedule work packages and/or activities relating to identified deliverables of your project including project milestones (identified with zero durations), logical relationships and assigned resources.
Importance of Project Management
Project management is very important in ensuring the success of a project. The different components of project management, which are scope, scheduling, planning helps in proper execution of a project. However, with the increase in the complexity of the project and the project management approaches, integration of the project management approach with technology and innovation is essential. Therefore analysing the benefits of innovation in the project management approaches is necessary. For that, the issues associated with the innovation in project management are needed to be evaluated. Innovation is needed in project management irrespective of the type of the project or the size of the organization that is implemented in the project. Innovation in project management in necessary in order to address the different risks associated with the project. The innovative approaches in project management are needed in progressively elaborating the scope of the work and proper monitoring of the project. Proper evaluation of project scope is necessary in order to develop a feasible project plan which would otherwise not b possible. It is therefore necessary to evaluate the issues and the need of innovation in project management. Use of innovative approaches of project management helps in addressing the different risks associated with a project and further helps in addressing those risks in an effective manger. The topic of innovation in project management is not new, however, the researches that are led on this topic does not adequately addresses the importance of the innovative practises in project management. The research project will identify the innovative practises in the field of project management. The use of innovative approaches of project management is not new; however, the research aims at finding the innovative approaches that can possibly enhance the future of project management. The innovation in project management is therefore a leading topic that is needed to be evaluated and this research project aims at analysing the significant issues that can be a problem in path of innovation in project. The research study will identify the innovative approaches by which a project can be managed. The concept which was originally developed in mid 20th century has become one of the distinctive ways of managing a business or managing a project and therefore, researches are needed to be done in order to evaluate how innovation can enhance the process of managing a project within an organizational context. Innovation in business can be profitably used in order to bring in certain changes in the traditional processes of project management. Since the project management approach is different in every project, it is necessary to evaluate how innovation in project can help in successful execution of the project. In this research project, an attempt is made to conceptualize the innovation process in project management. The different concept and the elements will be evaluated in this research in order to identify the importance of the innovative practises in project management and the process by which innovation in project management can be achieved.
It is necessary to study about the innovation in project management as project management has gradually become a distinctive way of managing the different business activities. Proper recognition of the role of technology and innovation in project management is needed to be evaluated in order to understand the importance of the innovative practices in project management. The contribution of the technological innovation in the field of project management practices is needed to be evaluated so that even the complex projects can be easily managed and the issues associated with such projects can be easily mitigated. The research further aims at developing new practices that will enhance the future trends in project management (Hornstein 2015). The importance of innovation in project management will be evaluated in this research project which will provide a guide to the future research students and the project managers in understanding and identifying the innovative project management practices. The identification of the new innovative project process and innovative process of project management is necessary in order to enhance the process by which a project is implemented (Kerzner 2017). Therefore, the research study about innovation in project management is significant and justified.
Why is Project Management Important?
Project management can be defined as a process of application of the knowledge skills and different experiences of the project manager and the team members in order to achieve the objectives identified for the project. The concept of project management can therefore be defined as a systematic process of ensuring that a project is implemented according to the project plan. Proper project management is needed in an organization or a particular project is order to ensure proper project tracking and management of the associated risks of the project (Mir and Pinnington 2014). There are a number of reasons why project management is needed in an organization. With the use of the project management approach, the proper project plan can be developed. The different project management methodologies ensure that a proper project schedule and a project plan is implemented (Nicholas and Steyn 2017). The project management further enforces and encourages team work so that a task can be completed within a scheduled time. A proper project management in needed in every project as it maximises the capability of the resources (Marcelino-Sádaba et al. 2014). With the use of a proper project management approach, the different processes of the project can be easily integrated and this is the reason every project s needs to evaluate a proper project management approach which will help in successful execution of a project.
Project management is important as it ensures that the project or the product that is delivered to the client is according to the plan and the specifications that are provided by the client (Marcelino-Sádaba et al. 2014). Addressing the needs of the client is an important aspect of the project management and for every project it is necessary to address the specifications of the client. A good and a systematic project management therefore ensure that the goals identified by the project will closely align with the strategic goals of the business of the organization project (Mir and Pinnington 2014). Furthermore, the use of project management ensures proper leadership is enforced in the project as a project leader is needed to guide the team in achieving the identified goals of the project. Project management further helps in setting up a clear focus and objectives of a project by which a project plan is delivered which is needed to be followed throughout the project execution (Hornstein 2015). Use of a proper project management approach helps in setting up a realistic project plan so that it can be followed throughput the project implementation phase.
Therefore, it can be said that project management is an important aspect for both organization and a project as the different processes and elements of project management helps in proper execution of the project (Heagney 2016). It can be made out that project management is an integral concept and the important need of any organization. Therefore innovation in process of project management can help in enhancing the process by which a project is implemented in a project project (Mir and Pinnington 2014). This research study is therefore justified as identification of the different benefits of innovation in project management will help in easier management of the project and bringing on certain changes and modification in the process by which the project is implemented. The benefits of innovation in project management is needed to be evaluated in order to understand the necessity of bringing on innovation in different project. The following section provides an idea of the different benefits of innovation in project management so that further researches about the innovation in project management can be made.
Although the concept of innovation is difficult to define, it is not very difficult to understand the importance of innovation in project management. According to Svejvig and Andersen (2015) proper management of the projects are of economic importance as it not only determines whether a project can be successfully implemented or not, but also become an important way of structuring the work process of the different organizations (Martinelli and Milosevic 2016). Te term innovation can be defined as a process of translating an idea into a commercially viable product and therefore, innovation has an integral place in project management (Russell and Shiang 2012). This research is important as the traditional project management process mainly focuses on exclusive delivery of the products and the services with defined deliverables (Lai et al., 2014). Innovation in the project management is essential in order to make the project management approaches more focused to the results. The newer project management approaches mainly focuses on achievement of the results and for that innovation in the processes of scope and schedule identification is needed. Innovation in project management is necessary in order to address the different project management risks is a more sophisticated manner. One of the significant benefits of innovation in project management is to ensure the successful development and delivery of a project (Marcelino-Sádaba et al., 2014). Creativity and innovation can be considered as magic wands that can enhance the performance of the project (Joslin and Müller 2015). The use of innovative practices will help in discovering the opportunities in execution of the project in a systematic approach. In order to bring innovation in the project and the project management approaches, understanding the needs of project is needed to be evaluated. Innovation in projects is important for different organization in order to stay competitive (Silverman 2016). This research has been undertaken as the field that evaluates the importance of innovation in project management is not explored much (Russell and Shiang 2012). Various researches about the importance of innovation in management of different business process have been done previously; however, the importance of the benefits of innovation in project management is needed to be evaluated (Martinsuo 2013). Different researches prove that different companies have been successful in applying a structured and innovative project management process in order to reduce the risks associated with the project. Therefore, it can be said that innovation in project management is important in order to improve the success rate of the project by reducing the risks associated with the project (Bazeley 2013).
Innovation is project management is important to be evaluated in order to analyse the new ideas that can contribute to the successful execution of a project (Mir and Pinnington 2014). The research study about the importance of innovation in project management will identify the different issues associated with implementation of the innovative approaches in project and its effect on the project performance (Leal-Rodríguez et al. 2014). There are a number of issues associated with the use of innovative approaches in project management. Innovation needs a huge amount of monetary investments that might not be possible to afford for the small organization. However, benefits of innovation are equal in every organization irrespective of the organizational size. In order to identify the innovative approaches of project management it is necessary to identify the needs of the different organization followed by choosing the advantages of those innovative approaches in an organization (Leal-Rodríguez et al. 2014).. The use of innovative approaches in project management will further help in proper identification of the strategic goals of the organization. The innovative approaches in project management will ensure that the project is implemented in a strategic manner so that the risks in the projects in considerably reduced (Martinelli and Milosevic 2016). Innovation in project management further helps in keeping the project team motivated as the team members will be working in a project that will consider the use of innovative approaches in the implementation of a project.
Innovative approaches in project management helps in quality assurance in a project. Proper quality check is an important aspect of project management and therefore innovation in this field will enhance the quality of the project that will in turn increase the customers’ satisfaction (Leal-Rodríguez et al. 2014).. Therefore, innovation in project management not only adds to the benefits of the organization but will also increase the satisfaction of the customers associated with the project. Therefore it is necessary to properly determine the elements of project management that should be integrated with the innovation so that the project in consideration achieves maximum benefit. The concept of innovation in project management is not new; however, the concept needs a further research in order to identify the innovative ways of managing a project (Flick 2013). The success of a project largely depends on the appropriateness of the project management methodology that is chosen for a particular project. Innovation in project management can only work if the right approach of implementation of a project is identified (Unger et al. 2012). This research study will help in identifying the importance of the different innovative practises that can be appropriately used in project management. The importance of innovation in project management is needed to be evaluated in order to develop new practises that will enhance the future trends of project management. This research will help in gathering concrete findings about the need of innovation in different projects and in project management.
4. Research question(s) and objectives
Research Questions-
What is the importance of innovative practises in project management?
How can innovation be integrated with a project management approach.
- To understand the need of innovation in project management,
- To identify the importance of innovation in project management
- To analyse the challenges that can be faced while integrating innovation with project management
- To recommend some strategies to enhance the future trends of project management.
5. Research Methodology
5.1 Research Approach
The research approach helps in determining the process by which the data will be collected in the research. Data can be defined as a specific set of information that can be considered useful for conducting a research (Miles et al. 2013). The choice of research methodology and data collection strategy varies in different research project. In this research study, both primary and the secondary data will be collected for analysis. There are mainly three research approaches that are mainly used in research projects and these are inductive, deductive and abductive (Brown and Stowers 2013). The deductive research approach is chosen for this particular research study as it utilizes the theories and the hypothesis that has been already set up. Since this research project will be considering for primary and secondary research methodology, the choice of deductive research approach is appropriate for the project. The deductive approach encourages a researcher in making direct investigation of the identified problems along with the viable utilization of the past resources in order to support the primary research. Therefore, the choice of deductive approach in performing this research study is suitable in consideration with the said project.
5.2 Data collection methods and analysis
Since the project will be performing both primary and the secondary research, both primary and the secondary data will be collected for the project. The method of data collection is mainly defined as a process of evaluating certain specific sets of information that is considered suitable for the project. The information collected throughout the implementation of the project will ensure that the research project is able to answer the identified research questions. The data collection methodology can mainly be divided into two parts, which are primary data collection methodology and secondary data collection methodology.
The primary data collection methodology that is to be implemented for this research project will incorporate the collection of information associated with the research topic from those, who have a firsthand knowledge about the research problems. A primary data set can mainly be gathered with the help of different approaches, that includes online survey, interview and observation. All these methods ensure collection of data from those people who have a firsthand knowledge about the topic or the identified problem (Lewis 2015).
For this research study, as a primary data collection approach, online surveys will be performed in order to collect data from the people who are directly linked with project management such as project manager. A survey questionnaire will be distributed to 50 people who are associated with project management to collect primary data set. The data set will be analysed in order to understand why innovation is important in project management.
Along with the primary data, this research project will collect secondary data as well. Secondary research methodology is suitable for the researchers as a large amount of information can be gathered from the secondary sources. However, the reliability of those sources is needed to be checked by the researcher (Palinkas et al. 2015). The secondary data are mostly collected from the secondary sources such as previous literatures and research papers, annual report of the company and so on (Averill 2014). In this research, the secondary data will be collected from the previous research papers and online journals.
With the collected data, both qualitative and quantitative research analysis will be performed in order to find answers to the identified research questions (Bazeley and Jackson 2013).
5.3 Ethics Statement
The ethical considerations that are associated with this research project is listed below-
- The safety of the research participants is to be considered as an important ethical consideration of the project.
- It is the responsibility of the researcher to maintain the privacy of the research participants.
- Before the online survey, the permission of the participants is needed to be taken before proceeding with the data collection process.
- The data that is obtained from the survey should not be tempered or modified and should be used in its original form in the project.
6. Research project management
Project exclusions
The major exclusions of the project that will be considered are as follows-
- The respondents for the survey will be chosen in a random manner and therefore obtaining a perfect accuracy is not possible (Haberman 2014).
- The research will be performed in a much constricted time and therefore it might not consider all the aspects of innovation in project management.
- Due to the time issues, face to face interview with the project managers of the different project will not be possible.
In order to narrow down the negative aspects of the identified exclusions or limitations, respondents are to be chosen from the group of people who are directly or indirectly associated with project management.
Project schedule:
Deliverable |
Activity ID |
Activity |
Estimated duration |
Start date |
End date |
Logic |
Assigned Resources |
Start |
0 |
Fri 01-06-18
Fri 01-06-18
This will mark the beginning of the research |
The researcher |
Refined research proposal |
1 |
Refining aim of the research |
2 |
Fri 01-06-18 |
Mon 04-06-18 |
Following activity 1 the aims of the research will be set |
Research team |
2 |
Identification of the variables, research objectives and questions |
5 |
Tue 05-06-18 |
Mon 11-06-18 |
Following sequential approach following theprevious activity |
Researcher |
Critical literature review |
3 |
Conducting preliminary literature review |
7 |
Tue 12-06-18 |
Wed 20-06-18 |
Following sequential approach following the previous activity the literature review will be conducted |
Research team |
4 |
Milestone – Draft Submission |
0 |
Wed 20-06-18 |
Wed 20-06-18 |
Submitting draft |
Researcher |
5 |
Selecting methodology |
3 |
Thu 21-06-18 |
Mon 25-06-18 |
Following sequential approach following the previous activity the methodology for conducting the research will be set |
Researcher and team members |
6 |
Selecting data source |
5 |
Tue 26-06-18 |
Mon 02-07-18 |
Following sequential approach following the previous activity the data source of primary and secondary data collection will be conducted |
Researcher, lecturer |
Ethics clearance |
7 |
Identifying ethical issues |
5 |
Tue 03-07-18 |
Mon 09-07-18 |
Important step to be performed |
Research team and lecturer |
8 |
Ethics Clearance |
5 |
Tue 10-07-18 |
Mon 16-07-18 |
This is needed in order to perform the research in a ethical manner |
Researcher and research team |
Primary data collection |
9 |
Choosing respondents |
6 |
Tue 17-07-18 |
Tue 24-07-18 |
For collection of data that will be used for research |
Data collector, Research team |
10 |
Survey |
10 |
Wed 25-07-18 |
Tue 07-08-18 |
For data collection |
Researcher, Respondents |
Data analysis |
11 |
Data Structuring |
10 |
Wed 08-08-18 |
Tue 21-08-18 |
Following sequential approach following the previous activity proper data structuring and storage of data is essential |
Research team |
12 |
Analysing the collected data |
25 |
Wed 22-08-18 |
Tue 25-09-18 |
This will help in obtaining the answers to the research questions |
Researcher |
Oral presentation |
13 |
Preparing presentation |
5 |
Wed 26-09-18 |
Tue 02-10-18 |
Needed for presenting to lecturer |
Researcher |
14 |
Presenting to assessor |
1 |
Wed 03-10-18 |
Wed 03-10-18 |
For obtaining the feedbacks |
Researcher |
Research paper |
15 |
Compiling the entire research |
5 |
Thu 04-10-18 |
Wed 10-10-18 |
For final submission |
Research team, assessor |
16 |
Submission |
2 |
Thu 11-10-18 |
Fri 12-10-18 |
Researcher |
Project completion |
0 |
Researcher |
Risk register including analysis and response strategy
No. |
Risk |
Probability (1 very low, 5 very high) |
Impact (1very low, 5 very high) |
Assessment (impact x probability) |
Response strategy |
1 |
Schedule risk |
3 |
5 |
15 |
Avoid |
2 |
Cost risk |
3 |
5 |
15 |
Avoid |
3 |
Technical risk |
2 |
3 |
6 |
Mitigate |
4 |
Time issue |
4 |
4 |
16 |
Accept |
5 |
Unavailability of respondents |
5 |
5 |
25 |
Accept |
6 |
Incorrect data collection |
3 |
5 |
15 |
Mitigate |
7 |
Selection of incorrect data methodology |
3 |
5 |
15 |
Avoid |
8 |
Data loss |
1 |
5 |
5 |
Transfer |
9 |
Draft rejection |
2 |
4 |
8 |
Accept |
10 |
Incorrect research objectives |
3 |
4 |
12 |
Mitigate |
Stakeholder analysis:
Stakeholder |
Influence (ability to effect changes) |
Impacted by project |
Information needed |
Outcome desired |
Research Team |
High |
High |
Research Aim |
Positive result |
Respondents |
High |
Low |
Research questions |
Positive result |
Data collector |
Low |
Low |
Research questions and questionnaire |
Positive result |
Lecturer |
Medium |
High |
Project |
Positive result |
Assessor |
High |
Low |
Project |
Positive result |
Data management is a process of proper structuring of the unstructured data. An excel file will be maintained for managing the primary data. The secondary data collection will involve an extensive literature review that will store the data obtained from the literature search. For safeguarding the data and prevention of the unauthorised use, the data will be stored in a folder secured with passwords so that it cannot be accessed by any unauthorized person.
References List
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Bazeley, P., 2013. Qualitative data analysis: Practical strategies. Sage.
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Haberman, S.J., 2014. Analysis of qualitative data: Introductory topics. Academic Press.
Heagney, J., 2016. Fundamentals of project management. AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn.
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Martinsuo, M., 2013. Project portfolio management in practice and in context. International Journal of Project Management, 31(6), pp.794-803.
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Palinkas, L.A., Horwitz, S.M., Green, C.A., Wisdom, J.P., Duan, N. and Hoagwood, K., 2015. Purposeful sampling for qualitative data collection and analysis in mixed method implementation research. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 42(5), pp.533-544.
Silverman, D. ed., 2016. Qualitative research. Sage.
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