Discuss about the case study Research Proposal for Urbanization and the Industrial Development.
Nowadays, the environmental factors are considered as the most prominent aspect to be identified and analyzed. All the countries in the world are facing various environmental issues from past decades. By conducting the researches, various causes and the reasons are being analyzed. Some of the literature reviews also defines that the environmental issues commonly occur in those countries, which are equipped with the high resources and based on the modern structure of the modernization. By considering this aspect, the research topic selected for the discussion here is the major environmental threats in UAE. After identifying the threats, the suitable reasons related to the threats also being found out. The major focus in contrast to the topic is on the urbanization and the Industrial development.
The research proposal mainly covers various sections which are helpful in defining the major aspects related to the research. These sections are considered as the most important aspects of the research proposal. The aim and the scope of the research mainly focus the purpose of creating the research proposal. The reason and the importance of the selected topic will also be defined in the aim and scope. Following this, the literature review section is identified. Through this section, the major literature related to the environmental aspects and the other major issues which are affecting the environment are also defined with the help of the suitable literature. The suitable data collection and analysis section is defined after this section, in which the analysis is defined. The two methods of the data collection are also being defined which are known as the primary data collection and secondary data collection. Finally, the conclusion and the recommendations are defined to propose the suitable solutions for the existing issues defined in the research work and for the further development of the environmental aspects.
The suitable area for the research defined here is the environmental threats in UAE. The country is continuously facing the issues related to the environmental problems. The major impact is on the local flora and fauna of the country and with that, the global trade of the country is also being impacted because of this. This research topic is considered as a prominent topic nowadays and also helps to enlighten the other similar environmental issues in the country and around the world.
Research Proposal
The main aim of the research work is to find out the major reasons related to the environmental issues in the country (i.e. UAE). With that, the research work is also helpful in defining the major loss which is faced by the organization due to the environmental aspects (IndexMundi Team, 2016). With the growth and the development in the UAE, the residential people and the owner of different organization are ignoring the major factors related to the environment. Due to which, the country is facing the problems related to the environment which will further lead to the health issues in near future. Other than this, research work also highlights the other major environmental issues which occur in the UAE due to the modernization. The suitable methods and the appropriate ways are being identified by which, the environmental pollution can get managed in a suitable manner (Mutawa, 2006).
The research work will be helpful in providing the positive output related to the existing research topic. This research work will further help in identifying the perspectives for the research suitably. The success criteria of the research will be totally depended on the execution of the report and the suitable strategy prepared for the report (WWF, 2016). The major criteria defined for the success of the report is the suitable method of the data collection. If the primary and secondary data collection will be done in an appropriate manner, then it would become easier to perform the suitable research work.
- What is the major cause of the Urbanization and the Industrial development in UAE?
- How the environmental aspects can be managed in the UAE?
The purpose of defining these questions will be that by these questions, we will try to analyze the major issues. There are various research questions which can be formed, but these questions are selected because covering these questions, we can able to provide the suitable feedback for the existing research. It’s essential to find out the major reasons of urbanization because without identifying the appropriate reason, the environmental issues cannot be disclosed. The environmental aspects are also essential to be identified because by this, the current situation related to the environment can be handled easily.
A well-defined research proposal is considered as the strongest pillar for the success of the research work. The preparation of the research proposal is the initial step while preparing the research work. The preparation of the research work will be defined on the basis of the requirement of the research work. But, generally the major steps covered in the research proposal are the identification of the research question with its aim and specific scope, the second step is the identification of the suitable literature review which is helpful in defining the suitable journals and articles related to the topic. The research proposal also carries the suitable data collection and analysis methods which are further divided into the primary method of data collection & secondary method of data collection and qualitative data analysis & quantitative data analysis. This suitable technique for the data analysis may also be taken into consideration.
Literature Review
There are various techniques identified for doing the analysis of the data. The most prominent data techniques are known as the quantitative data analysis and the qualitative data analysis. The quantitative analysis is the method which is totally based on collecting the suitable information from the different sources and utilize them in creating the diagrammatic presentation (Johnson, 2011). The quantitative analysis is also defined in the evaluation and the methods are the nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio. The statistics and the electronic data collecting methods are also becoming very common for the research work. This research work will be helpful in providing the suitable output for the research work rapidly. The presentation through the graphs and charts are also helpful in defining the major aspects related to the research work easily. Other than this, the qualitative research techniques may also be used for defining the aspects related to the research work. These qualitative methods will be helpful in defining the quality data for the research work. There are various methods which can be used for the qualitative data. The common one is the group discussion, qualitative interaction and the interpretation. The group discussions will be helpful in providing the suitable output as per the requirement of the user. The process of the interpretation will be helpful in identifying the future aspects related to the current research work. Though, the quantitative data analysis is the long lasting process, but it may help in providing the suitable feedback to the researchers. In contrast to this research work, the most appropriate analysis is considered as the quantitative data analysis.
For identifying the feasibility of the project and to determine the completion of the project, the milestones should be set appropriately. For this, the Gantt chart is considered as the suitable method through which the milestones can be set as per the completion of the project work. With the help of the Gantt chart, the completion time of the research work can be easily estimated. The suitable steps of the research proposal are defined below through which the research task can be completed easily.
The literature review is the most suitable method to explain the views on the existing topic. For defining the environmental issues in the UAE, it is also essential to consider the different articles and journals. These articles are helpful in focusing the different parameters of the environmental issue in the UAE. In one of the journals which mainly focuses on the sustainable development, the suitable study of the environment is highlighted. According to the article, the growth is becoming quite common in the country and the cities related to that country. For this, the countries are adapting the modern approaches of the industrialization. With the positive and the rapid effect, these modern approaches are reflecting the negative approaches too. In fact, the article also defines that though the modern approaches are helpful in bringing the positive effect on the country, but due to the diminishing of the old industrial culture, the environment is effected on a wide level. In short, the author wants to define that the traditional approach of industries was more eco -friendly in comparison to the current methods of the industrialization (Shurooq, 2012).
Similarly, in one of the article the author defines that the adaptation of the new methods or techniques for doing the business are considered as the main reason of the environmental pollution. In the old days, the methods of tradings are designed by considering the environmental issues. The trader tries to manage the trade in such a manner, so that the balance between the business and environment can be maintained. The major business was related to the clothes, dry fruits, beverages, perfumes and other categories. But, with the growth and the development of the industrialization, the format of the business is also changing and the country is now trying to invest in the construction, machinery, telecommunication and the other different type of business which are not only affecting the environment, but also creating the adverse impact on the life of the people residing in the country (Taipale, 2011).
According to various researchers, the alarming change in the monetary and the financial aspects are observed. With that, the changes in the trade policies can also consider as the reason of the environmental issues. Due to generating the suitable revenue and increment in competition with other country, the environmental aspects are discarded continuously. Rather than focusing on the environmental aspects, the traders are always trying to focus on that business by which the maximum amount of revenue will be generated. For an example, in the construction business, almost all the areas of the UAE are captured by the builders. In fact, the green belt areas are also captured by them, by this, the texture of the land will be affected and will lead to the land pollution, which will also include in the category of the environmental pollution (Alderman, 2010). Similarly, there are other different type of pollutions defined which are considered as the cause of the environmental pollution.
In one of the articles, the trade policies and the financial aspects are also considered as the most important aspect to be discussed. The modern methods of trade introduce the most advanced trade policies due to which the restrictions from the trade are reducing. The change in trade policies creates the negative impact on the environment and create the environmental issues. The urbanization and the industrial development are also included in the category of the changing trade policies (Torrey, 2004). The allotment of the green zone area to the builders, easy export of the building material from the other countries and the change in the taxation policies are considered as some of the aspects by which the environmental issues are suffering a lot.
By analyzing all these articles and the journals, it is quite clear that there are various reasons due to which the environmental issue are occurring, but the most prominent ones are the industrialization and the Industrial development. These issues should be essential to eradicate for the growth of the country as well as the environment too.
Data collection and data analysis are considered as the most prominent methods to define the research work. The suitable data collection will be helpful in providing the appropriate statistics related to the survey. The data can be collected in two ways, either the primary data collection can be done or the secondary data collection can be done. Both the methods of the data collection can be used as per the requirement of the research work.
According to the requirement of the research work, the most suitable method for the data collection is considered as the primary data collection method. The research work is mainly based on the environmental issues in UAE and the major purpose is to identify the actual cause of the environmental issues (UAE Interact News, 2016). The survey work will be best suited to provide the feedback for the research work. In conducting the survey, the group of 100 people will be selected which belongs to the different age groups, business and the different thinking skills. By coordinating with them, it will become easier to identify the actual reasons related to the environmental problem in the UAE. Some commonly framed questions are shown below which are helpful in defining the suitable survey as per the requirement.
What are the main reasons for the environmental issues in the UAE?- Urbanization
- Modernization
- Industrial Development
- Other
What are the main reasons for the Urbanization?
- Due to increase in the urban areas
- Due to increment in the industries
- Due to change in methods of trading
- Others
How the environmental aspects can be managed in UAE?
- By educating the Traders and the local people
- By issuing the suitable trade policies
- By making the suitable laws and order
- Other
What is the major loss which is occurring due to the environmental issues?
- Health problems are becoming very common
- Adverse impact on the land
- Adverse impact on the natural sources
- Others
What are the methods which are adopted by the country to solve the issues related to the environment?
- By energy conservation
- By managing the renewable resourcess
- By consuming the sources related to energy
- Other

What is the role of the assessment methods used in the UAE to manage the environmental aspects?
- To identify the environmental issues on the local level
- To identify the environmental issues on the global level
- To identify the suitable methods to solve the environmental issues
- Other
Other than this, the secondary methods of the data collection are also helpful in the research work. The secondary method of data collection is helpful in gathering the data from the various sources like the articles, journals, reports and the predefined research work on the internet. From these sources, the data can be used to prepare the research report on the most appropriate level.
For analyzing the data, two most prominent approaches are analyzed which are known as the qualitative approach and the quantitative approach. The qualitative approach will be helpful in defining the quality data for the improvement of the research work and the quantitative approach is helpful in collecting the data as per the requirement of the research (Salmi, et al., 2013). For the analysis of the data both the approaches can be used, but it depends upon the type of the research work and its requirement. In this type of research work, the most suited type of the data analysis is named as the quantitative data analysis. The pictorial representation in the quantitative data analysis, which will also be helpful in defining the appropriate feedback for the research work defined.
Conclusion and Recommendation
The research work shown above is mainly helpful in defining the major environmental issues in the UAE. After performing the research work, it becomes easier to determine that the environmental problem gets bigger day by day. To face the issues, different strategies should be prepared in an appropriate manner. The modernization and the urbanization are the major causes which are detected. These are considered as the major reasons due to which the environmental pollution and the issues related to the environment are caused frequently. The survey and the quantitative analysis show that the major causes are related to the urbanization, modernization and the development of the social aspects. In fact, the different types of literature reviews are also helpful in defining the different aspects which are responsible for the environmental issues in the UAE. Some of the researchers considered that the environmental pollution happens due to the extension of the land construction and many other aspects (Jha, 2015). For solving the issues, some of the recommendations are also provided which are defined below.
The policy of checking the current status of the air should be checked. By this, the air pollution can be identified easily and it will also help in improving the quality of the air.
The present government of UAE continuously looks forward for the development and improvement of the environment. They started the campaigning and also addressed the people to be environmental friendly. By this, the issues related to the environment can easily be solved.
The national agendas for the sustainability are also defined on the wide level. In coordination with the other countries who are working on the same concept of the environment, conservation of the appropriate guiding policies should be defined appropriately, so that the same concept can be introduced in UAE too.
The appropriate methods for the conservation of energy should also take into consideration. By adapting these methods of the energy conservation, it may become easier to manage the major resources of the country and the environment can also be protected from the Industrialization and the globalization (Wasmi, 2015).
By assuming the different criteria and the charts above, it is clearly shown that the environmental issues are generated due to the irrelevant decisions of the traders and the investors. It is essential that they should follow the suitable trade policy to manage the aspects related to the environment to secure it appropriately.
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WWF, 2016. Major environmental threats. Urbanization and Industrial Development, Available at: https://uae.panda.org/ews_wwf/ecosystems_uae/threats/
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