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Introduction to ATEED


Discuss About The Stakeholder In Relationships Organization?

ATEED or Auckland tourism events and Economic developments is an institution dedicated to the growth and development of opportunities and prosperity of Auckland. It is a result of the amalgamation of 8 government councils of Auckland (Boies,  Fiset & Gill, 2015). The vision was to make Auckland as one of the most livable city. They help people who are dedicated towards this task, means the small and medium organizations and initiatives and the new works that attract business opportunities and job creations and encourages entrepreneurships and innovations , increases revenue through tourism and boost Auckland’s identity and its position to stand out globally.

It is a part of the family of councils and deals with the councils within the family and other government organizations and industrial agencies and the different non government sector like industrial clusters and the universities (Grégoire, Salle & Tripp, 2015). Ateed always try to build a business environment that thrives on business opportunities and new thinking and people with a set of new and active though process and lots of collaborations. They try to make the business environment more business ready and the export ready and grow a new skilled workforce.

It is dedicated for the development of a few particular sector like the Auckland plus that is the economic and the regional development, enterprising a certain part like Macau, the north shore and the Waitakere that is the local development, the movies and the filming part of Auckland that is the cultural sector and the regional film office, Auckland tourism that is the transportation system a bit and other facilities related to the tourism sector and maintaining the tourism plots or the visitor plots, I-Site visitor center like the basic tourist attraction spots (Gruber et al., 2015).  These plots are basically responsible for the growth of Auckland can reshape the condition of the city, increase its economic collection and prosper it like never before. But as the current report says that the organization has failed to a great extend in all of its initiatives. The works are not being carried properly and the money and all the effort that has been engaged in the organization is just going in vain. The most important reason as being recognized for this failure is inefficiency of the company in uniting its workers. One of the major sources of success for any organization is its worker strength and that is being here due to improper maintenance of this sector. The organization needs to develop a whole new strategy to motivate its worker strength and an efficient way for this purpose is the communications strategy. The communication strategy can be said is the strategy of connecting with people with the help of commutation (). It deals with reaching the targeted people with the views and expressing the views properly. A communication strategy is like a map, the journey of an individual or an organization is the biggest picture of the organization aim. A study of the whole situation is being made here and communication strategy can be formulated in the below written way.

ATEED's Dedicated Sectors

The steps of the strategy along with the study of organization are being made here:

Setting the objective of the strategy is the most important task of strategy making. The goal of Ateed is to communicate with employees and making them work efficiently and making them work together. Encouraging and stimulating employees is their need (Snell, Morris & Bohlander 2015). An important question here is what is the need of the goal or the goal is appropriate or not (Wirtz et al., 2016). According to the reports, this is the reason for failure of the organization. Employees are their only focus for the time period.  Ways should be developed here for closing gaps between the current beliefs, actions and desired out comes.

The targeted audience should be calculated first based on the numbers and the peoples.  They should be understood properly for understanding the ways of communicating more efficiently. The targeted audience here is employees of Ateed. They have to segmented properly so as to make the communication process more relevant and the targets can be achieved with an ease (Schnackenberg & Tomlinson,  2016). Few questions have to be kept in mind and the answered are to be collected:

  • What are the likes and the dislike and preferences of the employees?
  • What are the interests of employees?
  • What are the processes of their consuming information?
  • What is the location of the employees like where does they stay.
  • Who are considered by the employees as their leaders and what the contribution of the people in organizational processes are.
  • Which is the most active group in the whole office?
  • What are the types of messages that get most likes and most comments in the office environments? Obviously these points are related to the social media and in office bulletin boards and all the office local websites.

The message transmission is the main motive of the communication process. The required messages are needed to be constructed with proper care (Roth, 2014). Objectives of the company need to be encoded in the messages and the aim of the company should be alienated with it. Starting can be made within the most important targeted audiences. The messages should be relevant and could be understood with an ease. There should be continuity in the whole messages.  It is important that people should understand the message. There are two types of messages like direct messages and indirect messages:

Direct messages: One that have to be conveyed directly to someone either by speaking it or by writing it through mails or letters or through any other source. For ATEED, the direct message will be to talk to the employees directly regarding the current situation of the company, to motivate them through some motivational speeches or conversations, to tell them about the future aspects of the institution, and how to reach a higher level of success.

Indirect messages: Indirect messages means body languages, talking tone, behavior with the employees (Royle & Laing, 2014). One should have a positive body language like paying complete attention while talking to the employees, should behave well with them while interacting and the talking tone should no sound friendly.

ATEED's Current Failures


The method of communication strategy consists of various ways like:

Verbal communication means transmission of messages orally or with the use of words. This is known as the most effective form of communication and can be conducted face-to-face or over phone calls or in group settings like in meetings. An advantage of these communication methods is that, one can observe reactions or the body languages of the opposite person which is a very helpful point for continuation of any conversation (Voinea et al., 2015). One can identity here whether the opposite person is liking the conversation or is getting offended with it. Commonly used methods of verbal communication in an office environment are like:

Story telling: It is one of the most effective with an advantage of conducting a civil-engineering message to each and every individual who are listening (Moritz, Block & Lutz, 2015). This type of communication process is being adopted in general meetings or at times when communications are made in group or in group conversations like meetings within a department or meetings within managers or sales meetings. They are helpful in conveying the aims and objectives of an institution and the ways or the road maps in which things are done in any organizations.

Crucial conversations: This is a story telling category where conversations are done with more planning and with using key skills. These are more formal than daily conversations and are generally used in meeting or in presentation sessions (Mishra,  Boynton & Mishra, 2014). Crucial discussions are carried out through this ways in which a proper planning of the key matter are needed and where the risks are high,  opinions may differ in a group of persons and the emotions and sentiments are high.

This is an important media of communication and is used in abundance in work places. This include the traditional technique like the pen and paper technique like letter writing and written message conveying technique through the use of internet like emailing, texting, reports, electronic documents which are typed or anything else that can be conveyed through writing symbols in any day to day business communications (Testa et al., 2015). These are indispensable ways for any business communications and are used for the issue of any legal instructions.

Most important examples of using written communication methods are press releases, contracts, business proposals, handbooks, brochures and others.  Few criteria should be followed while writing like vocabulary, writing clarity, grammar and the style of writing (Matos Marques Simoes & Esposito, 2014).  This type of communication style is particularly suitable for situations where detailed instructions are to be placed or where the concerned person is not physically present in the moment (Lodhia, 2015). Ways of this communication method include Email: This is the most common tool for non verbal communication. This is usually the most used one and is inexpensive.

Worker Strength and Communication Strategy

Other methods of communication are Oral Communication; Face to face communication which can be conducted in Meetings, Non verbal method of communication which includes physical non verbal communication, paralanguage and visual communication

The given communication method is applied on a group of people as being selected in the office premise (Killian & McManus, 2015). They are people from HR department and they consist of a group of 15 people.

Setting of goals

The goal of the application of verbal communication process is to make employees work more efficiently and further motivate them.

Targeted audience

The targeted audience here is a group of 15 people from HR department. They are HR executives.


Direct messages that needs to be conveyed are motivational messages, conveying the aims of the company and the required work process and work efficiency.


Method for communication that has to be used here is verbal communication. The sessions will be held in the forms of meetings and group discussions.


People frequency here is 15 in number. The sessions are carried out twice in every week.


The total cost required for this session is $1250.

Frequency of people considered here are 15 in number. The said communication method will be conducted in a frequency of twice a week (Huotari et al., 2015). People frequency has to be increased in the next week and total number of people involved will be 25 which can include people from departments other than HR department. This session count will be increased in the next week by 4 times a week.

The required cost for this communication strategy can be summarized as:-





Human Resources - Headcount


Human Resources - Cost


Quality Control




Telemarketing Total $(000)


Human Resources - Headcount




Support & Maintenance


Internet Marketing Total $(000)


Direct Mail (% of Direct Sales)

Human Resources - Cost





Direct Mail Total $(000)


 Fig 1: Cost for the communication strategy.

Source: (Created by author)

The total cost can be divided in three sections as shown in the table. The total cost is hence $1250.


It can be concluded from the report that the communication strategy can be called as the most effective tool regarding taking all the employees together and make them work together. The exact problems can be addressed with care and can be handled here one by one. Message needs to be constructed with proper care since that is the framing structure of this strategy. They also needed to be spread carefully. The people concerned here have to remain careful regarding their behaviors and dealing with employees. If can be adopted with care, then this process will really be able to solve the problems of Ateed in no time.


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Grégoire, Y., Salle, A., & Tripp, T. M. (2015). Managing social media crises with your customers: The good, the bad, and the ugly. Business Horizons, 58(2), 173-182.

Gruber, M., De Leon, N., George, G., & Thompson, P. (2015). Managing by design. Academy of Management Journal, 58(1), 1-7.

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Killian, G., & McManus, K. (2015). A marketing communications approach for the digital era: Managerial guidelines for social media integration. Business Horizons, 58(5), 539-549.

Lodhia, S. (2015). Exploring the transition to integrated reporting through a practice lens: an Australian customer owned bank perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 129(3), 585-598.

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Mishra, K., Boynton, L., & Mishra, A. (2014). Driving employee engagement: The expanded role of internal communications. International Journal of Business Communication, 51(2), 183-202.

Moritz, A., Block, J., & Lutz, E. (2015). Investor communication in equity-based crowdfunding: a qualitative-empirical study. Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, 7(3), 309-342.

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Royle, J., & Laing, A. (2014). The digital marketing skills gap: Developing a Digital Marketer Model for the communication industries. International Journal of Information Management, 34(2), 65-73.

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Voinea, D. V., Busu, O. V., Opran, E. R., & Vladutescu, S. (2015). Embarrassments in managerial communication. Polish Journal of Management Studies, 11.

Wirtz, B. W., Pistoia, A., Ullrich, S., & Göttel, V. (2016). Business models: Origin, development and future research perspectives. Long Range Planning, 49(1), 36-54.

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