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Intrepid Travel: A Sustainable Business Entity

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The intersection of business and sustainability is termed as the process of sustainability management. It can also be considered as the activity or a business practice of managing a firm’s impact on the three bottom-lines people, planet and profit, so that they can flourish in the future. Sustainability management favors a business's long-term viability because its preventative rather than reactive. The below-executed analysis has been made focused on the sustainable management of Intrepid Travel, that is an adventurous tour operator company. The business corporation is ranked at the top in the list of small level companies of tourism industry Intrepid Travel Group 2017).  The organization was found in 1988 by two Australians and is headquartered in Melbourne, Australia. The business entity is serving the customers on more than 1500 routes and destinations in approx. 120 economies. Asia, Latin America, North America, The Middle East, Antarctica and Europe are considered as some of the favorite and attractive destinations for the travelers. The business entity is a responsible tour operator and is also regulated under United Nations Global Compact. The prime concern of Intrepid Travel is to develop promotion and generate awareness for the adventurous tourism all over the globe. For bringing advancements in the healthcare facilities, human rights, child welfare, etc. in 2016, the business corporation distributed an amount of $5 million. Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year award, 2002 and Winner of the PATA (Pacific Asia Travel Association) Gold Award for Corporate Environmental Programme, 2007 are some of the accomplishments of the entity and this is for providing and serving the customers with its effective and responsible operations.

Vision of Intrepid travel

The corporation is involved in the business practices of providing adventurous tourism facilities in the industry at the small level, and the firms are also a well-known brand name as the tour operator that executes adventurous traveling (Intrepid Travel Group, 2017). And this has been considered as the objective, for which the business entity has implemented the terms of accountability and responsibility from the initial level so as to prevent various human rights and also these rights should be served in an effective manner. Intrepid Travel has been regularly making huge investments towards the adoption of the approach es for safeguarding the human rights, welfare practices, wildlife and environmental programs. Providing real-life experience to the tourists and the travelers and also an incorporation of the principles of sustainable tourism and development is the vision statement of the business corporation. The main motive of the vision statement of Intrepid travel is to attain a sustainable growth in the international tourism industry. Moreover, the business entity has also adopted various strategies for accomplishing sustainable growth, and which will lead to the fulfillment of the needs and requirements of the tourists.

Objectives and Strategies for Sustainable Growth

Mission of Intrepid travel

Serving the best and improved services and also providing tourists with real-life experiences, has been considered as the prime mission of Intrepid Travel. Experiencing most adventurous and unforgettable moments is the primary motto of any of the tourist and the business entity has developed the mission statement after analyzing the expectations and requirements of the travelers so as to deliver them with the highest level of satisfaction (Lovelock, 2011). This also aids the firm in the attainment of the desired objectives and targets in the tourism industry. And this will at last lead the business organization in ascertaining the opportunities for sustainable growth and business expansion in the international tourism sector.

Values of Intrepid Travel

By offering the varied range of services the business corporation is providing the tourists with real life experience and for this the firm has implemented numerous values and these values are also aiding the organization in preventing environment and wildlife (Intrepid Travel Group 2017). Intrepid is not only working for generating revenues but also the business has evaluated and adopted of 9 out of 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This is done for bringing developments and enhancements in the value of the international tourism sector.

Intrepid Travel’s goal setting practices and plans

Intrepid Travel is establishing the business for attaining the pre-determined targets which will lead to the in accomplishing the desired position in the long run. By the high attainments of the leading position in the market and peak position in the adventurous tourism industry, the business corporation has developed their objectives for accomplishing sustainable growth in the competitive business environment. Along with the objective of sustainable growth, the firm is also expecting and planning to develop and improve their tourists and traveler's experience. This will lead to an increase in the market share and enhancement in the goodwill will also be observed (Jones & Robinson, 2012). Moreover, fulfilling the requirements and expectations of the tourists, by serving them with quality services and providing real-life experiences are considered as some of the prime objectives of the firm.

An accomplishment of the desired goals and the targets are considered as very much crucial for attaining sustainable growth and this has been considered as one of the biggest reason for developing a plan (Intrepid Travel Group, 2017). Establishing and expanding the business in the international markets and advancing and improving the experience of the tourists are considered as the primary objectives of the organization.

Innovative Approaches for Competitive Advantage

Travel approach

Contemporary and innovative approaches are adopted by Intrepid Travel for planning the business practices and operations. By developing a well-blended mix of modern and innovative mechanisms the business corporation is enabled in developing effective plans. These plans will aid the business corporation in delivering the optimum level of satisfaction to the tourists. The plans developed for attracting the tourists and the travelers towards the adventurous traveling, the business corporation is making adoption of contemporary services so as to gain the targets in terms of the fulfillment of the expectations and experiences with the traveling (Walker, Damanpour & Devece, 2010). As in the modern era, the concept of adventurous traveling trending and to making this more attractive and unique has become the necessity for the firm. And for which Intrepid Travel is making utilization of digital media promotional mechanism for advancing the demand for their services. The business firm is also facing intense competition and hence to survive in this competitive environment, the entity is required to make adoption of certain innovative and contemporary approaches for advertising their services on the global grounds (Mithas, Ramasubbu & Sambamurthy, 2011).

Sustainability approach

For the fulfillment of the expectations of the society, the business corporations make adoption of various suitability theories and mechanisms into their organizational structure and operations. And this is the reason by which the business organization will become enough capable of sustaining in the competitive environment (Willard, 2012). Moreover, this will also aid the enterprise in accomplishing its determined goals and objectives. On the basis of the research it has been analyzed that in the present given scenario, identification of certain elements has been done by Intrepid Travel which will facilitate the effective integration of sustainability into organizational operations. One of the integrated strategies is leadership which will lead to the attainment of the desired goals and objectives in terms of adopting sustainability in business practices (Lin, Li & You, 2012). Furthermore, communication system and training sessions to the employees are considered as the other relevant factors. This will develop the efficiency and productivity of the enterprise.

Human resource management

The business corporation has been considered as one of the leading brand names in terms providing qualitative services in the adventurous tourism sector (Jeston & Nelis, 2014). As Intrepid Travel is not only working for profits but also customer satisfaction and social welfare are the priorities, the business entity is in the peak position on international grounds. The below mentioned are the strategies that are adopted by the HRM of Intrepid Travel for attaining competitive advantage in the target market:

HRM Practices for Capability Development

Employee Relations: For operating the business practices and functionalities in an appropriate manner the management is of the firm is held responsible to manage the workforce (Schaper, 2016). This will stimulate and motivate them so as to make the attainment of the desired goals and objectives.

Performance Management: Performance management system is one of the approaches which can be adopted by the business corporation for enhancing the performance of the workforce. And this can be done by offering them appropriate and unique training and developing sessions which will provide the boost to the efficiencies and effectiveness of the employees.

The HRM process of the enterprise will lead in the attainment of the pool of capable and potential candidates which will enable the entity in enhancing their effectiveness and thus lead towards growth and expansion of business (Ehnert, Harry & Zink, 2013). And for this, the business entity is making use of contemporary recruitment and selection mechanisms. By making use of these approaches the HR department identifies the requirements of the organization. After which the invites are sent to the selected candidates as per the vacancies in the organization. Digital media, print media, and online media are the platforms which are utilized by HR department for sending the mail to the selected candidates. Further, evaluation of the capabilities and skills of the selected candidates is done by interviewing them.

By providing training and development sessions to the employees the business entity has enabled the firm in establishing an effective working environment (Idowu, Zu & Gupta, 2013). This working environment will aid the entity in attaining the adequate competitive advantage in the competitive environment. The training sessions bring enhancement in the skills and capabilities of the employees which will aid the entity in attaining the personal and organizational goals and targets.

Reward management strategy has been implemented by the business corporation for maintaining the effectiveness of the workforce. The workforce earns extra for their additional efforts under the reward management system. Motivation level will be observed to have a hike as the employees will be paid extra and rewarded for their work. Apart from this, the business entity will also be enabled in the development of strong relationships with the employees.

Intrepid Travel has adopted the varied range of effective HRM approaches and which will enable the attainment of the targets and pre-determined goals (Dodgson, Gann & Phillips, 2013). Training and development and reward system are the primary strategies of the business enterprise are the same are also considered as the sustainable practices utilized for the accomplishment of the competitive advantage.



The leadership operated at Intrepid Travel is observed to be different than from the other business corporations. And the major reason for this is that the business entity is operating in the adventurous tourism industry and their prime motto of leadership is the advancement of the tour experiences of their tourists (Myers, 2013). The leaders at the entity are experts and provide guidance to the to the employees and the travelers in a various manner. The leaders also act as travel gurus, passionate gossipmongers of grassroots experiences. The leaders offer and provide guidance in every situation faced by the travelers and hence it can be said that the leadership at the Intrepid Travel is quite effective which aids in the accomplishment of the goals and objectives.

Coaching leadership and strategic leadership styles are adopted by the business corporation for enhancing the productivity and organizational performance (Rolstadas, 2013). Under coaching leadership style the seniors monitor the performances level of the leaders which will advance the capabilities. This will lead to the fulfillment of the requirements and needs of the travelers by making use of the varied range of mechanisms. Whereas, under the strategic leadership the leaders act as the boss and controls the group or teams and the travelers together and also contemporary and innovative mediums are used for enhancing the experience of the tourists.

The below mentioned are the prime traits and characteristics utilized by the Intrepid Travel’s leaders for stimulating the target audience are:

  • The business entity named as a responsible tour operator enterprise which understands the expectations and needs of the tourists.
  • The business entity has local leaders for understanding the situations of the travelers which are traveling through the host country’s people (Wells, 2013). This trait will also enable the travelers in understanding and get aware of the culture and the religions of the particular places.

The leadership style adopted by Intrepid Travel is unique and innovative by nature and aid the entity in bringing enhancement in the opportunities for the firm and also assists in lifting up the values and brand image of the organization on the international grounds in the sector. The leaders are making use of transformational and charismatic traits in their leadership styles for bringing efficiency which will lead in serving with innovative and advanced strategies for its customers (Doppelt, 2017). Innovating and unique strategies are easily implemented by making use of transformational leadership and implementing change becomes easy in the workplace. Whereas, defining the procedure of the implementation of the strategies is done in charismatic leaders.

The effective leadership styles can be transformed as per the management and the business operations; factors revolving in the external environment and also according to the requirements of the tourists and travelers. A successful implementation of the leadership styles has been observed in the workplace so as to incorporate sustainability.

Value Chain and Technology

The business corporation has been ranked as the world’s topmost providers of sustainable adventurous tourism experiences to the tourists and travelers. On the basis of the survey, it has been noted that the business corporation has reached a count of 300,000 passengers and offers more than 1600 itineraries on every continent.

The business corporation has adopted various measures for making the tour safe, secure and risk -free and due to this the trip of travelers has become more excited and memorable. Local leaders and guides travel experts are also arranged further to enhance the richness of the travel experience (Intrepid Travel Group 2017). The below mentioned are some of the other commitments towards the tourists and offering services:

  • Value the destinations;
  • Priority to the local crowd;
  • Environment safeguarding;

The management of the business firm has developed the varied range of strategies so as to advance and enhance the value of the supply chain management on global grounds:

Adoption of diversity in various aspects and business operations is the change which has been implemented in the vision so as to bring a changed perception of seeing the world;

Diversification in the network has been adopted and for bringing this vision in practicality and this is done by hiring more than 1600 employees from about 100 economies with 24 international offices. Moreover, delivering best and unique experience to its travelers are the prime objectives of the business corporation (Becker, Kugeler & Rosemann, 2013). These objectives and the vision of Intrepid Travel aid the entity in adapting various strategies that aid in extenuating the risks while attaining competitive advantage.

Contemporary and improved mediums of promotions are recommended so as to boost-up the customer base in global grounds. The performance and productivity can be increased by making adoption of customer feedback and review strategy.


After summing up the above-analyzed report it has been inferred that Intrepid Travel is one of the leading names in the sector of the adventurous tourism sector. And for attaining this position the business entity has adopted varied range of strategies for effective and efficient delivery of services.


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Dodgson, M., Gann, D. M., & Phillips, N. (Eds.). (2013). The Oxford handbook of innovation management. OUP Oxford.

Doppelt, B. (2017). Leading change toward sustainability: A change-management guide for business, government and civil society. Routledge.

Ehnert, I., Harry, W., & Zink, K. J. (Eds.). (2013). Sustainability and human resource management: Developing sustainable business organizations. Springer Science & Business Media.

Idowu, S. O., Zu, L., & Gupta, A. D. (2013). Encyclopedia of corporate social responsibility (Vol. 21). N. Capaldi (Ed.). New York: Springer.

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