This paper will shed light and will focus on the childhood curriculum, which is an important factor and aspect in education for early childhood education. Early childhood education is one of the important factors, and the curriculum encompasses the importance and the main perspective of education and learning for the children. A proper curriculum helps to guide and give instructions for any educational program to support and guide the students to achieve goals and success in their educational life. Early childhood education and curriculum both are crucial in order to maintain the child development and learning experience in a proper and planned systematic way. This paper will cover the concept and the importance of childhood education and curriculum and the effectiveness and learning outcomes to promote education through principles and practices regarding this systematic and conceptual perspective. Early childhood education ensures the optimal development and the growth of the children, which create a planned and systematic curriculum.
Early childhood education and curriculum is an educative but social act, which reflects the idea of education and practices of learning. Education helps to change thinking and create an understanding to build knowledge about different perspectives and notions. Early childhood education is the base of education that begins through a proper systematic curriculum that is provided and promoted according to the level of the student. Early childhood education helps to develop the educational strength in our society which also promote the importance of education for every child. This conceptual approach of early childhood education and curriculum express the concern and help the children to build their knowledge which has proper planned and various techniques of teaching in order to maintain the learning outcomes. For achieving these purposes, the curriculum is the main aspect to maintain the structure. The majority of the curriculum approaches of early childhood education argue that children learn by being active and engaging in different activities. Participation in different play and activities encourage them to learn effectively and with interest. Thus, the curriculum is the approach and a systematic structure which is followed different educational settings in order to achieve success.
Early childhood education is a crucial aspect, and this notion helps to discover the knowledge and learnings through different activities. Educational settings for children should be in such a place where they can get motivated and encourage themselves for learning. According to the research which shows that play is an important aspect that helps children to develop themself and is beneficial. Nowadays, educational settings eliminate the concept of freely playing due to the excessive pressure of academic life. But, evidence shows that play helps the children to learn freely without doing any struggle, which is also helpful in order to learn different creative skills and to grow.
Importance of Play and the Concept of this Pedagogical Approach
Although the word 'play' is difficult to define, it is easy to recognize. This creates a separate zone and settings for the children, especially for their development. This improves their different aspects of development. Nowadays, education, especially early childhood education, support playing and different playful activities to develop their imagination, power and creativity in them during their childhood. Psychological evidence also shows that play is an important role during childhood for every child in order to develop their physical as well as cognitive and mental health. These different settings and free minds will help the children to acquire skills and new experiences to be able to explore and learn through play. Thus, play is an important aspect for every child, and it motivates them personally and helps them to achieve satisfaction through their daily activity (Irvin, 2017).
The significance and benefits of play in early childhood education help to recognize its importance through theoretical evidence, which helps to show the path for developing it empirically. This ideology promotes the importance of school readiness and the continuation of learning. After the evidence, parents and teachers help the children to engage in different activities and to play in order to achieve the best curriculum. Teachers tried to make the student participate in this effective pay based early childhood educational setting. According to the theorist and the approach of Vygotiskian, play is a leading activity that helps children to develop mostly during their first five years, which is effective for their brain development also. Contemporary research shows the evidence and supports the importance of play during the initial years of growth and development, which includes self-regulation, physical and mental well-being, and developing the ability of problem-solving and creativity (Celik, 2019).
As play contributes to the development and builds the ability and capacity places of the child, this helps the, to evolve. Depending on the time, the concept and the activities of play are also emerged and evolve differently. This is a role where individuals should get involved to experience and develop themselves. It promotes the ability of learning, memory capacity, imagination power, learning skills, creativity and expanding their array of knowledge. This enhances their problem-solving skills rationally and helps them to gain confidence through solving difficulties. Also, different engaging activities help the individual or the children to make them able to take the decision (Ivrin, 2017).
As this helps to develop mental health, physical; health and as well as cognitive health, this is crucial for every child. Also, not only this, play helps to develop the social well being and emotional health of young children. Opportunities for play and allowing them to get engaged in different activities help them to develop their imaginative skills. Play is also essential for brain development which helps to interact and explore in order to learn and make them able to discover different things. This engaging role has the potential to solve the issues and to develop the lifestyle by reducing the pressures. The implication of play as a mandatory activity is an important factor in order to increase its importance (Ivrin, 2017).
Importance of the Concept Play
Teaching strategies are based on learning outcomes and development, which helps them to get success. A creative curriculum is a completely comprehensive approach that helps to develop. The implementation of play on the educational curriculum will help the children to have a rich experience and knowledge with diverse skills and assessment. This type of curriculum promotes different active learning strategies, which provides beneficial outcomes and opportunities for education. A creative curriculum follows and maintains the standard structure of education. Thus, some educational curricula support education through play (Ivrin, 2017). The historical approach and importance of play evidently support its benefits and effectiveness in early childhood education through proper and planned way for achieving its goal through its implementation in the educational curriculum.
The national quality standard of Australia also follows a different curriculum to implement and to support the importance of early childhood education. Through different approaches and ways, they are taking the initiative to promote and to provide proper and effective education, which help them to connect with the society, culture, community and can help them to develop their ability and to gain success.
Depending on the EYLF learning outcome, children can make able to connect and to contribute this society and with this world. They can reciprocate and take responsibility for being active participants in this society to make the social and cultural development and well being. In this process, they tend to learn different aspects and perspectives which have a positive impact on their life.
- They started to recognize the right and develop a sense of this society, culture and communities.
- Co-operating with others and maintaining relationships to experience different aspects.
- They learn the process of reciprocating and expressing their opinion rationally.
- Promoting to build connection, ensuring the children to build knowledge and intellectuality, to develop skills, creativity.
- They tend to learn the way to express their concerns ideas to achieve their roles.
- Proper planning of the strategies to have the opportunities for children to participate in different activities.
- Helping the children to take decisions and solve issues.
- Guiding them to learn different aspects and notions of various subjects and concepts.
In the video, the teacher was helping the students to learn how to make the salad. But, the way and the process of teaching the method of making salad does not only help them to learn the way of it but also helps them to know it practically. This strategy was helpful to make them independent, self-sufficient, cooperative and active participants apart from their academic and education. Compassion and kindness through teaching the process help them to learn to good behaviour, a good way of approaching and to interact with others. A small act of chopping can make them feel independent, which will eventually help them in their life (ACEQA, 2020).
EYLF principles and practices reflect the contemporary theory and approach of teaching and learning through early childhood pedagogy, which helps them to progress in learning. These principles and practices are implemented by the initiative of NQS and qualified and trained educators to help the children.
- Creating and maintaining Secure and respectful relationships so that providers can get help.
- This process of learning help to know ways of reciprocation to maintain the relationship between the individuals.
- Partnership with different individuals and organizations to take the initiative by assessing their expectations and attitudes to build a strong relationship to promote the importance of early childhood education.
- This learning and educational strategy help to meet the expectation by removing the barriers to achieving educational success, and in response, it automatically helps to develop equality between the children in education and literacy.
- This educational strategy also helps to establish respect for different and various communities and cultures and also to understand the diversity and different cultures' heritage.
- The curriculum helps to acknowledge this area to maintain the continuity of this process (ACECQA. n.d.).
Benefits of the Concept Play
The principles which are above mentioned are underpinned the pedagogy of early childhood education. In this pedagogy, they promote learning through some practices, which are,
- Adaptation of holistic approach
- Responsive towards children
- Implementation and proper planning of new strategies
- Make them learn through play
- Creating a positive vibe and learning environment which have a positive impact
- Valuing and having respect for every different culture and community
- Assessing and monitoring children's progress to help them to gain success (ACECQA, n.d.)
The three learning areas of the Australian curriculum of education have different elements and areas which cover the learning and are informative to make the students potential enough to achieve success.
- Achievement standards for learning subjects and areas to describe the area of subject and concept. Work samples are also provided to make them understand the standard of the curriculum so that they can achieve their expectations.
- Content description of the learning areas and subjects to know it in more detail and so that students are being taught what will they learn or provided by their teacher.
- Organization and structural elements to particular subjects and learning areas to ensure the significance of the consistency throughout the educational curriculum (Australian Curriculum, n.d.).
The video shows us the process of making salad which was demonstrated through verbal communication for enhancing different learning opportunities. The beforehand process of making salad can consider as a standard if the learning area in which they became to know the learning subject, and according to that they can target or understand their expectation from the [articular area of the subject. Connection from the first step to the last step provides an idea and structural standard to achieve success by preparing it (ACECQA, 2020).
This paper helped us to know about early childhood education and about the learning outcomes and opportunities regarding the same. However, from the above discussion, this can be concluded that early childhood education is important and crucial for every individual and for every child so that they can have a good transition from their childhood to adulthood. This process is helpful for the children to achieve success and also to increase the literacy rate of the society irrespective of the social and cultural background. Promoting and expanding this process will help society to maintain equal opportunity in the educational sector. This process and learning outcome are effective as according to the curriculum they provide qualified educators to have good progress of the students through different strategies and ways of learning.
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