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Published on: 28-06-2019

Advising Soheb on bringing his mother to Australia permanentlyYou are contacted by Mr Soheb Akther from Brisbane. Soheb informs you that he is an Australian citizen and brought his mother, Bashra, to Australia three years ago from Pakistan on a three month tourist visa. His mother liked Australia a lot but left before her tourist visa expired when she received news that her husband in Pakistan had died suddenly in an accident at work.Soheb's m...

Published on: 23-05-2019

Economic Contributions and Challenges of Immigrant EntrepreneursDiscuss about the Antecedents of Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship. The economic contribution of immigrant entrepreneurship is immense and it revolves around the concept of developing and developed societies nowadays. The entrepreneurship concept is the actual process of creating value and utilizing the resources properly for the exploitation of entrepreneurship opportunitie...

Published on: 10-05-2019

Childhood DaysWrite about the Educational Autobiography for Nation and Seldom. My name is A. I am belonged to Sikh religion. Punjab is my homeland when I was born and brought up. We are three siblings. Actually I have a brother and an older sister. I have lost my father at the age of eight during the battle of Kargil War of 1999. At that time he was posted in Jammu and fought against the Pakistani trespassers. As a matter of fact, a...

Course Code:UNCC300
Published on: 19-02-2019

Issues of Children in DetentionDiscuiss about the Impact Of Immigration Detention On Children.  In many developed countries Like Australia and UK, a policy of Immigrant detention is prevalent which includes detention of individual who are suspected of illegal entry, visa violations or unauthorized arrival. Those individuals are detained for a prolonged amount of time until the immigration authorities decide to grant visa and releas...

Published on: 23-01-2019

Understanding the Importance of Migration at the Immigration MuseumQuestion:Discuss About The Migration Encountersn In Immigration Museum? This site has been selected because it displays the rich and vast history of Australia. Migration indeed is a very complex and deep subject. Migration is at the very core of the society, politics and the economy of every part of the world. Australia is no exception. Refugees have been very much a part of the...

Published on: 08-01-2019

Requirements for obtaining migration visa to Australia Question: Prepare a letter of advice for Dan. To Mr. Dan Hong Subject: Migration Advice Letter Dear Mr. Dan, According to the approaches this is notify you that for the migration for your niece you want to the sponsor for getting the migration visa of the Australia we are sending several requirements through the application. Ai is now working as a hospital pharmacist therefore she nee...

Published on: 18-12-2018

The morality of mandatory detentionDisucuss about the Policies of various Countries regarding refugee detention and how this process motivates the citizens of that particular Country. The purpose of this article is to stress on the moral sides of mandatory detention and the laws related to this practice. The refugees who seek asylum, they form a subgroup of immigrants and various researches focused on this group of immigrants, found a l...

Published on: 14-12-2018

Requirements under Migration Act 19581.Prepare a letter of advice, in plain English, for Jeffrey in relation to the Procedural, Accounting and Ethical requirements he would have to meet to Comply with the requirements under the Migration Act 1958 2.What are your Obligations as a registered Migration agent under the Code of Conduct? 1.To Jeffery Wood Engineering is hiring the migration agent; Jaffery Jacob who has completed the Grad...

Course Code:BUSM1311
Published on: 11-12-2018

Similarities and Differences in Migrant Entrepreneurs in both the 19th and 21st Century Discuss about the Migrant Entrepreneurship in the 19th And 21st Century. Immigration has been and remains to be a concern in countries like the United States. Increased number of immigrants in the UK or the US  have negative implication in that they are able to drain the economy of the country (Rath et al. 2016). Many people, who have not research...

Course Code:XBR202
Published on: 01-12-2018

Community MappingDiscuss About The Ryerson Centre Immigration And Settlement? Sydney Multicultural Community Services is a non-profit organization which provides services to the culturally and linguistically differentiated communities. Its services range from providing age related programs, settlement of those communities (, 2017). Its services are funded by the Australian government enterprises one of which is the Mul...

Published on: 01-12-2018

Prospects of Success in Addressing Notice of Intention to Consider Cancellation of Visa under Section 501(2) of the Migration ActA Prepare your opinion about the prospects of success in relation to addressing the notice of intention to consider cancellation of his visa under section 501(2) of the migration act. What further information would you require to support the application?  Since john has been engaging with the wrong people ...

Course Code:EDUC1078
Published on: 18-10-2018

Background Information on Higher EducationQuestion:Discuss About The Background Information On Higher Education? Higher education can be termed as the additional and voluntary final stage of education that is practiced by most of the countries and learners in the entire world. This stage is termed as the final stage of the formal education since it comes immediately after the secondary level of education. It’s also termed as the third lev...

Published on: 11-10-2018

Alcoholic Beverages Demand and Macroeconomic FactorsDiscuss about the Fiscal Policy in Emerging Markets. Demand for goods like alcoholic beverages is always subject to substantial policy debate. The hard and fast rule of demand cannot be applied here. This is because of ambiguous effect of the alcoholic beverage consumption. Demand for alcoholic beverages is important for different macroeconomic fields. The positive effect of higher dem...

Course Code:MANAGEMT7104
Published on: 20-09-2018

Background Discuss about the Marketing Strategy of Curtin University. With a move towards growth and development, more and more businesses are coming up making it difficult for the target customers to choose the best alternative. As such, the customer tries to seek information and that is when the role of marketing comes into play. Marketing is a powerful tool in the hands of manager that is generally used to create awareness of the product or ...

Published on: 21-07-2018

Importance of Pursuing Higher EducationQuestion:Write a Report on the Level of Satisfaction with MBA Program and Starting Salary. In the ever-changing global arena, education plays a vital role in developing human resources in the workplace. Pursuit of higher education is attractive to many individuals especially where it leads to high salary. This is because organizations have a propensity to prefer highly trained employees in order to enhance...

Course Code:CMS305
Published on: 09-07-2018

Cultural strategies and economic policiesQuestion :Discuss about the Mass Communication ?This paper archives few strategies that are pertaining to the arts and culture in Singapore in the post independence time. It has provided some of the cultural strategies that were taken in the early years after the independence concentrating on the binding of arts and culture for the purpose of building the nation all together. It was followed by the conseq...

Published on: 09-07-2018

Immigration and Transformation Patterns in AustraliaQuestion:Discuss about the Australian Society In Global Context for Ethnicity and Race. The literature by Shanthi Robertson is based on how ethnic and cultural identities have been long produced in Australia and how Migrant workers are the new profiling. This analysis by Robertson shows that the migration status acts as an invisible, temporary marker in showing difference in status mo...

Published on: 18-06-2018

Changes in Contemporary Immigration StructureDiscuss about the Social and Economic Origins of Immigration. The human migration is concerned with the movement of the people and their belongings from one place to another for the purpose of settling there permanently (Ventriglio & Bhugra, 2015). The migration usually involves the movement over considerable long distances and it is termed as immigration. The process of immigration is co...

Published on: 29-05-2018

1. Explain in plain English the practical implications of the decision of the Federal Court in Yelaswarapu v Minister for Immigration & Anor? 2. What principles of statutory interpretations (if any) were utilised by the Federal Court in this case? 1. In this case the applicant is a person who had applied for a student visa and the respondents are the ministry of immigration as the first respondent and the Migration review tribuna...

Published on: 19-04-2018

Campaign and focusDiscuss anout the Social Marketing for Developing Research Capacity. The chosen organization for the social marketing to be proposed is World Vision Australia that is incorporated in the nation of Australia. There are many of the branches located in many developed and developing countries all over the world that accounts to about 90 countries. This organization in Australia has dual role in the sense that it not only...

Published on: 02-04-2018

Training: Health Practitioners? DoctorsDiscuss about the Identification of Sex Trafficking Victims and Recommendations. The paper examines the identification of human sex trafficking and recommends the best strategies that need to be taken to improve the process of identification. To achieve this, it discusses the need for training and educating of different stakeholders including health practitioners, social workers, police, and im...

Published on: 27-03-2018

Public Sector AnalysisDescribe about the Strategic Cost Management for Comprehensive Analysis. The report is aimed to provide a comprehensive analysis of the public sector departments in Australia. The report provides both the financial and the nonfinancial aspects of both the Government departments. The report further shows the exploration of the literature review with respect to the use of strategic management techniques, which is most ...

Published on: 04-03-2018

External Analysis Tools/ModelsDiscuss about the Immigration Trade and Productivity in Services. Offshoring has been considered to be a hermaphroditic word which described of a particular thing. Here, in Australia, it has been seen that it is related to the transfer of the jobs from Australia to the other countries with a lower cost of labor than the wage rates for Australian. This is the biggest productivity gain for the firms with a co...

Published on: 07-02-2018

Economy of IsraelDiscuss about the Comparative Progress Global Business Systems. Modern Israel was established in the year 1948 with a very small population. In just a period of two years, the population of the country doubles. This lead to an increase in the gross domestic product per capita income. Various economic factors and conditions led to the transformation of the state. The assignment analyzes the economic factors such as inter...

Published on: 11-01-2018

Subclass 457 Visa and English Proficiency RequirementsDescribe about the Migration Law of Australia for Migration Regulation 1994. a. According to subclass 457 of Migration Regulation 1994, it is necessary that a person should have proper knowledge of English and for that before getting the subclass 457 visa as per context David has to qualify English language testing to prove his eligibility to work in Australia[1]. For qualifying the E...
