Overcoming Barriers for Clients in Weight Management Programs
Discuss about the Weight Management for Council Australia Limited.
The Weight Management Code of Practice Australia bestows framework of proper guidelines to assist people with weight loss (Weightcouncil.org 2017). The Weight Management Council Australia Limited governs the Weight Management Code of Practice Australia. Generally, all the professionals, centres and programs linked with the weight management industry should follow the business regimens and practices that comply with the Weight Management’s Code. To meet the industry standards code and achieve the best result, I would practise the following:
- I would ensure that the weight loss programmes provides safe eating plans, that are nutritionally adequate and is capable of obtaining the results claimed to the consumer.
- I would ensure that the customers are rightly informed about the Code and their legal rights before entering into a contract (Weightcouncil.org 2017).
- I would make sure that no advertisement should be allowed for such eating contents that have energy content lower than 3,500 kJ per day (Timmerman and Brown 2012).
- I would further enable the consumers to make proper choices for the weight management services and products they purchase.
The potential barriers that can be encountered from clients following a weight management programmes are as follows:-
- Lack of motivation from the clients would become difficult to follow the weight management programme (Kirk et al. 2012). Furthermore, it becomes more difficult to make the client adhere to a strict diet, if they mostly party, travels and eats out. Foods with high calories are served and this disrupts the recommended diets of the clients.
- Stress and depression is the next vital barrier. Obese clients confronted that stress and depressions encourage them to eat too much and do not follow the diet strictly. Tantrums for their weights and not having enough support of their parents spouse and peers, often makes the clients prone to depression (Grandy, Fox and Bazata 2012). This becomes quite challenging for me to handle them further.
- The clients often are not able to understand the given instruction that creates chaos and confusion in the working regimen (Bray and Bouchard 2014). The efficiency to handle the clients starts decreasing resulting in negative outcome.
These barriers can be overcome, if I personally communicate with the clients and motivate them to achieve their desired goals. First, through inspiration and appreciating the clients performance on a daily basis would help them overcoming the negative vibes from stress and depression (Sarason 2013). This would further increase their efficiency and maximize their strengths. Secondly, by asking the clients to keep a food journal so that they can record the number of calories intake from the items they eat and drink (Timmerman and Brown 2012). This would help the clients to visualize what they eat to provide a weight management plan in future. Lastly, by providing them long-term diet solution for weight management.
Helping the clients to get rid of ‘quick fix’ mentality and making them understand that weight loss takes time. This can only be obtained with proper information about the weight management product and services. Moreover, a realistic weight loss goal should be set by the clients to obtain maximum benefits. The client’s body mass index (BMI) is needed to be calculated, by measuring their weight relative to height and thus to rightly inform them about the ideal weight (Grandy, Fox and Bazata 2012).
Communication is the most important of all life skills. Good communication gives self-esteem to the person. Through proper daily communication, the client’s gets more support for their weight management programs and are more focused in the following ways:
- By asking the clients if they are comfortable with the weight management programmes and whether content or not with the weight management products and services provided (Evert et al. 2014).
- By discussing the clients weight history and the strategy implemented to control weight has been proven effective or not in his or her life.
- By expressing concerns about the health related risk due to excess body weight.
- By motivating the clients and reviewing their BMI’s from time to time (Bray and Bouchard 2014).
- By explaining the clients that how even a little amount of weight loss can lower down their health risk.
- By asking the clients, their potential barriers that are preventing them from success.
- By knowing the clients physical activity or performance level and their attitude towards exercise.
- By appreciating their performance level and supporting them on a daily basis (Wills et al. 2012).
Moreover, collaborative effort from both the sides is needed to achieve the desired goals otherwise; it would lead the communication in vain.
Dealing with difficult behaviour is considered one of the most difficult tasks in the world. The customer is the king in true sense; however, in appropriate client behaviour should not be tolerated and reported to the higher staff before it is too late (Jane et al. 2017). Customer behaviour can take many negative forms including arguing with the staff and confronting their competency.
- Requesting odd periods
- Making culturally specific and rude comments
- Refusing to accept any limitations and procedures in place.
Measuring Performance for Weight Management Programs
These kinds of incidents may seem quite normal however; they might result in physical abuse, injury hostile behaviour and name-calling (Meagher et al 2012).The staff must make sure that these types of inappropriate behaviour by customers should be reported to the management and also taking up necessary actions is essential.
The given cases may be reported to the management in the given manner:
At a staff meeting- the staff can discuss issues related to the customers with their manager at the daily morning meet or weekly meeting.- If the matter deems to be urgent then the staff or the instructor specifically writes a return report accompanied by appropriate evidence supporting their complaint.
- If the matter becomes too hostile, the staffs needs to control the customer, calm him down and then take him to the higher staff. Under no circumstance, should the instructor cause any kind of harm to the consumer, as according to organizational policies and legislation, he is not allowed to do so (Bennett, King and Milner 2014).
One of the most popular ways of measuring one`s performance is by setting a scorecard in which certain numbers are given which indicate the level of excellent of one`s performance(Fox, Ward and O’Rourke 2015). It ranges from 1-5, 5 being the best and one being the worst.
Another way is to measure based on client improvement. One can measure the performance based on the improvement shown by the clients. A personal portfolio can be maintained to check the trainer`s progress with each client.
An alternate way to measure performance may be by obtaining customer feedback. Customer feedback can measure customer satisfaction, which may be used to measure the performance (Thomas et al. 2012). Questionnaires and surveys can be conducted on monthly basis regarding specific trainers. After these feedbacks have been taken, the y must be analyzed. Analysis of the feedback plays a key role in measuring the performance of an individual. After the feedback has been analyzed, necessary measures must be taken to improve a particular individual`s performance
In order to improve one`s performance, the trainer can lay down his plans, set goals, take actions based on the plan and review his performance (Felson 2012). This review can take place based on client feedback or also based on employer feedback. Once these feedbacks are received, the trainer can work on the loopholes and strive harder towards success.
Communication plays an important role in any business. In the field of weight management, communication is essential because relevant discussions need to be made regarding client progress with colleagues as well as with the client himself (Bonfioli 2012). Communication also helps to improve individual performance as feedback is received by communicating one`s details. For example, Jon interacts with a colleague at work and tells him about his way of doing things, then in this case, his colleague will be able to provide him with appropriate feedback regarding his work and get new ideas.
Communication in the work place also helps to come up with new processes and procedures. It also serves as a way to resolve conflicts (Azar 2013). The party between whom the misunderstanding has taken place should be made to sit in front of each other and discuss their problems. A clear and organized communication system gives rise to a good working environment.
Improving Communication in the Workplace
The following listed are certain ways in which communication at the work place might take place.
If the head staff has certain message to give out to all the staff members, an open meeting would be an effective way to do so, as it encourages discussion and free flow of ideas.
For official matters, email serves as a proper way to communicate on large scale or even on one to one basis. Reports and other details regarding a particular client can be shared with the management using emails.
In cases where ideas about weight management need to be taken from the seniors, a one on one communication is the appropriate medium to do so (Abed et al. 2014).
Some people have a tendency to grasp information better by using a visual aid. This applies for both clients and the co-workers. Training to the co-workers may be provided to the new joiners using a visual aid like a PowerPoint presentation. The clients may also be explained about their fitness journey and results by using presentations
Teamwork in work place is very crucial, as teamwork is an essential part of any work place. Coordination among the team members, which includes trainees and trainers as well as clients, is extremely important in bringing out the best results for the clients and the institute as a whole (Ma et al. 2014). Teamwork offers advantages like increased productivity, heightened morale and staff as well as client efficiency.
The sources are as follows:
- Weight Management Council Australia- https://www.weightcouncil.org
- Dietitians Association Australia- https://daa.asn.au/about-daa/
- National Health and Medical Research Council- https://www.nhmrc.gov.au/
- World Health Organization- https://www.who.int/en/
- The Butterfly Foundation- https://thebutterflyfoundation.org.au/
- Better Health- https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/weight-management-services
- Weight Management: A Practitioner's Guide. Authors: Dympna Pearson, Clare Grace
- https://www.acsmstore.org/v/vspfiles/assets/images/kruskall_nutrition_book_preview_final_120910.pdf
- https://www.businessinfocus.com.au/index.php/2012/04/australias-weight-loss-industry
- https://www.euromonitor.com/weight-management-and-wellbeing-in-australia/report
- https://www.smartcompany.com.au/finance/economy/australians-spend-big-in-weight-loss-industry-6-6-billion-forecast-as-australians-battle-the-bulge/
The barriers that are preventing Monica from adopting a weight management programmes are as follows:
- Sedentary lifestyle- the lifestyle followed by Monica is inactive in form. Most of her time is spent seated, which increases the risk of psychological distress (Pathak et al. 2015). The person tends to start forgetting things and can gradually develop dementia. Monica lower level of enthusiasm and lack of zeal and motivation is a major barrier to adopt a weight management programme.b
Inadequate money- sometimes money becomes a major threat in achieving the desired lifestyle (Evert et al. 2014). Lack of money and inadequate income is preventing Monica from adopting a weight management programme, which would help her in losing weight, and raising her standard of living.- Health- related issues- Since the very age of 25, Monica is suffering from weight related problems after being diagnosed with diabetes. This left a negative impact on her health and led her to gain weight (Grandy, Fox and Bazata 2012). Since then she has put on her weight to 145 kg, which further created serious problems like pain in her knees and ankles, which makes her uncomfortable to stand for long hours.
Through proper and sincere efforts, the clients trust and confidence can be achieved. After discussing with Monica the relevant information, the following approach can help her to adopt the weight management programme:
- By showing Monica that how through proper documentation, individual client’s performance record is maintained and reviewed from time to times.
- By discussing Monica’s weight history and implementing effective strategies that would help her to control her weight in future.
- By motivating Monica and measuring her body mass index (BMI) and further reviewing it at times to maintain the weight record (Bray and Bouchard 2014).
- By explaining and assuring Monica that, even a smaller amount of body weight loss could lower down her health related issue.
- By asking Monica the potential barriers that are preventing her from the goals and motivating her to overcome such barriers.
- By showing, Monica that the clients are appreciated for their individual performance level and are supported which further inspire them to achieve more (Kirk et al. 2012).
Social support is a vital factor in uplifting the health of an individual, ranging from kids to older adults (Sarason 2013). Social support is essential to predict the result of both mental and physical health of everyone. It not only improves the individual’s well-being but also affects the person’s immune system. Monica would need the following social supports to increase her physical health and prove to be crucial for her life is as:
- Peer and Family support- first of all Monica would need support from her family to achieve the desired goal, as one of the most crucial elements in one’s life is the support from family. Family support would further help Monica in overcoming stress and depression due to health related issues. Besides, the support of family peer support would too increase confidence level of Monica. As friends influences more a person creating a positive outcome in their lives.
- Financial support- older adults generally faces critical changes when they cross their age of retirement (Lin and Ensel 2013). Monica’s lack of finance is a barrier in adopting a weight management programme. Monica would need some financial support to increase her physical health by working part-time jobs and collecting some money. Monica can also focus volunteering activities that is related with social support for older people’s (Sarason 2013).
Thus, Monica if is supported by her close relatives, that is her family ,peers or fellow companions of church or other support programmes would reduce her vulnerability to diseases and ill health. Social support is proven a real lifesaver. Moreover, Monica would cope better during stress and sedentary lifestyle if she has a well- defined job or adequate financial support besides the encouragement and motivation from her friends and family.
Promoting Social Support for Clients in Weight Management Programs
The initial conversation with Monica was on a one to one basis. As a procedure, the conversation needs to be recorded using some medium. This medium might range from taking down written notes in a notepad, or taking details directly into the database of the weight management centre. All these details must be authentic and error free. Monica can also be given a questionnaire and a detailed form to fill out which explains her medical history (Napolitano et al. 2013). All her documents related to the General Physicians and other relevant doctors need to be documented in her database with the trainer.
After taking down the relevant details, these details must be analysed and discussed with the senior management. Relevant notes on the case must be made and entered in the database. After the analysis, a detailed report of the client must be made using tools related to healthcare available on the internet or under expertise (Tucker et al. 2017). This report must be a comprehensive report which highlights all the details of aspects related to Monica`s life. A copy of this report must be presented to Monica as well.
The outcomes of the report will be program plan and the management plans that she can adopt. AA variety of suggestions and plans would be laid down in front of her, which shall be explained to her in detail (Tham and Young 2017). A copy of this proposal shall also be sent to her via email. After discussing, the analysis and resultant schemes with Monica further action regarding her Weight management program can be taken.
After four weeks of her training program, Monica has suggested few feedbacks. Customer feedbacks form an essential part of performance and process improvement. They form a guideline as to how information received by the customer should be used to enhance work standards.
In her first feedback, Monica has suggested that the seats in the waiting room must be larger than their size to avoid embarrassment on her side. This is a considerate feedback and must be adhered to. The trainer should talk to Monica about her insecurities and embarrassing thoughts and must explain it to her than she has nothing to feel insecure about it. She must feel confident about herself (Drphillockie.com.au 2017). Secondly, this feedback must be provided to the senior management and the trainer as to change the seat size (Napolitano et al. 2013) may place a request. As an individual, he should convey to Monica and assure her that her request has been forwarded and it shall be looked into. Secondly, as an employee he should abide by the guidelines of the work place and not take hasty decisions on his own.
In the second feedback, Monica has appreciated the plan and this must be taken into positively. Her request for a healthy diet and variety in the plan must be taken and perceived as a sign of improvement and engagement from her side. The trainer should consult with the nutritionist present in the firm and provide Monica with certain recipes, which may best suit her plan. The trainer can also take help from the nutritionist and add some items like oats, whey proteins into Monica`s ingredient list which may help her to cook a balanced and different meal.
While conducting business and carrying out daily transactions for business purposes, it must be ensured that the work place policies and procedures are maintained. The Occupational Health and Safety regulations must also be followed. While conducting weekly consultations with Monica, the instructor must ensure that all the rules relating to the organization are followed. The following points discuss how the work practices can be ensured (Tucker et al. 2017).
- By providing proper guidelines to Monica regarding her training and customizing the health plan according to Monica`s need.
- By following the proper conduct of communication and maintaining a healthy client-trainer relationship
- The timings of the meeting must not take place before and after the working hours. All meetings must be held at the management centre unless explicitly stated otherwise.
- The details of all the meetings must be recorded in the prescribed format.
- The trainer must understand the needs and requirements of Monica and prescribe her adequate details about the weight management process. This is done to ensure that no harm is caused to Monica`s health.
- The trainer should not engage in any kind of personal relationship with Monica to maintain work ethics.
- The trainer should make sure that because of Monica, no harm is causes to the health and safety of the other clients as well as staff present in the centre.
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