- Access the internet copy the National Physical Activity Recommendations for Children (0-5 years)- use the move and play PDF- 0- 5 years
- a) Provide one (1) indoor and one (1) outdoor movement and physical experience that educators implement as part of the program for Babies (zero (0) to fifteen(15) months) and list the areas of development that this will enhance.
Provide one (1) indoor and one (1) outdoor movement and physical experience that educators implement as part of the program for toddlers (fifteen (15) months to two (2) years) and list the areas of development that this will enhance.
Provide one (1) indoor and one (1) outdoor movement and physical experience that educators implement as part of the program for preschool (three (3) to five (5) years) and list the areas of development that this will enhance.
- The outdoor area is not just for children to use their gross motor skills. Describe three (3) ways children can engage with the outdoor environment which will help develop their social, cognitive and emotional skills.
- Refer to your work experience/ placement experience provide two (2) examples of how educators:
- a) Promote physical activity through planned experiences.
- Due to weather conditions children sometimes cannot access the outdoor environment. Provide two (2) examples of how educators ensure that children participate in active play whilst indoors.
- How would you manage a toileting accident in a manner that protected the child’s self-esteem and privacy?
Indoor Movement and Physical Experience for Infants
- Access the internet copy the National Physical Activity Recommendations for Children (0-5 years)- use the move and play PDF- 0- 5 years
- a) Provide one (1) indoor and one (1) outdoor movement and physical experience that educators implement as part of the program for Babies (zero (0) to fifteen(15) months) and list the areas of development that this will enhance.
Children love to play and physical activity is highly important for the healthy growth and development of infants. One indoor movement and physical exercise that an educator may implement as part of teh program for Babies of zero to fifteen months is playing music to encourage some layful movents. It will help to improve movement and co-ordination skill, at the same time it will support brain development (Australian Government Department of Health, n.d).
When an infant is mobile, it is important to encourage them to be active as possible and in this regard they can be encouraged to have some outdoor movements in a safe and secure environment. Playing push and pull game with balls can be helpful as it will build strong bone muscles and encourage independence (Australian Government Department of Health, n.d).
- b) Provide one (1) indoor and one (1) outdoor movement and physical experience that educators implement as part of the program for toddlers (fifteen (15) months to two (2) years) and list the areas of development that this will enhance.
Children of fifteen months to two years are called toddlers. The indoor movement and physical experience can be trying action songs or move to music like “Ring-A-Ring-A-Rosie” etc. It will help improve movement and co-ordination skill of them (Australian Government Department of Health, n.d).
The best outdoor activity that can be used is playing with balloons. Punching, kicking or throwing the balloons to keep them off the ground will be helpful for the development of the children. It will enhance their movement skill and also to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight.
- c) Provide one (1) indoor and one (1) outdoor movement and physical experience that educators implement as part of the program for preschool (three (3) to five (5) years) and list the areas of development that this will enhance.
Various indoor movement are there for this age-group of children. The indoor movements for the children of three to five years can be playing dress ups and acting out different roles. It will help to promote social skills and will allow them the freedom to imagine which is good for brain development.
Walking to places rather than driving can be a good outdoor movement and physical experience for the children of three to five years. It will help in muscle development and building strong bones.
- The outdoor area is not just for children to use their gross motor skills. Describe three (3) ways children can engage with the outdoor environment which will help develop their social, cognitive and emotional skills.
Cognitive development is basically characterized by the way a child acquires knowledge from the surrounding environment. Outdoor environment can help in developing cognitive skill. Identifying different noises in the outdoor environment can be a good practice. In this way children will learn different types of sounds relate to objects. Again, enjoy playing alongside other children can be helpful in developing social skills such as tolerance, cooperation etc. Children can develop their emotional skill by controlling and managing their feelings while communicating with others (Schonert-Reichl et al., 2015).
- Refer to your work experience/ placement experience provide two (2) examples of how educators:
- a) Promote physical activity through planned experiences.
Promoting physical activity through planned experiences refers to the physical activities which was not planned. Two examples are: routine outdoor play during the day, group games like parachute play.
- b) Promote physical activity through spontaneous experiences.
Promoting physical activity through spontaneous experiences is mainly the physical activities that were not planned. Two examples are: putting on a radio and having a dance, coloring a piece of paper randomly.
- c) Participate in physical activity with the children.
Participation of the educator can motivate a children on the physical activity. Two examples of how educators can participate are: reading a story and helping children to act out on that, using and showing props that helps children in identifying different types of shapes.
- d) Encouragechildren’s participation in outdoor play.
Outdoor Movement and Physical Experience for Infants
Encouraging children to participate in outdoor plays is necessary. Two examples of how they can be encouraged are: making them interested in birdwatching or wildlife watching activites, taking a few leaves from the garden and asking them to find which trees they came from.
e) Encourage a child’s level of participation according to his/her own ability and level of comfort.
- f) Ensure the environment is safe for physical activity.
- Due to weather conditions children sometimes cannot access the outdoor environment. Provide two (2) examples of how educators ensure that children participate in active play whilst indoors.a) Discuss why is it important to sit and talk with children at mealtimes
- b) How does this help to create a relaxed and unhurried routine?How would you manage a toileting accident in a manner that protected the child’s self-esteem and privacy?
- What are the benefits of encouraging children to share their stories and ideas, for the:
- a)
Encouraging children to share their stories and ideas are beneficial for the children in developing their communication and ingination skill. When children will share different ideas and thoughts it will also support in the develpment of their brain.
- b)
When a child expresses his/her thought through story telling or sharing ideas, it provides an observant educator with insight into what the child thinks and what the child knows. Educators gets an idea about how the child can learn in group.
- List ways in which educators can show a genuine interest, an understanding and respect for all children.
Various ways are there in which educators can show a genuine interest, an understanding and respectful for all children and they are as follows.
- Being an active listener and responding in a sensitive as well as reassuring way.
- Using simple and clear words while communicating.
- Providing same respect to the children as adults.
- Ensuring chidrens’ attention during interaction.
- Allowing the child to finish their saying before commenting.
- Using a soft voice in calming a child.
- Acknowledge the efforts and achievements of the children (Okely et al., 2017).
- Why is it important for educators to be gentle, calm and reassuring even when children strongly express distress, frustration or anger?
It is always important for the educators to stay calm and gentle even when the children strongly express distress, frustration or anger. It is natural that children may lose their control over emotion but educator must stay calm to identify the reason of bothering and they should reassure the child at that moment. If the educator also becomes angry then the child will fear to express his/her thought and emotion which is an obstacle for their mental development (Carson et al., 2016).
- What is the attachment theory?
Attachment theory is basically a developmental psychology that concerns the importance of attachment in relation with personal development. According to the theory, the ability of an individual to form a physical as well as emotional attachment to other person provides security and sense of stability which is important in taking risks. Attachment theory can be clearly stated as the psychological tendency that seeks closeness to another person in order to feel secure but also, when that another person is not present, it makes the person anxious. Attachment theory is widely associated with the psychological state of children (Kinniburgh, Blaustein, Spinazzola & Van der Kolk, 2017).
Scenario 1 |
Ben, aged two (2) years has dug a hole in the sandpit. He comes over to you and takes you by the hand and leads you to the sandpit. He says “big hole, dinathor (dinosaur), me do” |
a) How would you respond sensitively to his attempt to explain his creation to you?
Being his educator, first of all I will appreciate his creation and will clap to provide encouragement to Ben. I will ask Ben how he did it and will give reaction that shows my wonder to this activity so that he becomes mentally satisfied. Again, I will assist Ben to learn how to make it more perfect so that he gets more interest to make it perfect. Even I will try to show his creation to others and ask everyone to encourage Ben.
Scenario 2 |
Mary and Jed (aged four (4)) are playing in the home corner. They are role playing hospitals. Mary is the nurse and Jed is the doctor. There are no other children in the home corner area. Mary says to Jed “this isn’t a very good hospital; we don’t even have any patients.” |
What would be your cues to participate in these children’s play?
Mary and Jed were plaing role-play act and it is good for the development of their social and communication skill. Mary was playing te role of the nurse and Jed was playing the role of a doctor in their imaginary hospital. There were no other children in the home corner area and Mary was not satisfied with their hospital settings as there were no patients and so, at first I would seek their permission to participate in between their conversation and I would ask them and try to figure out what do they want as solution.
- b) What level and type of involvement would you offer to Mary and Jed?
Indoor Movement and Physical Experience for Toddlers
In order to solve their issue regarding the lack of patient in their imaginary hospital settings, my first action would be to involve myself as a patient of their hospital which will encourage them as well. I would offer them that I would love to play the role of patient and would ask them gently to allow me as their patient in their hospital.
- c) How would you support these interactions between Mary and Jed?
While playing the role-play act, I would always behave as per the role which I would be playing. It would encourage the children and also they would find it more inetersting to play with. In this way a trustworthy and friendly relationship with the children could also be created.
Scenario 3 |
Ngaire and her parents have just moved here from New Zealand. Both of her parents have a strong Maori heritage. They are dancers in a traditional Maori dance group. You also have a large amount of children whose parents are separated in your group. The local community in which you live has a large New Zealand population and there are a lot of Maori children in your group. |
) How would you assist other staff to create an environment that reflects the lives of these children, their families and the local community?
Dealing with cultural diversity is quite common for the educators but it is a very sensitive place. I will try to arrange some pictures of maori community and their culture and festivals to hang on and also keep some music CDs that plays maori songs. It will help to create an environment of the local community and the parents will also feel safe to keep ther children. I will always be available to provide support in their needs. .
- b) What practices and routines would you implement that ensure the children and their families feel supported and respected?
While taking care of children of Maori community I will provide them equal respect and I will also use some maori languages like “kia ora (hello)”, “mihi koe (thank you)”, “pouri (sorry)” etc. Again, I will play some maori music and try dance steps with the children to show respect to the culture and it will also make them feel supported and respected. Again, I will encourage them to wear their traditional attire while dancing with maori music.
Scenario 4 |
Children experience stress and frustration just as adults do. As educators, it is our role to minimise this stress and frustration. This can be done through organising spaces, resources and routines in a way that reduces the likelihood of the stress or frustration occurring. |
For each of these scenarios, firstly, identify what would cause the stress or frustration and then offer a solution:
You have three (3) children in your room who get upset when there is too much noise, but there is also a small group who are enjoying “making their own music” with the instruments you have set out on the mat.
- a) Identify what would cause the stress or frustration?
- b) What could be a possible solution?
- Resources
In the toddler’s room, there is only one (1) pram as all the others are broken. The children have really been enjoying playing with them as there are quite a few who are learning to walk and are using the pram to stabilize themselves.
- a) Identify what would cause the stress or frustration?
- b) What could be a possible solution?
I will support and encourage them to use the pram one by one and I will try to arrange some more prams for them to avoid congestion.
- Routines
You have sixteen (16) children in your room and only three (3) bathroom sinks. When you come in from outdoor play time to prepare for morning tea there is a huge congestion in the bathroom. Some children and pushing and shoving and at least one (1) child always ends up in tears.
- a) Identify what would cause the stress or frustration?
Emotional causes, associated with bathroom related scenarios are most challenging to address. Babies, toddlers and even young children are rarely able to express their actual feelings of anxiety and confusion in words and as a result they end up in tears. Children begin to develop the capacity to experience shame, discomfort when they know that they have done something wrong, and due to congestion in the bathroom, they might get afraid of defecating in inappropriate places, and then cry out of stress. Again, if they cannot go inside the bathroom first, their emotion also might get hurt and they cry out of frustration or in desire to get attention from the elders.
- b) What could be a possible solution?
After identifying the problem, the primary task is to sympathize the children with their feelings and help to find a practical solution. Suggesting all the children to stand in a queue and use the toilet sink one by one can be the most effective way to avoid congestion. Accompanying all the children while making a queue in front of the bathroom can be helpful in this regard. Also, arranging some more bathroom sinks will be an effective solution.
Scenario 5 |
A new family is starting at the centre. Answer the below question in how you are going to settle them into starting at your service. |
When the family arrives what are some of the signs that the family or child may display that indicates to you they are feeling stressed or distressed about their first day?
- b) What would you say to the child when you saw them arrive in the morning to ensure you were minimising the time of separation of between the child and the parent?
- c) The parent has indicated to you that they will need to go and they pass the child to you and the child becomes distressed and upset. How will you respond to the child?
Australian Government Department of Health. (n.d). Move and Play Every Day. Retrieved from https://extranet.who.int/ncdccs/Data/AUS_B11_National%20Physical%20Activity%20Guidelines%20for%20children%200-5yrs.pdf
Carson, V., Hunter, S., Kuzik, N., Wiebe, S. A., Spence, J. C., Friedman, A., ... & Hinkley, T. (2016). Systematic review of physical activity and cognitive development in early childhood. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 19(7), 573-578.
Kinniburgh, K. J., Blaustein, M., Spinazzola, J., & Van der Kolk, B. A. (2017). Attachment, Self-Regulation, and Competency: A comprehensive intervention framework for children with complex trauma. Psychiatric annals, 35(5), 424-430.
Okely, A. D., Ghersi, D., Hesketh, K. D., Santos, R., Loughran, S. P., Cliff, D. P., ... & Sherring, J. (2017). A collaborative approach to adopting/adapting guidelines-The Australian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for the early years (Birth to 5 years): an integration of physical activity, sedentary behavior, and sleep. BMC Public Health, 17(5), 869.
Schonert-Reichl, K. A., Oberle, E., Lawlor, M. S., Abbott, D., Thomson, K., Oberlander, T. F., & Diamond, A. (2015). Enhancing cognitive and social–emotional development through a simple-to-administer mindfulness-based school program for elementary school children: A randomized controlled trial. Developmental psychology, 51(1), 52.
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