1.Reviews of the selected articles by the group combined
2.Four annotated original copies of the selected articles reviewed by each student of the group
3.One combined critical review of one separate article article selected by the group
4.A minimum of three signed and dated copies of the Group Meeting Form
- When the meetings were held
- Where they were held?
- Who was present at the meetings?
- What was discussed?
- What action points were agreed?
- Allocation of tasks
5.Individual group evaluation forms, (Appendix 3) one written by each member of the group in which you reflect on:
- How effectively the group managed the task and time available
- How effectively the group members operated together
- Your contribution to the group
- How the group could have operated better
- How your contribution could have been improved
Reviews of the selected articles by the group combined
Human resource management plays the most significant role within an organisation. Starting from recruiting and selecting the right people, human resource department develops the cohesive work performance within an organisation. According to Jackson, Schuler and Jiang (2014), the effective human resource management contributes towards the establishment of the high performance attributes among the employees. The strategic HRM even identifies the future opportunities for the better positioning of the organisational and helps in strategic decision making process. The direct observation of the human resource department towards the performance parameter of the employees develops the high quality working scenario within an organisation.
The study would concentrate on the effectiveness of the human resource management on employee performance management. The study would present the structured review of four different articles that will be demonstrating the organisational functions in different departments based on the employee performance management. The comparisons between the articles will also be discussed in this study.
Francis Noronha, S., Aquinas,, P. & Doreen Manezes, A. (2016). Implementing Employee Performance Management System: A Scoping Review. International Journal of Management and Applied Science, 2(5), pp.85-88.
The article Implementing Employee Performance Management System: A Scoping Review is widely concentrating on developing the insightful knowledge regarding the performance process. The article defines that the implementation of any system demands the structured and meticulous planning at the initial stage. The synchronized and systematic planning is not the only criteria for implementing any particular system management within an organisation. The careful execution of the entire planning in a systematic way determines the improvement of the performance within the organization. The article investigates the area of performance management as a whole. It is thus defined that when the human resource involves in the execution process of any system management, the task becomes quite challenging. A skilled and systematic performance management system (PMS) requires scheduling various parameters. The study is thus identifying those parameters and the role of the human resource management in achieving the entire initiatives.
According to Francis Noronha, Aquinas and Doreen Manezes, (2016), a well executed performance management system is much beneficial in establishing the higher employee engagement. Moreover, it ensures a more committed workforce that is adaptive to change and quite flexible towards accomplishing the business goals. Employee engagement has the clear impact on the employee performance level and improvement in the business practices (Shen & Benson, 2016). On the other hand, the study also describes the consequences faced due to the failure of PMS. It is noticeable that the failure of the performance management system is mostly visible during the implementation phase. It is assumed that the primary reason for this failure is the lack of systematic planning. The extensive research on this context indicates that almost 70% of the performance management system fails during the implementation stage. However, it is also noticed that the failure rate has been decreased with time due to the advancements brought to the business functionalities. The failure rate is expected to be decreased up to 56%, which is highlighted in the recent studies.
Four annotated original copies of the selected articles reviewed by each student of the group
The study is developed by observing the previous literature study and utilizing the method of scoping review. The scoping review of the literature is established to identify the underlying issues that lead towards the failure of the performance management system implementation. It even aims to identify the consequences faced by the organisations due to the failures. The collection of the literature based information helped in understanding the major role of the human resource management in order to develop a systematic performance management process. The obtained idea from this research ensures that the practitioners often face the considerable challenges to implement the performance management system due to the lack of a synchronized planning and insufficient resources. It is suggested that the human resource management requires understanding the needs and the requirements prior to develop any planning (Sheehan, 2014). In addition to this, it is also necessary to review the necessary resources for executing the plan. Establishment of the transparent communication would be much helpful in such context. The high level of communication would help the employees in understanding the necessity of implementing the performance management system and it would engage them to perform the organisational functionalities in a significant way (Chadwick, ,Super & Kwon, 2015). The further study would concentrate on the diverse aspect of the performance management and would present the clear ideas about the roles and responsibilities of the human resource management.
Hassan, S. (2016). Impact of HRM Practices on Employee’s Performance. Int J Acad Res Account, Financ Manag Sci, 6, 15-22.
The article Impact of HRM practices on Employees’ Performance presents the considerable ideas regarding the effectiveness of the human resource departments in order to improve the employee performance parameter. With the special reference to the textile industry, it represents the idea of the human resource practices that motivate the workforce to establish the high standardized performance within an organisation. In describing the role of the human resource management, Hassan (2016) described that there is the keen linking between the human resource management and the employee performance parameter. It is notified that textile industry requires much attention from the human resource department in order to increase the performance parameter. The research conducted in this article provides the insightful ideas about the active practices undertaken by the human resource management in order to develop the high quality performance level within an organisation. The research aims to identify the diverse human resource practices that create the considerable impacts on the employees’ performance. On the other hand, the role of the human resource management in monitoring the employees’ performance is also observed in this article.
One combined critical review of one separate article article selected by the group
The article develops the random sampling techniques to collect the quantitative data in this research process. This data collection process helps in checking the association between the employees’ performance parameter and the role of the human resource management. The use of the statistical data helps in understanding the necessary practices undertaken by the human resource department to develop the necessary practices that contribute towards the development of the employees’ performance parameter. The literature study develops the considerable ideas theoretical underpinning regarding the HRM practices that provide the insightful ideas about the method of improving the employees and motivate to improve the quality of their work.
The obtained ideas from the quantitative data collection method suggest that the human resource management requires concentrating on the effective factors that contribute to the improvement of the employees’ performance level. It is noticeable that the factors such as compensation, training, performance appraisal, and employee involvement are contributing to the improvement of the employees’ performance. The human resource management deals much efficiently with these factors and provides the considerable benefits to improve the performance. The human resource department monitors the performance and understands the requirement to improve their performance level. Accordingly, it helps in providing the considerable benefits, both monetary and non-monetary and engaging the workforce to complete the organisational functionalities. The relationship between the human resource management and the employees’ performance is properly formulated. In fact, the ideas derived from the study also explain that the strategic HRM practices can influence the professional skills as well as the perceptions of working with more integrity. The information acknowledged in this article are presenting the very theme of the study. It depicts the right practices that are needed to be undertaken to motivate the workforce and develop the appropriate performance schedule that is contributing to the organisational success. The influences are even created on the perceptive values of the employees to understand the state of mind while dealing with the organisational practices. Accordingly, the benefits are necessary to provide in order to influence their conscience and engaging them towards the necessary activities.
Aboyassin, N. A., & Sultan, M. A. (2017). The Role of Human Resources Training in Improving the Employee's Performance: Applied Study in the Five Stars Hotels in Jordan. International Journal of Business Administration, 8(5), 46.
In this very specific article the author has provided in-depth portraiture about the role of human resource training in order to enhance performance level of the employees. The success of a business organization is immensely dependent on employee performance. With the dynamic growth of business industries the needs and demands of customers are changing gradually. Employees with the rhythmic progress of globalization and customers’ dynamic demand have to face immense challenges in meeting their desires due to lack of training and competency (Aboyassin & Sultan, 2017). Therefore, the author in this very specific article has stated that human resource managers of various organizations should provide effective training and career development session with the help of which employees can enhance their professional competency.
A minimum of three signed and dated copies of the Group Meeting Form
The author has depicted that training is highly needed for improving their ability to compete in the market and to achieve their goals in survival and growth. With the rapid progress of globalization the rate of competition is getting high day by day. The article has focused to present an in-depth overview on how the hotel industries all over the World are improving their customer service systems. People from various geographical backgrounds and attitudes are associated with the business process of hotel industries. The article has focused to highlight on how an effective training session can help to improve the professional skill of an individual employee.
As per the recruitment policy of human resource managers especially in the hospitality industry employees are judged as per skill and competency level rather than focusing on their cultural backgrounds. After being associated with the people of various cultural backgrounds and attitudes the organization have to face numerous barriers such as cultural barrier, language barrier and psychological barriers and so on. Due to language barrier employees working within the business process fail to maintain effective communication with each other. As a result, they cannot share their views and necessary information at the workplace. After identifying this very specific issue the human resource managers have decided to implement training and development session for enhancing the communication skills of employees.
As a result, business managers do not have to face challenges in maintaining group communication. Managers can make effective collective decision by involving participations of employees. On the other hand, the author has focused to provide an effective training and development session on technological skill as well. With the emergence of new technology the organizations tend to implement advanced technology within business services. It has been observed that employees associated with the organization may not be well accustomed with the advancement of technology. As a result, customers have to wait for a long time in using services. On the other hand, business experts fail to maintain systematic data regarding customer service, business profitability and operational process due to the lack of technological skill and competency.
In this situation, the author has suggested that human resource managers of various organizations should take effective initiative in providing training on technology to the employees. As a result, both employees and employers would get equal benefits and facilities. The author has opined that human resource managers while arranging a particular training session should follow several methods that include analyzing the training needs by making a survey for collecting response from the employees, designing training program, setting time duration of the training. With the help of making questionnaires the author has made effective primary data collection technique in order to involve the employees from hotel industries. The author has collected direct feedback from the employees about the importance of attending training and development session. The author has stated that effective training session is highly needed for enhancing the performance level of employees. After gathering feedback from employees associated with the hotel industry, the author has concluded that training on communication skill and technological skill is sufficient enough for providing good services to the customers.
Individual group evaluation forms, (Appendix 3) one written by each member of the group in which you reflect on:
Martin, G., and Gollan, P. (2012) Corporate governance and strategic human resources management (SHRM) in the UK financial services sector: the case of the Royal Bank of Scotland. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23 (16). pp. 3295-3314. ISSN 0958-5192
This particular article has presented a clear vista on how human resource management should focus on corporate governance ethics especially in the financial sector. It has been observed that due to the lack of data security finance departments have faced immense challenges in maintaining a clear database about the profitability of business. This very specific study has focused to make in-depth overview on how the human resource managers have to implement specific corporate government ethics in the financial sector (Martin and Gollan, 2012). The author has opined that organizations should follow data protection act within the finance department effectively. Data protection act implies that employees would have to protect data about the business profitability so that it is not leaked out in front of an unauthorized person. Large numbers of organizations are there which do not use password protected devices within the department. As a result, people tend to manipulate data as per their issue. This particular problem has raised a major issue on the overall success of business. Finance department is unable to maintain confidentiality of data and information.
However, the author in this very specific article has suggested that business organizations especially financial sectors should implement data security code. Human resource managers would have to focus on maintaining encrypted files. As a result, unauthorized persons would not be able to access the devices. On the other hand, it has been observed that financial sectors always prefer to hire outside employees for high designation as per their experience and previous record. As a result, the employees already associated with the business process in financial sector do not get enough scope of getting promotion to grab high position. Consequently, the rate of employee turnover is increasing day by day. In this kind of situation, business organizations are facing immense challenges and difficulties in maintaining business sustainability. The author in this specific article has highlighted that human resource managers should take effective initiatives in reducing the rate of employee turnover from financial sector. The HR managers would have to show their liberal attitudes towards internal employees for maintaining ethics and values of corporate governance.
In order to gather appropriate data and information about the importance of implementing corporate governance ethics within financial sector effective qualitative analysis collection procedure is followed. The author has chosen the case as it represents the impact of GFC on the UK banking sector as well as the most spectacular corporate failure happened in the British economic history. Semi-structured interview session is conducted by involving the supervisors of UK banking sector. By maintaining an in-depth interpersonal communication the author has collected necessary data and information on how banking sectors of UK are facing challenges in running their business successfully due to the lack of corporate governance ethics. The author in this article has categorically mentioned that human resource managers should change their recruitment policy to get back the glory of financial sectors. The author has observed that the rate of employee turnover is increasing day by day. In this kind of situation, business organizations are facing immense challenges and difficulties in maintaining business sustainability (Reiche et al., 2016). However, finance sectors should be more conscious of maintaining their business values and ethics. Maintaining effective communication with the employees, implementing cultural diversity at the workplace, making participative decision making by involving the employees are some of the most effective ways for human resource managers to motivate employees towards reaching the business goal.
The theme of the study represents the idea regarding the role of human resource management that driving the workforce towards the organisational success. The previous researches provide the clear evidence of the effective human resource practices that develops the high standard quality of the organisational performance by engaging the employees. It is notable that the employees often require both the monetary and non-monetary benefits to derive motivation and improve their performance efficiency (Albrecht et al., 2015). The human resource management ensures such requirements by developing a motivational working atmosphere. The articles chosen for this study represent the theme by developing the ideas of the diverse functionalities undertaken by the human resource management for enhancing the performance level of the employees. The diverse techniques used in different articles develop the clear understanding regarding the considerable benefits that the employees seek for the betterment of their performance level.
The first article Implementing Employee Performance Management System: A Scoping Review is developed by utilizing the empirical research present on the literature review. A number of secondary sources are utilized to gather the enriched information related to the subject matter (Hassan, 2016). It develops the theoretical understanding of the human resource practices that are adopted in numerous organisations. This article does not focus on any particular area of study or any industry. On the other hand, the second article Impact of HRM Practices on Employees’ Performance determines the necessary responsibilities of the HRM to develop the higher performance level among the employees. The ideas are developed by conducting the primary data collection process and focusing on a particular industry. In this method, the experiences and ideas are derived from a number of populations who have been experiencing the real life scenario. Observing the needs and requirements, the human resource management can implement the preferable practices to motivate the employees (Aboyassin & Sultan, 2017). The first articles notifies about the suitable practices developed by the skilled human resource management to facilitate the high quality business practices. It engages the employees and retains them for the longer period of time. On the other hand, the secondary article defines the factors that are influencing the performance level of the employees. It also describes the motivational factors that are influencing the motifs of the associated employees to improve their performance parameter.
The third article, The Role of Human Resources Training in Improving the Employee's Performance: Applied Study in the Five Stars Hotels in Jordan is suggesting the effectiveness of the training process for shaping the performance level of the employees. It represents a particular industry where the business functionalities and the role of the employees are diverse. It is thus suggesting that the human resource management requires adopting the different approach to develop the better performance level of the employees in a significant way. It has utilized the primary data collection process in which the questionnaire was distributed to the employees in order to understand the necessity of their training segment. It develops the clear ideas about how the human resource management creates motivation among the employees for developing their performance schedule. The fourth article, Corporate Governance and strategic human resources management in the UK financial services sector: the case of the RBS, on the other hand, represents the different techniques of managing the performance segment of the employees. The identification of the diverse techniques determines the different work structure and job responsibilities of the human resource management in order to develop the higher performance level. Hence, it is noticed that the articles are representing the theme by organizing the ideas with the different approaches developed by the HRM in different industry.
The obtained ideas from the different article provide the considerable ideas regarding the perceptions of the employees that are the major influencing factors contributing towards their performance level. As Albrecht et al., (2015) opined, the human resource management requires adopting the suitable techniques, which are leading the workforce towards accomplishing their goals. The articles are representing these techniques and responsibilities of the human resource management that help the employees in achieving the determined goals. One of the articles introduces the theme of performance management system that requires the clear observation, systematic planning, and careful execution. It is ensured that the employee engagement has the clear impact on the employee performance level and improvement in the business practices. The human resource management thus requires concentrating on emerging conflicts as well that might occur during the changes brought to the organizational functionalities. It has been observed the knowledge derived from the articles have the clear connection with each other since the theme of human resource responsibilities are developed appropriately. For example, the first article suggests that it is necessary to implement the new techniques while executing the performance management system (Albrecht et al., 2015). Hence, it is understandable that there is the probable occurrence of internal conflicts while implementing the changes. The second article suggests that the human resource management needs to provide the training session to the employees in order to motivate them and make them more skilled. Such linking between the ideas included in the articles are thus representing the theme in a more clarified way.
The study is focusing on the review of journal articles that are representing the theme based on the responsibilities of human resource management in improving the employee performance level. The study observes the factors that are needed to be concentrated on by the human resource management in order to improve the performance parameter. It is noticeable that the obtained ideas from the selected articles create the significant linking with each other to ensure the role of the human resource management. It is suggested that the human resource management requires understanding the needs and the requirements prior to develop any planning. Hence, the human resource management needs to concentrate on the motivational aspects more clearly to resolve the internal conflicts that might occur during the changes within the organisation. Moreover, it is also notable that different industries demand the diverse techniques of the human resource management practices to engage the workforce. The articles thus helped in this study to understand those specific practices that can create impact on enhancing the performance management level of the associated employees.
Aboyassin, N. A., & Sultan, M. A. (2017). The Role of Human Resources Training in Improving the Employee's Performance: Applied Study in the Five Stars Hotels in Jordan. International Journal of Business Administration, 8(5), 46.
Albrecht, S. L., Bakker, A. B., Gruman, J. A., Macey, W. H., & Saks, A. M. (2015). Employee engagement, human resource management practices and competitive advantage: An integrated approach. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 2(1), 7-35.
Chadwick, C., Super, J. F., & Kwon, K. (2015). Resource orchestration in practice: CEO emphasis on SHRM, commitment?based HR systems, and firm performance. Strategic Management Journal, 36(3), 360-376.
Francis Noronha, S., Aquinas,, P. & Doreen Manezes, A. (2016). Implementing Employee Performance Management System: A Scoping Review. International Journal of Management and Applied Science, 2(5), pp.85-88.
Hassan, S. (2016). Impact of HRM Practices on Employee’s Performance. Int J Acad Res Account, Financ Manag Sci, 6, 15-22.
Jackson, S. E., Schuler, R. S., & Jiang, K. (2014). An aspirational framework for strategic human resource management. The Academy of Management Annals, 8(1), 1-56.
Martin, G., and Gollan, P. (2012) Corporate governance and strategic human resources management (SHRM) in the UK financial services sector: the case of the Royal Bank of Scotland. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23 (16). pp. 3295-3314. ISSN 0958-5192
Reiche, B. S., Stahl, G. K., Mendenhall, M. E., & Oddou, G. R. (Eds.). (2016). Readings and cases in international human resource management. Taylor & Francis.
Sheehan, M. (2014). Human resource management and performance: Evidence from small and medium-sized firms. International Small Business Journal, 32(5), 545-570.
Shen, J., & Benson, J. (2016). When CSR is a social norm: How socially responsible human resource management affects employee work behavior. Journal of Management, 42(6), 1723-1746.
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