Different Attributes of E-service quality
Discuss About The E-Service Quality Elements Of The Agoda?
E-service quality is broadly speaking considered as the role of service in the online environment. This e-service quality ;has been derived from the the service elements like empathy, reliability, assurance and tangible (Lin et al. 2014). Agoda booking agency is such a type of company which provides e-service to many parts of the world. There are various different branches of Singapore, India, China, Malaysia and other parts of Asia. The main aim of the company is to deliver services in context to hotel booking, vacation booking and the airline industry (Kalia, Arora and Kumalo 2016). It also books for vacation purpose. The main aim of this company is to provide services to the customers while providing excellent facilities. It can be considered that in order to maintain the e-service quality the company adopts certain instruments such as (seo) search engine optimization,( ppc) pay per click, social media, email marketing, and very reactive web designing to market any brand or organization. This enables the company to maintain a proper e-service quality throughout the countries where it is available.. The main target of the company is to attract the freight of any company and market in such a way that different hotels can earn more revenues.
The online e-service quality elements consist of reliability, assurance, tangibles and responsiveness. These are the main attributes of online customer relationship. Hence in order to attain this marketing is very necessary for any company may be its country-based company or it is an international cooperation. There are certain factors on which the business of an organization is depended on these features. The first one is the external and internal environment of a company and the strategies of marketing the products and its relationship with the customer (Kim and Lennon 2017). E-service quality also depends on these factors. For example, a financial organization the marketing manager must follow certain policies to achieve business. The first is to identify the key strategy of the company that accomplishes the product. Secondly, the manger must be associated with such an agency or company which will enable to develop proper strategies and plans for the company. The manager must be capable to compete with the other market. Hence., in order to attract customers and influence the competitors by the up gradation of technology . Moreover today’s customer’s want a high degree of satisfaction both in quality and brand from the business man. Hence service is very much important criterion for the customers which includes customer satisfaction, customer delight, and service delivery. In this customer service mainly focuses on the up liftmen of the initiatives taken by the company. It is mainly known as the relationship marketing which embodies certain factors together like customer service, marketing and quality of the products. Hence the companies required to take in consideration of responsiveness, empathy, reliability and tangibles . All these attributes come under the service quality and also the e-service quality (Rostami, Khani and Soltani 2016) . Tangibles here indicates the presence of physical elements, reliability is about dependable and precise performance, responsiveness indicates promptness in action and helpfulness, assurance refers to competence, credibility, courtesy and security. Finally, empathy means easy access, good communication and the understanding of customer. If it is carefully considered then one can observe that the Agoda booking service is very responsiveness in its service because customers can book the tickets or accommodation with the help of this service. It also deals very pleasantly with the customers and also provide guides and information about the appropriate and famous destination. This Agoda booking agencies brand has certain strategies. This company analysis each aspect of the company who has come for assistance from this Agoda booking company. The concept of Agoda Booking Company pack is that it provides an in detail analysis of the report of the particular hotel and help the customers to be in contact with the best hotels of the world and also provides proper destinations like Tiomana Paya resort, the Park Bangalore hotel in India. It encompasses around twelve innovative applications for the identity of the company. There are certain strategies of this hotel booking company. The Agoda Booking company pack constructs a very strong brand which becomes the pillar of the different business activities including the hotel industry and the airline industry. This Agoda hotel booking company develops such strategies that the company becomes efficient in business communication. The brand style is created in such a way that it points out the values and vision of the all the hotels associated with it (Einasto 2014). The brand pack also assists that company to build proper relationship marketing by strengthening the relationship with the staff, suppliers and customers of that company. All these products and services are provided to the customers and it enables all the hotels to ultimately become a reputed and branded company with a proper return on investment.
Agoda's Marketing Strategies
Basically this company is not only marketing its own company and its also doing for other restaurants and hotels and destination spots and it ias done by specifically done by digital marketing. Agoda Hotel Booking company provides the required company SEO services so that the business of that particular company can observe its own reputation, profit and its recognition as a brand (Hyun and Suh 2015). This company has a group of SEO specialists who repeatedly supervises the growth of the company so that Agoda Hotel company can deliver updated strategy and techniques which is well placed in the google rankings. Search engines like googles allows every business organization to know about particular things but that is very limited . Hence if one company hires specialists SEO just as this service is provided by the Titan Digital Agency then it will increase the busines’s online visibility and rankings and it also enables to attract capable consumers. Then it permits to target new customers, helps to be recognized as a brand increasing the online return on investment. Agoda booking organization has SEO Audit is inclusive of a competitor analysis the main competitors of the company , their ranking and their tactics of digital marketing. Another is keyword analysis which regulates the consumer behaviour who search online for products. It also helps to know about the words and phrases used by the customer.
Another is the PPC which means pay-per-click advertisement which is one of the most strong process of providing targeted customers to the website of the company. PPC, AdWords management permits the publisher google, bing, yahoo to portray the the advertisement the company in different websites (Rostami, Khani and Soltani 2016) . Its significance is unlike traditional process of advertisement when one enters a website one can see the advertisement of the company’s websites. Google Adword management is such a kind of highly technological software which is automatically contacts the customer by coming in different websites. The specific causes for the utilization of this PPC is it helps to target specific customers who resides in suburbs and in different time zone. It also allows the campaign of the particular company only can be available at certain times of the day and the manager or the head of the company can deal track the position of it. Adword also permits the advertisement of the website of the company after the customer has left the site of the website. Agoda creates a display advertisement for the company that literally follows the viewers of the company as they search the web (Carrasco et al. 2015) .
Agoda's SEO Practices
Another digital marketing tool is the social media marketing tool which has become the number one marketing instrument for many companies. If social media is utilized in a proper way then the marketing will be done s very quickly. Thus it is very important for a company to hire social media professional. Social media is just not about searching twitter and facebook accounts. It’s about advantage over that specific tools who will engage existing customers and target the new customer . It’s about communicating the brand and business in a direct, often entertaining way. Social media is not as easy as it sounds and can cause damage to the company if not implemented properly. In that case social media needs a group of professional who have creative and technical knowledge to promote the company among potential customers. Social Media Marketing has changed the process by which everybody shares information and the facts with the friends, family and the public .It can be said that conventional way of face-to- face talking and gossiping has changed. Earlier people used to trust their friends and colleagues for recommendations and at present condition Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram etc., to post and read reviews, communicate with friends, voice opinions, read the news, source information on products and services and also jobs according to the needs of the people. Social media has become a part of our lives (Collier and Bienstock 2015) . Thus company must focus on the social media marketing will be enable to attract huge range of consumers.. They are the kind of messages communication which the company want to convey to the customers, identifying the most suitable social media channels to promote the business of the organization, it also enables the company for communicating the right message at the right time for maximum exposure.
Email marketing is an effectual procedure of sending the commercial to the list of contacts with the help of the email (Torres 2014). In this era of technology various companies use emails to deliver their message quickly which they used to do it with the help of the television and the radio. It is also an good medium in staying with the contact with the early and current clients, which promotes customer loyalty and helps to sustain the customers (Zehir and Narc?kara 2016). There are certain specific outcomes of using the email (Nathan 2014). The first thing is it is not at all expensive, there are certain initial step fees but compared to traditional marketing emails come at the first, and very cost-effective and effectual in nature (Zhang et al. 2015). Moreover, it is quick & efficient. A single click allows the company to deliver an exact information to thousands of database addresses (Doherty, Shakur and Ellis-Chadwick 2015). It expands the client relation with the company by easily keeping in contacts with the customers which helps to foster the brands and also enhances reputation of the company. Email marketing delivers measurable outcomes that can be used by the company to improve the marketing strategy of the company. Agoda Agency is also available androip app and iOS app.
Agoda hotel book company also needs a group of web designers in order to keep in update about the different destinations new hotels related to it. Agoda hotel Agency has a team of talented web designers who has the ability to create more than 1000 active websites , they also gets the support of writers and digital marketing specialists. Another important thing is that there is a content management system that gives the provision of adding, amending and transforming the content of the website for changing of further design work (Bressolles, Durrieu and Senecal 2014). Content managers does various other works such as Load blogs, change pictures, run special promotions or simply revise the things up occasionally. There are certain reasons for which proper web designing is required. The first attribute is it helps the customers to get knowledge about the exact things which they want to know
Micro environment is inclusive of individuals and organizations which deals with on the regular basis of suppliers, competitors, customers, intermediaries, and employees and also online customers (Ayo et al. 2016) . Suppliers can provide superior quality of products and services at a reasonable price (Chuang and Lin 2016). The suppliers use the websites to display its products and services needed for different companies. According to the customers it is very much important to understand and supply what customer need. Identify the buyer behavior, where is to access customers online. It also actualizes the company to analyse the behaviour of the customers. E-service quality has such components like to be emphatic to the customers. For example, it can be analyzed that if one purchase the product it is can be recorded and the company can gift them a flower bunch or a a gift on specific occasions (Al-dweeri et al. 2014). Another important aspect is that the human resource is one of the important feature of the company. New employees must adopt themselves with the process of the using internets and seeking digital help for the company. Hence this enables to provide a competitive advantage over other company If one comes in the context to Agoda hotel booking company itself is a digital marketing agency it is very much particular about the strategies of meeting up the e-service quality. . It has specific teams of talented individuals who coordinates the whole company and it connects with other hotel industries. Thus it creates a bond of trust and proper responsiveness among the employees. It has innumerable customers and the agency provides proper innovative strategies to make that company flourish. Agoda booking agency provides the customer considerable amount of commissions. Especially it does with the permanent customers. Hence it shows the empathy towards the customers . Agoda booking hotel also has a highly motivated research team and media team who keeps in up to date about some facts like Japan and Myanmar attracts more customers from European countries. It is customer relation is much n good because it gives discount in occasions like Eid (Zhuang, and Babin 2015). The team members of the company are highly motivated by the managers and leaders of the company. The company has three basic assets. Employees are trained by the digital education. The company has adopted the strategy of reducing costs and improvement in client accretion (Stiglingh 2014). The company has detail knowledge regarding industrial trends, and also has the permission to new global products in the hotel industry. Therefore, it can be said that the company has also certain tangible elements. Macro environment includes certain features of the government policy, social transformation and the economy of the society. Society is the factor that impacts on the consumers’ habit the most and influence on customer’s belief and psychology that lead to decision of buying online or not. It can be considered that the process in which the technology of each country regulates everything in modern times and it has also has a positive impact in the marketing of the business and the organizations. Agoda Hotel Agency booking in that case has brought a innovative changes by making contact with the customers to each small hotel organizations and cooperation into a reputed one and thus helped the organizations to earn revenues and also to provide the customers all the service elements of the organization.
Agoda booking company is not only interacts with the hotel industry but it also deals with online booking of flights. Thus, it has huge range customers all over the world; it has to responsibility while meeting demands of all the customers. As it is an online booking company, it tries to maintain the e-service elements of the organization. When one encounter a problem while one is browsing or booking a hotel accommodation using Agoda's services, one do not to decide about language barriers, which further complicated the matters This is because this hotel booking website offers multilingual customer support service . Therefore, in whatever language one speaks or whatever time zone one is staying at the present situation , one can be assured that there will be someone from their customer support who will help the customer to resolve the problems. So, the company has the e-service elements of empathy and assurance which behinds the people of different languages together. But It has been seen in some of the reviews of the Agoda hotel booking that this company sometimes has problems with the freight charges. People who generally come from the elite background do not have any problem with these changes but people who are mainly from the middle class background has a serious problem regarding this. In this context Agoda booking agency must provide schemes and facilities to the common people. This is because an organization cannot perform well for a long run. It is true that this company has a good records and its dealing with the customers is also good. But each and every organization must be able to prepared themselves in such a way that it can stand through all the adverse situation of the industry. The environment of the booking agency have a overall positive impact among the employees of the company and it has also meet all the e-service service elements. This booking agency also creates a huge employment s for many youths of the young generation. The company must also focus on bringing changes to the society by providing sponsorships and money to educational institutes and must develop certain schemes for the rising entrepreneurs.
Agoda Booking Agency has set a benchmark in the e-service quality. The organization has provided efficient support to the business organizations like hotel industry, airline industry to promote their brand name among their potential consumers. The organizational management of Agoda Booking agency often incorporates various unique and innovative strategies that influence the growth of the organization and consequently it has well developed its online customer relationship. E-service quality has become one of the integral parts of the organizational structure in recent time. Every business in order to promote themselves and maintain the customer relationship there is need of online digital marketing. Agoda booking agency helps the business organizations to put a significant impact on the particular industry and battle against other rival companies. Although, there is a tough competition in the market, the organizational management of Agoda Booking Agency has become capable of grabbing the attention of their potential clients only uplifting the online e-service quality of the organization. The arrival of several rival companies has led the organization to face various difficulties. The unique and high quality service of the organization has stimulated the growth of the organization. Agoda booking Marketing Agency consists of various strengths, weaknesses, such as- its unique policies, growth of the rival companies and so on that has put a significant impact on the organizational development. It can be said that the e-service quality has a significant impact in the organization. They consider that clients are the key element of their organizational structure. Though the organization maintain a proper quantity and quality of online e-.service quality. In order to increase the online customer relationship the company must do regular interaction with their clients to avoid any kind of crisis in the future, such as- reputation crisis, financial crisis and so on. It will enhance the profit margin and meet the demands customers of the Agoda booking agency and help the organizational management to earn long-term goal.
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