Background of ComSyst Technologies (CST)
Analyze the importance of the human resource management in the organizations.
The report helps in analysis of the human resource management activities which are required to be acquired by the organizations as to acquire and retain the different talents in the organization. Human Resource Management is defined as the strategic kind of approach to effective management of the organizational workers as this helps the business in gaining competitive advantage.
Employees of the organization are the pillar and the relationship between the different employees is broad concept and this is one of the crucial functions of the HRM. Furthermore, the HRM helps in maintaining and fostering the employee relationships and this is the ability to influence the work and behaviours inputs.
The main aim and purpose of the report is to analyse the different HR related problems which has been faced by CST company along with providing recommendations which will help in solving such issues. There are different functions of HRM which is required to be achieved by the organization in managing and retaining the talents in the organization which will help the company in gaining competitive advantage.
CST is one of the largest multinational companies that deals with systems and software developers that helps in serving the different emergency and defence services industries. The company has different offices in various parts of the country that includes Australia, India, Philippines, South Korea and United States (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014). It has been seen in the respective case study that the company has faced huge loss as they have lost three major kinds of tenders to the competitors and the market share has been declined in the last two years as well.
Furthermore, this was seen that this loss has affected the entire performance of the different employees who worked with the respective organization and there was low engagement of the employees in the entire organization. Additionally, there was decline in the retention of the staffs and resignation of the different key specialists as well (Banfield & Royles, 2018).
To ensure that the CST is well positioned in comparison to the other competitors in the market and attract and retain the different talents in the organization
The main essence of the objective is to gain and retain talents in the organization as this will assist them in managing the different activities in an effective manner and the company will be able to gain huge productivity in the entire competitive market as well. Furthermore, the employees help in creating positive environment and this increases the morale of the employees in the organization (Brewster, Chung, & Sparrow, 2016).
Objectives of ComSyst Technologies (CST)
To create a team which is based on high performance culture
In order to create a team which is based on high performance, this is required to analyze the different kinds of capabilities which will maintain the competitiveness of the firm and this will enable the organization to gain more competitive advantage in the entire market effectively (Carberry, 2012).
To build the employee performance and capability
The employees’ performance is required to be improved by providing proper training to the employees in an appropriate manner which will assist the company in gaining more profitability in comparison to the other competitors in the market. This is the key component for the success of the organization and this will measure the growth of the employees and organization as well (Deal & Kennedy, 2008).
In the next section, the discussion of the three main objectives will be addressed with the help and inclusion of the different literature review and theories which will assist in managing the different kinds of retention of the talents in the organization and build employee performance and capability.
Attract and Retain Best Talents
The retaining and attracting the best talents in the organization is essential as this helps in improving the overall productivity of the firm in an effective manner. It has been seen that the retaining and attracting the best talents in the organization will help the company in retaining their competitive position and this will increase the potentiality of the employees as well (Deal & Kennedy, 2008).
It has been seen that in CST Company, there were different talented employees who were resigning from the organization as they were not happy with the environment of the organization as they were suffering loss and this decreased the morale of the employees as well. It is essential for CST to retain their valuable candidates or employees in the organization who are the main assets of the organization (Dhar, 2015).
It has been proved that there is no such organization which can survive without the talented employees and this can become indispensable in nature and the top performers of the organization are leaving the job due to low morale and low motivation which is being provided to the employees. Each and every individual in the organization to adjust with the others and the employee is compatible with the activities of the respective organization as well (Edwards, Sieminski, & Zeldin, 2014).
Main Discussion
CST needs to manage the employee turnover in the organization which will attract quality employees and the respective company needs to be well-positioned in the future to reduce the staff turnover and this will improve the entire goodwill of the firm in the future. There are different theories through which the employee retention can be analyzed and this can be adopted by CST as this will improve their productivity.
Maslow’s Hierarchy Theory can be adopted by CST in which the different demands of the employees are analyzed and this will assist in managing the different demands of the employees effectively (Elnaga, 2013). Furthermore, Herzberg’s and Maslow’s Hierarchy theory can be used jointly wherein the motivation and hygiene needs can be ascertained which will improve the morale of the employees effectively. Furthermore, in Maslow’s theory, the different general needs of the employees such as salary and increase in the morale of the employees is essential along with job enrichment which will improve the productivity of employees and organization as well effectively as well (Field, 2017).
Figure: Maslow and Herzberg’s Theory of Motivation
From the entire figure, this can be analyzed that the motivation is essential and plays a vital role in managing the morale of the employees as this provides boost in the office and this assist in fostering the positive work culture in the organization effectively as well. CST needs to cultivate the positive working environment by rewarding the high performing employees and this helps in managing the entire productivity of the organization effectively as well. The HR department needs to be sure while selecting the right candidate and this will help the company in becoming successful to provide them with special treatment as well (Field, 2017).
For example- Woolworths is one such best example company in which this has been seen that the company is well positioned in nature and they are successful in retaining and attracting various talents in their organization (Gall, Gall, & Borg, 2014). Woolworths try to provide the employees with different kinds of motivations such as providing them with non-financial and financial rewards such as providing the incentives to the employees and motivating them with the help of different activities which motivated them and increased their morale as well.
Create Team Based High Performance Culture
CST needs to build high performance culture organization as this helps in managing the different demands of the employees in an effective manner. Furthermore, this has been seen that company culture is not regarding providing perks or happy team hours, however this is the set of behaviours and norms which helps the organizations in achieving the superior results and setting clear objectives in the organization as well (Rees, 2017).
In other words, culture drives a high-performance organization and this is required to be achieve better financial and non-financial results by satisfying the employees by providing both financial and non-financial results (Northhouse, 2013). In CST, this has been seen that there is less high-performance culture in which this has been observed that the employees are leaving the jobs and there are various specialists who are leaving the job because of the same boredom kinds of tasks which are being performed by them in the organization.
The high-performance culture is essential in nature and this is essential in nature that there are ten qualities which are required to be ascertained for recognising the high-performance culture such as:
Collaboration: Employees share, work well together and cooperate as well in the different tasks performed by them (Northhouse, 2013)
Innovation: The company needs to encourage the employees with different new ideas as this helps the employees in receiving new ideas through the organization.
Communication: This is the first quality in which the employees send along with receive necessary information in an effective manner (Noe, Wilk, Mullen, & Wanek, 2014)
Agility: The organization adopts and responds to the different opportunities
However, in the case of CST, this has been seen that the performance culture is low and this affects the morale of the employees in a negative manner as well. This has been seen that the employee engagement is essential which is required to be performed by the organization which will improve the overall productivity of the organization in a positive manner.
For instance- Amazon is one such best examples of creating high performance culture for the different employees in the organization. Amazon tries to improve the employee engagement among the different employees by increasing the communication and agility in the process of the communication. The collaboration is essential to be done which will help the employees share and work well together efficiently.
Build Employee Capability and Performance
The employee capability and performance are essential for the organization which helps in building employee performance and capability (Nguyen, Groth, Walsh, & Hennig?Thurau). Furthermore, the performance of the employees can be ascertained with the help of different performance appraisal methods which will help the company officials in understanding and gaining knowledge on the different weaknesses and strengths of the tasks which are being performed by the employees. The self-evaluation technique can be adopted by the employees effectively which will improve the different weaknesses and gain more competitive advantage as well (Kyndt, Onghena, Smet, & Dochy).
The employee capability can be built in an effective manner in which this has been seen that the business can be improved with proper implementation of different strategies. The capability building methods is required to be ascertained by companies which help in establishing the performance which helps in managing the different tasks in an effective and appropriate manner. The proper training along with coaching is required to be done which helps and assists in analysing the performance of the employees in an appropriate manner (Mahoney, 2015).
Furthermore, the peer exchange and learning techniques can be adopted by the different companies in the entire competitive environment which will help in providing technical assistance and this will increase the overall productivity of the organization as well. The figure helps in analysing the different kinds of capacities which are required to be built by the individuals in the organization and this helps in improving the capability of the employees and increases the morale of the employees as well (Nguyen, Groth, Walsh, & Hennig?Thurau).
Building organizational capabilities such as the development of leadership or the lean operations is the top most priority of the building capabilities which help the companies in gaining more competitive advantage in the organization which will help them in becoming more influential and this will assist the company to be more competitive in comparison to the other competitors in the entire organization (Dhar, 2015).
For instance- Samsung is one such companies which has adopted the capability building technique for the employees in the organization as this helped them in managing the different kinds of tasks in an effective manner. It has been seen that the employees are being provided with adequate amount of training and coaching which has helped and assisted them in being more competitive in comparison to the other competitors in the market. Samsung tries to input the leadership development strategy which helps the company and the employees to be aware of the different kinds of assistances which will be influential in nature to be more competitive in nature to gain popularity.
Therefore, it can be recommended that there are different strategies which is required to be adopted by CST as to gain more competitive advantage and this helps them in managing more popularity in the entire market.
Recommendation 1: Attracting and Retaining Best Talents
There are different recommendations in attracting and retaining best talents in the entire market by rewarding the employees and making the entire process effective in nature. There are different recommendations such as:
Recruiting the right candidates in the organization which will assist the CST company in managing the different talents in the organization as well. The recruitment along with the training of the employees is provided in such a manner in which this has been seen that the employees are being trained in order to perform the different activities in an efficient manner and this will improve the productivity and creates positive essence in the organization as well.
Improving the employee engagement in the organization by improving the overall morale of the organization in an effective manner which will help the employees in being more competitive in nature. The employee engagement in the organization is essential as this will make the employees feel that they are important and they are being valued in the organization as well which will affect the activities of the organization in a positive manner as well.
Rewarding the different employees in the organization in which this helps the employees in increasing their morale and the improve the motivation which is being provided by the employer in the organization.
Improving the salary structure of the employees in which this has been seen that the employees in the organization can be more creative while creating different perks and offer the employees in order to move upwards.
Emphasize the different benefits to the different employees in the organization which will help the employees in order to improve the morale of the employees and this will increase the overall productivity of the organization as well.
The employers of the organization need to understand the different creative responses of the organization which helps the employees in analyzing the different aspects of the organization and this will help the company in being more competitive in nature as well.
Recommendation 2: Create a team based high performance culture
CST needs to create a team with high performance culture in which the process of communication is required to be improved and this will become more innovative in nature. Furthermore, this has been seen that the company needs to improve the overall culture of the team more effective by introducing the agility and other innovative procedures such as providing the employees with different opportunities to showcase their talents and this will increase the talent of the organizational capabilities more effectively and efficiently.
Recommendation 3: Build Employee Capability and PerformanceCST needs to build employee performance and capability which helps them in managing the different efficacies in an appropriate manner. The respective company needs to improve the building capability in such a manner in which the company needs to provide the different coaching and training to the employees and this will help the company and the employees to gain more competitive advantage as well
Therefore, this can be concluded that the human resource management is essential concept which is required to be adopted by the organization CST as to gain more competitive advantage. Furthermore, the retention of the talents is required to be done which has helped them in managing the different talents and this will help them in building competencies as well in the entire competitive market. The CST Company has implied different issues which has led them to be losing their tender against the other competitors and this has affected their brand image in comparison to the other competitors in the market.
Additionally, this has been seen that the company has increased the retention and performance strategies which has assisted the company in becoming more competitive in nature in comparison to the other competitors in the entire market. Lastly, the recommendations have been provided which has helped CST Company in being more competitive in nature and gain more productivity in comparison to the other competitors in the entire economy as well
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