Leadership is a key factor that regulates the organisational performance and as a group dynamics, it influences others as well as it working as a tool that helps in achieving the organisational goal. Leaders play a vital role in any organisation by guiding and motivating people towards their main objective in order to achieve the organisation goals. My personal leadership model explores my own dream of leading top corporate organisation of the world.
The major focus of this leadership model is to leading a diverse cultural corporate organisation where cultural differences play an important role in the success of the organisation. This model focuses on building a strong relationship with people by applying ethical leadership practices.
This model focuses on six main traits of a leader which are respect others, ethical practices of leaders, the courage of a leader that motivate others, integrity, authenticity, and honesty. These are the core values of this leadership model that help a leader to build a good and healthy relationship with employees thus the organisational goal can be achieved successfully. The limitation of this model is that it is less effective in those organisations where cultural difference does not matter for the organisation and only a few employees are working in the organisation.
There are numbers of modern leadership theories practices in modern corporate organisations, but these models are still less effective to deal with diverse culture in the organisation. This model is an attempt to short out those cultural problems of the organisation by focusing on building a strong relationship among employees and increase team productivity through ethical practices.
Overview of Leadership Model
Leadership is not only about to using strong willpower to make other people do what you want. It is about guiding and influencing people with high moral, set standards and ethical convictions to achieve a particular goal (Zembylas & Iasonos, 2010).
This report includes a personal leadership development plan, which is in reference to three major areas of leadership ethics, teamwork, and multiculturalism. This report consists of different parts based on the overview of leadership, leadership model, analysis of leadership model, conviction and strengths, leadership development areas, action plan, and its application. The first stage includes the overview of leadership while the second part includes the necessary skills required for leadership model that shape how this leadership style effective in future. This report also covers how this leadership model will be practically applicable in the organisation. In conclusion, I will divulge how I will apply my findings in my future actions as an effective leader.
Leadership is a key factor that regulates the organisational performance and as a group dynamics, it influences others as well as it working as a tool that helps in achieving the organisational goal. It is so essential that leader have the ability to influence and control multicultural people that matters in teamwork where people are working with each other to achieve the organisational goal (Jackson, Meyer, & Wang, 2013). Several leadership models define the relationship between leadership and organisational culture and try to implement strategies and policies to manage the multi-cultural environment in the organisation but those are not specific towards building a relationship through effective leadership style and approach. This leadership model includes those features and traits that a leader required to handle different people belong to the different culture. This model also considers the ethical behaviour of a leader that being ethically how a leader influences other people or doing a particular work. The focus of this model is to establish a strong relationship with followers to perform various tasks in an organisation.
My personal leadership development plan is influenced by my career goal and including clear traits, value, and ethics that help me to get success and achieve my goals in my future life. In order to succeed in my life and achieve my future goals, it is essential for me to recognize the inner leadership skills that determine my success as an effective leader in corporate life. In order to positively influence people and guide them towards the organisational goal, it is essential for a leader to create a positive self-image, which provides courage to a leader to pursue any of his choices that he/she wants to make (Braun, Peus, Weisweiler, & Frey, 2013). The name of this leadership model is “corporate Model” because it applies in those corporate companies where multi-culture environment and diversity is the main issue. This relationship focuses on establishing a strong relationship among employees working together in an organisation despite being their cultural diversity by applying the ethical approach of a leader. If the relationship will be strong among employees, they will definitely perform well in a team because of their personal cohesiveness. The corporate model of leadership more emphasis on ethical consideration and building relationship in the organisation that helps in achieving the goal of the organisation successfully (Eagly & Chin, 2010). In my model of leadership, a leader must have quality traits such as Ethical, courage, respect, honesty, and respect for others, to deal with and guide people with people in an organisation.
My Personal Leadership Model (Corporate Model)
The main agenda behind this model is to establish a strong relationship among people by giving respect and appreciation for their culture. The ethical considerations are so much important in such types of the organisation because people belong to different culture may have different ethical standard and issues.
Leaders should several qualities to manage and influence people to perform a specific task such as a leader should honest, ethical, confident, good speaker, innovative, initiative and having the intuition to navigate difficulties (Rukmani, Ramesh, & Jayakrishnan, 2010). These are the following qualities that are requiring a leader to manage and control people.
- A leader should honest, thus he looks every person at the same level without any biases based on culture, norms, ethics, or value.
- A leader should definitely be hardworking, thus he/she can influence other people and set a positive standard for followers.
- Positivity is essential in taking any decision-making. When a leader manages people, he/she must be positive to make any crucial decision regarding achieving pre-set standard (Caldwell & Hayes, 2010).
- Ethics is the crucial factor in leadership because being ethically only a leader can influence and treat them fairly.
- A leader should have the ability to communicate his/her vision to people thus the organisational goal can be achieved effectively within the timeframe (Krapfl & Kruja, 2015).
- The behaviour of the leader should be polite to everyone thus he/she could establish a good relationship with his followers.
- The major focus of this model is to build a strong relationship among people by using a good behaviour with the employee and even use power and authority for establishing it when it necessary to use.
These are the core values of this personal leadership model, which are so essential for a leader to influence and guide people in an organisation towards the organisational goals and objectives:
The core value of this leadership model is to respect others culture and ethical value regardless of the differences such as based on culture, gender, norms. Another essential part of this model is to treating others with dignity, empathy, and compassion thus they can give their best in team effort (Kargas, & Varoutas, 2015).
EthicalThis model focused on ethical decision-making regardless of biases and unethical practices in corporate life within an organisation. Ethical strength is a core part of this leadership model that treats other fairly and creates trustworthiness among the followers or subordinates (Bello, 2012).
CourageAs demonstrated by having the strength of self to act with the intention on behalf of the common thing; taking the initial stand in a difficult situation; acting boldly and confidently in the service of fairness and justice.
IntegrityAnother focus of this model is to build a strong relationship in the organisation through integrating into different groups and team members in the organisation. Integrity is a crucial part of this model that helps in combining people and their effort in order to achieve the goal of the organisation (Larsson & Vinberg, 2010).
AuthenticityThe honest relationship of leader emphasizes to build a positive approach in the organisation through leader’s legitimacy and their accountability towards their work approach and build an ethical foundation in the organisation by accepting mistakes if a leader does (Wong & Laschinger, 2013). This approach of a leader taking self-responsibility gives immense confidence in their followers and he/she proved a role model for other by the positive mind frame.
HonestyA leader should honest, thus he/she look every person without any biases based on culture, norms, ethics, or value. The difference among person should not be a key consideration during leading or motivating them towards the work in an organisation (Lee, Gillespie, Mann, & Wearing, 2010).
Findings and Analysis
This model will be helpful in any organisation where there is a number of people working from the different culture. These models also apply on team-members of any organisation where a leader leads a multicultural team and where ethical values matters. The core value of this model is to respect others and their different culture and build a strong relationship with people thus, they can perform better in the organisation in order to achieve the organisational objective. The model applies the ethical decision of the leader that will be helpful in influencing people and create a positive self-image that inspires others to give their best to the organisation. The skills of a leader to being confident during difficult time help him to face an uneven situation in the organisation (Lisak & Erez, 2015). This leadership model applies where large numbers of people working together from different culture and countries. This leadership model establishes a strong relationship among the multicultural people in the organisation. This model will apply in small as well as a big organisation such as Nokia, Wal-Mart, Amazon, Apple etc. where a large number of people working belongs to different culture and country.
As demonstrated the core value of this model is to establish a good relationship in a multicultural work environment where a large number of people working together and the relationship among them matter for the team performance of the company (Clarke, 2011). Leadership is not universal; rather it depends on the cultural aspects of both the organisation and an individual. Culture moderates between leadership behaviour and organisational performance. An open-minded and cultural adaptive leader always is successful in any type of organisation despite being cultural differences in the organisation (Ramthun, & Matkin, 2012). This model focuses to build such relationship among people in the organisation as its core values of respect others and through it creating a good relationship with all.
Culture, values, norms, and beliefs of the people are the key considerations to complete any task or work when there are numbers of people working with you from different places having different attributes. Thus, leadership plays an important part in dealing differences among people in the organisation (Caligiuri & Tarique, 2012). This model is so suitable where people belong to different culture because in this model the leader has the ability to influence people and build a good relationship with them with respect to their different culture and norms. This model is also applied to those organisations where a crucial decision has to be taken by the leader. However, a leader must have the ability to self-aware and transform him when it is necessary to adopt the different culture. A leader should learn and know these skills for a better outcome for the organisation and represent a good self-image in front of their subordinates (Zheng, Yang, & McLean, 2010).
Required Characteristics of a Leader in this model
If I have to use this model to implement in any organisation, I will definitely select an organisation where cultural difference matter and people work from a different culture.
The applicability of this model will definitely be so crucial when people work in a team and they belong to a different background, speaking different languages, and having different opinions and belief. The main agenda behind this model is to establish a strong relationship among people by giving respect and appreciation for their culture. The ethical considerations are so much important in such types of the organisation because people belong to different culture may have different ethical standard and issues (Pieterse, Knippenberg, & Dierendonck, 2013). Thus, I will definitely apply this model to those organisations where culture difference does matter and people are suffering from bad relationships because of their diversity.
The objective of this model is to influence people and guide them despite their cultural differences. This model focuses on building relationship among people with ethical practices of leadership. Ethics is the core value of this model and it determines that no one remains unsatisfied in the organisation because of biases or unethical leadership practices by the leader in the organisation (Holt, Bjorklund, & Green, 2009). The core value of this model forces a leader to maintain a healthy relationship among employees within the organisation, thus the work performance of the employees improved when they are working with different people in order to achieve organisational goals.
This model considers those aspects, which is necessary to handle the multicultural environment in the organisation and implement the ethical practice of work and decision-making in the organisation. This model is not unique in its leadership traits, or core value, rather it will help other leadership models to manage and control organisational differences and multicultural work environment in the organisation. This leadership model is so crucial for ethical practices in the organisation. Most of the organisations failed to manage their diverse workforce, which is a great concern for the model organisation, thus implementing this model helps to successfully manage the diverse team in the organisation and motivate them to achieve the organisational goal by integrity in their effort (Dries & Pepermans, 2012). This model is always helpful in building confidence in organisational employees and built a strong relationship among people despite their cultural differences.
This model is useful in those organisation where a large number of people working together from different culture and nations. This model is less effective in those organisations where cultural difference does not matter for the organisation. This model is also limited to those organisation where the number of employees is too less because and from the same culture and place because they are already united because of their cultural and thinking similarity. Although the traits of this model apply everywhere in any organisation it will be so productive if this model applies in those organisations where differences among people matter for the organisation.
Core Values
Leadership plays an important part in dealing with differences among people in an organisation. Culture, values, norms, and beliefs of the people are the key considerations to complete any task or work when there are numbers of people working together in a team or group who are from different places have different attributes to achieve organisational goals. This model is majorly focusing on maintaining a healthy relationship among people by a respect of their differences. This model can be applied to those corporate organisations where people belong to different culture and nation. This model considers ethical practices in the organisation for motivating and guiding people towards the ethical practices of the organisation. This model is helpful in those organisations where diverse culture management is a big issue for the organisation. Most of the corporate organisation facing problem to manage their culture and diverse workforce, which is a great concern for the top corporate organisation thus, implementing this model helps to successfully manage the diverse team in the organisation and motivate them to achieve the organisational goal by integrity in their effort. The core value of this leadership model is to respect others and build a strong relationship with implementing ethical practice in the organisation, thus they can perform better without any unsatisfactory concerns in the organisation in order to achieve the organisational objective. Although the limitation of this model is that this is less effective in those organisation where the number of employees is less and the cultural differences do not matter for the organisation.
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