Main Problems Faced by Human Resource of the Company
1. Main problems faced by human resource of the company?
2. Major theories related to human resource and their major problems?
3. HR strategy to achieve long term solution to major HR problems?
4. HR strategy for Hartley Electronics Ltd human resource management effectiveness?
The study is having in depth discussion about the major problems faced by Hartley electronic Ltd regarding their human resource management. As mentioned in the case study, the Hartley Electronics is small enterprise and is famous for microelectronic components. The main clients of organization in past were defense and others (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). With the years the number of employees as well as their client also increased. On the other hand, the main focus of this study on different problems faced by organization regarding their human resource. The report is also having discussion about the different theories and principles relevant to human resource of Hartley Electronics Ltd. Along with this, the recommendation regarding effective Hr strategies are explained (Boselie, 2014). The recommendation and suggestions are provided taking into consideration the problems.
In context to this Purce (2014), human resource management of Hartley Electronics Ltd plays important role in their operation. Some of the main problems faced by human resource of Hartley Electronics Ltd are; the ay structure of each employee is poor. In addition to this, the jobs are identical that is, each employee perform same task but are paid different amount. The pay structure and similar class of jobs de-motivate the employees. Along with this the similar jobs with different range of salary sometimes reduce the perform level of employees. On the other hand, the bonus structure of organization is poor (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). As mentioned in the case study, the managers only give bonus to some employees. In context to this, those few employees are also paid bonus when they achieve the target. As per the case study, Hartley managers should try to implement strategic fit policies and procedures. It will help them to improve their human resource strategy, business, HR system, corporate strategy (Marler and Fisher, 2013). On the other hand, it will also help them to improve their employee’s performance and others.
As mentioned by Marler and Fisher (2013), the main problem faced by human resource department of company is due to their poor and improper pay structure as well as bonus structure. Some of the problems faced by human resource management are due to behavior of managers. That is, as stated in the case study, the managers pretend to be good in nature. But at the end they are autocratic and show poor coordination regarding their employees. As mentioned by Ulrich, (2013), the main factor on which human resource of organization is dependent are employees and managers. On the other hand, behavior of each employee is dependent on strategies and policies adopted by organization. In context to this Storey (2014) commented, the difference in managers behavior and pay structure effects organizational environment. Apart from this, the other reason behind human resource problems are; strategies and policies on which organization is working. For example, if organization is not having proper implementation of human resource strategies the production and productivity will be affected (Bamberger et al., 2014). On the other hand, the major populations of employees are dissatisfied regarding their roles, responsibility and pay structure (Kramar, 2014). The difference in manager’s behavior affects the coordination and communication process of their team members.
Major Theories Related to Human Resource and Their Major Problems
As commented by Jackson et al. (2014), some of the other reasons behind human resource problems are bad communication style adopted by organization. That is, manager of organization is not communicating with employees proper. As mentioned in the case study, the managers do not treat their team members properly. Due to which employees get de motivated and their performance level decreases (Bamberger et al., 2014). Apart from this, the organization is not having proper implementation of procedures and policies. It is also one of the reasons behind several human resource problems faced by Hartley. In relation to this Martín et al. (2013) commented, managers should try to implement proper policies as well as they should follow effective theories and principles.
As mentioned by Lengnick et al. (2013), some of the major human resource theories and principles which organization should follow are; motivational theories, decision making theories and others. The manager of organization can try to follow the motivational and decision making theories. It will help them to motivate their employees and team members. Along with this, with the help of proper motivation and decision making theories human resource management of Harley electronics Ltd could be improved.
In relation to this Kramar (2014) commented, some of the major motivational theory regarding their human resource management is; Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Herzberg’s motivational hygiene theory and others. According to Maslow’s theory, the motivation of any employee depends on five factors. That is, safety needs, physiology needs, esteem, love, affection and self-actualization needs. In addition to this Alfes et al. (2013) stated, with the help of these factors any employee of organization can be motivated. On the other hand, with these factors the relationship of manager and team members can be improved. As mentioned by Kehoe and Wright (2013), the main reason behind failure of any team is mis-communication and poor behavior of their manager. So in this respect the manager of organization should try to follow Maslow’s to improve the condition and environment of their organization (Bamberger et al., 2014). For example, if employees are provided with proper safety and environment at workplace they will perform better.
As mentioned by Stredwick (2013), the other theory or principle which Hartley managers can follow is Herzberg’s theory. According to Herzberg, the factors which help in motivation process of employees are called as motivators. On the other hand, the factors which are responsible for negative or poor performance of employees are hygiene factors. Along with this Aswathappa (2013) commented, the hygiene factors are the cause of employees dissatisfaction and poor performance. For example, if organization is having proper adoption of hygiene factors, the performance of employees will be good as well as organization productivity. As mentioned in the case study, Hartley electronics Ltd is small enterprise so managers should try to adopt proper and effective motivational and other theories. As stated by Hill et al., (2014), it helps managers to motivate their employees in proper and correct direction. The other theory or principle which Hartley manager can follow to improve their productivity is decision making theory. One of the major decision making theory will can improve the human resource management of organization is; McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y, Likert’s participative theory and others.
HR Strategy to Achieve Long-term Solution to Major HR Problems
As mentioned by Tyson (2014), with the help of McGregor theory employees are classified under two sections. That is, theory X employees and Theory Y based employees of organization. On the other hand, with the help of this manager can analyze the main reason of poor performance of employees. It can also help in analyzing the difference of both the employee with respect to their performance. According to this theory, the employees of Hartley who perform poor and they do not like their job, that is, they are dis-satisfied from job falls under theory X (Alfes et al., 2013). On the other hand, these kinds of employees or team members avoid taking responsibility and they also are having low range of creativity. In relation to this Quinn and Strategy (2013) commented, the managers can improve these employees perform after analyzing the situation properly. The main step which manager can adopt to change the perspective of these kinds of employees is with the different rewards, punishment and others.
On the other hand, the employees whose performance are up to the mark and there are satisfied with their jobs fall under theory Y. As stated Chuang et al., (2013) by, theory Y employees are creative in nature and are having high level of intelligence. The motivation of these kinds of employees can be done with the help of change in environment and working condition. The second theory recommended regarding human resource and their problems of Hartley is Likert’s decision making theory (Alfes et al., 2013). According to this theory, the manager of Hartley focus on their employees, that is, manager work is employee centered. On the other hand, managers under this theory try to use common communication method for each employee. They also treat each of their team members equally. As stated by Delahaye (2015), with the help of proper communication can behavior employees are motivated and performance is improved.
As stated by Bamberger et al., (2014), human resource strategies are the main factor on which performance and productivity of Hartley is dependent. As mentioned in the case study, the organization follows human resource policies and strategies for two different terms, that is, long term and short term. The long term and short term policies are decided taking into consideration their employees, profit range and other similar factors. In relation to this Delahaye (2015) stated, the human resource strategy helps in resolving several problems and issues. On the other hand, long term strategy is decided to improve the level of sustainability of Hartley organization. The organizational structure and productivity is improved with the help of long term solution.
HR Strategy for Hartley Electronics Ltd Human Resource Management Effectiveness
As mentioned by Paill et al. (2014), long term strategy helps in increasing the sustainability of organization as well as profitability. The main reason behind opting for long term strategy is to expand their business or human resource. Some of the major long term strategies which can be followed by Hartley are; proper marketing and sales strategies. In addition to this, they can also improve their team working (Bamberger et al., 2014). On the other hand, with the improvement of team work and coordination organization can improve productivity and others. In context to this Armstrong and Taylor (2014) stated, long term planning and strategies are based on strategic human resource and others. The managers of Hartley electronics should try to maintain effective coordination and innovation in their strategies and policies. As mentioned in the cases study, the main issue faced by Hartley regarding their human resource is miscommunication and poor coordination among the employees and managers (Bamberger et al., 2014). So, human resource manager should try to implement long term strategies taking into consideration several factors. Some of the major factors which they should consider are communication, team work, members and others. As stated Marler and Fisher (2013) by, with the help of long term strategies Hartley Electronics improve their short term as well as organizational structure. The organizational culture, structure is dependent on human resource strategies and planning. On the other hand, managers of Hartley should always focus on their employee’s performance.
The main recommendation regarding the human resource management of Hartley Electronics Ltd is; they should try adopting proper theory. They should also try to maintain proper communication channel with each employees (Bamberger et al., 2014). On the other hand, the manager should try to treat each and every employee similarly. That is, the behaviour of employee and manager with each other should be proper. As mentioned in the case study, the main reason behind human resource issues and problems are dissatisfaction level of employees regarding their jobs. So in this context Armstrong and Taylor (2014) commented, human resource manager should try to motivate their team members by using proper motivational theory or principle. As mentioned by Mello (2014), the human resource department of any organization is responsible for managing the environment and performance of employees. The policies and procedures are mainly decided by e human resource managers of organization. In case of Hartley the managers are responsible for poor performance of their employees. So the main focus of human resource department should be on their managers and employee relations.
As stated by Armstrong and Taylor (2014), the main factor on which any organization performance is dependent is their employee and manager relationship. One of the major HR strategies should be followed regarding their relationship. With the help of proper relationship the performance of employee as well as productivity of organization can also be improved. On the other, the main focus of each team manager should be on their employee performance and job satisfaction level. In addition to this Marler and Fisher (2013) commented, the manager of Hartley should try to develop a positive and motivation environment within the workplace. Along with this Kehoe and Wright (2013) stated, it will help them to motivate their employees and improve their sustainability in market. On the other hand, managers should try to implement new technologies and system in their operation, as it will also help in improving their productivity and performance. Apart from this Marler and Fisher (2013) stated, as Hartley is small enterprise they should try to organize proper and effective training for their managers and other employees. With the help of training, the performance level of employees will be increased automatically. In addition to this, the human resource several problems and issues can also be reduced.
The main reason of human resource management problem and issues are mis-communication and lack of effective policies and coordination. On the other hand, factor on which Hartley business operation and production is dependent is their human resource management. As mentioned in the case study, the human resource of organization faces several problems which at the end affect the performance of employees. Apart from this, there are few suggestions regarding the human resource issues and problems. That is, organization should try to adopt proper and effective human resource theories and principle. Some of the effective human resource theories and principles are; motivational theory, decision making theory and others. It will help organization to motivate their employees in correct direction. On the other hand, it will also help to improve the performance of employees.
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