Theories of Organisational Behaviour Applied in an Organisational Setting
Discuss about the Organizational Behaviour for Satisfaction.
Organizational behaviour is a management branch which studies about the behaviour of the employees and people on and in different situations. The main idea of organizational behaviour is to apply scientific approach to the management of workers. The area of research also includes increasing performance, satisfaction and how innovation and changes are induced in the organizations and the effects of such decisions. It also evaluates the various problem faced by the organization at different situations and the behaviour of the employees and workers in such situations. It psychologically helps the managers to understand the personality and the usefulness of the employee in specific required field. It also focuses on the vision of the managers how they see the problems may occur in future and how they plan for the solutions well in advance. With the change in technology there is change in the behaviour of employees so the purpose is to examine the changes whether favorable or unfavorable. Organizational behaviour is also related with the psychological impact on the employees. Organisations are providing healthy environment to employees with comfort.
Organizational behaviour can be understood as understanding and predicting the responses of human behaviour at individual and group level. Studying organizational behaviour helps in recognizing the patterns of human behaviours in different situations and this helps to get desired results and influencing the performance of the employees in an organisation. Organizational behaviour depends on three major factors people, structure and technology. There are several theories which explain the organisations and its structure (Crawshaw, et. al., 2012). They are classical, neo-classical and modern theories. Classical theories include scientific management approach, administrative theory and Weber’s bureaucratic approach. In this case the discussion will be on scientific management approach to the organizational behaviour. This approach is developed on basis of certain rules, very first rule is “Science, Not rule of Thumb” it suggests that people must not follow a set working style with the old technique. They should keep on experimenting and should develop new techniques to make the task simple, easy and time saving. The second rule is “Harmony, not Discord” this rule focuses on the working environment and the coordination between employees, there should proper division of work to create harmony in the organisation (Waring, 2016). It focuses on no conflict among the employees. Last but most important is scientific training of workers earlier management just recruits the persons and train them then place them in some works and the person keeps on working and get perfection. But now days the employees are trained and they are asked upon the interest areas so that he can work in the area of his interest to provide maximum output (Truong, 2016).
Potential Organisational Problem Situations and Formulate Proactive managerial Interventions, with Special Sensitivity to Cultural, Ethical and Social Concerns
The current market scenario is changing at a very fast speed the regular innovation and changing technology has developed the competition neck to neck among the organisations. With the rise in competition the problems for the organisations are also arises there are several challenges present in front of the managers to plan and execute to compete in the market. One of the most important challenges is to recruit the right person and then place it according to the personality and retain it to support the organisation so as to contribute in the growth and development of the organisation (Mishra, et. al., 2014). Business managers in now days are ensuring several personality traits while selecting a person for the organisation. The need of multifunctional and working in lots of pressure is the requirement of the current scenario. Openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism are the major traits to the managers look into while taking interview. These traits define the level of pressure and the type of work a person is and can handle in an organisation (Dwens, 2015). Still the most popular and important to test the personality is a structured interview followed by a personal interview this helps to understand the psychology of the person. When the interviewer face to face meet the person then it is easy to understand the personality of the person. The interviewer asks same sets of the questions and depending upon the responses of the candidates it is easy to decide the type of personality. The candidates are selected for a particular job than what are the areas given to the person so that he will perform well for the sake of the organisation (Smith, J. (2014). While working in organisations there are various activities and works that are to be performed in groups especially in manufacturing industries. So managers have to decide that persons having different personality are grouped in the whole process so that they work with each other to achieve the desired goal. In case same personality persons are involved in a task than there is chance of conflicts and same personality people may not able to lead the team resulting failure of the tasks (Parris and Peachey, 2013). Organisations are also focusing on the ethical and social concerns. Training is provided to employees in such a manner that they think for the social cause and behave properly so that there are no issues of unethical behaviour in the organisation.
Research and Findings on Current Developments in Organisational Behaviour
There are several changes in the organisation from the past times. Evolution in the structure, operations and workforce is considerable; there are several changes in terms of globalization, relationship between employees, workforce changes, managing knowledge, and information technology adaptation with organisation behaviour. Due to the impact of globalization work force and knowledge is available at cheap rates so the companies are exploring new markets and the work is outsourced due to same quality in very cheap rates. Employers are not rigid as they were earlier they are using participative styles of leadership by providing flexible working, allowing work from home and authority to employees to perform bringing personal attachment encouraging them to do their best (Timms,, 2015). Knowledge is playing an important role in taking companies to new levels and due to technology it is easily accessible. So the knowledge is also shared between organisation and employees (Matzler,, 2011). Also the work force is facing huge changes some industries are looking for young talents whereas some are focusing on experienced and aged personalities, both have benefits and some losses in terms of productivity and experiences. Young employees provide huge returns whereas the experienced persons are able to lead the teams and solve critical problems of the organisation.
The above discussion indicated about the change in the market conditions. The increased competition and the requirement of dynamic personality in an organisation are the crucial factors behind the success of an organization. The various theories of organizational behaviour are very important to understand the changing needs of the market. The technological advancement brings several changes in the working lifestyle of the organisations. The need for multitasking and eminent personalities is demanding by every industry. The managers are looking for the person having traits and personality who can handle any kind of pressure and think critically to overcome the possible problems may occur for the organization. This also helps to overcome conflicts and such self motivated persons are not needed to be pushed to work they are self driven towards the achievement of the goals they wants to achieve. In recent years organisations are providing open environment to the employees where they are not bound by specific schedules, shift timings and working process they only need is to achieve the targets and give maximized outputs.
Crawshaw, J. R., Van Dick, R., and Brodbeck, F. C. (2012) Opportunity, fair process and relationship value: career development as a driver of proactive work behaviour. Human Resource Management Journal, 22(1), pp. 4-20.
Dwens, M. (2015) 6 personalities in every office – and how to manage them [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 23 May 2017).
Matzler, K., Renzl, B., Mooradian, T., von Krogh, G., and Mueller, J. (2011) Personality traits, affective commitment, documentation of knowledge, and knowledge sharing. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(02), pp. 296-310.
Mishra, K., Boynton, L., and Mishra, A. (2014) Driving employee engagement: The expanded role of internal communications. International Journal of Business Communication, 51(2), pp. 183-202.
Parris, D. L., and Peachey, J. W. (2013) A systematic literature review of servant leadership theory in organizational contexts. Journal of business ethics, 113(3), pp. 377-393.
Smith, J. (2014) 11 Interview Questions Hiring Managers Ask To Test Your Personality. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 23 May 2017).
Timms, C., Brough, P., O'Driscoll, M., Kalliath, T., Siu, O. L., Sit, C., and Lo, D. (2015) Flexible work arrangements, work engagement, turnover intentions and psychological health. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 53(1), pp. 83-103.
Truong, H. M. (2016) Integrating learning styles and adaptive e-learning system: Current developments, problems and opportunities. Computers in Human Behavior, 55, pp. 1185-1193.
Waring, S. P. (2016). Taylorism transformed: Scientific management theory since 1945. USA: UNC Press Books.
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