As the project manager in charge of delivering such as an important world sporting event:
i. Identify and elaborate the following terms with regards to the event.
a. Voice of the Customer (VOC)
b. Critical to Customer Requirements (CCR)
c. Critical to Quality parameters (CTQ)
ii. In what ways would you have implemented lean project management for this event?
iii. Identify and elaborate processes from PMBOK, PRINCE2, Organisational Project Management Agile Practices and Lean Six Sigma (DMAIC Methodology) that could support your lean project implementation.
Evaluation of Project Management Planning
FIFA World Cup 2018 has been organized by FIFA. The place of the event is in Russia. There are 18 teams going to participate in the FIFA World Cup. The main objective of this paper is to prepare a project plan that will help the organizer to maintain a schedule and proper management plan for handling this event. There are different types of events going to happen in the world cup. The world cup authority is needed to develop the synchronization between the different events of the world cup. Apart from that the application of the technology is an important part in the world cup (Matheson at al.,2018). The evaluation of the project management planning along with the discussion regarding the various components in the project management planning will help to get the overview of the proper project management planning of this event (Makarychev & Yatsyk, 2015). Apart from the discussion regarding the selection of the project management methodology and the justification of the selection of the particular methodology has been done in this paper. The implementation of the lean project is also included in this paper.
There are certain factors regarding this project for the evaluation. The components of this project have been discussed in the first place in order to capture the basic requirements of the project. Some of the concerned factors regarding the implementation of this project are-
Voice of Customer: The voice of consumer is the process for knowing the concern and the experience of the consumers regarding the outcome of the project. The experience of the consumers can be captured through the form of feedbacks or surveys. The improvisation of the project can be done on the basis of the voice or of customers.
In case of organization of the FIFA World Cup, the authority of the organizations is aware about the vastness of this event. The consumers, here are the audiences. The audiences here are of two types. Many of the audiences and supports of the different teams from different countries are coming to Russia for watching the live football match. On the other hand many people will be watching the live telecast of the show from all over the world. In this case, the broadcast of the match is needed to be done in a proper way.
In order to evaluate the voice of customer different tools and techniques are provided. The need of the customer plays a significant role for the delivery of the successful outcome of the project. In this case, there are two primary needs of the audiences which are needed to be implemented. The large number of audiences are coming to Russia for watching live football match (Parisi et al.,2016). The FIFA is needed to inspect the grounds and the gallery of the different stadiums in order to make it ensured that all those galleries are capable to accommodate those large numbers of audiences. Apart from the broadcasting is needed to be done in a proper way so that the audiences from around the world can catch the live show from different parts of the world. Different advanced broadcasting technologies and the use of satellite can be done in this case.
Factors for Evaluation
Apart from the audiences, the players and the support stuffs are the important people and the stakeholders in the tournament. FIFA is needed to take care of them by providing the proper accommodation and good environment for playing the game. The proper care of all these concerns will help to the event to deliver the right outcome.
Critical to customer requirements: The critical to customer requirements of the projects denotes if the requirements regarding the requirements of the customers are getting fulfilled in the course of the compilation of the project. The project or event can be said to be successful if all the requirements of the customer regarding the project has delivered through the outcome of the project. In this case, FIFA is aware about the requirements of the audiences (Stettina & Hörz, 2015). The organization is taking steps according to the requirements of the audiences. It can be said proper planning and the management of the event in World cup can help the successful implementation of critical to customer requirements.
Critical to the quality parameters: Critical to the quality parameters are the set or list of quality list or requirements those are needed to be met during the development of the project in order to control the quality of the project. The quality control is an important part of the project or the event as it helps to deliver the right outcome maintaining the standards. There are lots of scope for controlling the quality of the World Cup tournament (Conforto et al.,2014). FIFA is concerned about maintaining the quality of the accommodation of the footballers. Apart from that FIFA is aware about the quality of the playing ground can affect the playing condition (Fleming & Koppelman, 2016). In that case, the inspection from this organization has been done before the beginning of the event. Apart from that FIFA has made it assured that the galleries are capable to accommodate the large number of players. Apart from that for the easy availability of the tickets, FIFA has implemented the advanced technology so that the consumers can easily avail the tickets for watching the matches (Drohomeretski et al.,2014). The organization has also joined with some of the famous broadcasting companies so that the live telecast of the match can be done maintaining the quality of the live broadcast (Müller,2015). Moreover FIFA is concerned about the security during the match. All these steps and concerns regarding the event have enabled the enhancement of the quality of conduction of the whole event.
Voice of Customer
The main objective of the lean project management is to manage the compilation of the lean projects using proper tools and techniques (Verweij, Teisman & Gerrits, 2017). There are certain principals for managing the lean projects. The main focus of the lean project management is to reduce all the wastes in the process of the project.
The managing of the FIFA world cup is done by the lean project management. In order to do this certain steps have been taken:
- Improvement of the final series of events.
- Delivering all the modules or the events in the process in time. In this case, it can be said under this section the compilation of all the matches are needed to be done in a proper way.
- The compilation of all the matches including final and semifinals are done in a proper way maintaining the budget of the project and compilation time of the project. This leads to the mitigation of the resources of the projects.
- Elimination of wastage of resources during the happening f the events. This also includes maintaining the proper security and managing the large audiences during the running of the matches.
- Adding the value to the services provided to the footballers and the audiences is the main challenge for FIFA. FIFA is concerned about the fact that there are lots of responsibilities for them regarding the presentation of the live matches. Apart from that better management of the audiences and providing them proper guidelines for ticket booking system and helping them to abide by the rules and regulations regarding the watching of the matches.
There are certain principals for managing the lean project which can be applicable for the managing the FIFA World Cup event. Some of these principals are-
- Specification of the values for the customer.
- Identification of the significance and the brand value for the event.
- Making the right flow o the value by mitigation of the wastage in the development of the event.
- Let the consumer to tell their requirements before the delivering of the events.
Selection of the project management methodology for the implementation and managing of FIFA World Cup:
There are various project management methodologies for the implementation and managing of the project. The selection of the project management methodology depends on the type of the project. Some of the popular project management methodologies are PMBOK, PRINCE2, Agile practice and Lean Six Sigma.
In order to select the right project management methodology for management of the FIFA World Cup the details regarding the working principal of the mentioned project management methodology is needed to be known.
The PMBOK is not a project management methodology. It can be described as the project management guideline for managing the project. According to the PMBOK the compilation of the project management follows the project development life cycle. There are five stages in the project development life cycle. The development of the project starts with the initialization of the project and gathering of the requirements (Snyder & Dionisio, 2017). The proper gathering of the requirements and the documentation of the requirements eliminates the chances of the project scope creep. This phase is followed by project planning. In the planning phase, the planning of the execution of the project is done. In the execution phase, the execution of the blueprint of the planning is done in a proper way. The evaluation of the functioning of the system is done in the monitoring and control phase of the project management. The project closes with the closing or ending of the project.
PRINCE2 methodology is the project management methodology that helps to develop the project in controlled environment. This methodology is based on the seven principals. There are seven themes in the PRINCE2 methodology, they are- progress, change, quality, business case, risk, organization, plans. Apart from that there are seven processes involved in this methodology. According to this methodology the initialization of the project starts with the starting up of the project. In a project team there should be a executive and the project manager (Kazerouni et al.,2017). The planning of the project is introduced in this section. The initialization of the project starts with the documentation of the requirements. The directing of the project involves the decision making regarding the progress of the project (Kempe & Memmert,2018). The control stage of the project involves the decision making regarding the controlling of the each stages of the project and assigning the work packages and authorization for the each part of the work (Nunkoo et al.,2018). The main objective of this section is to maintain the link between the team manager and the project manager so that the delivery of the project can be happened in right order. The management of the stage boundaries in this methodology is an important part as it indicates the transition phase of the project from one stage to another. The ending of the project is done through the closing of the project (Hinde, 2018). This structure of this project management methodology is suitable for managing the construction project as the emphasis is given on quality of the delivered project and the transitional phase of the product from one stage to another.
Critical to Customer Requirements
Agile project management methodology is another approach for the management of the project. The main advantage of this methodology is to deliver the requirements of the project iteratively throughout the life cycle of the project (Moore,2017). The main advantage of the agile project management is that the methodology is flexible enough for adopting any certain changes in the course of the development of the project (Cucoranu, Parwani & Pantanowitz, 2014). This methodology is useful for the development of the software projects where change in the requirements can happen at any time. The methodology is helpful for delivering the products with the added value and meeting all the requirements of the clients. The development of the nest steep of the project is done on the feedback given for the particular part in the project.
Lean six sigma is a project management methodology that allows the team to work in a cooperative manner so that the delivery of the project or event can be done in a proper way and mitigation of the wastage in the course of the development can be achieved (Kerzner & Kerzner, 2017). In order to mitigate the wastage the merging of the lean manufacturing and six sigma is needed to be done. The objective is to reduce the wastage of eight kinds. Lean six sigma is helpful to reduce the wastage in the development and providing the framework for the development of the project. In this process there are two tools for the development of the project- lean and six sigma (Wong & Chadwick, 2017). This can be applicable for the development or organizing the event that will deliver the fruitful outcome.
The discussion about various project management methodologies indicates the working principals of the different project. The working principal of the different project management methodologies indicates their effectiveness in for the different project management.
The selection of the right project management methodology can be done from the list of this mentioned project management methodologies for the development of the event for FIFA world cup. The event regarding the development of the FIFA World Cup needs to deliver all the requirements with values and standard quality (Baham et al.,2017). Apart from that the main objective of the organizers is to reduce the wastage during organizing the event of the World Cup. Proper arrangement of the events needs the cooperation of the FIFA with different other organizations. Apart from that the security during the event is important matter for both the organizers and the audiences. Moreover, FIFA needs to arrange the system with the other broadcasting companies for live broadcast of the matches. The whole project needs a flexible system or the methodology for the development of the event. Apart from that the delivery of the service also needs to meet all the requirements of the audiences and clients. The wastage of the project is needed to be reduces at the same level so that the proper resource management can be achieved. In this case, considering all the factors the for the development of the event regarding the FIFA world cup , lean six sigma can be applicable (Preuss & Schnitzer,2015). This will help the organizers to identify the scopes and the opportunities in the delivery of the series of the events in the World Cup (Trzeciak et al.,2018). Apart from that the management of the resources and the mitigation of the waste during the development of the project or the events can be done through the application of the six sigma. The development of the lean project is dependent on the basic principals those are responsible for adding the value in the service delivered through the project.
Critical to Quality Parameters
DMAIC methodology is approved by the practice of six sigma. The application of the DMAIC methodology can be done in organizing the FIFA World Cup event. There are five factors in the DMAIC application-
Define: This factor is related to define the scope of the project. The scope the project in this case is the proper management of the events for the FIFA World Cup.
Measure: The measure of the project will define the areas for exploring the opportunities and scope. The project in this case is measurable as the scope of the project is clear.
Analysis: The analysis part defines the analysis of the challenges and opportunities related in the project.
Improve: The FIFA organization can improve the management of the happening of the project through the enhancement of the security and mitigation of the wastage in the project.
Control: The control of the project defines the controlling of the performance of the project. In this case, FIFA will be responsible for the controlling of the ongoing events.
The discussion is regarding the implementation of the FIFA World Cup. The type of the development of the project is lean and can be managed by the lean six sigma project management methodology. The discussion about the development of the events of this project management has been discussed form the different perspective. There are different components needed to be discussed to understand the engagement of the different stakeholders in this event. Those have been discussed with respect to the different terms in the project management. There are some of the factors those are needed to be considered during the development of the series of the events. Maintaining the security during the running of the match is one of the major issues. Apart from that meeting all the requirements from the audiences and the footballers from the different parts of the country are the major challenges for FIFA. In order to manage all the challenges and requirements the selection of the right project management methodology is needed to be adopted. In order to do this the characteristics of the lean project management has been discussed. There are several project management methodologies available for the development of the project. The detailed discussion regarding the working principals of the different project management methodologies have been discussed. This discussion helps to choose the right project management methodology for the development of the series of events for the FIFA World Cup. It can be said the adaptation of the lean six sigma can be helpful for the development of this project management. It can be concluded that the adaptation of the six sigma can be helpful for the organizers for the development of the events along with delivering the right outcome in right time with maintaining the required standards.
Lean Project Management for FIFA World Cup 2018
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