SAFRA's Running Club
Discuss about the Prevalence of Morphological and Mechanical.
The term community consumers refer to the behaviour of society where the consumers of same choice and preferences are listed in an individual community. Daniel Boorstin had proposed the thought of diving the customers based on their choice and preferences and make a community for them. During the civil war advertising, the community showed a similar demand for well-being, concern for risks, common interest, which sectioned them into a similar community. Since then the thought of consumer community had enlightened in the mind of Daniel Boorstin. The community consumers aim for a similar taste and choice for products and common brands (Goh, Heng and Lin 2013). The community consumers plays vital role as they eliminate temporal and spacial boundaries among the community. The consumption community is a community formed not based on being neighbour but for selecting a similar brand or product. This type of community makes a social bonding among the individuals without any direct link or bondage (Elliot, Li and Choi 2013). This community is formed on choice preference have helped the immigrant to feel comfortable in new society due to the introduction of community consumers. The immigrants didn’t feel the pain for leaving their origin and coming to a new society as the community consumers created a group and a the community feeling alive. The report will discuss about the community consumer of leisure runner in Singapore. The report will discuss about the community named Safra’s running club. A detailed information about the community and its consumer behaviour is discussed in the report.
The leisure running in this report specifies the marathon runners who runs a distance of 42 kilometre at a single stretch. The popularity for marathon runners have increased in the recent periods for various reasons like feminist, integrationists and many more. The leisure runners run for individual perception and for interaction with the society.
The report will discuss about a community in Singapore, names as SAFRA’s running club. This community has consumers who has a choice for running and has formed to participate in events related to running in marathons. The community is located in Singapore and tends to inbuilt the feel of running in this community (Hryvniak, Dicharry and Wilder 2014). They conduct social runs twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Experienced runners and members of the community conduct the running events. They organize location runs and also participated in major events in Singapore. They are an extremely passionate group for running and always participating in events and marathons. The community is never leaning back when it comes to running.
Role of consumption in the creation of society
The club was established in the year 1972 in Singapore. The community aimed to support social, recreational, educational facilities for the army group and their family in Singapore. They targeted to aid the Singapore armed society. Since then they have formed a network at Jurong, Punggol, Tampines, Yishun and few other places in Singapore. The group has now arrangement for new joiners as they provide value added services and membership perks to the guests joining the community. They provide sufficient provisions to the host that are necessary for living.
The club conducts their training on Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays. The runners meet at mount Faber and conduct the trainings. There are alternate trainings for running. The institution has two runners who listed among the top 10 runners in Singapore Standard Marathon race. There are runners who have achievements on ultra marathon. The community accepts newcomers to join the club of various age limits, like student from 16 years to person of 66 years old. The community runs in different areas of Singapore like Mt Faber, Coast Park. They have a social gathering for each team and team cohesion. They also celebrate birthday and carbo loading on the previous day of Marathon.
The consumers determine the consistence of the society. The society is formed by the involvement of the consumers. A consumer community is a community where they determine the community and its factors.. the consumers choice creates the society and typically identifies the community in the society. The consumers are from different background or culture. They sub-merge in a community on the preference of their choice and taste and forms the community (Ooi et al 2015). The consumers create a demand for the community and hence the community is formed.
In this running society the consumers have selected running a their choice and hence they have merged in a community to participate and organize events related to their choice and preference. The consumers reflects their choice in their living style and choice and thus supports the activity in the society. The demand for Marathon has raised since few years back (Shipway 2013.). The primary reason for such a rise is the introduction of such community. The community has enhanced the demand for running and marathon event in the society and has increased its scale (Johnson, Massiah and Allan 2013).
The consumers are the primary creator of this community. They play an extremely vital role for creating this community in the society. The consumers meet their choice in this community and fulfil their demands for their passion here (Homburg, Ehm and Artz 2015). They create and organize events for running, they participate in marathons and events organized outside the community. They create a popularity and fame for the community among the society. The result can be easily seen in the society, as the rise of marathon events and running events have been uplifted in the past years (Goh, Heng and Lin 2013). Thus it can be concluded that the consumer creates a consumer society as per their choice and requirements. These communities are based completely on the choice preferences and no other cause. The consumers are the main creator of this society as there is no emotional religious bindings in the community and hence the consumers comes to join the community only for their personal choice(Cantallops and Salvi 2014).
Community members using consumption to create their identity
The consumer drives the economic state of the community. It determines the cash flow ain the community. They determine the business profit or loss incurred by the businessperson related to the community. The business person will have a profit if the consumers are buying products related to the community. The consumers play a vital role from their research method to the review of the product. The consumers influences the community to buy the product and hence the leads to the uplift of the business. Many business organizations support such community to uplift their sale and profit in the community (Vinerean et al 2013). The community that keep on organizing events and participating in social events act a s an advertisement to the society for the business world. Often these communities brand a product for the business support whereas the business use these community to promote their products
The consumers determine their choice and preference by their outlook and behaviour in the society. The consumers consume in a way that is matching with their sense of taste and behaviour. Consumers use brands and possessions to create their own identities. They typically use the consumption pattern has been well defined into different categories. It completely depends on individuals choice that which brand they will use for what purpose. The comparison between self identification and consumer behaviour has been differentiated and adds as a growth to the work style. The recent researches have critically separated the behaviour of individual and their pattern of using products. The community members in such cases uses specific products and brands that high-light the sports environment in nature. There can be variation in brands depending on the financial factors of the individuals, however, the product type will remain the same.
The community will have a specific choice for brands like Nike, Puma, Espn, Adidas which typically identifies the sports culture present in the community members. They use typical sports brands in their daily life.
- The dress they use are from sports brand companies.
- The shoes they use are from sports brand.
- The bags and bottles they use are from sports brands.
- They buy products from sports brands for the Marathon runs including the head gear to the shoes.
- They promote sports brands by organizing events sponsored by these brands.
- They influence relatives and friends to use such brands.
- They keep themselves fit and healthy.
- They maintain a restricted diet including less fat and rich vitamins in their diet.
- They prefer energy drinks in their diet.
- They avoid alcohol and other addictions.
- They organize sports and race for promoting of sports in daily life.
- They arrange for health fitness programs to uplift the requirement of healthy life.
These steps are few common steps taken by the community and its members to promote the need of sports and fitness in daily life. These aspects can easily identify the community members and separate them from the rest of the society.
The symbolic meaning represent- the choice of the consumers that symbolizes their interests towards the community and its systems. The selection and choice of the consumer for their daily products and lifestyle determines their choice and preferences. The consumer community finds few typical brands for use which highly represents sports. The community uses brands like Puma, Nike and few other brands for their dressing, shoes and accessories that determines their preference for sports, especially running. The community consumers remarkably highlight the brands when a group of people forming the community uses similar brands or product type for their use (Luo, Zhang and Liu 2015). They make the society aware of their life culture and choice. The consumer community is built with a mixture of various culture and religion, but the consumers in this culture do not implement their personal culture in the community. Few typical symbolic cultures used in the mentioned community are:
- Using of head gears
- Using of sports shoe
- Using of dress made of sports material
- Using of sippers
- Using of sports bags and no other bags
- Using of batches which has the community icon
- Using of t-shirts that has the community symbol
These few typical symbols identify the consumers of this particular society. The society has few restrictions also, such as:
- They cannot use brands that symbolizes luxury or entertainment
- They cannot use other brands apart from sports brand.
- They cannot wear any other shirt during the Marathon, apart from the community shirts.
- They cannot join any other community with this community’s permission.
These steps are vital for every single member of this community and it is highly offensive if the member is not abiding these laws. The specifications for identifying a member have been mentioned. The discussion has also included the symbolic representation of the members in the society. Thus, it will be easy for the society to identify the members of this community by these aspects.
They society prefers sports wears including shorts and t-shirts. They wear shoes from brands like Nike , Puma, Adidas. They use bags and accessories from sports brands. They also influence others to use these brands(Jung, Kim and Kim 2014).
They are highly concerned about a healthy life and maintain their health. They maintain regular exercise and fitness programs. They are also maintain a healthy lifestyle by regular medical check-up and treatments. They tend to keep themselves away from anay disease and prefer to stay healthy.
The subculture in this community is the dedication for the sports brands and sports products for the users in the market. The members typically buys products that are directly related to sports and running. The products they use are sportswear, shoes, head gears, bottles, bags and sunglasses. These products are bought from the typical and branded sports company like Puma, Adidas, Nike. The consumers of this society are easily recognizable in the society as they are found only with these brands and products and no other alternatives. These customers have a image in the market for their consumption style and choice of brands in the market. Thus, the sub culture of this community highly defines the demand for sports products by the members of this group or community.
Brand community is a community depending on the brand or product. The consumer community is a community with similar consumers seeking for similar products. The choice and tastes of consumers become same and hence they tend to seek for the same products. Likewise in brand community, the consumers seek to get the similar brand for themselves (Brodie et al 2013). The community consumers tends to be brand consumers too, as the community they belong has same requirement and demand for products. Hence, to buy these products they select same brands and stick to these brands creating a brand community in the market.
The mentioned community also has a brand community where the consumers tend sto buy the sports products from similar brands and stores. The consumers have very limited choice for this community as the sports products are only available in few limited brands only. The common brands among these are Puma, Nike, Adidas (Habibi, Laroche and Richard 2014). Hence, it is expected that the customers are mostly from these community. They create a community in themselves for these products which is termed as brand community. However, there are alternate brands in the market and they too have customers, yet most of the customers tends to buy from these branded stores. The brand community for this society is fairly well for each reputed brands as there are only few brands that sell their products in the market.
The neo tribe has been compared to this society as the society accumulates the consumers on the preference of their choice and once there purpose is fulfilled they dispatch the group. The main aim of neo tribes are to re-root the culture in humans. They have a combination of various ages starting from 16 years to 70 years participating in the events. The tribe proposes to maintain is healthy lifestyle and takes initiative to spread the culture in the society. They often arrange for events that hi-light the requirement to stay fit and healthy at any stage of age. They invite guests to their events who motivate and inspire the members to continue the community. They provide privileges’ and offers to the members and motivate them to continue the community.
The term brand culture defines the culture of a particular brand or company. The brand culture defines the culture of the employees or members to solve problems, take decision, deliver the brand culture to the external world. The brand culture is used to make a position in the customers mind and maintain the standard of the product. The brand culture defines the culture of the company including the advertisement, internal policy, decision making, memo. It hi-lights the working strategies of the company and helps the brand to increase its market value (Healy and McDonagh 2013). The brand culture should highlight the culture of the company and represent the brand that will attract the consumers and they will readily accept the brand in their life.
The brand culture of this community is their innovative way of forming a running group and working for the fitness society. The community was formed to run at its initial stage but later on, they changed to the marathon group. The brand culture of this community is their unique preference for sports culture, their use of sports garment and accessories, their demand for sports products. They represent the marathon group and thus it is reflected in their choice culture. The brand culture of this group has highly influenced the society in Singapore thus a huge number of members have joined the group participating in the events. The group has created a image in the society by organizing events that included marathons, fitness programs and awareness programs to aware the society for the need of well-being and fitness. They Safra group also arranges for running and cycling races in the community. They tend to bond the army men in the country through a quality network and lifestyle. They try to provide their best services and activities and aims to become reputed for their good value and innovation.
The social and cultural communities tends to improve the lifestyle and heath of every individual in nature. Likewise these consumer community’s also create a community improve their choice and preference skills and enhance it by social events and programs. The society tends to influence the others to maintain a similar lifestyle that will be helpful for them. The reason for such society is a common taste and choice for the consumers. The consumers of this society do not have any boundaries and limitations to follow the society or stay with it. As these societies are not linked for religious believes or neighbourhood, they have full privilege to leave the community whenever they want. However, these communities meet due to their personal choice and as because their choices match. They join to form a community performing their preferable job and awareing the society about their choice and preferences. The main reason such a society formation are they try to create a image for their choice and let the society know about their choice. These societies are often formed for a particular aim that is helpful in nature. They tend to help others and protest the society. The marathons are generally help for protests against crimes against women, issues faced by the lower class of society, jobless country and many other issues. These societies not only create awareness in society about their choice they also support the weaker section or the deprived section and protest against them. They organize events that enhance fitness and wellness schemes, they arrange programs and events that creates awareness about physical wellness and fitness in the society. The mentioned society plays role in the society for helping the Singapore army men and their family. They prepare health programs and participates in marathons in the society. This community also maintains a commitment for the brands they use and thus there identification can be easily marked in the society by the brands and symbolic representation they use in the society. These communities maintains their loyalty as it has been mentioned in the study. The study has also mentioned about their sub-culture consumption and brand culture. It has discussed how the behaviour of the members determines the image of the community. These are new arising communities hi0lighting the demand and choices of the people , which was nit possible earlier. These communities are allowing people to express their thought points and views. Thus, it is expected that they will extend in future and maintain the culture in the future days.
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