The Changing Role of HRM
The implementation and role of Human Resource is changing with time. The drastic changes are changing with the simultaneous needs of the business organizations, rules and policies of an organization. The organizational contexts are developing with time and innovation due to which it is impacting the executives and their HR policies towards the employees, organizational policies and strategic goals. Most importantly, the future of HRM is differing than anticipated 10 years ago (Dundon and Rafferty 2018). The management and sustainability of the businesses are dependent on the individual teams and organizations. The elements of HR policies include employees, employers and their relationship within the organization.
According to the HRM policies, the success of the business environment and workplace sustainability is based on the HR executives to be maintained. The management effectiveness is designed by the HRM policies but it is now doubtful because with the changes in the organizational structure, the HRM efficiencies are also varying widely. The utility of the HRM process is an essential part of an organization which impacts and results in the organizational performance (Piwowar-Sulej 2021). The subtlety of strategic implications is generally conquered once the HRM takes the behavioural, functional and managerial obligations which the HR e4xecutives might face.
In this study, the HRM principle will be discussed through the case study analysis where the literature of Charan, Barton and Dennis in 2009 was constructed. The HR professionalism and its role within CHRO will be considered and optimised on the basis of the HRM policies of the case study. The highlights from the case study will be evidenced with appropriate literature support. Creating a different yet conventional portfolio for the role of HRM in “People before strategy” is difficult as the priorities of the organization will change entirely.
Here, the researcher will be identifying the different roles, models and frameworks on the HRM based particular area from the case study article. The area is selected to be employee motivation and reward criteria in CHRO. In case of managing people, HR plays the main role as the only conjunction between employees and employers are the HR executives (Khan and Khan 2018). The prioritization of employees is important to make the business operations successful. Through effective models and HR principles all the necessary elements will be discussed in detail.
Here, the learning experience of the module will also be included at the end through a reflective blog. The critical utilization of the HRM policies and roles will be discussed through appropriate models and theories.
This section will specialize on the particular case study article that was released in 2009, within the Harvard Business Review. This particular case study title was “People before strategy: A New Role for the CHRO”. The title depicts the need of prioritizing employees and people over company production, profit and strategies. The importance of employees within an organization is clearly stated with the help of prominent organizational HRM policies (Ünsür 2019). Here, the authors (Charan, Barton and Carey) are able to make sense about their research where the Chief Human Resource Officer has been appointed with new HR policies and responsibilities.
The Importance of HR Executives in Managing People
For a long time the CHROs used to give priorities to the company benefits only but now with changing times, the importance of employees are increasing. The author in this case study is trying to initiate and establish a new role where the CROs of the business will emphasise and recognize the key roles of the Chief Human Resource Officer within the company. The prominence in the CHRO’s position in the organisation needs to be clear and justified with appropriate policies and actions taken on behalf of them (Gordon 2021).
Through the entire case study article it has been clear that people are the main parties who create value for the organisation rather than the businesses. According to the aim of the author it has been considered that the CEOs are emphasising the role of the CHRO. According to Dundon and Rafferty (2018), the organisations are experiencing a rapid change in the HRM policies over a few decades. The constant factors remaining within the HRM policies are mainly based on its aim objectives and purpose which is to satisfy the organisation performance through employee efficiency. It is required to be understood that an organisation is created through the values of employees (Charon, Barton and Carey 2018). Here the value proposition is a constant factor which is changing the train and forcing the organisation to prioritise its employees and people over strategies.
The collaboration of CEOs and CHROs play a great role in managing the human resource capital for better efficiency and productivity throughout the business operations. Without the management of human capital and their knowledge, intelligence or skills it is not possible for an organisation to succeed. The risks of the farms are mainly related to its human capital which is the strongest Asset of the company. The human resource capital is mainly maintained by the chief human resource officer who will consider their knowledge to produce better efficiency and physical productivity in the world place (Hewett et al. 2018). The authors also accompanied the collaboration by naming it G3. The organisational decision making will only be enhanced once the chief executive officer (CEO), chief human resource officer (CHRO) and chief financial officer (CFO) are of the same opinion.
With time, the roles of the human resource managers and officers have changed because of different needs in the organisational structure. It has never been limited to a certain area where the human resource officer needs to implement the administrative decision making process. The responsibility of the human resource officer mainly lies with the indispensable value provision to the business and to prove the worth of the employees (Charon, Barton and Carey 2018). The elevation of responsibility has changed according to the role of the chief human resource officer because the improvement in the relevance of the role has taken place within different organisations. The CHRO are the responsible partner who will create and assign the basic marketing roles in case of sales (Mayrhofer, Gooderham and Brewster 2019). The performance of the chief human resource officer is generally based on the HR responsibilities which are traditional in nature. The three major business roles of CHRO are, diagnosing problems, predicting outcomes and prescribing actions which will help in improving the value for the businesses.
Case Study Analysis: 'People before Strategy'
The role and responsibility of the CEO is to check the business losses which are naturally blamed on different external factors such as uncertain circumstances or a declining economy. There are always possibilities where the individual employees and their behavioural or production based changes might have a reason for these failures. According to the changes taking place in the industry and the human resource management system, the CEOs might need to ask about the actual reasons and justifications for these problems from the CHRO (Townsend et al. 2019). The employee behaviour and actions are becoming more contributory to the failures of the organisation because the lack of supervision and observation is one of the major reasons within an organisation. The external analysis needs to be done with close observation and monitoring along with deep understanding of the organisational functions (Charon, Barton and Carey 2018). The employees need to do the best possible productivity in order to add value to the business operations and to meet the set targets. The benefits of the company are the main goal of CHROs. Here the CHRO needs to make sure that the farm is able to save up a lot of costs which are being spent unnecessarily and provide more benefit and add more value to the business (Guest et al. 2021). This is a particular type of problem which is the most common factor of any organisation for the failure of the organisation is based on employee behaviour along with external factors which is the responsibility of the CHRO to identify.
The author is arguing about the responsibilities of CHRO as identifying and recommending the particular expertise and required skills to be capable of meeting the business roles of the employees. Here the relationships of an organisational employee and their jobs or performances are interconnected. The unique position of the chief human resource officer needs to assess employment opportunities for individual employees. Their expectation from the roles of individual employees needs to be monitored by the human resource officer whereas the people who are employed in the organisation need to perform in line with the individual expectations (Andalib, Darun and Azizan 2019).
Another major expected outcome from the responsibilities of CHRO is to provide valuable insights about the competitive environment of the organisation where the HR might be able to respond to the changes of industry trends and the procedures and policies of recruitment in comparison to competitors (Charon, Barton and Carey 2018). The firm’s capacity of combining its effectiveness and its best talents are based on the recommendation of financial officer and human resource officers combined insight. The key performance indicators are also based on the budgets strategies and talent alignments of the business performance targets. The CHRO needs to create an effective farm position by monitoring and providing value to the employee’s productivity and organisations environmental behaviour (Boselie, Van Harten and Veld 2021).
The long-term growth of the organisation is a main motive of CHRO why implementing better not charging techniques for its young talents and sustaining them through employee retention and motivation. The author is identifying the role of the CHROs true identification and nurturing of the organisational workforce talents (Zhu and Warner 2019). Here it is stated that the skills of the individual employees need to be monitored and identified by the human resource officers in order to identify the organisation's ladder of opportunities for the significant employees. Are the benefits, motivation, recognition and reward needed to be provided by the chief human resources officer to the employees that are the raw talents of the organisation providing value/
Collaboration of CEOs and CHROs in Managing HR Capital
The identification of the employee’s weaknesses and overcoming them is another way which the human resource officer might be able to implement to make the human capital more flexible and the leverage of expertise is more demanded within the business (Katou, Budhwar and Patel 2021). The chief human resource officer needs to provide appropriate opportunities according to the business demands to the employees so that their capacities can be improved and utilised properly for value added responsibilities and objectives of the organisation. Here the organisation needs to provide highlighted skills and expertise gaps within the workforce who will be able to measure the knowledge of digitization and better algorithms for the industry dynamics (Charon, Barton and Carey 2018).
The objective of this particular case study article was to construct and create a team of the three officers called G3 (Charon, Barton and Carey 2018). These three officers will be able to evaluate organisational performance and its status within the human resource officer’s responsibilities. The collaboration is very high level due to which the key persons of the organisations are established and considered in this team (Cooke, Xiao and Xiao 2020). The regulation of G3 meetings are also based on the recommendations for improvement of the future strategies which the company might be able to utilise for improving business performances and better management of human capital. The implementation of these strategies will help in increasing the efficiency of the individual employees and expand their capacities through training and development as well as recognition and reward (Thomas 2018).
From the entire case study it was developed that the functions and positions of each officer are based on their roles and responsibilities towards organisational operation. The CHROs are supposed to create better information and insights that will be provided to the CEOs of the company. The strategic partners are mainly imposed so that the job description and the decision-making bodies can be justified by the G3 team (Banker 2018). Here the prominence of organisational responsibilities of each and every officer is justified with their full potential. The transformation of the issues is mainly based on the human resource department and its role towards the future work dynamics (Charon, Barton and Carey 2018).
The HR professionals are required for developing the sustainability of the human capitals and the success rate or growth rate of the organisation. Sustainability is connected through managers, colleagues and the CEO of an organisation due to which the value addition is a responsibility of all the parties (Anderson 2018). Here the authors have suggested that the strategic partner in line needs to be in the main role where the human resources will be able to gradually move around the workplace environment. They will also notice the different problems through which sustainability will be achieved for better strategies.
The roles and elevating prominence of the human resource officers are based on the management of human capital to achieve the competitive advantage. With the professional bodies and the successful business initiatives appropriate opportunities will be provided to the individual employees and it will convince them to create better productivity and efficiency through their responsibilities (Ozmen and Öner 2018).
Elevating the Responsibility of the CHRO
According to the emphasis of the entire case study article it is understood that people or humans are more valuable than any commodities or strategies because they can be harnessed and nurtured to work according to their full potential and value-adding opportunity (Charon, Barton and Carey 2018). The balance of the organisation and its people need to be based on the relationship where neither party feels exploited by one another. The distinction between productiveness and human capital management can be predicted once the HR professionals are able to monitor all the individual employees on the basis of their roles (Brockbank et al. 2018).
Within an organisation employee motivation is a significantly different perspective that employees need to be maintained according to their efficiency and productivity. Strategic organisational goals sustainability of a motivation in order to bring more energy to the employees’ workplace and their mind-set in which the initiative towards what related behaviour is more intensified. The systematic influential purpose of motivation is to provide reward and recognition (Lengnick-Hall, Neely and Stone 2018). With financial rewards or objectivity reward the employees feel valuable and what the companies’ behaviour and appreciation for them.
According to the desired behaviour the motivation maintains a role where the human resource manager and the organisation are able to ignite the motivation within the employee to work harder and produce more. There are fair and square methods for providing rewards as the employees who are most effective and productive will be rewarded the best recognition and appreciation on the other hand employees who are trying will also be rewarded with appreciation (Aldrich and Pullman 2019).
Motivation is a particular state of mind where enthusiasm and energy is involved. In the context of an organisation motivation plays a great role in increasing the productivity of the individual employees and their efficiency to answer roles and responsibilities. The motivation provided by the human resource officers and other employers help them to push their employees to perform better through commitment and focus. Human behaviour is a certain kind of translation when motivation helps to drive its actions (Wilkinson and Dundon 2021). There are different forces which can be utilised as a motivation on behalf of the organisation. There are certain levels of theories which also help in identifying the major motivating tools and infrastructures of the organisation which can be implemented as the primary strategies.
Innovation plays a role in maintaining the theory of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory with the professional field of psychology is involved (Heizmann and Fox 2019). The American psychologist discusses the five levels of motivation which should be in the simplest hierarchical order for basic psychological and physical needs of the pyramid. The management practices done through Maslow’s theory mainly describe the field where future research and contribution can be done on behalf of the organisation. Their HR practices are continuously limited because they are influenced by motivational strategies (Banaji and Greenwald 2016). With different countries and societies involved, organisations require mass loss theory for better behavioral and motivational research.
Conclusion and Reflective Blog
Abraham Maslow first added this theory and established it while thinking about motivation needs and plans of a person. Within organisations people do not only work for money or security but their contribution and skills as well. The pyramid in this particular theory helps to understand that one person needs to fulfill the lower levels of needs of a pyramid to ascend to the next level (Komm et al. 2021). The hierarchy of needs is discussed below.
Physiological needs - the physiological needs mainly refer to the basic needs of one person survival such as clothing, shelter, food, and water. This is a basic need which needs to be fulfilled as being under the protection of a particular company or organisation (Charon Barton and Carey 2018).
Safety and security needs- this need mainly includes salary employment income financial stability and permanent security of good health. This need mainly provides the protection from threats and dangers which can be intentional or unintentional in nature (Morris, Alvarez and Barney 2021).
Social needs - this particular need does not replicate or reflect any sort of security or financial need; instead it shows the need for friendship, affiliation and association for a person to conduct their responsibilities with their team members and colleagues.
Self-esteem needs- this particular need shows the requirement of respect, appreciation and recognition of an employee. With appropriate appreciation on behalf of the employees the employees need the recognition for which they have worked hard. Status and promotion are the key gestures of providing recognition and appreciation (Ng and Sears 2018).
Self-actualization needs- this is a key opportunity for learning and personal or professional development process. Self-actualization is a particular human behavior which every employee aspires to become a member of the highest level of employees in an organisation. This is a realization of the employees for their own potential and capacities.
Hertzberg's two factor theory mainly implemented two broad categories of needs of an individual employee within an organisation. The two categories are namely motivating factors and hygiene factors (Stahl et al. 2020). Poor hygiene factors may have the audacity to destroy improvement of poor motivation systems. On the contrary hygiene factors are also not sufficient to motivate people. There are other motivational factors which are equally required for an individual to get motivated and work harder.
Hertzberg's two factor theory |
Dissatisfiers influenced by hygiene factors |
Motivator factors increasing job satisfaction |
Satisfiers influenced by motivator factors |
Improvement in the hygiene factors reduces job dissatisfaction |
Herzberg two factor theories mainly helps in understanding the hygienic sector and the motivating factors which matter to the safety of life and ways to prevent dissatisfaction at work. This theory helps to identify the major factors of individual employees which are most important to them to prevent dissatisfaction at work (Tursunbayeva et al. 2021). The autonomy and recognition are two major factors which implement self-actualization and achievements.
Vroom's expectancy theory mainly explains the theory of motivation as an individual's expectations from their future. In this theory the expectancy and instrumentality is divided into three segments which affects the future expectations to a great extent.
Appropriate resources will help in increasing the efforts which will lead to the performance increase.
The appropriation in skills will help in accomplishing jobs which have been allocated to the individual employees (Van Ingen et al. 2021). This increases the self-confidence and motivation system.
Supervisor support and correct information provision to a job will always help in accomplishing a job in the correct phone on manna. Here the adequacy in required support needs to be appropriate for the individual employees.
Instrumentality provides a belief where the individual employees will perform well. This is a particular type of confidence which can be provided to the individual employees.
Performance and outcome based relationship needs to be clearly understood by the employees so that their rules of Reward game can be clean (Vithan, Soobaroyen and Ntim 2021).
It is important that while making a decision the employees need to trust other people who might be able to share their opinion and support to the employees as well.
The transparency of all the outcomes for all the individual employees needs to exist.
The individual expected outcomes need to be based on their importance. The value of a ring and the additional time needs to be balanced within their motivational system (Zhang et al. 2020).
Motivation = V*I*E
The HR practices are continuously changing which time due to which the main factors of motivation Oracle changing. The human resource management executive at trying to develop new policies and procedures in which way the human capital can be managed with efficiency and appropriate productivity and value addition to the organisation. Some of the significant factors which might be able to drive the motivation at work for the employees are discussed below.
Feedbacks and reviews help to motivate the employees as they will be able to identify their own potential and capacity to secure a job. Self-actualization of the employees helps them to work harder and with more efficiency (Budhwar et al. 2019).
With appropriate purpose and recognition they are willing to meet the objectives and targets. The employees will be able to set their goals and schedules according to their management system. Here it will be easier for them to keep the strategic goals in their mind in a disciplinary way.
Safety and fairness in the workplace helps in creating a better environment for the employees to work in. This helps with employees’ mental health well-being as well as physical motivation (Caligiuri et al. 2020). The organisation needs to demonstrate its crucial will so that the CHRO is justifying the needs of role and responsibility revision for them.
Firstly the paper has intended to reinforce and revise the role and responsibilities of the HR departments and the chief human resource officers. The overview of the HR executive has helped in understanding the exploitation which takes place in an organisation for better productivity and efficiency in the business operations. The organizing recruitment needs to have appropriate promotional and development plans through which the campaigns can be provided for training and development purposes (Ferreira, Mueller and Papa 2018).
Secondly, the chief human resource officer needs to act as a bridge among the company owners and its employees for better strategic direction and value creation within the organisational structure. This will help with the instrumentalization of individual growth plans and goals along with the communication and alignment of the company to meet its vision and mission.
Thirdly, the organisation might want to reconsider its sustainability and employee retention program by improving the human capital management and support system (Cooke, Schuler and Varma 2020). The growth of personal development, professional development and learning process can be involved if the customization may take place on the basis of individual requirements and skills.
Before I joined MBA classes I already had Different work experience for different small to medium companies. Significantly remember the role played in different companies which were as vast as supervisor to managerial roles in the United Kingdom. I have seen different United Kingdom based businesses that have had growth as well as declination of Profit (Guest et al. 2021). The first time I had an experience was in a multinational retailing company as I have interest in marketing as well as human resource management systems.
In this reflection blog I will be implementing two different styles of models which will help me in providing the information related to my reflective cycle of experience. The application of Kolb’s model will help me summaries my experience in a concrete model.
Figure 1: Kolb’s Model
(Source: Brown 2022)
First time I joined a multinational company I did not feel appreciated or valued at work by my fellow colleagues or supervisors. My first instance of the workplace was money because that was the only motivational trigger for me rather than appreciation and recognition which were a tough encounter for me at the very beginning. During my first days I understood that the only thing I need to focus on is my personal and professional development through vertical and horizontal growth instead of paying more attention to get motivation from others. I need it to be my own motivator (Jiang and Li 2019). While playing the role of supervisor I felt that my fellow employees did not know me very well and that they did not listen to what I had to say to them carefully. This was my first concrete experience of joining the first multinational company.
On the basis of my reflective observation I might be able to include the feeling of biases at work. Once I played the supervisor role, I noticed that my manager used to be more biased towards other supervisors than me because I was new. This inequality eventually impacted my mental peace and motivation level at work. I also have several disagreements with company cultures in some cases (Brown 2022). It seemed more like that I did not get to see the facilities that I was promised at the beginning. This seemed like mobbing to me. The company HR has separate expectations and needs from me and I have separate expectations from the company e human resource executive. The lack of cooperation was there which I felt mostly within the company.
According to the abstract conceptualization of my experience, I would say that I was looking for a different role which would give me the opportunity to enhance my managerial roles and HR executive journey best responsibilities and features. There were several challenges which I faced during my managerial and supervision days of work. Eventually I learnt and tried to accept my capacity (Brown 2022). I learnt about my motivation system which would drive me towards improvement, personal development understanding and better efficiency at work. My major motivations were a fair salary, a good work atmosphere, a great opportunity to learn and develop my skills, and my motivation of achieving objectives.
From the active experimentation I have learnt that a higher degree of autonomy is the role that I might be seeking in life. My major perspective towards a successful work life is to have a managerial role where I would be able to implement better human resource policies and Offer more credit, appreciation or a better workplace environment to my fellow employees. My leadership skills are more democratic according to me as I have learned for the past few years. My ability of managing people is slightly different from most leaders and due to that I think that I would be able to give the HR roles and responsibilities to the CHROs a different perspective and the different mindset to follow in their future workplace (Brown 2022).
Figure 2: Gibb’s Model
(Source: 2022)
During the entire experience and my career life I have encountered several emotions and feelings which have helped me to learn more about the challenges I might face in future. When I play the role of supervisor I encounter similar situations that my employees and fellow colleagues also faced. From this I have understood that motivation is a temporary concept and it does not last for the rest of the life. I think I have learnt a lot from this idea where I have acknowledged my entire life in front of my eyes.
I've also understood that salary is a great factor which primarily motivates me but at the same time I also feel that a good work environment and appreciation or recognition from my managers would motivate me to a great extent which even salary cannot ( 2022). I might also think that cultural diversity is not a big problem for me because I think I am a very adjusting and compromising person who will be fit for any role if that is encountered and aligned with my job profile and skills. There are certain action plans which I think I will be able to make to change my career path and aspirations. The action plan has a few aspects such as,
I want to have a career not a desk job. In the next 5-10 years I do not see myself doing a 9-5 fixed desk job. I want to explore my career to learn new objectives and to develop my personal knowledge.
I think purpose gives perfection to life. I want to live a life where I would be able to inspire more people than just living it in a box. My largest sense in terms of success would be to feel excited about going to work every day.
I think money does not give all the happiness in life but it is obviously important. I want to earn money in a way that my journey in life is different from others where I will be able to earn as well as enjoy such money with my surroundings.
Having fun in life is important so that I can enjoy myself in my workplace as well. I think I would like to promote a spiral of positivity and fun activities at my workplace. With fun performance, loyalty, job satisfaction, and employee engagement can be enhanced ( 2022).
It has been identified throughout the study that the employee motivation system can change the entire outline of the human resource management system. The human resource managers need to be more inviting to their policies and procedures so that their employees can be written successfully within the organisational structure. Here the HR professionals need to prioritise their people namely employees because they are the biggest asset of the organisation who are providing all the services and the profitability to the company. According to the case study analysis it was identified that the CEOs and the CHROs of the company make the most important decisions regarding the business's procedures and policies. According to the sustainability of the competitive advantage the organisations need to understand and prioritise their employees for better business profitability and advantages. The young talents need to be retained within the organisation through improved and revised HR policies. Here the consecutive retention can be done by the CHROs of the organisation.
On the contrary the summary of the case study article has been identified and reviewed by Charan, Barton and Carey that has established the need of prioritizing people over strategies in an organisation. The main function or areas of human resource management have been identified to be employee motivation and a rewarding system. It has been identified that in case of future retention rate employee motivation is the most important factor to provide the employees appropriate job satisfaction. Throughout the reflective blog the learning experience has been discussed in detail whereas the future career as a HR professional is also considered through different models such as Kolb's learning model and Gibbs reflective cycle.
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My Assignment Help. The Role Of Human Resource Management In Organizations: A Case Study Essay. [Internet]. My Assignment Help. 2022 [cited 11 February 2025]. Available from: