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Challenges of Recruitment and Selection in Hospitality Industry: Employer’s Perspective


Discuss about the Recruitment And Selection Process In Hospitality Section.

Recruitment and selection is the process of sourcing and selecting the most suitable job candidates for the right position of an organization. The success of an organization is highly dependent on effective recruitment and selection process, which hires the most effective employees towards achieving organizational success. In case of hospitality sector, the success of organizations is completely dependent on the skills and talent level of employees for satisfying the customers (Huang et al., 2016). Hence, the hospitality recruiters must be extremely crucial in their hiring process for selecting most suitable and talented employees towards leading organizational success. This paper will choose 5 peer reviewed journals on different aspects of recruitment and selection process in hospitality section. The description of each annotated bibliography will also discuss the contribution of the articles in the study of recruitment and selection in hospitality sector.

This article examines that the employers of hospitality industry in Macau are facing extreme challenges in recruiting and selecting best employees due to tight labor market condition. As per this article, the employers in different countries prefer different types of selection methods for selecting the best employees. The employers of United State mostly prefer reference check method for selecting best employees. Furthermore, the employers assess the abilities of the employees through a trial work period. Application form, initial interview and reference check methods are the best rated assessment method in United Kingdom. Furthermore, the article has highlighted on structure interview, performance test and personality test for substantive assessment of the employees (Chan & Kuok, 2011). The research question of the article has been focused on the preferences of employers regarding best recruitment and selection method. The purpose of the article is to assess the important employee skills considered by the employers during recruitment and selection. In order to collect data regarding the research topic, the author has selected 135 employers of Macau hospitality industry. Moreover, survey questionnaires have been distributed among the selected employers, which were regarding their preferences of employee skills and selection method in employee selection. Moreover, the article has concluded that resume and interview method are mostly used by the employers for employee selection and assessment.

This study is particularly applied to recruitment and selection methods used in hospitality sectors. The findings of this study will be highly useful in my study of hospitality sector because it suggests best recruitment and selection method for hiring high quality employees. I will use these findings to analyze hospitality sector, as it has demonstrated key skills required among the employees of hospitality sector. From the findings of the article, I have understood that the employees of hospitality industry need high level of human relation skills. Such skills can help the employees in provide high quality customer service to the customers for leading high level of customer satisfaction. On the other hand, competitiveness of the hospitality sector is also largely dependent on the verbal and interpersonal skills of the employees. Moreover, the sector can provide warm welcome and attractive service to the customers through the employees having high level of interpersonal skills.

Skills Required for Entry Level Managers in Hospitality Sector: The Gaps in Perception between Recruiters and Students

The article examines the differences in the perception between hospitality recruiters and hospitality students in regards to skills required for entry level managers in hospitality sector. The research questions of this article have been designed to explore the gaps in the perception of KSA requirement for entry level managers in hospitality sectors between the recruiter and students. Furthermore, the purpose of the study is to minimize the gap of perception between the recruiters and students regarding the KSA requirements for entry level managers in hospitality sector. As per this article, the recruiters of hospitality sector mostly prefer oral communication, analytical ability, teamwork and leadership, interpersonal skills, adaptability and self management skills for selecting entry level managers (Huang et al., 2016). However, the students are not much aware of the adaptability and self discipline skills, as they are not integrated with the hospitality programs. The article has selected pilot study, where survey was conducted on five enrolled students in the home institution of the researcher. Apart from that, the article has also selected a list of recruiters at a Midwestern hospitality program. Moreover, the study has concluded that relocation and self discipline are the big gaps between the hospitality recruiter and hospitality students. Moreover, the hospitality professionals should cultivate self-disciplines of the students at the campus for preparing them effectively for the position of entry level managers.

This study has been particularly applied to hospitality sector, which can help me to know huge useful information regarding this sector. Moreover, the findings of the article have identified the gaps in the perception between the hospitality recruiter and hospitality students regarding the KSA of entry level managers. I will use these findings to enhance my knowledge regarding the actual KSA requirements for the entry level managers in hospitality sector. I have understood that the managers at entry level of hospitality sector must understand the value of relocation for the business progress. Moreover, the adaptable nature of the entry level managers will help them in better adjust with the new business location. On the other hand, the findings of the article have also explored that the hospitality recruiters prefer the intrinsic characteristic of the candidates more that their specific skills. Moreover, such skills are highly required for the entry level managers to maintain warm relationship with the employees. The hospitality professional should cultivate self-discipline among the students for best preparing to be preferred by the hospitality recruiters in the position of entry level manager.

Recruitment and Selection Factors for Hiring Front Desk Agent in Hospitality Sector: The Importance of Cover Letter, Resumes and Interview

This article examines the selection factors, which the recruiters and hiring mangers consider the cover letter, resumes and face-to-face interview, while hiring front desk agent in hospitality sector. The purpose of the study is to assess the perception of recruiter and hiring managers, while hiring front desk agents for hospitality sector. The objective of the article is to promote, improve and better achieve desired outcome in selecting successful applicants. As per this article, the review of resumes and interview are considered as the most frequent and relevant ways of selecting a front desk agent. The cover letters demonstrate the personality and communication skills of the applicants, which are extremely important for the front desk agents to solve problems, provide excellent customer service and developing teams (Meagher, 2017). On the other hand, the resumes are extremely important for identifying the information regarding the educational qualification, work experience, interest and achievements of the applicants. The article has also explored the importance of interview in assessing the cognitive ability of the applicants. The article has selected 12 recruiter and hiring managers of hotel sectors for collecting data regarding the research questions. Moreover, the study has concluded that the recruiters and hiring managers mostly review resumes and interview for hiring front desk agents. Such method assesses the personality, hospitality experience and people interaction of the applicants.

The study is particularly applied to the recruitment and selection process for hotel industry. More specifically, the findings of the study have revealed the suitable recruitment and selection factors adopted by the recruitment and hiring mangers to hire quality front desk agent in hotel sectors. I have understood that the hiring managers of hotel sectors face extreme challenges in selecting quality and experienced front desk agents. However, the recruiters and hiring should review the cover letter of the applicants for assessing the personality and communication skills of the applicants. I have understood that that work experience is the most important factor, which the recruiter should consider during selection of front desk agents. It is extremely important for my study to understand the importance of resumes in selecting the applications. Moreover, the resumes reveal the work experience, extracurricular activities and educational qualification of the employees. Furthermore, the article is also important for me to understand the important of structured interview in selecting the best applicants in hotel sectors. This method recognizes the cognitive skills of the applications, which help them to interact with the customers effectively.

The Impact of Recruitment and Selection Process on Fostering Organizational Innovation

The article examines the importance of human resource practices in fostering innovation in organization. The major focus of this article is relied on exploring the mediating role of human capital in enhance organizational performance. The recent investigation of this study has revealed that effective recruitment and selection process helps the managers to hire quality talented employees, who can contribute in the innovation process of the organization. However, recruitment and selection process does not have direct impact on enhancing the level of human capital (Nieves & Quintana, 2018). The hypotheses of the article have been set to explore the importance of rigorous recruitment and selection process in the level of human capital. Furthermore, the purpose of the article is also to assess the significance of training and development in enhancing the level of human capital, which is targeted towards fostering organizational innovation. The author has selected cross-sectional survey on the employees of 109 hotel establishments for collecting important data regarding the research hypotheses. Moreover, the study has concluded that recruitment and selection process does not necessarily contribute in enhancing the level of human capital, but it directly contributes in innovation process. Effective hiring and selection process attracts and selects highly talented employees, who can directly apply their unique knowledge and ideas in fostering innovation ideas towards organizational competiveness.

The article is completely concerned about assessing the effectiveness of recruitment and selection process in enhancing the level of human capital. Moreover, the findings of the article suggest that recruitment and selection process enhances the source of talented employees in organizations for fostering organizational innovation. One of the important things, which I have understood from the study, is that recruitment and selection process does not directly influence the quality enhancement of the employees, but it directly attracts and hires the talented employees for fostering unique ideas on business process. Hence, this article has highly contributed in my study of recruitment and selection in hospitality sector. Moreover, the article has also helped me in assessing the importance of training and development in the innovation process of the hospitality sector. Effective training and development process of the key for enhancing the level of human capital. Such process develops the skills, knowledge and abilities of the human capital and encourages them to foster innovative ideas for generating competitiveness in organizations.

The article investigates the importance of social networking sites for the selection purpose of hospitality sector. As per this article, most of the USA employers in hospitality sector are using social networking sites for screening and investigating the job candidates. Moreover, the employers use these sites to verify the information provided by the job applicants. 45% of the U.S employers are already using social networking sites for assessing the personal preferences, interests, demographic information, links and favorite videos of the job candidates posted on their social media profile (Chang & Madera, 2012). Moreover, it has been considered as the most effective, inexpensive and easy selection method for screening the job candidates before their selection. The objective of this article is to explore the way in which the recruiters are using social media sites for screening the job applicants. Furthermore, the article is also aimed at assessing the extent to which the valence of information posted on social media accounts influence the recruiters on their usage of social sites in recruitment and selection. The author has selected 80 hospitality industry recruiters and conducted survey method on them for assessing their level of social site usage in selection process. The article has concluded that the employers mostly consider the negative information of job application on the social accounts for rejecting them. It is evident that the hospitality recruiters mostly use social networks for hiring management level employees than hiring entry level employees.

The findings of the article are extremely important for my study of hospitality sector and its recruitment and selection process. This article has focused on an interesting aspect of selection process, where 45% of hospitality recruiters are using social networking sites for screening the job applicants before hiring them. I have understood that social networking sites are the most efficient and cost effective ways of screening process, where the employers can validate the information actually provided by the applicants. I can also use these findings to assess the importance of management level employees over the entry level employees. Moreover, the turnover of management level employees is quite expensive than the turnover of entry level employees. Hence, most of the recruiters use social networking sites for assessing personal information of the management level job candidates before hiring them.


Chan, S. H., & Kuok, O. M. (2011). A study of human resources recruitment, selection, and retention issues in the hospitality and tourism industry in Macau. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 10(4), 421-441.

Chang, W., & Madera, J. M. (2012). Using social network sites for selection purposes: An investigation of hospitality recruiters. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 11(3), 183-196.

Huang, Y., Lalopa, J., & Adler, H. (2016). An analysis of entry level management requirements: Are there differences in perceptions of hospitality recruiters versus hospitality students?. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 15(3), 346-364.

Meagher, K. A. (2017). An examination of the recruitment selection factors for a front desk agent. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 16(2), 171-191.

Nieves, J., & Quintana, A. (2018). Human resource practices and innovation in the hotel industry: The mediating role of human capital. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 18(1), 72-83.

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