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Motivation Theories

Discuss about the Strategic Method To Operative Management Of Business Workforces.

Human Resource management is said to be a strategic method to the operative management of business workforces such that they support the business in attaining the competitive objectives (Price, 2011). This HR department is established to improve the performance of the employees in the organization. The human resource manager is responsible for motivating its employees and increases their productivity. Today, every organization is concerned about their employees and is working to improve their productivity along with their standard of living. In order to do this, they adopt various motivational theories and method that support in attaining this objective (Martocchio, Laio and Joshi, 2011). This report is being prepared in order to highlight the theories that are being used to motivate the employees of the firm. Description of the characteristics of the positive environment of work and how designing of the job is done by the HR to motivate the employees will be explained. Besides this, discussion of the Hackman and Oldham's will be explained. In the end, discussion of the relationship between Maslow's general components and job characteristics will be done.  

The most significant factor to attaining success in the business is the capability to motivate the employees. It is the fact that it there are two workers they will not be similar or alike; it could be a challenge for the company to know what will influence the employee so that a proper motivational theory can be implemented (Nduka, 2016). There are various numbers of theories of motivation that support company in bringing out the best from the employees. Some of the key Motivational theories are Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene Theory, Vroom's Expectancy Theory, Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory, Porter and Lawler's Expectancy theory, Argyris's Theory, McClelland’s Need Theory, Urwicks’s Theory, and McGregor’s Participation Theory (Evans, 2015).

Source [(Tankonyvtar, 2011)]

The motivation theory equity explains the relationship among the perception of employees of how much fairly he is being treated and how much stronger he is being motivated to perform his job. Equity theory says that employee recognizes what they receive from a task or job situation (outcomes) in association to what they have involved or provided into it (inputs) and then the inputs-outputs are compared with the rations of inputs- outcomes of others. This theory of motivation shows:

Inputs- Inputs comprises every diverse and rich element that are believed by the employees that they will bring or have contributed to the work such as their experience, commitment, education, loyalty, and effort (Bell, 2012).

Motivation Theories that Influence Effective Processes of the Employees

Outputs- Outcomes are said to be the rewards that are received by the employees’ from their work and the outcomes of the employees are comprised of fringe benefits, psychological and social rewards, bonuses and direct pay, and job security.

Over rewarded- If one worker is being over-rewarded then the theory of equity says that they will feel an inequality in their relationship or bond with the other employee and will try to regain that balance.

Equity- If all the employees get treated equally then they will get motivates and will regularly contribute their portion at the same level in the organization.

Unrewarded- Employees who think they haven't received any reward or unrewarded then they try to decrease their feeling or thought towards equity by the similar kind of strategies (Miller, Vandome and John, 2010).

The Hawthorne Effect theory of motivation was initially explained in 1950 by Henry A. Landsberger, he observed a propensity for few people to perform better and harder when researcher observe them.

The researcher of the theory altered various physical situations for the experiments such as working hours, breaks, and lighting. In all the conditions, the productivity of the employees increased when the changes are done. The researcher of the theory concluded that workers became inspired or motivated to operate their work harder (Mark, 2014).

Maslow’s Need Hierarchy is a theory of motivation in psychology including a human needs model of five-tier, mostly called as a pyramid with hierarchical levels (Long, 2012). Maslow specified that people get motivated when they attain some needs and those needs take superiority over others. Physical survival is the basic need of human, and this is said to be the initial thing that motivates the behavior of people. The time that level of need is met the next level of the need motivates and the process goes on. This model of five-stage can be categorized into growth needs and deficiency needs. The top level of needs is called as being or growth needs, and the first four levels of need are called as deficiency needs (Maslow, 2013).

Physiological needs- These needs are the biological requirements for the survival of the human example drink, clothing, sleep, air, shelter, and warmth. If all the needs do not get fulfilled than the body of a human cannot work properly.

Safety Needs- Protection from elements, freedom, security, law, stability, and order.

Love and Belongingness needs- Human needs third level is feelings of belongingness, and social. The necessity of social relationships motivates the behavior of people or employees.

Equity theory

Esteem Needs- These needs are divided into two parts i.e. the need for status or respect from team members or others and esteem for oneself. Maslow highlighted that the respect need is very important for adolescents and children.

Self-actualization Needs- Understanding personal potential, looking for personal growth, peak experiences, and self-fulfillment (McGuire, 2012).

The expectancy theory talks about an individual behavior and says that he/she will act in some way as they are influenced or motivated to choose a particular behavior over another behaviour because they expect some outcomes from the selected behavior. In core, the influence of the selection of the behavior is defined by the attractiveness of the consequence. On the other hand, at the center of the theory is the intellectual procedure of how a person practices those diverse motivational features. This has been performed before making a choice. The consequence is not just the single defining factor in taking the decision of which behavior needs to be selected (Miner, 2015).

A positive and effective environment of work might be very relevant than people think. A positive environment of work is very important to the satisfaction of the workforce, their productivity and health. Some of the characteristics of positive work environment are:

Transparent and open communication- In core, an open and transparent communication talks about the needs of the employees to sense what they want to say has some value. This makes employees feel good and generate the feeling that they are the part of the company. The work of the employees become meaningful as they know what they are contributing is affecting the company from which they are linked with (Poh, 2018).

Work-life Balance- In everyone’s life there must be some type of balance between personal life and work life. In general, having this type of balance will increase the satisfaction of the job among workers as they will start feeling that they are not avoiding other aspects of life that are also important for them besides work.

Training and Development focused- Today, change is more extensive than ever before, it is essential for every business to be well-informed about the changes and provide training to their employees for that change (Foldspang, Mark and Hjorth, 2014).

Recognition for the Hard Work- Reward is very important in order to motivate some type of behaviors of people. This is also called as positive reinforcement. It is utilized in the management of organizational behavior along with this it endorses related behavior in the future.

Hawthorne effect Theory of Motivation

Strong Team Spirit- As social beings, human normally look for the help of their peers and look to get involved in a group. Whenever the tough time comes, the group of people or team must come together to work and solve the problems that they have come across in the organization. Here the feeling of unity arises among employees and teams and they will not feel that they are working for themselves. They now work operating for something different and bigger than themselves and as a team (Day Designer, 2015).

Today, with the altering demographics and a competitive job market, human resource managers face huge challenges in hiring, motivating, maintaining, and making employees happy. Employees need various choices and flexibility in the way they approach the task, for instance, various work opportunities to operate collaboratively. They search for a maximum number of opportunities to alter duties, for examination, to study and to develop their career in a less linear way. It is not just necessary but important for companies to have employees that are motivated. Presently, various professionals of human resource are seeking how to design the environment of work, job design, and culture that helps in motivating the employees (Tejavath, 2015).

Job specialization is said to be the initial method to designing of the job. Job specialization is well-organized however results are monotony and boredom. Initial alternatives to the job specialization comprise job enlargement, job enrichment, and job rotation.

Job rotation includes employees that move from one job to another job at regular time intervals. The time workforce moves to different work or job, the droning features of job specialization can be revived (Management Study Guide, 2018).

Job enlargement is comprised of creating a job big in the scope by uniting extra task activities into every job by expansion.

Job enrichment talks about job designing that is comprised of a variety of content related to work, need high-level skills and knowledge, provide workforce more independence and accountability, and offer the chance for individual growth (Morgeson and Campion, 2013).

According to a research it has been seen that there are five components of job that upsurge the job's motivating potential, a variety of skill, task significance, feedback, the identity of the task, and autonomy (Crandall and Crandall, 2015).

Skills- Employees get influenced more of motivated if they are utilizing their different skills in their places, in place of one thing recurrently.

Motivation Theories that Influence Behavioral Processes of the Employees

Task- Workforce gets motivated to finish the task it the recognize them and have observed it from starting point to finishing point.

The time workers start feeling that their job or work is important for their company, and then they get motivated to do the job effectively.

Autonomy- Employees prefer to take their decisions and have flexibility in their job or roles. Most of the workers reduce their level of motivation if they do not get freedom.        

Feedback- Employees require feedback to stay motivated.

The quality of life in the overall environment of work and job is considered an important element of a motivating and positive experience for the employees. The features that are comprised in the quality of life comprise open communication reasonable system of reward, job security, and satisfaction of employees, participative management, improvement of the skills of the employees, etc. As a major part of one's life has been spending on the job, it needs to offer gratification for continued interest. Jobs offer workers not only helps in achieving living goals but also other goals, like political, cultural, social, and economic (WageWatch, 2018).

Hackman and Oldham have designed this job characteristic model, is grounded on the thought that the job itself is vital for the motivation of the employee. Precisely, a boring and repetitious job pleases motivation to achieve goals, while a job which is challenging increased motivation. Diversity, independence and decision expert are 3 ways of including a challenge to a work or job. Job rotation and Job enrichment are said to be 2 methods of adding challenge and variety (Herzberg, 2017).

It talks about the five main characteristics of  job (task uniqueness, autonomy, skill variety, feedback, and task significance) which influence 3 serious psychological conditions or states (experienced accountability for the outcomes, information of the definite results, and experienced significance), in return affecting outcomes of work (job satisfaction, work motivation, absenteeism, etc.). The five main characteristics of job might be united to make a MPS (motivating potential score) for the work or job that could be utilized as an index of how a job affects the behavior and attitude of the employees.

The job characteristic theory i.e. Hackman and Oldham’s states that the high enthusiasm or motivation is associated with experiencing 3 important psychological states whereas working:

The meaningfulness of work- The efforts has some meaning for an individual that can be related, and do not happen only as a set of actions to be repetitive. This is important for inherent or intrinsic motivation that is job is motivating in and of itself.

Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory

Responsibility- Responsibility is an opportunity which is provided to be a failure of success at the work because adequate freedom for the activities has been provided to the employee. This will be comprised of the capabilities to make alterations and include the knowledge or learning that has been gained while performing the job.

Knowledge of Outcomes- It is very important for 3 motives. Initially to offer the individual information or knowledge of how effectively their job or roles has been performed, which in return allows them to know or learn from their mistakes. The second is to link them sensitively to the consumer of their productions, therefore providing a further determination to the do their work.

In turn, all of these critical situations are resultant from definite job characteristics:

The work should be performed meaningful (employees contribution expressively affects the whole efficiency of the business). This is resulting from:

Skill variety

Utilizing a suitable selection of the talent and skills: too many can be irresistible, and too few can be boring.

Task Identity

If the job is recognized completely, allows extra pride to be considered in the consequence of that job.

Task Significance

Task significance is talked about the employee are capable to recognize the job as adding something wider, to group or society over and beyond the self.

Responsibility is resulting from independence, as the job offers considerable freedom, individuality and pleasure to the person in arranging the job and in defining the processes to be utilized in carrying it out.

Knowledge of the outcomes arrives from feedback. It reflects the awareness of the employee of how operatively that person is altering his/her power into performance. This can be comprised of the figures of production to the scores of satisfaction of the customer. The concern is that the feedback provides data or information that can be used to activities differently. Feedback can be taken from people or from the job itself (Employee Motivation Theory, 2018).

Maslow’s theory talks about the need for the people or individual that if initial needs get satisfied then people moves towards to next one. In the business organizations employees work to fulfill their physiological needs, security needs, love and belongingness, esteem needs, and Self-actualization Needs. In order to fulfill those needs, it is very important to have depth knowledge of the job characteristics so that goals can be achieved and overall employees get motivated (Leblanc, 2013). It is very important to have some needs so that the job characteristics can be understood properly.

Expectancy Theory of Motivation

If the employees are not familiar about the characteristics of the job that is skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback, they will not be capable to attain their needs hierarchy which will result in demotivation and failure in fulfilling the task.

Moreover, in order to attain the self-actualization in the organization employee need to come across with its job characteristics, the person needs to apply its variety of skills and identify the tasks or role they need to perform in the company.

It can be said that Maslow’s components and job characteristics are closely related to each other because the job cannot be performed without analyzing the job, and also needs cannot be fulfilled without grabbing the knowledge of job characteristics.


In the conclusion, it can be said that Motivation is an important component in the organization in order to achieve organizational objectives. Motivation can derive effective performance form an individual and can result in improving the performance of the employee. Therefore, it can be said that every organization need to work for its human resource and should develop its department of human resource by involving experienced and skilled people in the organization that can enhance the productivity of the employees of the organization by understanding their needs and expectations from the company. The above report has talked about the important theories of motivation that are implemented in most of the organizations to increase the productivity of the employees such as Maslow’s need theory, Equity theory, expectancy theory, and Hawthorne effect Theory of Motivation. The report has highlighted the characteristics of the positive work environment and discussion has been conducted to explain designing the job to motivate employees. Besides this, it has talked about the Hackman and Oldham’s job characteristics theories, and in the end, it has discussed the possible relationship between Maslow’s general components and job characteristics.


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Crandall, R.E., and Crandall, W 2015, BusinessPro collection, 1st edn, IAP.

Day Designer 2015, 7 Characteristics of a Positive Work Environment, viewed 29 May 2018 <> 

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Evans, P 2015, Motivation, 3rd edn, Routledge.

Foldspang, L., Mark, M., and Hjorth, L.R 2014, Working environment and productivity: A register-based analysis of Nordic enterprises, 1st edn, Nordic Council of Ministers.

Herzberg, F 2017, Motivation to Work, 8th edn, Routledge.

How Management Programs Can Improve Organization Performance: Selecting and Implementing the Best Program for Your Organization

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Tankonyvtar 2011, Motivation Theories, viewed 29 May 2018 <>

WageWatch 2018, Motivating Employees by Job Design, viewed 29 May 2018 <>

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