Research Problem
Discuss about the Sustainability Features Of Paper industry in Australia.
Background of the research
Paper industry in Australia is well established adopting significant innovations and sustainability features. The growth and development of the industry is significant which has created significant demand within the economy. The paper mills in Australia are focusing on enhancing its operations and efficiency due to rising market demand. The emergence of automation in this field will aid in bringing solutions towards better integration and proper utilisation of the paper warehousing. To understand the significance of warehousing in well manner, it is necessary to understand the concept of automation in well manner (Heragu &, 2011). The automation in work focuses on replacing the manual works with automated systems based on machines and technical abilities. Nowadays, many works that are based on labour oriented industries face errors that can have critical impact on productivity and efficiency of business. The present research proposal intends to investigate the paper industry of Australia and examine about its requirement for automation. The project for the study is to replace the labour intensive paper industry warehousing with automated warehousing. Moreover, the research proposal will also help in getting an overview of the benefits that outshines the labour oriented works in paper industry (Corinna Cagliano &, 2011).
The automation in labour intensive markets brings a change and development that makes manually handled works easier and manageable. The major benefits that can be retrieved in the process are significant reduction in labour costs. It also helps companies in enhancing the sales and distribution aspects which creating a positive impact on consumer satisfaction aspect. Replacing labour intensive warehouses with automated ones in paper industry may create a significant impact on business operations. Economic issues are to critically determined, technological aspects have to be examined, moreover analysing risks and labour issues is yet another challenge for the business. The manual job of employees is also reduced to a large extent which reduces the issues related to redundancy, duplication of work and overlapping as well. Thus, the present research proposal will have a deeper look into the paper industry of Australia and what issues the industry face in implementing automation warehousing (Dotoli, 2015). The analysis of cost and benefit is critical to understand to develop a clear and effective picture of the issue.
The proposal will set major aims and objectives related to the industry to know the foremost issues prevailing in this field. Further, this will also result in setting specific goals to achieve by thoroughly investigating the issues and finding their solutions. The aim of the project is “To replace the labour intensive paper industry warehousing with automated warehousing”
Aims and Objectives
The research objective for the same will be:
- To evaluate the Automation warehousing techniques
- To identify the issues related with automated warehousing in paper industry
- To analyse the cost benefit aspects of replacing labour intensive warehousing with automated processes
Research questions
In order to specify the research objectives and attain specific data for the analysis following research questions will be evaluated:
- What are the technological, economic, risk and labour issues involved in warehouse automation of paper industry?
- What are the cost benefit relations of replacing labour intensive warehousing with automated warehousing?
The current trends and changing market conditions demands speed, accuracy and high distribution intensity for the business. Automated tools and techniques are significant in delivering high speed and accurate results. However technical, economic and labour issues associated with it are challenging. Majority of the companies are adopting automated warehousing strategy as it provides positive cost benefit relations. the current study will also analyse the positive outcome and benefits associated with automated warehousing for the selected industry.
The rationale of the present project is to replace labour intensive warehousing method with automated warehousing within paper industry. The study will identify and evaluate the issues related with technicality, economic aspects and risk. The research will evaluate major aspects related to automation over labour intensive work. The study will be significant for academic and well business research evaluation. It will help in evaluating the theoretical and technical aspects associated with Automation process and will develop a clear evaluation of how companies are adopting the stated process.
The automation in warehousing is a crucial aspect for any industry as it helps in bringing number of improvements within supply chain. The total cost of a manufacturing firm involves variety of expenses like transportation, distribution, allotments and many more that considerably exceeds the total charges of an enterprise. Therefore, for diminishing the prices, there is a need of replacing the labour intensive works with automatic ones. This includes a number of attributes like storage, retrieval of equipments and similar types of works which make processes easier as well as less time consuming (Accorsi, Manzini, & Maranesi, 2014). Automation in many fields help in improving the number of practices related to operations and storage. The different sort of works like packaging, labelling, shipping and many more can be executed without substantial physical jobs. The literature review of the present proposal intends to focus over various merits that can be acquired from the automated techniques in warehousing. Moreover, the study involves deeper research within paper industry’s warehousing that will aid in making improvements towards technological field and overcoming different risks (Lim, Bahr & Leung, 2013).
The modern era is highly based on automatic devices which marks the future with complete automation in every sector. The labour intensive sectors are dependent on more number of manual works as compared to the mechanical works. In the views of Sabattini &, (2013), the more number of automation in technical fields are considered to be feasible as it decreases the physical work and increases the rate of work faster without much number of flaws. Apart from that, automation in any sector helps in meeting the demands of consumers faster and prices of products cheaper. Thus, the spending power of consumers towards any products increases tremendously. However, the capital costs can be more which is spent on buying of heavy machineries, installation of software etc. But these costs can be recovered easily by cutting the huge costs of manufacturing and managing the works in most efficient way. Therefore, Gagliardi, Renaud & Ruiz, (2012) states that the significance of automation will keep on increasing in the near future which is in best interest of many manufacturing industries. Moreover, the automation in every field is required to keep up the pace according to time as time moves fast.
Expected Outcome
Technical aspect: In present era, the automation in warehousing is a factor that brings competitive advantage for a firm. According to Wamba & Chatfield, (2011), Australia’s paper industry is very old and has established its roots since 18th centuries. In the recent years, Warehouse management system has come up in the market which is sophisticated software which has introduced different improvements that makes the work faster and better than previous. The different software can be merged together to make it one integrated system that has all required functions in it and aid manufacturers in keeping their manufactured products in a safest way. The new systems in this regard have different regulations and technologies which safeguard the consumers as well as employees (Atieh &, 2016). It has many far reaching impacts and advantages because of which the significance of such software in present time has enhanced a lot.
As per Azzi &, (2011), the producers are trying to search out many new ways that are strategic and can help retrieving competitive advantages. The combination of best automated warehousing techniques is helping in mitigating various risks, fulfilling the demands of customers, boost production output at lower cost and enhancing the level of profits. Thus, an automated system in place of labour oriented technique will make the work more accurate, efficient and satisfactory. The warehouse management system (AMS) and warehouse control systems (WMS) can be used together for the operation of different storage related functions smoothly. In the views of Digani &, (2015), the use of these systems in modern era has aided a number of companies and entities in keeping paper products better and manageable so as to have less flaws in each and every process.
Economical aspect: The economical aspect of a particular field helps in looking into the financial merits and demerits of that area. In the views of Meneghetti & Monti, (2015), paper industry is one of the major field in Australia that requires intense automation in its warehousing system. The system will aid in getting vast benefits that are more than as compared to manually operated system. The system can prove to be of cost effective as the invested amount can give the payback within three to five years only. Apart from that bringing automation in cited sector can help in reaping substantial benefits from various sources like:
- Lower labour and equipment costs
- Better management in land use
- Decrease in wastages
- Reduction in maintenance costs
- Better saving in energy costs
In addition to above stated economical advantages and uses, the automated system of warehousing can also be helpful in increasing the productivity. According to Ullrich, (2015) there are possibilities of encountering number of errors when warehousing processes are handled manually. Hence, automated system ensures the movement and transportation of material correctly. In Australia, the mentioned sector lacks in economical aspects as many a times, they are not able to handle the entire work of transportation and movement within time constraints if managed manually. Moreover, the utilisation of space that is owned by manufacturers is also not done in an optimum way. The automated system aids in managing the available space in best possible way (Jabbar &, 2016). The orders that are received by companies can also be settled in a perfect way without facing any kind of chaos in work.
Significance of the Research
Risk aspect: The manufacturing processes are generally redundant where the products are handled severally. This makes the procedure lengthy and thereby hiking the labour cost. In the automated system, particular bar codes can be allotted to the warehousing process which will streamline the process and make it less redundant. In the views of Reaidy, Gunasekaran & Spalanzani, (2015) the risk related to use of available space in best possible way is a great challenge which can be faced if the layout of the labour is not managed properly. Through automated systems, the arrangement of products can be done in a proper way that makes outputs easily accessible. Moreover, there can be sometimes seasonality in demands where the importance of warehousing increases dramatically. For management of this issue, there is a need of right information on time. The gaps and errors in information can lead to substantial losses, hence timely information can aid in mitigating seasonal demands in better way (Ramaa, Subramanya & Rangaswamy, 2012).
The strategic ways can be used in handling this issue which will reduce the labour cost as well as maintaining the balance between fluctuating demands. Apart from this, the automated warehousing system can also assist in increasing the accuracy of information related to stock level and its composition. In the views of Ma &, (2015), the environment is quite dynamic which needs the careful study of available information. Thus, various approaches in automated way can be introduced to overcome different risks and manage the functions in well manner. The warehousing system of paper industry faces a very dynamic environment in Australia, as many a times the supply chain is to be managed in remote areas as well. Thus, the automated system makes function easier and efficient.
Labour issue: The issues among labours due to automation are largely related to their fear of replacing their works by machines. However, Karásek, (2013) states that automation in warehousing work of paper industry cannot be considered as the solution of every problem. Therefore, there is a need to study and research properly about the areas where automation is required and where not. The concept of automation here is largely based on providing a safe and efficient working environment where products are brought to the workers replacing the traditional concept of workers reclaiming the products. The physical labour is largely diminished as a result of automation like lifting heavy loads, walking, passing etc. (Kumar &, 2011).
Literature Review: Automation Warehouse Overview
Methodology is the process of defining the project specification and applying different tools and techniques to resolve the research problem and attain an unbiased outcome. The project is to replace the labour intensive paper industry warehousing with automated one. The analysis will focus on evaluating the issues, impact and benefit of the process through the proposed method. Developing effective methodology helps in creating a step by step process of investigation and completion of the research in a well defined form. The specifications of project methodology have been discussed as below:
Research approach
The current project focuses on developing a paper industry warehouse from labour intensive to automate. In ordered to resolve the research problem and attain the aim of the study top down approach will be adopted for the study. This will focus on analysing the general issues to specific issues of the study. In the present project researcher will evaluate the general trends of the warehouse automation and issues and aspects related to the same. The discussion on general theories and models will be undertaken for the same. After in-depth analysis of the aspect specific issue related to paper industry warehouse will be analysed and evaluated. The stated approach will help in attaining clear and structured method of research.
Data collection
In order to attain reliable and authentic results data collection plays a very crucial role. In order to undertake the project in an effective and well defined manner collection of relevant data and analysis of the same is very important. It will help the researcher in evaluating the issues and problems associated with the same. Primary and secondary research plays a major role in data collection aspect. The research will adopt both the tools to attain relevant and reliable data.
Secondary data will be collected from past researches, online content, company data, magazines and journals. This will help in attaining specific and important data for the study. It will also help in analysing the issues and problems associated with process. Different techniques and tools adopted for warehouse automation will also be examined in the research. It will develop a significant overview of the research issue.
Primary data collection will help in attaining direct and fresh data for the study which will be unbiased and accurate in analysing the actual research paradigm. People working in Paper industry of the Australia will be population for the research. Primary tools such as questionnaire will be adopted to collected relevant and unbiased data for the study.
Significance of Automation Over Labour Intensive Market
Sampling and data analysis
A sample of 50 employees working in the paper industry will be selected for primary data collection. Random sampling technique will be adopted whereby the employees from different companies will be involved. A Structured questionnaire will help in collecting the specific data from the sample population which will be used to attain the accurate data for the study. The data will be collected and analyzed in a structured manner. Data analysis will be done on the thematic basis. It will help in clearly evaluating the research issues thus developing reliable outcome for the study.
Task Name |
Duration |
Start |
Finish |
Predecessors |
Finding project topics |
1 wk |
Fri 20-04-18 |
Thu 26-04-18 |
Determining research problem |
1 wk |
Fri 27-04-18 |
Thu 03-05-18 |
1 |
Writing introduction |
2 wks |
Fri 04-05-18 |
Thu 17-05-18 |
2 |
Conducting review of literature |
2 wks |
Fri 18-05-18 |
Thu 31-05-18 |
3 |
Developing project methodology and plan |
1 wk |
Fri 01-06-18 |
Thu 07-06-18 |
4 |
Submitting Project proposal |
1 wk |
Fri 08-06-18 |
Thu 14-06-18 |
5 |
Extracting management concepts |
3 wks |
Fri 15-06-18 |
Thu 05-07-18 |
6 |
Data collection |
3 wks |
Fri 06-07-18 |
Thu 26-07-18 |
7 |
Presentation of progress report |
1 wk |
Fri 27-07-18 |
Thu 02-08-18 |
8 |
Seeking project specifications |
5 wks |
Fri 03-08-18 |
Thu 06-09-18 |
9 |
Structuring project report |
15 wks |
Fri 07-09-18 |
Thu 20-12-18 |
10 |
Writing structured report |
20 wks |
Fri 21-12-18 |
Thu 09-05-19 |
11 |
Submitting draft |
5 wks |
Fri 10-05-19 |
Thu 13-06-19 |
12 |
Completing report |
20 wks |
Fri 14-06-19 |
Thu 31-10-19 |
13 |
Final submission |
3 wks |
Fri 01-11-19 |
Thu 21-11-19 |
14 |
Project closer |
3 wks |
Fri 22-11-19 |
Thu 12-12-19 |
15 |
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