The purpose of this assignment is to enhance learners’ ability to evaluate the ergonomic problems at the workplace.
You are required to select a manufacturing company for this assignment. Identify and evaluate the ergonomic problems in the organisation and suggest ways to solve those ergonomic problems.
Identification of Ergonomic Problems in Hi-Pro Link
The term ergonomics has been derived from Greek words ergo implying work and nomos implying natural laws. The combination of the two words provides with the meaning of the work ergonomics implying laws of work. In this aspect it is mentionable that an optimal workstation design can be considered that, wherein the needs of the workers are supported by the workstation along with providing the workers with the facility of operating in an environment which is conductive in nature in alignment with the abilities of the individual workers.
Considering the above mentioned aspects, it has been observed that, lubricant industry is one of the mentionable industries exposed to the risks associated with ergonomics. In this regard, the core emphasis of the assignment would be on Hi-Pro Link. Add Oil (M) Sdn Bhd is a Malaysian owned manufacturer of innovative lubricants along with other automobiles products was incorporated in the year 1986. Hi-Pro was among the core brand of Add Oil, that was formulated with the help of intensive R & D. It was registered in the year 1999 under Malaysian Trade Marks Act 1976 (Hipro, 2015). The business of Hi-Pro comprises of wide range of products which consists of gasoline, diesel, marine oil, industrial oil, manual transmission fluid etc. The mission of Hi-Pro is winning the confidence of the customers in the products of Hi-Pro with the help of its quality and standards. In regards to the vision of Hi-Pro, it emphasizes and believes on the aspect of quality along with the perception that it is the aspect of quality which drives satisfaction on the part of the customers and hence aims at providing the customers with products of best value. The total number of employees associated with Hi-Pro is 11-50 people.
In the process of working in the particular sector in Hi –Pro, there are certain ergonomic issues experienced on the part of the workers in the process of performing allocated task. In this context, it is mentionable here that due to the particular nature of the industry, promoting ergonomics becomes a challenging task but it is necessary for ensuring the safety of the workers. The four identified ergonomic problem in reference Hi-Pro are:
- Muscoskeletal injuries (MSI)
- Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD)
- Loss of flexibility and low back injuries
- Exposure to lubricating oil additives
1. In this context, one of the mentionable ergonomic issues in Hi-Pro on the part of the staffs associated with manufacturing department is muscoskeletal injuries (MSI) (Perry, 2010). The particular ergonomic issue occurs due to the task allocated to the workers which are associated with handling heavy machinery. In this context it can be stated that, carelessness in the process of managing and operating factory vehicles in a constant posture, which result in causing strain in certain portions of the body, it may result in the ergonomic issue associated with MSI. On the part of the operator or the worker, it may result in severe injury which has both long term and short term impact. In a generic manner, it can be stated that MSI caused in the process of operating heavy machinery, is the pain or injuries of the nervous system and soft tissue which impacts the muscles of the body along with the tendons and nerves (Woolf et al., 2012). It is a degenerative disease which is associated with inflammatory conditions as a result of which pain and impairment is caused in the process of performing normal activities. There are certain common characteristics associated with MS, which helps in identifying the condition effectively. In the context of workers of Hi-Pro, it has been observed that there are certain characteristics associated with the condition. In most of the cases, it has been observed that, it primarily occurs from one single event or due to the combination of various small injuries. To get in depth of the matter it has been observed that, in case of workers of Hi-Pro, in the process of handling heavy machinery in day to day activities, they get injured. Hence, it is the performance of the single activity and the constant pressure associated which results in the occurrence of ergonomic issue in their case. One of mentionable symptom associated with MSI is, it takes years, months or weeks to develop. In case of occurrence of MSI, no symptom can be identified in the early stage, however, following the occurrence of the injury. In addition to the above mentioned aspect, causes from home as well as at work acts as a contributing factor in the occurrence of the condition (Salvendy, 2012). It is noticeable in cases of MSI that the severity may differ from one individual to another who are performing the similar task. In this context, it is mentionable here that there are certain general signs associated with MSI which are required to be highlighted. One of the general sign of MSI is decreased grip strength, along with reduced range in motion, reduced muscle function and lack of ability in doing everyday task
Impact of Ergonomic Issues on Workers
On evaluating the ergonomic issue of MSI, it can be observed that as it has long term impact on the workers which results in restricting the movement of the workers, apart from impacting them physically, it has significant, financial, psychological impact. The reason being, due to the occurrence of the condition, it restricts the workers from effectively performing their duty (Punnett et al., 2009). This also hinders them from continuing with the allocated job as the employers, due to the noticeable disparity in their performance prefers in replacing them from the particular profile. In addition to it, the additional cost associated with treating the condition results in creating financial burden on them. This kind of circumstance, impacts the mental state of the workers as they begin to feel hopeless due to the entire situation and perceive themselves to be of no utility neither to the organization nor to the family. Such adverse impact on their mental state further deteriorates it which have impact their physical status.
2. Another ergonomic issue, though closely associated with MSI, which is experienced on the part of the worker of Hi-Pro is musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). One of the main reason of occurrence of the particular condition is allocating the workers particular duties which confines them to the same workstations and results in performing the same job in the period of performing the allocated duty. The aspect associated with its occurrence is increased production and reduced workforce in comparison which in turn challenges the ergonomic incentives (Chaffin, 2007). In this regard it is essential to highlight the risk factor associated with the occurrence of the condition. Referring to the work environment of Hi-Pro and impact on the employees, it can be observed that the occurrence of MSD is associated with frequent manual handling of materials. In addition to it, the exposure of the workers to extreme temperature, excessive vibration, throughout the work shift having a repetitive motions, inappropriate stationary work postures, localized pressure of performing tasks or requirement of extreme force, constant lifting of heavy items and insufficient rest periods are some of the mentionable aspects resulting MSD among the workers in Hi-Pro (da Costa & Vieira, 2010). There are certain impacts on the body parts associated with the occurrence of MSD which includes back and neck where the impact includes stiffness, shooting pain, shoulders wherein stiffness, loss of mobility and pain is usual, arms and legs where numbness and shooting pain is observed, elbow and knee joint where, due to the occurrence of MSD, swelling, pain, stiffness and soreness is observed.
Ways to Solve Ergonomic Problems
When the ergonomic issue of MSD is analyzed, the major impact on the workers can be seen to be functional restriction. To elaborate the issue further, it is mentionable here that MSD is a significant reason of loss of work days and incapacity in working. As a result of this, not only the workers experience financial burden, the organization with which it is associated also gets impacted, due to their reduced productivity (Kamper et al., 2010). This results in taking decisions on the part of the organization against the employment status of the workers. Apart from the above mentioned aspect, due to the occurrence of MSD, the individuals also experiences burden due to their employment status and instability in terms of their source of income. It also results in addition on the health system and social care system which experiences burden to the addition load of patients requiring care services. It is also seen to result in additional indirect costs in these sectors. Due to the constant destruction of the joints, it requires replacement in severe along with medications to intervene and manage it. It not only results in addition burden on the health care organizations but the individuals experiencing the condition also have to bear additional burden associated with their healthcare cost (Niu, 2010). This also results in impacting their self-esteem and confidence. The reason being, due to lack of employment of their self-esteem gets adversely impacted. Thus the evaluation of MSD, clearly reflects the fact that the occurrence of the condition not only impacts the workers suffering from it, but has major impact on the society in large.
3. In addition to the above mentioned aspect another mentionable ergonomic issue experienced on the part of the workers of Hi-Pro due to constant exposure and pressure of manual handling of materials is loss of flexibility and low back injuries. Loss of flexibility is one of the major reasons of soft tissue injuries like that of strains and sprains (Kamper et al., 2010). In case of occurrence of sprain, the workers experience injury to connective tissues like that of ligaments which are responsible for connecting connective or bone to bone tissue which holds the joints together. In cases wherein, the workers experience strains, they experience injury which includes the tearing or stretching of a musculo-tendious structure.
In cases wherein, the workers experience loss of flexibility, it not only impacts the position of the workers within the organization along with their employment status but it also results in restricting them from performing their day to day activities (Bentley, 2009). This result, in making the individuals perceives that they have lost their autonomy and have become completely dependent on others. As a result of this, as well, like in case of MSD, the workers lose their self-esteem and perceive themselves to be a burden.
4. In case of workers of Hi-Pro, one of the major ergonomic issue experienced on their part is associated with exposure to lubricating oil additives. In certain cases it has been observed that workers are exposed to neat additive in the blending and manufacturing plants or at the time of transportation. The criteria associated with hazards of petroleum additives are based upon EU Dangerous Substances Directive or US OSHA Hazard Communication Standard. On the basis of the standards, the risks experienced on the part of the workers due to the exposure neat additive are acute dermal toxicity, acute oral toxicity, eye irritation, skin irritation and skin sensitization. These risks associated with exposure to neat additive also results in adverse impact on the organs.
Due to the exposure to lubricating oil additives on the part of Hi-Pro workers, it can noticed there are various risks to which they get exposed to which includes different type of irritation along with adverse impact on organs. This also hinders their day to day functioning and impacts the autonomy of the individuals which have distressing and adverse impact on the workers.
In order to overcome the four identified ergonomic issue, it is essential to implement required ergonomic tools.
1. In the above made discussion, as stated that due to continuous stress it results in occurrence of MSI. In order to manage the issue, the implementation of tools which reduces the pressure of certain parts of the workers, can be impactful. Some of the mentionable examples in this context is spinner wrenches and top drives. With the help of intervention of these equipments, it would act as a contributing factor in reduction of exposure of the workers to physical stress (Ergonomics-info, 2017). The reason being, due to the implementation of these equipments, the pressure previously exerted on specific body parts of the works can be prevented due to the use of these equipments which helps in the activities in an effective manner, without much stress restricting the occurrence of the condition.
2. Similarly, in case of MSD, it has been observed that due to particular duties which confines them to the same workstations and results in performing the same job results in occurrence of the condition which is directly associated with excess stress (Sparks, 2016). In order to manage the condition, with the help of implementation of motorized and hydraulic slips that are operated with the help of driller using foot pedal has seen to be beneficial in minimizing awkward lifting postures and associated pressure associated with performing their duties.
3. In order to manage the ergonomic issue of lower back injury the technique of BLAST is applicable and ply contributing role. In the process of lifting [when most of the cases of back injury occurs] the implementation of BLAST technique would require to B- keep the lower back bowed inward, L- using the legs while lifting, A- tightening the abdominal muscles for the purpose of stabilizing and locking the lower back, S- lifting smoothly and slowly and T- avoiding twisting would help in cases of lower back injury (KAGEMANN, PENICKA and BAUGH, 2007). With the help of implementation of the right technique of lifting, the risks associated with lower back injury can be prevented. Similarly, in order to prevent the occurrence of lack of flexibility, with the help of WUPR technique it can be prevented from occurring. WUPR technique stands for Warm-up & Posture Relief technique. In this context, the workers of Hi-Pro will required to emphasize on neutral position of body posture in cases wherein they are required to perform work which includes low-lying locations (Laing et al., 2007). This would also require bending the knees rather than bending the waist. In addition to it, in the process of kneeling if they perform the work on a comfortable and protected surface it would also help in reducing further stress and adverse impact. In addition to it, with the help of implementation of these techniques, it would result in effective movement of the workers which would help in ascertaining prevention of lack of flexibility.
4. For the purpose of preventing the workers from the risk associated with exposure to lubricating oil additives, the employees are required to be provided with appropriate training in regards to maintaining and managing the material in an effective manner. This would help in safeguarding the workers themselves from the risks associated with exposure and ineffective handling of these materials (Dick et al., 2010). In addition to the above mentioned aspect, with the help of equipping the workers in an efficacious manner with the help of safety gears like eye gear, safety cloths, they can be safeguarded from the adverse impact associated with the exposure to these chemicals. In addition to the above mentioned aspect, with the help of maintaining Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) as well, the materials can be managed in an effective manner.
Thus on the basis of the above made discussion it can be stated that ergonomics is an essential aspect for the effective functioning of any organization which also includes Hi-Pro. With the help of implementation of effective measures associated with ergonomic in the functioning of the organization, not only the workers will be impacted in a positive manner, but the organization will also be impacted positively, as it will be beneficial in increasing the productivity of the organization along with limited absenteeism of its employees. Hence, it can be stated that maintaining the safety of the patients is integral for not just the safety of the workers, but for the development of the organization as well.
Bentley, T. (2009). The role of latent and active failures in workplace slips, trips and falls: An information processing approach. Applied ergonomics, 40(2), 175-180.
Chaffin, D. B. (2007). Human motion simulation for vehicle and workplace design. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 17(5), 475-484.
da Costa, B. R., & Vieira, E. R. (2010). Risk factors for work?related musculoskeletal disorders: a systematic review of recent longitudinal studies. American journal of industrial medicine, 53(3), 285-323.
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