1. List four ways in which Susan could publicise the meeting and communicate details of the meeting to the participants and other stakeholders. Think about using digital media.
2. Name five people, or groups of people, who should participate in the meeting.
3. List at least 5 items, or objectives, that should be on a typical meeting agenda.
The three communication barriers that occurred in the scenario
The three communication barriers that occurred in that scenario are,
- Difference in their native language which created communication gap.
- As that Chinese girl as in problem due to which her relative was very agitated and she was unable to understand what Irene was trying to say.
- Irene was not properly known to the rules and laws of the organization due to which she was unable to solve their problem.
To minimize the barrier one has to listen to each other’s conversation and try to understand them. This will reduce the communication gap.
- She was able to understand to what the officers were trying to say.
- She can express her emotions to the people of the organization.
- She understood that people in that organization were making fun of her which made her feel sad.
- Having an interpreter who has direct control with the person makes to conversation biased because this will only tell the feelings of her aunt not others.
Some question which Irene could have asked to the Chinese woman are
- Has the young tried to attempt suicide before?
- For how long this condition of the girl is prevailing?
- What circumstances made her condition unstable. Under what circumstances she reacts rudely?
one of the communication need which Irene or people working must have is having adequate knowledge of different languages so that there is no communication barrier. In the present scenario is Irene would have qualified knowledge of Chinese then it won’t get difficult for the Chinese lady to communicate because it is easy for people to make them understand something in their native language. Susan being a literate person is eligible to make that old lady understand the problem Irene is facing and she can help them to solve the issue as well (Gelenberg, 2010).
Three communication techniques that can be used to resolve the issue are as follows:
- Observation- Susan has already observed the whole incident to which now she shall now exercise and communicate it to Joyce and her niece. This technique is very effective in case of poor communication.
- Smile- Susan shall handle the situation with a smile, this will let Joyce to calm her emotions and trust Susan. Smile makes a positive impression on other person which also helps to solve the situation in tough times.
- Language choices: as there is a language gap between the people present in the scenario, so Susan shall try to overcome that problem by using words like we, us in order to show her commitment and solidarity towards Joyce and her niece.
Two ways in which Irene could improve her skills for this job are:
- She should go thoroughly through all the rules and procedures of the organization so that in case of emergency she is able to solve them without any confusion.
- Irene shall learn how to deal with difficult situation. She shall adapt to quality of being calm even in tough situation and solve the queries of their customer properly (Walker, & Larson, 2012).
Yes as per my concern Irene and Susan are working as per the guidelines of the PCYC because the main motive of that club is provide support to people even in the case of emergency. Therefore by redressing Joyce’s problem together they are acting as a team for the betterment of people. We can say that Susan’s interruption between the scenario might be wrong as organizational rule but at the end club is working for the betterment of people which Susan is also doing. So, irruption of Susan shall not be regarded as a wrong activity (Fusco, 2012).
After knowing the exclusion issue, Susan shall state this rule to Amy and Joyce with full honesty and she shall also assure them by supporting them. She shall not leave the aunt and niece in such condition in fact she shall find other alternatives and find a way out so that they are able to overcome their situation.
As per my views excluding Amy for PCYC will make her condition worse as she won’t get admission anywhere else as well. Looking at Joyce’s condition she is unable to pay concentration Amy which will deplete her condition. Therefore either Susan shall look for another way to help Amy an Joyce or she shall try to waive that rule and admit Amy in PCYC.
thinking for the betterment of Amy will breach the terms of PCYC and if I maintain the code and procedure of PCYC, this act will regard against human support. But according to me helping a needy person is foremost duty of a human, therefore PCYC can waive off their rules for a person suffering from severe mental health issues (Jirwe, Gerrish, & Emami, 2010).
Advantages and disadvantages of communication barriers
yes Susan has breached organizational policies. As she is working in an organization which has certain decorum, so she shall first discuss this issue with higher authority and then take some action for the cause.
The problem solving technique that Irene could approach is analytical thinking. This method is based on the critical thinking process and logically deciding the outcome of the situation. One has to look after all the aspects present in the situation and then finally make a responsive decision which shall be accurate and should not harm anybody. Irene can use this method in order to address her ethical dilemma.
For Susan and Irene to identify their scope of legal and ethical rights and responsibilities, they can refer to their procedure manual in case of confusion. For further clarification in the case they can also refer to the experienced jury of PCYC who can help them to understand the circumstances. They can also further gain more information about the case from Amy as well who can clearly tell them about her situation through which she is dealing (Huczynski, & Buchanan, 2010).
Susan shall talk to Amy in a polite way to make her sure that she is here to help not harm her. She shall make her understand the situation and tell her she is not insane instead she is suffering from a mental health issue which can be easily recovered through medication.
Susan and Irene can seek feedback only through Joyce and Amy’s consent on the issue. Only through their approval Susan and Irene and can find their views on the suggestion. Both of them can also ask for any other suggestion or alternative which Joyce and Amy find more approachable and apply on the same.
Yes, as per my concern Irene is correct that it is their service to take care of Amy. As Susan had earlier gave confirmation to Joyce and Amy for Amy’s admission in PCYC therefore now it is the duty of them to either give admission in their center or refer her somewhere else where she can improve her condition.
According to me Susan is correct because a person with mental health disease is not able to take corrective decisions for the betterment of their health. Therefore Susan shall consult it with Joyce and then take any decision irrespective of Amy’s consent. Amy’s consent would have been taken care if it would be for the good but if her choices make a bad decision then Susan shall not take care of her decision.
Question that Irene could have asked
lack of proper intimation of information shall be regarded as conflicts of interest in this situation, which can be resolved through proper intimation and circulation of knowledge to the people involved in the situation.
Language difference is another conflict of interest due to which Joyce was unable to understand the scenario going on. This situation can be avoided through proper communication between Joyce and Susan (Kale, & Syed, 2010).
Coroners exist within the same sociocultural influences as everyone else. It has been suggested that their verdicts may be influenced by factors such as having differing levels of education, different exposure to medical/legal examinations and autopsies, different personal definitions of suicide, and religious and cultural contexts.
Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 (SA) [s 13A(1)] (Legal services commission, 2017)
As stated that Amy’s consent was not taken the scenario, therefore human right 9 (right to be free from unfair imprisonment and exile) shall apply this case.
Susan can talk to the stakeholder through Skype or video calling.
- Susan can also ping to the stakeholder that is through groupware or online community.
- She can also contact to proxy in such case.
- Or can publicize the information on their official website.
Susan, Irene, stakeholders of PYCY, officials of adolescent mental health crisis team, Joyce.
Admission of Amy in a rehab center
- Safety of Amy
- There shall be no breachment of rules by any club.
- Staff of PCYC shall become well qualified of their decorum
- Her legal guardians shall be satisfied with the decision.
As Amy’s case is a critical issue with shall be resolved on the top most priority. Therefore, all the necessary files and documents shall be recorded so that in future if there is any obligation, these working papers shall help.
Susan can motivate audience to help the people who require special assistance. She shall inspire others to support and work for self-help groups and rehab centers. She shall also make aware of the positive and negative aspects of certain situations which shall motivate them to achieve the agenda.
Joyce being a working women is unable to take care of Amy due to which she had to live in hospital, this is the conflict of interest in this scenario. Joyce is giving priority to her personal gins that is her job and other children instead she shall take care of her niece who wants her attention and care.
Firstly Susan shall invite only those people who are important for the meeting and whose suggestions are required. After discussing the case with the people present in meeting she shall seek advice from them ask for suggestion in order to improve the condition.
Susan could find company or them similar age in order to make them feel comfortable, she shall make them understand that they have no done anything wrong in fact they have a disease which is curable (Hybels, 2014).
Communication technique to resolve the issue
In order to improve communication between different personalities, one can try to communicate with people in their native language because people feel more comfortable while talking in their language. Non-verbal conversation is the key to improve communication; one can judge other people by noticing their different acts.
Before the beginning of the meeting Susan shall prepare the checklist which shall include all the necessary agenda which are be covered in the meeting. And at the end of the meeting shall make sure that all the aspect are covered and if not she shall take corrective action.
There are two types of communication tools that is verbal and no verbal communication. They can help in improving the conversation between people who have different personalities. Non-verbal communication such as eye contact, body language etc. helps in judging the person analyzing that what response the will give.
meeting is important to know about the conditions of the organization and analyze the areas where organization is lacking behind. It can be carried by annual general meetings. There shall be proper code of conduct defined for settling any issue by meeting participants. Minutes after every meeting shall be prepared so that all the details are recovered to reduce future conflict and it is assessed that what is the growth of the organization.
Meetings help in ascertaining the position of the organization in the market, also it helps in analyzing the factors which degrade the position of the organization.
Employees can contribute to organization through their support to firm and adaption to changes. This process can be implemented by being flexible to changes. For instances, a firm is shifting it’s headquarter to different city so all the workers shall support and help in this activity. Yes work practice can be improved by sharing feedback and amending/innovating policies and protocols.
Fusco, D. (Ed.). (2012). Advancing youth work: Current trends, critical questions. Routledge.
Gelenberg, A. J. (2010). A review of the current guidelines for depression treatment. J Clin Psychiatry, 71(7), e15.
Huczynski, A., & Buchanan, D. A. (2010). Organizational behaviour. Financial Times Prentice Hall.
Hybels, S. (2014). Communicating effectively. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
Jirwe, M., Gerrish, K., & Emami, A. (2010). Student nurses’ experiences of communication in cross?cultural care encounters. Scandinavian journal of caring sciences, 24(3), 436-444.
Kale, E., & Syed, H. R. (2010). Language barriers and the use of interpreters in the public health services. A questionnaire-based survey. Patient education and counseling, 81(2), 187-191.
Legal services commission., (2017)., retrieved on 15 may., from https://www.lawhandbook.sa.gov.au/ch36s03s06.php
Walker, K. C., & Larson, R. W. (2012). Youth worker reasoning about dilemmas encountered in practice: Expert-novice differences. Journal of Youth Development, 7(1), 23.
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