1. Identify the causes and effects of a range of managerial challenges within the Hospitality sector
2. Critically analyse management theory, analyse and interpret a variety of complex industry-specific managerial problems and issues 3. Exercise initiative and take responsibility for the outcomes of their decision, or proposed actions, and to evaluate the impact of these outcomes in a real-life context
4. Develop, apply and practice a range of professional competencies in the development of management decision making and strategic planning
5. Present a strategic plan in professional oral and written formats.
Hospitality industry has been the fastest growing industry in UK and it has great potential to improve its contribution to the economy of the country. At present, it contributes about 3.6% in the GDP of UK. The British government has provided funds to many bodies so as to develop and promote their hospitality industry in international market. In the recent few years, this industry has shown significant growth due to the interest of foreign investors (Tegegne, Moyle and Becken, 2016). Hospitality industry is completely dependent on the customer service and their quality of products. It is important for the companies to understand the needs of the consumers and make changes according to it. This industry includes restaurants, resorts, hotel, theme parks, tourist companies etc. The present report is based on the Garden View Hotel and it includes all the necessary requirements to deliver the project along with the timescales. The structure of the report consists of background of the case, managerial challenges, industry specific problems, proposed changes and strategic planning for improving the performance. This paper will allow the management of Garden View Hotel to understand all the issues in their business and various methods which will be used to resolve it. It will streamline the business and their performance will increase significantly.
Garden View Hotel is located in London’s Earl’s Court which is close to tranquil private city garden. It has modern rooms with all the facilities. It is in the perfect location in London due to its accessibility to different attractions in the city. The hotel has been facing trouble in the recent few years because their sales have declined. It was found in the research that inefficient management and administration has affected the image of the organisation. The employees are not efficient and their services quality has degraded. They have not been able to develop relationships with the customers. Hotel industry is entirely dependent on the service quality. Efficient administration in the operational function of the hotel decides the level of satisfaction of the customer. Garden View Hotel should have understood the needs and preferences of the consumers (Shashidhar and Prakash, 2016). They have not been able to incorporate changes in their organisation due to ineffective management. The project will help the organisation to adopt Service Orientation Strategy which will resolve all their issues. Furthermore, there are certain proposed changes which have to be incorporated in the planning and development of the management. The time frame for the project is 3 weeks. The fee of the consultation is £ 3,000 which will include £ 600 for travelling and £ 400 for feeding. The main deliverables in the project include improvement in the efficiency of the employees, better team work and collaborative efforts, effective management, increase in sales and effective administration. After the completion of the entire process, the sales will increase by 30% and there will be increased customer loyalty. There will be technological changes to reduce administrations cost and efficiency.
Identification of the causes and effects of a range of managerial challenges
There are many managerial challenges in the hospitality sector due to variety of products and services. Managers have to ensure that they have integration between different activitie (Stangl and Regler, 2016)s. As per the PWCUK forecast of 2016, the domestic tourism will increase by 18% while the international business visits will increase by 12 %. It is a great opportunity for the Garden View Hotel to get back on track and show their presence in the market. The main managerial challenges in the hospitality industry are as follows:
Expectations of customers: It is essential for the management to understand the needs and expectations of the customers. All the changes in the system and processes have to be done to according to it. Garden View Hotel has not been able to accomplish this objective. They have to change their service delivery system because it has been responsible for poor customer service. Furthermore, resource allocation and management of staff members have not been effective (Prud’homme and et.al, 2016). These days customers need all the facilities in the hotel including WIFI, quality food, cleanliness, support service, online payment methods etc. These facilities add value to the product which ultimately improves customer satisfaction level. According to the hospitality research, highly satisfied customers contribute in ancillary revenue by more than 50% as compared to neutral or dissatisfied consumers. The figure below shows the contribution of different customers in ancillary revenue in the industry. The management of Garden View Hotel has failed to incorporate all these aspects in their business. They have not developed any unique selling point for the hotel. It could be self check in facilities, digital profiling to enhance customer experience, on the move communication services etc. The management has to make many changes to increase the guest experience (dos Santos, Méxas and Meiriño, 2017).
Lack of employee support: Employee retention, turnover and training are another challenge for the managers in hospitality industry. A poorly managed organization can result in high employee turnover ratio. Employee turnover not only affects the morale of the existing staff but it also increases the cost of the company. They have to recruit and train new members so that they can understand all the functions and systems of the organization (Melissen and et.al, 2016). Apart from this, management has to emphasize on increasing the morale of the workers. Employees with low morale can tarnish the relationship as well as the reputation of the hotel. It has effects on the service standards of the organization. Garden View Hotel has similar problems because their management has not developed any HRM strategies to improve the satisfaction level of the workers. They should be given training and guidance so that they can review their performance. It will allow them to make changes in their work and they will be keen to learn new things. Highly satisfied workers are more efficient and productive in their work (Zaitseva and et.al, 2016). They understand the needs of the consumers and provide solutions to them. Garden View Hotel has problems in their management as well as administration department.
1. Expectations of customers
Stiff Competition: There is high competition in the hotel industry. Tourism has been growing at a rapid pace every year. Consumers need excellent facilities and accommodation. London has numerous hotels which has increased the level of competition in the market. It is essential for the manager to find some unique qualities of their hotel which can be used to attract people. They have to differentiate themselves for the rest of the crowd (Sturman and Park, 2016). This can be a difficult task to accomplish where all the companies sell identical goods and services. There are many methods which have been adopted by the organizations such as reduced prices, value added services, amenities, additional facilities etc. Apart from this, tourists expect entertainment facilities and refreshing events to relax themselves. Garden View Hotel has not done anything which makes them different from others. They have not been able to appeal customers even though they are in one of the best locations of London. This shows inefficiency and lack of experience of the managers in the organisation. They have not done planning and marketing of their products and services. Furthermore, the customer service has been questionable which has further degraded their image in the market (Ruiz-Ballesteros and Cáceres-Feria, 2016). Competition is present in all the industries but it is manager which carets a unique identity for tits organisation.
Hotels |
Reviews |
Cleanliness |
Service |
Food |
Comfort |
Ambience |
Double tree by Hilton |
10 |
9.6 |
9.5 |
9.2 |
9.0 |
9.3 |
Shangri La hotel |
10 |
8.9 |
9.3 |
9.5 |
9.2 |
9.0 |
Soho |
10 |
8.3 |
8.2 |
8.5 |
9.1 |
Ineffective management: The management of Garden View Hotel has been ineffective. They have not been able to understand the needs of the customers. Furthermore, they have not provided any facilities to their workers so that they can perform their duties without any hindrances (Niewiadomski, 2016). Managers have to ensure that all the team members and workers work together to accomplish the main objectives of the business. But it has been a challenge for Garden View Hotel. They have not allowed their workers to take part in the decision making of the organisation. Their performance and skills should be evaluated. They should be given opportunities to reduce gaps in their working. It is essential for the management of Garden View Hotel to understand their organisational behaviour. They should use different tools and techniques which will allow them to achieve sustainable development of the business. The recommendation in the consultation includes specific guidelines which can be used by the manager to overcome this issue. It will have lot of benefits to the company and they will be able to remove all the existing problems form the hotel (Baum, 2016). Apart from this, the strategic focus of the business should be towards transparency, communication, equality and growth of the business.
2. Lack of employee support
Leadership issues: Managers is hospitality industry should have strong leadership skills so as to face challenges in the industry. They have to make sure that they keep their guests as well as employees satisfied. Garden View Hotel has been facing leadership issues in their organisation. These issues include introduction of new technology, development of team members, establishment of communication plans, standards for guest services, information management etc. Lack of support from the senior managers and leaders have affected the performance the employees (Ibrahim, 2016). They have not been able to perform their duties due to lack of guidance and support. Management has to ensure that there are effective leaders in the organisation. They bring consistency in daily routine activities and ensure fair treatment of the workers. They are responsible for inspiring, increasing commitment and brining loyalty in the employees. Apart from this, they have self control and a positive mind set. They do not shift their pressure and disappointments to their employees. Garden View Hotel has failed to develop leaders in their organisation. They should have delegated some responsibilities and accountability to different staff members (Morosan and et.al, 2016). They should have developed strategies and plans to overcome leadership challenges in the organisation. Employees need inspiration and motivation from the managers.
Technological changes: Hospitality industry has changed significantly over the years and it is expected to continue in the coming years as well. Hotels like Airbnb and Hilton are using innovative techniques to promote their hotels. They have been using reputation management software and social media to become proactive in the industry. It is necessary for the managers to adopt modern methods and technology to improve their administration and customer relations. It can significantly improve their productivity and efficiency (Han and Verma, 2016). They can use data mining software to gather the information about the customer. This data can be used to make changes in the existing systems and processes. But Garden View Hotel has not been able to take advantage of modern methods of conducting business. They have given Wi-Fi facilities which do not add value to their services. It has become a necessity in all the hotels rather than a value added facility. The management has lack of experience and they have not allocated their resources for it. It is essential for them to make plan in advance and adopt interactive opportunities. It includes in room services, smart keys, online booking services, multiple telephone lines etc. These are inexpensive changes which can be easily adopted by the management.
3. Stiff Competition
Industry challenges: Hospitality industry is an integral part of the internal business. They have to take into account the global business environment in which they operate. They have to prepare themselves for the upcoming events, challenges and opportunities in the market (Nunkoo and Ramkissoon, 2016). Apart from this, they should include environmental friendly framework in their strategies of sustainable growth. People and society have become more conscious towards the environment and they want the business units to adopt the same. It has created a challenging situation for the hotel industry because they have to make changes in their services and practices to comply with the requirements of the business environment. Complexities have been growing in the industry and the management has to take care of all the activities such as information age, technology, interactions with customers, diversity, health and safety and social issues. The employees are expected to be knowledgeable and professional in their services. Garden View Hotel has been facing issues because they have low skilled demotivated workforce. They have no idea about the driving forces which can be decisive for the growth and development of the hotel in future (Fletcher, Pforr and Brueckner, 2016). Management has to put substantial amount of efforts in this aspect of the business.
Customer engagement: Garden View Hotel has to build relationships with the customers. It will allow them to retain them and their loyalty towards the brand will increase. It has become a challenge for the management because they do not any plans or strategies for it. They have been using traditional methods of marketing and promotion of their hotel (Yeoman, Oskam and Postma, 2016). Their poor marketing efforts and approach has significantly affected their brand image and sales. In a recent survey, it was found that 70% of the hotels still use old marketing processes. It does not allow them to increase customer engagement which directly affects the relationships between them. The managers in Garden View Hotel have not changed their approach which has not allowed the business to reach its potential customers. They have not been able to understand the needs of the customers and visitors. Apart from this, lack of customer engagement has caused dissatisfaction among the visitors. They are not getting services which they need. The main reason behind this is that Garden View Hotel has no mechanism to understand the requirements of the consumers. It is important for managers to adapt to the changing business environment (Fatma, Rahman and Khan, 2016). They should use modern technology and social media to promote their business.
Proposed changes and strategic planning for improving the performance
The management of Garden View Hotel has been ineffective in their operations. They have not been able to understand the needs of the customers. They have not provided any facilities to their workers so that they can perform their duties without any obstacles (Geppert, Matten and Williams, 2016). It is the duty of the manager to ensure that all the team members and employees work together to accomplish the main objectives of the business. Garden View Hotel can adopt Elton Mayo’s Human Relations and Development Approach to Management. It will allow them to engage workers in their business which will develop a sense of ownership in them.
Elton Mayo did an experiment in the Hawthorne plant USA which revealed that those managers who took care of their employees were more successful as compared to other managers. Similarly, Garden View Hotel should adopt this approach in their organisation. It will allow the management of the company to understand the needs and preferences of the employees. It will provide information about group dynamics, expectations, conflicts, motivation and productivity of the workforce (Melissen, van Ginneken and Wood, 2016). It will help the managers to formulate strategies and plan as per the requirements. Human Relations Management Theory considers employees as an asset and not machines. According to the theory, staff members have to be developed so that they can perform to their full capacity. They should be given all resources and facilities which they require to complete their tasks. It will have long term benefits for both staff members and the company itself. An experiment was conducted on a group of women in bank wiring room. They were given flexibility to perform their duties. It included free lunches, rest breaks, variation in pay, right to leave without permission etc. At the end of the experiment, the researchers found significant improvements in the productivity level of the female workers (Cetin, Demirçiftçi and Bilgihan, 2016). The workers of Garden View Hotel are inefficient and their productivity is low. They have not been able to build relations with the customers. It shows that they are not satisfied with their work. There can be many factors which are responsible for this such as low wages, long working hours, lack of attention by management, no training or enrichment programs, lack of employee engagements etc. They do not enjoy their work which has affected their morale and satisfaction level. The harmful effects of negligence can be seen on the business of the hotel which has declined. Employee’s performance directly affects the growth of the business. Human Relations Management Theory suggests that management should consider the expectations of their workers. They are an important part of the organization and their contribution should be appreciated.
Maslow’s Need Theory
The Maslow’s Need Theory is based on motivation and satisfaction of the employees. It can be used by the company to identify the methods and tools which can e used to motivate the worker. Maslow has given five dimensions which show the hierarchy of needs of an individual. Garden View Hotel can implement this strategy in their hotel which will help them to motivate their workers according to their needs and requirements (Bharwani and et.al, 2017). The first level in the hierarchy highlights the basic needs of the workers such as food, shelter, salary etc. If all the needs are satisfied in this level then he moves to the next level which is safety needs. It consists of job security, stability, freedom etc. The next level is belongingness in which a person needs relationships and support from others. Furthermore, esteem needs includes reputation, glory, status and self respect. The last level in the hierarchy is self actualisation in which an individual develop his personal goals and workers to accomplish it.
The case of Garden View Hotel is similar to the problems which were faced by Coconut Cove Hotel. It is located in Florida which is a perfect location for tourism industry. The management of the hotel was ineffective which led to the decline of sales of the organisation. They took many steps to remove all the obstacles and they reached to a stable level (Jones and Comfort, 2016). The management understood the importance of change management and customer services. They made significant improvement in their strategies and approach which helped them to regain their position in the market. The changes included marketing strategies, communication, management, employee relations, sales and operational knowledge of the work force.
Labor and skills shortage: Hospitality industry faces problems in attracting qualified and competent workers. There is a problem of talent scarcity in the industry. There are reasons behind it such as low wages, long working hours, lack of attention by management, demography etc. Hotel industry is not among the top career choice for the people. Employees prefer quality of life and higher wages (Garrido-Moreno and Lockett, 2016). As a result, more workers are leaving their jobs as compared to those entering the market. Apart from this, hotel industry has failed to provide adequate training and enrichment programs to their workers. It has been a big challenge for the manager because they do not have well qualified and competent workforce. Moreover, they do not provider up skill trainings to the employees which affects their satisfaction level and ultimately their performance. Garden View Hotel has been facing the same problem. Their employees are not efficient in providing customer services and in building relations with the customers.
Change in demographics: Managers have to adopt a proactive approach in understanding the shift in demographic environment which has considerable impacts on the products and services in the industry. They have to develop strategies which address the needs and expectations of multi generations. Similarly, the management has to design services and amenities for old age groups and young generation (Forgacs and Dimanche, 2016). While the traditional practices focus on standardization. Garden View Hotel has not developed any strategies because they have not segmented their customers. They provide similar products and services to all the people irrespective of their demand. On the other hand, the competitors have analyzed the specific need of different guests and they have changed their services accordingly. Ineffective management and lack of planning has not allowed Garden View Hotel to evaluate this aspect of their business.
Technological changes: There has been a shift to modern technology in hotel industry but managers have failed to implement it in their organization despite increased awareness. They also find it difficult to understand and take appropriate measures to ensure that all the legal and technical factors have been considered (Noone, 2016). It is a challenge for the management in this industry. Apart from this, even after the implementation they do not have adequate experience and plan to support these systems. Garden View Hotel has similar issues which has restricted them. As a result, instead of causing an ease to the business it increases the burden on the management. Some of the factors which are involved in it are:
- Lacks of awareness about integrate systems and their effects to the overall efficiency on the business.
- Difficulties in providing technical support and use of multiple systems
- Lack of training and development of staff members about the use of new processes.
- Increased complexities in the industry which makes integration difficult.
Increase in expenses: Hotel industry has become very competitive and it is getting difficult for managers to sustain growth in profits. There are many reasons for this such as increase in labor cost, energy cost, regulations, increase in operating costs, increasing investment needs etc. These factors are not in control of the managers. They have to adapt to these changes by reallocating the existing resources and funds. Furthermore, they have to bear the cost of facilities and value added services which they are providing to their customers (Mariani and et.al, 2016). Garden View Hotel should consider this issue because it can become a challenge for them in the near future. They have to make sure that they are efficient ion the business and their productivity increase with time. Employees have to perform to best of their abilities to increase the overall efficiency of the business. Managers have to take steps and ensure all these changes in their business.
Branding: Hotel industry has high competition and all of them sell similar products and services. Most of the companies fail to create a differentiation in the market. They continue their operations without understanding their business environment. In this respect, branding plays a major role in the industry. Hotels with good brand image are least worried about competition and new entrants in the market (Mauri, 2016). They are not concerned about other companies stealing their customers. But branding can be a tough task for the managers because it requires commitment and strong relationships with customers. Garden View Hotel had a good brand image in the market but the management to use it for their advantage. They were not able to provide the same level of services. Customers demand consistency and high quality of services at all times. Managers have to ensure that they take steps to monitor and maintain the same level of services.
Changes in distribution: Internet and social media platforms have allowed small businesses and companies to compete in the market. But the biggest challenge which has emerged in the industry is that they have not been able to align themselves with the changes and development in the field. The management has to ensure that they tactically use all the channel of distribution to take advantage of the available opportunities (Skelcher, 2016). But Garden View Hotel have not been able to keep in pace with the developments. It is essential for all the employees of the company including seniors or corporate to understand the online behaviour of the buyers. Visitors use reviews and travel blogs to judge the facilities and services of the hotel. But the main problem is that whether the hotels are ready for this. They should not ignore this aspect of the business. Manager should change their approach and business culture according to it.
Garden View Hotel needs certain changes in their method and approach to improve their performance and employee engagement. The changes will require support and coordination of all the members and stakeholders. They should not consider it a short term approach. It has to be followed to ensure long term success of the organisation. Similarly, the management has to review these systems and strategies to ensure that they adapt themselves with the demands of the environment. Furthermore, it will give them an edge over their other competitors. Garden View Hotel has to take advantage of their location and accessibility to diffract attractions in London. It can be used as a selling point for them. Apart from this, there are certain proposed changes and initiatives which can be taken by Garden View Hotel:
Organisational change: Garden View Hotel needs many changes in their business. But it is important for the company to understand that changes require transition and development of organisational culture. The management should promote employee engagement in the organisation. They should delegate tasks and encourage them to complete in their own easy. Transformational leadership style is suitable for the organisation (Williams-Whitt and et.al, 2016). The management has been facing issues regarding the leadership in the hotel. This can be solved by employing leaders with the help of Myers- Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). It is required that management care for their workers and should encourage them to follow right things. At present, the management has been using task oriented leadership which has not been successful for them. It has affected the morale for the staff members and this has resulted in poor services. There has to be a shift towards people’s approach. It will increase the satisfaction level of the workers and they will put more efforts in delivering the services.
- More precision is required in the job description to avoid confusion.
- Improvement in employee engagement programs
- Restoration of trust in the employees
- Better guidance and inspiration.
Adoption of service orientation strategy: Garden View Hotel should adopt service orientation strategy which involves building relationships with the customers. Customers should be given preferences and they should be provided with all the services which they require (Domingo, 2016). The management has to take care of client negotiating model and make sure that the customers are satisfied with the services. The satisfaction level of guests should be measured by using as assessment tool which has different quadrants. It can have more minor quadrants depending upon the need of the management. Service orientation measurement which can be used by the company is given below:
Major quadrants for Service orientation measurement |
At the hotel level |
For employees |
Reservation and inquiry related experience |
Communication skills |
Pre and post arrival experience |
Leadership skills |
In-room services and experience |
Problem solving capabilities |
Dining and food experience |
Influencing ability |
Overall satisfaction with the products offered |
Decision making skills |
Overall satisfaction with the services provided |
Flexibility |
Departure |
Determination and focus |
Self-management |
Service delivery: Garden View Hotel has to adopt modern methods which are used in the industry. They cannot continue with the same tools and techniques which they were using earlier. These days customers need all the facilities in the hotel including WIFI, quality food, cleanliness, support service, online payment methods etc. These facilities add value to the product which ultimately improves customer satisfaction level. The company should develop their own app which will provide all exclusive details about the hotel to the customers (Ahmad and Muhammad, 2016). But it is essential for them to deliver high quality services which are appreciated by the visitors. Garden View Hotel should use documented formats which show service steps to ensure success. It can be very useful to make sure that all the employees understand the steps of service delivery and their outcomes. It can be used for training and development of employees so that they can provide high level of services to the customers. A sample of written document which can be used in the hotel is given below:
Expectations of guests |
Service delivery objectives |
Efficient check in facilities and welcome in the hotel |
Efficient professionals should be appointed at the reception who can welcome them. |
Hygienic employees with uniforms and name badges. |
Dress code should be mandatory. Hygiene and appearance should be excellent. |
Clean and tidy lobby and reception. |
Maintaining proper cleanliness in the lobby and reception areas. |
Bookings den as per requirements. |
Standardized procedures and guidelines should be followed. |
Customer Loyalty schemes: Staff members should be allowed to manage the Customer Loyalty schemes of Garden View Hotel. It has been found that loyalty schemes increase the retention ratio of the customers. Garden View Hotel should give points to their regular customers which can be redeemed in their nest visit. It can be used in upgrading rooms, discounts, gift cards, cash back offers etc. It is important for the hotel to use ladder system of redemption (Yeoman, Oskam and Postma, 2016). The customers should be given high quality points as they move up in the ladder of loyalty scheme.
- Communicating customers about new offers by connecting with them through e-mails, messages etc.
- Rewarding to upgrade rooms or providing discounts on next visit.
- Automated personalized messages and e-mails to the customers to appreciate their visit.
- New incentives should be given such as free one night.
- Offers should be given such as buy two get 1 free.
- Referrals programs to earn points.
Promotional tools and quality control: Garden View Hotel should use promotional tools and social media websites to attract customers. It will allow them to reach wider audience in less time and money. They can use media such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram etc to promote their services. Hotels like Airbnb and Hilton are using innovative techniques to promote their hotels. They use video postcards to promote their brand and services offered by them (Ruiz-Ballesteros and Cáceres-Feria, 2016). Similarly, Garden View Hotel should use internet and social media platforms to communicate and stay connected with the customers. Furthermore, they can use this communication channel to evaluate their quality of services. They can gather feedback of customer and relevant changes should be made on the basis of that. New made channel should be specifically be used for promotion and quality control activities. It will help them to increase their sales by more than 30% because it will increase the reach of the hotel. Garden View Hotel can either appoint a PR staff or they can hire a company (Tegegne, Moyle and Becken, 2016). It will be beneficial for the company to hire a professional organisational for their promotion and quality control. For example,
- Social Response Digital Marketing Company
- Social Media Ltd
- Mint Social ltd
- Giraffe Social Media Company
- Team Social UK
- Blue Social Agency
- LYFE Marketing
Positive corporate culture: The culture of the Garden View Hotel has to be change and three important elements have to be included in the plan. It will consist of ‘4 C’ namely Communication, coaching, compromise and cooperation. Garden View Hotel should one day in every month for meeting. It should be between executive committee and the team members of the hotel. It will help in improving the morale of the workers and will help in employee engagement (Stangl and Regler, 2016). The committee can assess the performance of each department in terms of customer satisfaction sand services provided by them. The employees should be allowed to put forth their opinions and views about the changes in the existing procedures. There should be an open door policy which allows the workers to share their problems. Manager should understand the training needs of the workers and they should be given feedback so that they can improve their performance. Furthermore, work should be divided in small teams (Sturman and Park, 2016). This will allow the management to assign tasks as per the capabilities of the workers and it will improve the cooperation between team members.
Strategies for Unique Selling Elements: Garden View Hotel should use Unique Selling Elements is their business which will help them to stand out from the rest of the competitors. It could be self check in facilities, digital profiling to enhance customer experience, on the move communication services etc. The management has to make many changes to increase the guest experience (Morosan and et.al, 2016). The guests should be welcomed with special items such as fresh fruits, chocolates or freshly baked cookies. The rooms can have unusual elements like pet goldfish, handicrafts items etc. One of the biggest USP of Garden View Hotel is their location. They are located in London’s Earl’s Court which is perfect location due to its accessibility to different attractions in the city. Some of the USP which the hotel can use are:
- Open kitchen
- Live music
- Arts and paintings on the wall
- Candles on the table
- Decoration and unique ambience
- Quality food
- Ethnic meals
- Variety of dishes
- Reasonable prices
- Special cocktails
- Restaurants which are accommodated for families
- Pet goldfish and handicrafts items in the room
Effective administration: The administration of the hotel has to be effective to ensure all the changes are implemented successfully. Garden View Hotel should provide training to their workers so that they can manage all the work in an efficient manner. They can use software for record keeping which will reduce the workload of the employees (Nunkoo and Ramkissoon, 2016). The management can take feedback from the administration department and all the changes should be done according to it. Apart from this, standards should be developed in the hotel. All the employees should follow the standards and make sure that the work is completed in the desire time. The seniors should monitor and guide the workers in the areas where they are lacking. Their progress should be seen and relevant changes should be suggested to them. The existing administration department of Garden View Hotel is not efficient and effective. It has direct impacts on the customer service and responsiveness to the complaints of the customers. All the changes should be done at its earliest and employees should be involved in it. It will result in low cost administration work for the hotel.
Garden View Hotel can make use of Myers- Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) model for understanding the characteristics of their staff members. This instrument is used by many companies to understand and evaluate the psychology and personality of their employees (Melissen, van Ginneken and Wood, 2016). The aim of this model is to promote communication, integration, coordination and team work in the organization. It will provide important information to the manger which can be used to develop strategies for the growth and development of the workers. Garden View Hotel has ineffective and low skilled employees who are unable to perform their tasks to their full capacity. The four dimensions of MBTI are:
- Sensing or Intuition
- Thinking or feeling
- Judging or perceiving
- Extroversion and introversion
This model can help the company to identify the behaviour and to understand the competencies of the employees. It can also be used as a guide by the managers in taking decision and formulating strategies for the workforce. Garden View Hotel can use the diagram to understand the core strengths of the team (Cetin, Demirçiftçi and Bilgihan, 2016). Furthermore, it will make it easy for them to find out areas which need improvement. They should create an ‘Effective brain task force’. The management has not been able to understand the needs and expectations of the workers. They have not been able to increase their morale and satisfaction level in the organisation. MBTI model for Garden View Hotel should be inclined towards people and satisfaction. They can use dimensions to create different groups in the organisation:
Field marshal: This type of people is born leaders. They need a systematic approach towards accomplishment of goals (Mariani and et.al, 2016). Similarly, they need structured approach in assigning work to different people. They are goal oriented and they make sure that they achieve it in desire time frame. They are efficient and they learn from their mistakes.
Architect: Architects are those people who are intellectuals and they have excellent analytical skills. This type of employees can be very beneficial in the assessing the alternatives and in formulation of future strategies of the business.
Inventor: Inventors focus on building relationships with others. They can easily find better ways to perform different tasks. They can be useful by the company in arrears where customer interaction is required. They will be able to handle complex situations easily.
Pedagogue: They have charisma and they can become inspiration to others (Skelcher, 2016). They have charming personality and they help other to improve their performance. Pedagogue people can take leadership positions in the Garden View Hotel.
The proposed changes will require time frame of 3 weeks. The fee of the consultation is £ 3,000 which will include £ 600 for travelling and £ 400 for feeding. The main deliverables in the project include improvement in the efficiency of the employees, better team work and collaborative efforts, effective management, increase in sales and effective administration. After the completion of the entire process, the sales will increase by 30% and there will be increased customer loyalty.
Strategic plan
Vision: To become most reputed organization and catering to the needs of the customers. |
Strategic objective |
Strategic pathway |
Existing state |
Results |
Highly skilled, committed and efficient workers who understand the needs of consumers. |
Training and development |
Inefficient and low productive employees. |
Improvement in the efficiency of the employees, better team work and collaborative efforts. |
Increasing the sales, revenue and business growth. |
Marketing |
Sales decline |
Sales will increase by 30% |
Inversing awareness and wide reach. |
Online promotion. |
Lack of awareness |
Increase in number of visitors |
Effective management and administration. |
Using management theory and systematic approach. |
Ineffective administration and management. |
Effective administration and management |
Quality control |
Record management and gathering the feedback of the customers. |
Low quality |
Customer satisfaction |
Service relationships |
Focus on building long term relations with customers. |
Inadequate relations |
Increased customer loyalty |
Initiatives |
Actions required |
Marketing |
Online marketing and promotion |
Develop apps for niche market |
Development of web portal for the hotel |
Focus of communication and providing information |
Active participation and promotion of hotel. |
Development of market |
Identify needs of customer and deliver key messages to them. |
Creation of marketing workshops |
Close relations with regional and local market. |
Brand awareness and customer loyalty |
Provide quality services |
Effective use of unique selling elements |
Maintaining high standards |
Administration and cost |
Reduction in cost |
Use of software for record keeping and reducing paper work. |
Creating new benchmarks or following the industry. |
Joint purchases |
Use of modern technology, In selling, apps, services etc. |
Employee development |
Skills improvement and employee participation |
Training and workshops |
Create a tool kit for induction, recruitment, selection and retention |
Feedback and monitoring system |
Employee engagement activities |
Delegation of work |
Management |
Effective management |
Application of human relations theory |
Using transformational leadership |
Communication and regular meetings with the workers. |
Focus on customer satisfaction and excellent consumers services |
Professional competencies required in decision making
Defining a problem: Hotel managers have to make many decisions in a single day. It includes repetitive, complex, personal, financial decision etc. The manager of Garden View Hotel should be able to identify well structured and ill structured problems. Well structured problems are regular issues while ill structured problems require analysis and evaluation (dos Santos, Méxas and Meiriño, 2017). Manager should be competent enough to differentiate them.
Analytical skills: A manager should have analytical skills to understand the potential impacts of the decisions. He should take into consideration all these factors before arriving at a decision.
Managing information: A manager has access to lot of information in raw form. It is his responsibility to use the relevant information for taking decisions about different issues. Garden View Hotel should adopt modern methods of systems but the manager has to ensure that it is within the prescribed budget of the hotel (Ruiz-Ballesteros and Cáceres-Feria, 2016).
Evaluation and expertise: Different evaluation tools and techniques should be used to arrive at a solution. Managers can make use of indices, REVPAR, occupancy rates, demand and requirements, demographics, average daily rate etc to take decisions.
Communication: Managers and other decision makers should have excellent communication skills. They should be able to communicate all the potential benefits and cost related to the project to all the stakeholders (Fletcher, Pforr and Brueckner, 2016). Furthermore, they should have good listening skills to understand the requirements of the people involved in the company.
Management of resources and cost: Decisions have to taken after considering all the factors and other relevant information. Manager should possess technical skills so that he calculates budgets, allocation, cost, estimations and allocate the resources accordingly.
Planning: A proper plan has to be developed by the manager so as to ensure that the project is completed in the given time (Cetin, Demirçiftçi and Bilgihan, 2016). All the work should be delegated and time frame should be set according to it.
It can be concluded from the above report of Garden View Hotel that there are ample of opportunities for the organisation in the market. They are located in a perfect locality in London due to its accessibility to different attractions in the city. The management of the hotel has been facing trouble due to their ineffective management and decline in sales. They have not been able to build long term relations with the customers due to their poor customer services. Hospitality industry is completely dependent on the customer service and their quality of products. It is important for the company to understand the needs of the consumers and make changes according to it. They have to do research so as to gain deeper understanding about the various challenges which they are facing in the market.
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