You are required to develop Leader Development Model Proposal.
Assignment Purpose: Develop a proposal for leader development model for an organization.
A. Organization Selection: You will select an organization you are most familiar with.
B. Leader Development ModelProposal: You will develop a proposal for leader development model, which will include:
- Overall description of the model.
- Objectives of the model.
- Basic elements of leader development:
- Required elements of effective development programs:
- Methods of leader development
- Development and culture.
- Effectiveness of development factors.
C. Assignment Submission:You will submit your Leader Development Model Proposal as per module schedule.
You are expected to demonstrate your own creativity and critical thinking and analysis based on strong argumentation that blends theory and practice. This is an academic piece of work.
Chapter-1: Leader Development Model Proposal
Leadership, which highlights a major role in an organisation, whatever the actions plans are set by an organisation, leaders work is to bring together the various groups within an organisation to work upon the action design. By proper dedication, persuasion and the high convincing power for their subordinates, which is inbuilt in a leader affects the results. In addition, it not only inspire the employees for moving on positive the path which has been outlined through strategic management planning but also making them positively indulged for fully contributing towards the overall success of an organisation (Macdonald, Burke, and Stewart, 2017).
In today’s scenario, being a leader is the toughest task. In addition, variations in environment need apt leader to fulfil requirements of the business world, which, majorly focuses on the unconventional thinking and common sense. Moreover, most importantly is to figure out oneself in critical situation and the one who adapt themselves to change. They think that being a leader is innovative and futuristic by approach. Leadership is one of those ability and quality of individual, which influences and monitor the members and followers of an organisation (Bolden, 2016).
Apple one of the world’s top corporations, generating missions of dollars, adopting latest innovations, technologies, social events and much more. With every passing year, their achievements cover many areas that would take days to spotlight. Other than this, apple’s rise to power, they also go up against fierce competitors, government regulation and more. Above all, apple is still a leader in innovation and originality. Apple corporate mission and vision are linked towards the company’s continuous growth despite of challenges in competitive landscape. They are directed towards the future of leadership in the global market. Hence, apple is focusing on its product and leadership in product development (Levy, 2018).
(Source: Megheirkouni, 2016)
The above-mentioned model depicts that how apple adopt certain attributes, competencies to develop their leaders. Individual attribute composed of four major attributes, which highlights general cognitive ability, Crystallised cognitive ability, motivation and lastly leadership. In this, apple looks for general intelligence in their leaders, which can tackle basic problems. In crystallized ability, they also focus on intellectual ability that is being acquired over time. This continuously grows and develops through experience (Godart et al, 2015). Hence, apple leaders develop this and continuously grow. Motivation is that factor which every company adopts, also exert influence and advance the overall human good and value of the apple Inc. Lastly, certain characteristics which a leader poses like skills, traits, honesty, forward looking, inspiring, imaginative that helps leaders to cope with the complex organizational situations (Patel, 2015).
Competencies which are the heart of the model that apple adopts in order to develop leaders. Those are problem-solving skills, apple improves leaders problem solving skills which normally ill- defined organizational problems. Knowledge structure within them is also organized in order to cope up with the difficulties and the hurdles, which hinder the success. Above all, apple tries to improve professional skills and knowledge, which are critical for producing key outputs Cumberland et al, 2016).
Chapter-2: Objectives of the Model
In the above model, there are five effectors, which highlight the modelling, mentoring, coaching training and feedback for the leader’s development. In modelling, apple develops leaders by learning from observing things, which can be learnt by being in the common environment with others. In mentoring, the informal transmission of knowledge, social capital, and psychological support. Coaching helps leaders in encouraging and improving both job skills and knowledge. In training and development effector, helps leaders in improving performances also helps them to acquire horizon, technologies and viewpoints. Lastly, in feedback leader responds to reverse the direction of change.
When apple implement this model, in which task are normally identified with the particular job, duty or a project through this leaders competency and the related set of skills will guide them throughout a chosen career path. The task fits in the third capability model, the performer outcome, while the competency allows leaders to effectively perform the tasks. Apple Inc. adopts these attributes and the competencies, which are normally trained and can be used over new learner leaders and falls under the development, which helps them to grow and normally takes longer time to make a positive impact on the organisation (Redmond, and Dolan, 2016).
The impact of leader development model on leaders is highly contentious. The organisation thinks of developing the leaders’ skills and competencies, in order to improve investment, productivity, delivery and lastly the quality, which all depends over the leadership training. It is the prime requirement of the apple Inc. organisation leaders to learn, acquire and develop leadership behaviours and competencies over a particular period.
Even apple CEO Tim Cook shares two key lessons for leaders, he tells leaders that they should use their position and power to benefit others who are in need and another is to be remain humble, always!. He also emphasis on the abilities and the competencies of leader, which are need to be developed in order to be successful for the organisation as well as for improving personal growth (Megheirkouni, 2016).
Lastly, leadership development is must because it helps organisation to set direction, ability to face the strategic thinking and keys to creating values. Other than this, it also helps in individuals to become leaders by themselves. Hence, apple Inc. thinks of developing leaders rather than focusing on increasing followers. Hence, builds leadership culture within organisation. In addition, experience increments in productivity as well as sustainable growth. Through this Apple Inc. finds them in building a legacy (Storey, 2016).
For every organisation leadership development is the gainful and the fruitful opportunity to boost productivity, enhance strategic decision making. In apple Inc. , they focus on three strategies which are, they price their product according to the customers segment. The essential element for their success is that they keep their eye to the future. Lastly, they listen to their customers’ requirements (Serrat, 2017). Other than this, for a successful leader’s development, organisation should have clear and long-term perspective goals. In order to increase leaders’ development, the experienced leadership should have excellent emotional intelligence, interpersonal and instructive skills. Along with this, multiple learning methods are to be adopted while improving the leaders not only for personal growth but also for organisation success (Manuti et al, 2015).
Factors in learningChapter-3: Basic Elements of Leader Development
Learning is the systematic, relatively a permanent change in the behaviour that occurs through the experience. This is adopted because to solve problems related to the learning and to improve the teaching.
Motivation: This is the most important factor, which influences the learner. More of the motivation generates more of better learning. In addition to motivation, learner having a definite goal and direct them to achieve that goals (Patel, 2015).
Readiness and willpower: It is as similar as motivation. However, to be an active learner, one has to be a strong willpower and readiness to overcome the hurdles and problems, which comes in their ways. Therefore, this helps them to stay positive through the entire learning process (Reilly, 2014).
Level of aspiration and achievement: Leaning is totally depended on the aspiration to achieve success. If the aspiration is high, learner will surely work even harder to achieve more success. It is all depends on the capacity and the ability of the learner. Sometimes, the learner feels that his ability is giving low results, this also affects the aspiration and low achievement affects negatively leading to the feelings of inferiority (Burnett, 2013).
Ethics are essential: The Company must keep the ethics of the person as a main priority. It must ensure that the leader behaves ethically with all the other members of the organization as well to the customers. The leader must ensure that his actions are in accordance with the company requirements (Johnson, 2017).
Supporting learning environment: Apple Inc. has to ensure the proper availability of the suitable training programs too and the company provides the openness and the time to the employees to make the self-reflection of the problems and providing the support to alter the changes required in their performance (Chumg et al, 2015).
The already developed design process of apple Inc. states that Apple controls its technology destiny. The company has the tighter control over the design, symbiotic hardware, which for not only the future but also whatever it comes next. They also review their products on every Monday. Company also focuses on those products, which are already formed, designed, build and are tested again. Apple Inc. gives emphasis on technology designed for all the ways in which the employees’ want to work. They empower every employee of the organisation to access I phone, I pad, and Mac book. They think that employees who love tools they are happier and are more engaged (Burke, and Noumair, 2015)
When a company starts with its leadership development program, they work with the smart, dynamic, passionate people and interesting. Employees are guided and mentored by the leader, for this they conduct a variety of training programmes and generate experiences and are given leadership opportunities and helps them in facing all the challenges and become a better leader (Dewar, 2017).
The leadership development programme helps employees in gaining the selling skills working as the experts and a specialist. They undergo with the variety of training experiences, which provide them the deep insight about the workings within an organisation and motivates them to work more diligently and effectively for enriched results (Harper, 2015).
Employees within the organisation throughout the program, organisation provides variety of skills and the opportunities to secure leadership and organisations major gives emphasis over those who are more willing, smart and authentic and challenge driven. For all this company do make an effort to practice to provide opportunities to enhance organisations working (Sanders, 2017).
Apple Inc. having a feedback and follow up element in their organisation. On every Monday there is a feedback and follow up day in which company handles all the grievances and also measures the performances of the leaders and the managers so that they can find the deviations and work over them (Lepsinger, 2018).
The organization must involve various techniques to create awareness and motivate the people to participate in a leadership development programme and encourages them to become a leader. The company must lay down the short-term and the long-term goals, which act as a milestone in assessing the performance of the leaders and further provides insight into the capabilities of the leaders (IMD, 2016).
The organisation must give the training to the employees who lack skills. Organisation should motivate them; inspire them, to make them the best fit for the organisation. Further the company also guide, mentor, and making them to undergo the variety of training experiences, which gives them the opportunities to be the best fit for the organisation (Sarros, and Santora, 2015).
Effective leadership starts with the self-awareness, it helps in developing emotional self-awareness because it lays foundation upon emotional and social intelligence, it also helps leaders to like their emotions to the effectiveness of their interaction with the other employees. Certain strategies like identifying external factors, gathering trusted feedbacks and give priorities to values and ethics, which empowers to make better choices and to increase self-awareness (Sanders, 2017).
A learning mindset always opens up to the new experiences. If a person can believe that he / she has a learning capability, they will surely grow and develop from their experiences. Leaders who have a learning mindset can see opportunities to learn and grow in all aspects of life and tends to lean more through the experiences Even researchers states that leaders whose attitude towards their learning they are more open go experiences, motivation , willingness and having more desire to leanings, they also have an attitude to discover and explore more. Therefore, through all this, they gain and grow through experiences (Ratanjee, 2018).
As we altogether know that, the future of the organisation is very uncertain and complex. The role of the leader is to nurture potential leaders and their ability to think their creatively and innovatively to expand the limits. The organization uses the method of coaching either from the internal experts or hires the professional experts from outside to develop the required competencies among the participants and further guides them to be an effective leader. The experts under the organization monitor the performance of the participants and give the knowledge to handle the deviations in the required performances (Lancer, Clutterbuck, and Megginson, 2016).
A 360-degree feedback process is a great tool for giving leaders clear feedback from their peers, employees and managers. It creates strong motivation and specific focus to improve skills and performance. ... Many organizations put these competencies into a format that can be used as a feedback instrument (Lepsinger, 2018).
Leaders face multitudes challenges, which are beyond the confine operations. Through the strategic and operational leadership leaders tries to manage through skills, analytical abilities and knows how to manage emotions as the part of their core leadership abilities. Through all these they have to know that how to handle the outdoor challenges. Lastly, the company provides the opportunity to explore the trends in the outer world and develop the strategies in comparison to competitive firms (Harbourne, 2016).
Apple Inc. is one of the well-renounced American brands. Apple Inc. ruthless corporate culture is just the one piece of a mystery that virtually for every business executive in the world. It culture is totally based on the self-motivated individuals who works harder. Job’s in his 2008 interview with fortune states that they believe in simplicity, breeds and clarity. Major things, which, job’s specifies about the apple culture, are that they are the risk- avoiding lawyers. They never compromise with the quality. It belongs to that culture where words like passion, excellence are mandatory in working environment. In addition to this, they deliver award winning products and services year after year as this highlights their development (Carrillo, 2015).
To effectively develop the leadership program there are certain organizational and personal factors which help in developing efficiency among the workforce and thus leads to effective development of leadership program.
Organisational factors majorly focus on the external environment who does affect the organisation development such as a clear sense of mission explains itself better to the world and they have to align themselves with the positive elements. Leaders have to learn and to communicate within an organisation. This results in ongoing exchange of ideas, which helps in benefiting both the organisations and its environment. Along with this, a good amount of training to the employees helps them to be an effective leader. So organisation has to give certain opportunities those helps employees to be an effective leader and helps in being effective for the organisation for its success and for its development (Anderson, 2016).
Personal factors highlight the personal competencies of the employees. Organisation should also focus on seeking out and fostering the existing talents so that the other employees get motivated, as they will inspire them to work with more diligently and integrity. Organisation should also conducts regular development plans discussions with their employees so, that they can remain focused towards their works and doings.
Moreover, use more of effective communication tools and efforts for removing barriers towards the success. Other than this, personal commitments helps organisation in building new plans, which assist the employees for their workings. Lastly, the organisation culture is set in such a way that it helps employees to strike towards them to maximise individuals’ performances (Millinger, 2018).
From the above-headed discussion, it was concluded that weather the organisation is small or large; all type of organisation needs leaders to operate them effectively and efficiently. It was observed that the Apple Inc. organisation attracts those employees who are dynamic, smart, innovative, and intelligent and willingness to perform effective work within the organisation. To improve its efficiency and fulfilment of the vision and the mission of the Apple Inc., company has already developed effective leadership model to generate competency among the employees. They are enhanced in such a way, that they skilfully handle every problems arises within or outside the organisation which is in organisation concern.
To develop an effective leadership development model the report provides the essential requirements, which should be there to lead the team efficiently and integrate the efforts of all the members in a united direction. It describes the strategies, which the company should adopt for effective talent management and the succession planning. In the above given model it highlights the Competencies, which are the heart of the model that apple adopts in order to develop leaders. Those are problem-solving skills, apple improves leaders problem solving skills which normally ill- defined organizational problems. Knowledge structure within them is also organized in order to cope up with the difficulties and the hurdles, which hinder the success. Above all, apple tries to improve professional skills and knowledge, which are critical for producing key outputs.
Apple Inc. applies this leadership model to achieve its goals effectively and efficiently. There are five effectors, which highlight the modelling, mentoring, coaching training and feedback for the leader’s development. Though the proper implementation provides other companies got the lesson that how effective the company works with the adoption of such leadership development model so that the company can fulfil all its requirements.
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