Create a mind-map and action plan to reflect on your first years’ studies at University. Identify how your intended goals were achieved and address any shortcomings within your action plan to take forward into your second year.
Studies during the initial year's at the University can be very stressful and challenge (Zimmerman & Labuhn, 2012). The scope of current self-reflection includes shortcomings that were faced during the first year at the University. A self-reflective analysis which encompasses various ways troubles and challenges faced at University initial years. Self-reflection can depict personal response towards various experiences by mirroring personalities and growth processes. An action plan for the purpose of overcoming any shortcomings has allowed including strategies were implemented. Lastly, various evidence for working skills, which enables working with others allowed have been, discussed (Moon, 2013). Discussion of such skills would allow arriving at a suitable course of action such that development can be reached in life along with accomplishment of success goals.
A reflective analysis along with a plan of action is crucial for University student like me as it will help find out regarding my learning (Cottrell, 2013). A mind-map has been created as below to depict the various aspects of my life during the first years’ of study at the University.
The first year of University is a very crucial period in everyone's life, which one must take very seriously. The mind-map drawn above reflects my various course of action undertaken so as to provide a pictorial depiction of my various activities. At the initiation of the first year of study, I had developed and set-up various goals, which I needed to accomplish (Hu, Kuh & Li, 2008). They include attend regular classes, organize workloads appropriately, attend all classes on time, give my very best and participate more in classes. Evaluating my intended goals against goals, I feel that I have been successful in achieving a lot. In this action plan that I had undertaken, I will reflect upon my learning experiences which I had to undertake to attain my goals.
Goal 1 Attending Classes: I aimed at attending a lot of classes during my first year period as I felt it was integral to my learning procedure. However, to my dissatisfaction, I was not able to undertake a lot of classes due to my illness. Though my illness cannot act as an excuse for me not attending classes yet it is a fact that prevented me from undertaking classes. I regularly had flu and other ailments due to which I had taken regular medication and often used to fall off to sleep. This prevented me from waking up early to attend classes at the University. Though I tried to attend maximum possible classes but was not much successful. I had selected Further Spanish as one of my modules. This module especially requires guidance from module leaders for building upon competence and knowledge for attaining Level 4. It includes covering a broader perspective regarding life in Spain and the Spanish-speaking world.
Goal 1: Attending Classes
Goal 2 Attending Classes: The course encompasses the contexts for the further study of and practice in the language (Tymon, 2013). The focus of this course is to enable students to further their linguistic proficiency and to develop cultural awareness regarding Spain. I had to study a range of social, economic and political topics relating to contemporary Spain and Spanish speaking societies particularly examining domains such as education, the media, political parties, the working environment and business contexts. Student’s needs to attend classes with proficiency in the language and domain is developed using recorded along with written materials. In this course through various instructions, I developed oral and written communication, concentrating on oral fluency and on written accuracy and style, and will further extend their knowledge of vocabulary. Students are expected to increase their awareness of formal register through analysis of written and recorded materials.
Goal 3 Organize Workloads: Along with Spanish, I had undertaken various other modules for my studies. For achieving good grades in all these modules, it required to organize workloads. I used to reach classes on time, which provided me the opportunity that I organized my workload effectively. I had planned my schedule way ahead of classes, which encompasses going through the course, preparing for notes, attending classes and so on.
Goal 4 Hand over Assignments on time: I had undertaken assignments for modules provided to us way before time so that I was able to complete them accordingly. This allowed me to hand over all the assignments in time on the submission portal (Crayford, Fearon, McLaughlin & van Vuuren, 2012). For the module Learning in the wider World- Part A that I selected, I decided to give my very best to the module. This module was rather difficult hence required me to devote extensive time to the same. From the vastness of the module, I understood that if I did not give my very best to it, then I will not be able to become competent in the module.
Goal 5 Reaching Classes on time: In another module Preparation for Experimental Overseas Learning, I faced a tremendous challenge. This module was rather extensive in nature and contained various aspects of Global citizenship, cultural aspects, and domain of multiculturalism. This module had been conducted at Chester campus, which allowed undertaking this course easily. As this module was being conducted on the campus itself, it easily allowed me to undertake classes on time. Other classes, which were not held in the campus was rather difficult to undertake. The challenge in reaching classes on time is related to communicating, as the classes were often located at far off places. Though I communicate on bike and metro but making the connection and reaching on time possess a huge challenge.
Goal 2: Attending Further Spanish Classes
Goal 5 Asking more Questions: In order to give my very best to this domain of study, I decided that I would undertake regular classes and ask various questions to clarify my doubts. Asking questions related to a new domain of study helped me clarify various doubts in mind that I faced. Though initially I was apprehensive to ask questions in class and felt shy, later I decided to ask. I felt that my shyness could have a negative impact on my carrier and studies during the first year. Initially, it required a lot of confidence gathering but later I was easily able to gather courage and raise relevant questions in class. Hence I feel that I have been able to attend this goal of mine.
Goal 6 Participate more in class & interact: All the modules that I selected for my first year of studies at the University required that I participate more in class and interact. Especially I needed to interact in Spanish and participate in class for developing interactive skills in the language. Other modules, which I selected also, required that I participate in class discussion and interact more in classes to develop in-depth and detailed understanding related to the module.
Goal 7 Not getting distracted by the phone: People tend to easily get distracted by the phone and be engaged across various social media platforms. I also often used to get distracted over the phone and indulge in a lot of time in social media (Cottrell, 2015). This distraction distracted me and diverted most of my study time. I consciously decided that I cannot keep getting distracted with my phone so that I am able to concentrate on my studies well. I had limited time exposure with which I used the phone, which allowed me to attain this self-created goal of mine. Thus, overall I have been able to accomplish most of my self-designed goals, which allowed me to progress into the second year of studies.
A self-reflective analysis will allow diagnosing outcome form the above reflective tools (De Vos, De Hauw & Van der Heijden, 2011). This has allowed me to understand and evaluate the first year of studies so that selecting Modules for the second year helps in the engagement of goals. It further allows understanding, the levels of engagement for the second year of studies by analysis of the action plans for the first year. In order to conduct an appropriate self-reflection, I have undertaken Kolb's reflective cycle as it can provide a step-by-step analytical process to achieve outcomes (Clow, 2012). The process of Kolb's cycle includes a four-staged procedure such as Concrete Experience, Reflective Observation, Abstract Conceptualization and finally Active Experimentation.
Goal 3: Organize Workloads
In the first stage of the reflective learning cycle, Concrete Experience is considered to be grounds for new analyzing a situation experienced. I had set various goals for my first year of study, an action plan which depicts that I had been successful for most goals. For the 7 different goals that I designed, I was capable of achieving most of the goals through appropriate plans of action. From attending classes to submitting on time assignments and participating in class activities and attending class on time was achieved by me (Richards, Campenni & Muse-Burke, 2010). I was capable of motivating myself and diverting myself towards the various goals that I had designed for myself. I was careful enough to jot down my goals, against action plans and achievements in a self-reflection journal. Going through the journal helped me understand my past experiences. In absence of such self-reflective journal, it would not have been possible to understand my achievement and compare them against set goals.
By analysis of the process of concrete experience, I was successfully able to arrive at a suitable Reflective Observation. At this stage, I was able to diagnose the gap between experience and my levels of understanding. In the second stage of reflective observation, I made notes that though I felt I have attended classes successfully yet as per my experience I had not accomplished much. I analyzed the time of reaching classes from experiment and understanding. There was again inconsistency between the time that I actually designed to attend classes and the time that I actually reached classes I understood that I was late for several classes. In detailed reflective observations led to the analysis that there are several areas in which I had to develop myself and bridge the gap. Before going on to the second year of studies, I had to look back on my first year of goal analysis so that I can fill in the shortcomings (Masys, Ray-Bennett, Shiroshita & Jackson, 2014). Through this reflective practice, I was further able to understand that in the first few months of classes which I attended, I was shy and introvert hence could not raise questions. This has created a gap in my understanding of several concepts, especially in Global citizenship module. As I failed to undertake extensive participation in those modules, there is bound to be some gaps in understanding those modules. Therefore, I had to take more classes in certain modules, so that I am able to complete my understanding related to the same. Moreover, analysis of the various questions that I asked in class reveals that I am capable of asking questions but not in-detailed once. This reflects my incapability to understand the topic in advance to pose the right question. Therefore, I have not been able to make much value added to my class. This leads me to the third stage of reflective analysis which is the Abstract Conceptualization.
Goal 4: Hand over Assignments on time
Abstract Conceptualization modification of existing concepts is made. In my case, I realized that I had to change my plan of action somewhat in order that I could attain my goals. My goals visualization undertaken in the first year included various methods so that I could understand my domain of study well and become an appropriate professional. In my abstract conceptualization, I have understood that I need to plan my course of action in an extensive manner. My plans need to encompass methods which allow accomplishing future goals.
In the last stage of the reflective cycle of Active Experimentation, I will undertake the application of knowledge. Through analysis of my reflection, I have been able to understand the areas in which I lag and areas on which I need to work upon (Hinchliffe & Jolly, 2011). Thus, I will be actively engaging in procedures which allow me to overcome my shortcomings by learning from the world around. I will undertake varied examples of my friends and note ways in which they have achieved outcomes, this will enable me to become a leading professional in the future and achieve my goals in the second year. The modules that I selected for my second year will give me the opportunity to perform at my best as I find the modules very interesting. It will give me the opportunity to show my potential and achieve the best grade and not leave assignment to the last minute and start on it the same day. The modules that I have selected will help me in my future career as well. From learning in the first year reflective cycle and interests in the second year, I will be able to easily achieve high outcomes in the future.
In order to work effectively with other people, there are several types of skills that have to be developed. Such skill development can take place in the presence of appropriate knowledge (Archer & Davison, 2008. In order to work with other people, there has to be the presence of knowledge regarding teams, organizing and task handling. My analysis revealed the presence of varied types of skills within me, with the absence of some skills. Some of the attributes or skills required to work within teams include planning, organizing, leadership, decision-making, communication, persuasion, conflict-resolving, feedback skills and so on. In order to work within a team, various combinations of these attributes are needed to be present in some proportions or the other. Evaluation of such skills can only be undertaken through an experience analysis. While developing such attributes to test regarding my evidence of skills, there have been several challenges encountered. Hence I had to undertake an appropriate plan of action in order that such challenges can be overcome. Though there was present team dynamics, I had to assess projects or tasks differently so that I can attain success with them. Working within team skills was evident within me once I had to organize a team project. In the project, we all had to work together and bring up ideas on a product that we had to create. I had to get everyone involved as no one was talking at first and ask them about their ideas. After we all shared our ideas we chose the best one. The product we were dealing with was a Theme park with virtual reality. I would give every team member the opportunity to speak and bring in ideas.
Goal 5: Reaching Classes on time
The idea of working within the team was developed by me at a very early stage when I used to play the game of cricket. The team working concept is developed from my hobby of playing cricket and never could I have imagined that it would be applicable in such a manner. I had learned immensely regarding team roles from such fun play activity. As I used to be a wicked keeper, whose role was not only to catch missed balls but also to motivate the team. In this case, I performed the same role. I acted as a leader of the team and was continuously motivating the team such that each one could contribute their level best. I called team meetings and also had a WhatsApp group, where we could interact continuously. In the meetings, I asked each one's perception regarding performing their roles in the project. I ascertained roles to each team member, where each one agreed to it. Though I felt that I had the qualities of a team leader, yet I needed to develop knowledge regarding it. With organizations and domain of business continuously transforming, with my present skill I might not be able to make much difference in the corporate world. With the awareness of this skill, I have understood that it can be developed and I can emerge to be a capable team leader. However, for the same I need to undertake the extensive reading of journals and articles, also analyze several case studies which allow development of such skills. Leadership skills are crucial in any team and while working with other people within an organization.
The team performance was going well when there had arisen conflict. Such conflict resulted from differences in ideas amongst the team members. The conflict without taking much time had grown into a challenge for the entire team as no one wanted to remain on the team anymore. In order to resolve this conflict in the team, I planned a conflict resolution procedure. This procedure included listening to each member's point of view and then resolving it through negotiation (Dabbagh & Kitsantas, 2012). I undertook the process of negotiation by making clear communication amongst various members of the team. I am an effective affirmative communicator and this skill of mine is reflected in my ability to convince others. Thus, apart from team dynamics skills, I also possess extensive communication techniques. I am easily able to place my point of view before the others and convince them to abide by the same. My communication skill is one of my biggest strength and acts in my favor always. By further developing my communication skills I can achieve success in my personal as well as professional field. Though this experience I have been able to understand regarding my oral communication skills, however, I need to test for my written and non-verbal communication skills as well. Through communication, I had established by plans of resolving conflict within my team. Resources that were used by me in order that I could overcome challenges within my team included apart from communication, engagement procedures. I believe that if a team is engaged with the whereabouts of the project and with each other, there is bound to be fewer conflicts. Most importantly I planned that within 1 week’s time, I will be able to resolve the several problems faced by my team members. A short time span is desired for resolving conflicts within a team as in cases of prolonged conflicts, the team dynamics might go away leading the team to disperse. Therefore, I agreed upon and made other' agree to resolve the team's conflict within a period of 7 days. I was rather lucky that everyone agreed with my point of view regarding the timeframe.
Goal 6: Asking more Questions
Through the process of team management, I understood that I have leadership capabilities, which allowed me to conduct the team in an appropriate manner. I believe that I have an extensive understanding of team dynamics, meaning the ways in which a team functions. As team dynamics act as invisible forces binding a team of different people, there is bound to be an effort made such that it is present (Rodgers & Scott, 2008). I had selected my team on the basis of various capabilities present amongst the team members such as designer, a painter, technician, electronics person and I being with leadership capabilities. Each member had something or the other to contribute to the team. The final team selected was so dynamic in nature that the final product which was designed was extremely innovative. All other teams and professors were surprised at the outcome of the team. Therefore, I feel that my leadership, communication skills and knowledge of team dynamics allowed to motivate other members of the team to achieve outcomes.
An important skill required for the purpose of working with other people includes having an affirmative but pleasant personality with organizing skills. Undertaking a personality analysis of myself revealed that I am a friendly natured person, who does not like to quarrel with anyone. Generally people such as friends, colleagues like to interact with me and take opinion from me. I feel I possess attributes which attract people in a positive manner and I am not rude or arrogant, which is an attribute that most people would like to avoid. My pleasant and calm nature attracts various friends and I am easily able to start a conversation with them. My easy nature of talking and interacting can be seen as a positive team attribute. Evaluating an example of a task detail where such a task had to be undertaken, includes a group assignment. There was a group assignment given for a module where we were a five-member team, had to accomplish a certain task. We were easily able to develop the structure of that assignment and share responsibility amongst team members so that we could complete it before time. While undertaking this project there was trouble related to the deadline of one group member. This group member could not finish this project as he was slow in his research procedure (Woodley & Sims, 2011). I am highly organized and had provided a deadline way in advance of the final deadline. Therefore I was able to help him with his portion post finishing off with my portions. This organizing capability of mine was appreciated highly by all team members. They felt in lack of this organizing skill in me, we all would have jointly failed to accomplish the task and received poor grades for the same. I always possessed planning and organizing skills. While planning helped me to sort out a task in detail in advance, organizing helps me to design techniques within timeframes to attain such objectives.
However, in both the instances, I felt that one team skill which I lacked and had to develop. This includes decision-making capability and feedback skills. I feel that if I was able to undertake key decisions at key instances then my team would not suffer from any sort of problems. I am often hesitant in undertaking any decision whether it is for myself or for my team. Lack of capability to make decisions often imposes challenges for me and I will have to develop myself In a manner that I can take a decision in the matter of a day or two when it needs be. Decision-making quality is an important capability for people working within teams so that they are able to progress within teams. I feel I also lack feedback skills. I am not able to provide feedback to anyone easily as I am an introvert person. I am extremely shy and do not possess capabilities to deal with people on their faces. I am not able to provide feedback to people instantaneously to them, though I understand the several challenges they face. Through conflict-resolution technique I am able to provide some input to people regarding their working, however, it does not include feedback. This aspect of mine is beneficial in one way and negative on the other. While some skills I have already present, certain other skills need to be developed this will allow me to become a successful professional.
The reflective analysis is crucial for students as it allows understanding the various learning gained along with a course of action designed. The current reflective practice provides that various learning has taken place and an action plan to bridge any learning gap has been designed. The action plan needs to applied and accommodated so as to allow overcoming of shortcomings that have been faced. There have been various evidence related to the presence of skills, which is required for working with other professionals or colleagues. Shortage of certain skills reflects that a suitable course of action has to be designed so that it can be overcome. Attending to some short-term professional course can aid in overcoming shortcomings in skills faced on the professional front. Such courses along with the experience of practice can allow becoming of a successful professional in the future.
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