The strength in IT does not map across to the opportunity to become a professional chef or the catering strength to open a computer repair shop.
Identify potential barriers to learning. You should be able to identify several of these such as:
Can someone look after your children whilst you study – either at home or attending class?
Do you have a backup strategy for emergencies, holidays etc.?
You should also consider:
Work responsibilities, home life, caring for elderly, taking holidays and so on.
How will you manage to fit time to study into an overcrowded schedule?
Financial Barriers
Can you afford to study?
Are you comfortable with paying back student loans?
Geographical Barriers
Can you get to class easily?
Do you have to travel to class from work?
Do you have a car or have to rely on lifts from others? Social Barriers?
Are you the first in your family to go into Higher Education?
How do your parents/ siblings/partner/children feel about your learning
What are their expectations of you?
Are they supportive or resentful?
If resentful and possibly obstructive, how will you overcome this barrier?
1.4 Explain how barriers to learning can be overcome. You can answer some of the questions raised in the above section, here.
Section 2: Know how to develop self and others to achieve organisational objectives
2.1 Briefly analyse learning/development options to meet needs of self and another member of the team. Examination of the information gathered through the SWOT analysis and other information such as job appraisal feedback, job description etc. to identify the development needs of bothyourself and another person should be used here to determine the learning development options open to both of you.
2.2 Identify support mechanisms for the development of self and another member of the team. Following on from barriers discussed above, who can help both of you overcome these barriers and how?
2.3 Prepare a development plan to achieve a learning objective for yourself. Now you move on to preparing just your own personal development plan (PDP).
Identifying development needs
Personal development is a lifelong process. It is a continuous process that runs through one's lifetime. It is the way by which people learn or identify the skills and qualities they possess. Upon identifying qualities and competencies, then people can set their goals in life and maximize their full potential (Jim 2017). Throughout an individual’s life, they have to improve on themselves to be better persons, who can achieve the life goals they set. There is a movement on personal development; it is of great benefit to managers and recruiters as they can obtain not only qualified employees but also motivated individuals for the company (Clegg and Bufton 2008). When looking for a job it necessary to focus more on what the job makes you become, rather than what it pays." There is more to just salaries. Who you become will define what you get. It is more of about taking the time and, making the commitment of investing in your greatest resource.
It is of benefit to the individual and whole organization because of several reasons such as it helps create self-awareness. This is whereby individual’s gets to understand themselves better, their values, beliefs and even the purpose they want to pursue. It gives a sense of direction. After self-awareness, it is much clearer and to make a decision becomes faster and even to carry out a task is made easier. Again, it helps improve focus and effectiveness (Duncan 2010, p. 12-15). With the clarity already created there is the ability to prioritize. With clearer objectives, one can quickly identify which task will give the best result with the resources available to you at that moment. The clear goals lead to motivation; this is because one can see a clear benefit of what they are doing. It helps create greater resilience. This is because one develops skills and traits that will enable them to deal effectively with tough moments. Tough times will always be there. Finally, one can get in more fulfilling relationships. These links help one to keep on track with the set objectives.
2.1 own learning style (s) and the learning style (s) of another member of the team.Different individuals have different preferred learning styles. Various theories categorize individuals based on their styles of learning. One may have a combination of learning styles, but there's always the strong way of learning.
According to Neil Fleming VAR model this model there are four modalities i.e. visual learning, kinesthetic learning, read/write learning and auditory learning. The visual learners have a preference for seeing and converting words into images in the brain and vice versa. For the auditory learners, they best learn through listening e.g. lectures, discussions and the kinesthetic learners prefer to learn by having a firsthand experience like touching or doing the act themselves. For the read/write learners they learn by reading and writing in summary form for ease re-reading later after the whole.
Neil Fleming VAR model
Honey and Mumford model
According to Honey and Mumford model, there are four learning styles. It includes activist learning style, they learn by doing the action. Theorist style and they prefer understanding the theory behind a story and getting all necessary facts. Pragmatic style learners like to experiment new learning and relate it to the current world. Finally, reflector style of learning and they prefer to learn by watching others perform an activity.
My way of learning is the activist style. I am an activist because I prefer to learn by doing the action. To get into action and experience what I am trying to learn. Moreover, I am an open minded. Thus I am never I prefer listening to the discussion and contributing to the topic over reading on my own as this is easier to understand. As I hear I write down main points to enhance my remembrance. I remember names over faces too. I also enjoy study groups where individuals air their points for the purpose of brainstorming. My friend is more of a theorist. They are theorist because they learn best by first understanding the root of something. They follow models that explain specific situations. Also, they enjoy reading stories o their own to better their understanding of something.
2.2 simple techniques for identifying development needs for self and team member
Strengths · Work experience, I have been in an internship, and I have relevant work experience. · Highly positive personal traits, this is more of what others see of me. · Good networking with business group and high place people |
Weaknesses · Limited education, because my education is up to certificate level · Weak interpersonal skills with fellow people especially at workplace |
Opportunities · Positive trend in the field, the field Is growing thus more jobs will be created · Ability to move regarding geographically as I am flexible · Going back to class |
Threats · Training and education obstacle · Competition in this field, too many people have graduated with bachelors and post graduate degrees · Limited positions · Retrenchments since my education is low to pave the way for those with good education |
With the competition in this field, there is the likelihood of reductions; I could go back to class and get a degree. Also, with limited education, I could look for more internship and contract jobs to increase my work experience thus I am in a competitive edge as I prepare to get back in class.
Strengths · Quick learner- easily understands things · Excellent education grades · Good education with degree · Rational and very objective |
Weaknesses · Easily distracted- the concentration levels are too low · Poor in expressing verbally- communication is poor · Limited work experience- regularly fail in interview due to being deficient in expressing herself |
Opportunities · Technical expertise which was gained in class practical and fact findings from various models. |
Threats · Very low tolerance for uncertainty- whereas uncertainty will always be there |
With the limited work experience, she should use her good grades to look for jobs and learn. Also with her rational and objective reasoning, she should engage in more discussion and presentation to improve in verbal communication.
Barriers to best education are a result of potential weaknesses that surrounds the learner. For example, if your learning place is too far, fatigues may be a barrier to better concentrations skills and could lead to dozing off while learning is taking place.
The fear of not succeeding and also fear of critics and judgment, this is whereby individual fear what other people will say about them, their performance, etc. they do embrace failing as a step to rising and succeeding. Judgment prevents us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.
Honey and Mumford model
Financial barrier, this is whereby one needs to ask themselves if they have funds to pay for the undergraduate school fees, when it is convenient to register for classes and availability of finances to buy books as required and how comfortable is one in repaying education loans for undergraduate students (David et al 2008, p. 43-55).
Fear to adjust to change, in this case, one is afraid of the unknown that comes with changes, such as geographical changes, new responsibilities at the workplace, say promotions, and also new members in the working groups. Usually, the individual is afraid of exposing their weaknesses to another set of people as they are not sure of the outcome of this.
Social barriers are caused by the society especially the family level. It is dependent on how much the family value learning, this is determined by the family levels of education. With motivational barriers come the questions like does one have a goal and purpose of what they want in life. Do they follow their set timetables or they keep procrastinating issues? Again, the learning environment should be convenient enough for the individual.
Barriers to learning will always be there, but it is always wise to find means with which you can overcome the obstacles (Reid and Came 2009, p. 193). That is by getting strategies which can turn weaknesses into strengths thereby creating opportunities. Some of the ways to overcome hindrances include planning. Registering for classes, for instance, you cannot do it without planning. This preparation includes, plan your time so well, and know if you will have ample time for study as well as working. Also, plan your finances, for instance, if you are taking a loan, how convenient will it b when repayment time is due?
Also, it is wise to acknowledge creativity. Usually, this will help one by building up personal confidence. Confidence will help eliminate fear, and you no longer take critics so negatively. You take critics as a way of learning ho best you can mold improve on yourself. Also, the aspect of socializing will help build confidence among your peers as they already know about your weaknesses. The social groups can help you turn your weaknesses into strengths (Boles 2010). Also, lay emphasis on personal improvements. Knowing that in whatever you do, whether you fail or succeed you helping in improving yourself.
With social barriers, it is wise to consult with the family first as you give tell them o your idea to get into certain activity (Acharya 2009, p. 85-89). Explain to them of the possible benefits of getting into learning. Also, seek financial help from the family. Also, establish own motivators. Know what exactly motivates you to learn. Having a motivator will help you get more focus in learning. Further, it is good to identify ways in which you can relax, during learning; there is usually a lot of tension and anxiety which are a big distracter to learning. It is nice to identify ways to bring more focus, maybe soft music, regular breaks in between learning, etc
2.5.1 Analysis of learning/development options.Strengths and Weaknesses
Development options are ways in which a learner is much at ease learning way to develop themselves. Learning can either be formal or informal. For the formal education, it is the learning that occurs in some educational programs or training (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development 2008). Usually, there is a pre-decided topic which is to be covered within a fixed time, for instance, in two hours for two days in a week. Also, the methodology is also pre-determined. Further, learning objectives are predetermined and expected learning outcome is easy to tell. On the other hand, informal learning is the learning that just occurs; there is no particular methodology, time or even topics (Semba et al 2008). For example, one can learn, by seeing someone else do it.
Learning on the job, whereby individuals get to know more and develop as they perform tasks. One can look at what workmates are doing and learn. Learning on job increases the technical know-how (Hewlett 2007). Choosing the right course for career development is important. Additionally, one can enroll in a college to take up the learning. These will improve the education background assist in gaining knowledge that comes with from school. Volunteering helps one gain more experience in your field and can give you additional work experience. Internships are challenging as there may be no monetary reward but there is experience gained for the area. Also, attending events and fair organized by various companies. It is helpful as it gives you fist hand information that you may use while writing your application for the job. Also considering the lots of free time available for students, it is wise to use that time attending such events.
Create a time for socializing. This helps to enhance checking on each other with other employees and have a chance to share on how they feel, what they may need and how they can best help each other. It helps improve on interpersonal skills of involved individuals (De Vries et al 2008). Also, having the organization head regularly check on the employees; In this check up meetings, they and find out on how well satisfied the employee is and the general motivation by the employees. Complaints are raised, needs and also issues. There is also the need to have personal time where one can indulge in self-care activities such as writing blogs, watching movies, spiritual practices and attend parties. Personal time helps in unwinding from all day fatigue. Considering fatigue could hinder development.
Opportunities and Threats
Have a mentor, mentoring is a learning option which is informal, and the learner will observe what is being done and take note and later apply it (De Vries 2009, p. 35-45). Usually, the instructor is not always available. Mentoring is a unique learning process in which another more skilled person helps the learner in acquiring the desired level of skill(s) without actually being directly involved in the course of imparting the learning.
Have a psychological support place. That is where an individual can go for counseling and also where one can forward grievances issues when stuck and seemingly intractable. Also, the family can come in for the support, like aid in offering full or partial school fees and even buy study materials as required.
Objectives |
Priority |
Success measure |
Resources |
Action |
Implementation |
Higher my education |
High |
Have a degree certificate |
Borrow funds from family and take education loan |
Enroll in college and later in university |
Register for June intake |
Improve interpersonal skills |
High |
Self-appraisal |
Training programmes |
Attend training |
Immediately |
Improve my confidence levels |
High |
improved relations in public |
Group discussions and presentations |
Volunteer in making presentations for my group and contribute in discussions |
Next group meeting |
Have a monthly personal review the review is whereby you hold a self-meeting on a monthly basis. During these meetings, you take a consideration of your objectives check how much you have achieved to see if there is any progress that is happening (Bob 2010). Additionally, use the Seinfeld method of productivity. It helps you keep and maintain consistency; you should have a calendar whereby you mark whenever one finish a goal and you don't break the chain but continue from there to attain the next goal (Bob 2016). It is usually on a daily basis assessment.
In conclusion, personal development is a lifelong process for every individual. Each has their distinct development needs, and therefore everyone has a different defined purpose for life written down in a development plan. Various learning process and options are taken for one to develop. This is because each has a different preferred learning style.
3. References
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