Prepare and present a plan for your development as a leader. The period of your plancould be 2, 5 or 10 years. Select the period that makes most sense to you, depending on the current stage of your life and career. Briefly explain the reason for the time period that you have selected.
Leadership Theories and Approaches
The organizational operations are based on the efficacy of the leaders and the manner in which the management is structured. The role of the leaders in the management of the organization is mostly dependent on the vision and allocation of suitable resources for achieving the common objective of the enterprise. The approaches that are considered by leaders assist the same in prioritizing the course of action and designing an effective process chain, which will be assisting the enterprises in maintaining their performance. Leaders take an active part in designing the processes that might be undertaken by the workforce. On the other hand, the assessment of the different market conditions helps leaders in shaping their leadership activities with the aim of attaining a sustainable edge. Therefore, the development of the leadership skills will be helping the organizations in sustaining in the competitive global environments.
The report will be emphasizing on the development of the required leadership qualities in me in order to enhance the operations of the management. I have completed my bachelor’s degree in electronic engineering and masters on Project management systems. Therefore, the report enumerates different leadership qualities that might be developed by me in order to enhance the operation of the enterprise.
The identification of the proper leadership approach is based on the identification of the needs of the people and the organization while undertaking their operations as pr the objectives of the same. The Functional approach of leadership helps in maintaining the efficacy of the leadership functions through the induction of accountability and responsibility for the operations that are undertaken by the businesses. On the other hand, the Behavioral styles approach focuses on identifying the behavior of people as leaders and the manner in which the behavior influences group performance. The theory proposed by McGregor identifies the dual dimensions of leadership related to the productivity of the organization and the concern for people working in the same. On the other hand, the leadership style that is followed by the leaders helps the same in enhancing the operations of the business as per the objective of the same (Ishikawa, 2012).
Chi and Pan (2012) stated that the choice of leadership style is dependent on the identification of the situation that is faced by the organization and the manner in which the changes might be induced in order to support the sustainable objective of the enterprise. The different approaches of leadership relating to the changes that are undertaken by the same in the organizational processes are Transactional and Transformational leadership. Transactional leadership focuses on motivating the employees through both rewards and punishments in the existing processes. On the other hand, the Transformational leadership style helps the leaders and the management in forging different significant modifications in the mentality of the people and the processes.
The implementation of the different leadership styles in the organizational context is based on the identification of the needs of the enterprise and the manner in which the performance of the same might be optimized. However, Chen et al., (2014) stated that the Charismatic leadership approach focuses on influencing the behavior of the employees while operating in diverse international markets. It helps the businesses in inducing positive workforce culture, which assists in enhancing the productivity of the same. The key elements of change in the organizational operations are based on the leader’s ability to identify the different issues and thereby mitigating the same.
Needs for Personal Development
Denti and Hemlin (2012) stated that the key leadership skills that might be ingrained in a positive leader are communicability, adaptability, motivation and empowerment to the employees and the vision. The qualities in the leaders help in enhancing the performance of the business through close understanding of the issues that are faced by the enterprise. Matei et al. (2015) stated that the identification of the objective of the organization helps the leaders in understanding the approach that might be undertaken by the same in order to support the sustainability of the business. On the other hand, Teece (2016) noted that the leaders play a part in mitigating the different issues that are faced by the organization and the respective workforce in order to build on the productivity of the same while operating in diverse international markets.
Hogg, Van Knippenberg and Rast III (2012) stated that the vision of the leader plays a major role in enhancing the operations of the same in different organizational contexts. The long term vision of the leaders not only helps the organization in building on the brand name but also helps the same in creating customer loyalty for the enterprise. On the other hand, Felício, Gonçalves and da Conceição Gonçalves (2013) noted that the inspiration and empowerment that is provided by the leader to the employees helps the same in enhancing the operations of the workforce as per the objectives of the business. The leaders identify the concerns of the stakeholders and thereby mitigate the issues that are faced by the same while operating on the common objectives of the enterprise. Moreover, the leaders look after the empowerment needs of the employees through training. It helps in maintaining the efficacy of the functions that are undertaken by the workforce. The knowledge of the processes and the experience of the leaders plays a major role while devising the processes as per the assessment of the needs of the organization while sustaining in a competitive business market. Communicability of the leader helps the same in integrating the operations of the workforce and thereby induces collaborative functioning of the same as per the common objectives of the business.
Therefore, the role of leaders in managing conflicts in the organizational context helps in supporting the smooth functioning of the same. The identification and implementation of the different leadership theories will be helping the leaders in assessing the gaps in their leadership approach and thereby mitigate the same through different personal development sessions. Leadership is a complex context as it includes the understanding of the behavioral needs of the employees and the needs of the enterprise for upholding its sustainability. Therefore, the identification of the theories and the approaches helps the leaders in maintaining their efficacy while managing an organization as per the needs of the same.
The needs for personal development are dependent on the identification of concerns that are faced by the organization. I have a mastery over subjects like electronic engineering and Project management, which will be helping me in undertaking specific actions in the organizational processes. The specific knowledge of the processes will be helping me to design the functioning stages in the organization. On the other hand, the project management experience will be helping me to understand the resources and capabilities of the organization and thereby allocate the same for bringing forth positive changes in the business model.
However, the lack of proper communication skills in me has affected my understanding of the needs of the people and the issues that are faced by the same while operating on the different processes that are planned by me. It has affected my capability of inducing different modifications in the processes. On the other hand, lack of suitable communication with the different departments has affected my understanding of the needs of change in the design of the processes. The lack of suitable communication has also affected my understanding of the individual weaknesses in the departments. The impact of my lack of knowledge on the strengths and weaknesses are reflected through my inability to allocate resources as per the needs of the different departments in the organization. Van Wart (2013) stated that undertaking efficient communication with the stakeholders helps the leaders in understanding the issues that are encountered by the employees and thereby mitigate the same for enhancing the operations. On the contrary, Paustian-Underdahl, Walker and Woehr (2014) stated that communication with the stakeholders enables the leaders to empower and motivate the employees in order to facilitate the smooth functioning of the different processes that are designed by the same. Lack of proficient communication with the stakeholders will be affecting my capabilities to complete the tasks that are allocated by me and the time frame that is selected. Ghasabeh, Soosay and Reaiche (2015) stated that schedule overruns in the projects are the resultant of miscommunication between the authorities and the employees. Therefore, lack of suitable communication with the stakeholders will be affecting my capability of estimating the time that might be required for the project. On the other hand, the lack of suitable communication with the stakeholders will be affecting my knowledge of the costs that might be incurred by the organization while undertaking the complex engineering projects. Cost overruns in the project might result to delay in the project schedule, which might affect the effectiveness of the project as per the objectives of the business. Balyer (2012) stated that motivation is one of the key factors that help in bringing forth changes in the business units through the smooth functioning of the workforce. However, lack of proper communication has affected my capabilities of motivating the workforce in the different stages of tasks. It has affected the smooth functioning of the workforce in the organizational context leading to maximization of chances of project failures.
The lack of adaptability in different organizational situations has also affected my operations as a leader. Lack of adaptability to the different market situations is primarily because I am still a novice who has no experience of working in a real time organization. Lack of experience has affected my capabilities of understanding and analyzing the issues and thereby framing different strategies for resolving the issues that are faced by the enterprise. Strom, Sears and Kelly (2014) stated that the lack of experience of the leaders affects their capabilities of managing the operations of the businesses. The key changes that might be undertaken by the leaders in the organizational context are dependent on the identification of the urgency that is faced by the organization in order to maintain the sustainability of the same. I seem to get confused while identifying the stage in which the modification in the project plan might be induced. It has affected the efficacy of the project management operations that I am required to undertake for the organization. Du et al., (2013) stated that the modifications that might b considered by the business are dependent on the consultation that it undertakes with the project development manager. However, I lack in understanding the concerns that might be faced by the project after its initiation. Lack of empathy in my approach of leadership has restricted my understanding of the different issues that are faced by the people while performing their responsibilities in the different tasks. It has affected the success factors of the project that is being initiated by me.
I lack in identifying the capabilities of the different departments, which has affected my potential relating to resource allocation for the project. The tasks that are designed by me as per the needs of the project require suitable resource allocation for the smooth functioning of the systems. However, lack of understanding the different issues that might be faced by the departments while allocating the different tasks to the same might affect the success factors of the project. Walumbwa, Morrison and Christensen (2012) stated that resource allocation is one of the major responsibilities of a project manager as it ensures the smooth functioning of the businesses. However, the lack of proper understanding of the needs of the workforce and the issues that are faced by the same has affected the resource allocation functions. The developmental needs of the project manager are based on the needs of the organization and the approach that might be implemented in the model of the organization in order to facilitate the smooth functioning of the business systems. Lack of proper understanding of the project parameters and the manner in which the strategies might be framed in order to maintain the efficacy of the tasks will be affecting my capability of developing clear insights of the process.
Figure 1: Boyatzis Intentional Change model
(Source: Bryson, 2018)
The Boyatzis Intentional Change model would assist me to identify the different steps that might be undertaken by me for developing different changes in the leadership approach. The five stages of the model will be helping me to design a personal development plan in order to enhance the leadership skills as per the concerns that are faced by the organization. The first stage of the model will be helping me to identify the leadership skills that I want to induce in my personality (Boyatzis, Rochford & Jack, 2014). It will be helping me to understand the ideal self in order to devise the skills as per the identification of the gaps in my leadership attitude. The second stage of the model will be helping me to identify the different leadership skills that are inherent in me. It will be helping me to identify the gaps in my leadership approach compared to the ideal self. The third stage of the model enumerates the rationale for undertaking the changes in the leadership approach in order to enhance the efficacy of the leadership. The fourth stage of the model will be helping me to identify the practices that might be undertaken in order to enhance the leadership role while managing different projects. Experimentation of the different practices through implementation of the same in the processes will help me to identify the effectiveness of the functions. The fifth stage of the model focuses on the identification of effectiveness of the different activities that are undertaken by me through assessing feedbacks from different stakeholders.
I have selected this model as it will help me accomplish my goals in a proper manner. This will also help me to clearly set the leadership skills that are already present within me and the ones that I want to achieve in the long run. This model involves an experimentation phase that will help me to see the effectiveness of the approaches that I will be taking in order to fulfill the gaps. This model is also very helpful as it will help me to undertake these leadership roles while being involved in the other different projects. This model also lets me take feedbacks from all the different stakeholders. This makes the process complete as I am able to know if I am being successful in fulfilling the gaps in leadership skills.
Goals |
Activities |
Time frame |
Rationale |
Justification |
Building on the communicability |
· Undertaking frequent communications with the stakeholders · Undertaking different training for developing soft skills (Owens, Johnson & Mitchell, 2013) |
2- 4 months |
The development of the communicability will be helping the leader in identifying the issues that are faced by the stakeholders and resolving the same through negotiations. On the other hand, suitable communicational skills will be helping the leader in enhancing the relations with the stakeholders. |
This much time is needed for the purpose of choosing this time period is because of the fact that this much time will be needed for interacting with the stakeholders |
Identification of issues and resolving the same |
· Assessing the different issues that are faced by the organization in the market · Undertaking consultation with the different experts in the field · Assessing different possible alternatives for resolving the issues · Implementing the mitigation strategies in order to enhance the operations of the business (Colla et al., 2014) |
5- 8 months |
Identification of the issues and the mitigation of the same will be helping the me to facilitate the smooth functioning of the business systems (Hechanova & Cementina-Olpoc, 2013). |
A period of 8 months is justified because a leader needs some time in identifying the issues. |
Identification of capabilities of different departments for suitable resource allocation |
· Undertaking consultation with the managers in the different departments · Identifying the skills and talents in the teams and the departments · Allocating resources and tasks to the teams as per the expertise |
1 years |
The identification of the capabilities of the different departments will be helping me to allocate the tasks as per the expertise of the same. It will be helping me to support the smooth functioning of the project as per the objectives of the same. |
1 year time is needed for understanding the capability of different departments and allocating tasks as per their need. |
Adaptability |
· Undertaking operations in different markets and organizational situations · Undertaking critical tasks in specific time and cost |
2 years |
The increased adaptability will be helping me to work in different market situations. It will be helping me to work in different organizational situations as per the needs of the business. The modifications in the organizational operations are based on adaptability of leaders in different contexts. Therefore, enhanced adaptability will be helping me to develop insights on operations. |
2 years time is justified because I will be needing this much time in understanding the different situations taking place in market. |
Therefore, from the above analysis it can be stated that the different leadership gaps that are evident in my leadership style has affected my operations in the organizations. The modifications that are commenced by the leaders are dependent on the identification of needs of the organization and the concern that are faced by the stakeholders. The research enumerates different leadership theories for better understanding the leadership role that is played by the same while operating in businesses. Moreover, the research also reflects on the leadership skills and gaps in my style and thereby formulates a personal development plan for addressing the same.
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