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Recruitment Process Analysis


Analyze the Process of Recruitment and Challenges Related Strategies?

To analyze the process of recruitment, the organization which is selected here for this report is named as Telstra. Telstra is identified as one of the most specific organization for discussing the process of recruitment. The aim of the report is to provide specific process associated with the recruitment. In this report, the challenges are also being managed at an initial level.

The structure of report mainly consists of the main section which is the recruitment process analysis. The analysis section is further divided into various sub-sections which are named as the steps & procedures related to the recruitment, different challenges related to the recruitment, workforce management, and organizational image & demographic aspects. The different types of strategies are also defined for providing proper explanation (Telstra, 2017).

The simple and structured approach is identified for the methodology. The different data is collected from various sources. After collecting the data, a framed structure is also specified which provide basic aspects related to the recruitment.

The process of recruitment is identified as one of the most crucial phase of any organization. Selecting the accurate people for a definite profile is also considered as one of the toughest job. The specific issues and procedures related to the Telstra are identified in the report shown below. It is observed that on one hand, Telstra is recruiting with a very fast speed, but on the other hand, issues related to recruitments are also getting very common. So, to explain a definite procedure related to Telstra, the suitable criterion is selected for the discussion. The elaborated approach connected to every point is shown below.

The steps and procedures related to the recruitment are simple and stable. Through the below steps, it can become possible to manage the actual scenario related to the recruitment.

In the initial phase, actual advertisements and human resource management related to the prerequisite of candidates will be identified.  The different type of job structure will help in framing vacant position in the organization. The first step is the phone screening in which telephonic conversation is carried out for identifying career goals and objectives. The other points of discussion will be related to the technical qualification and other aspects. After clearing the first round, second round is related to the interviews.

The Online Assessments is the second round in which online tests for the candidates are conducted. The candidates are provided with the online test either in the theoretical or in a practical form. After clearing this round, it could become possible to judge the actual caliber related to the candidates. The online assessments may also help in providing specific guidelines for the improvement (Angila Ruskin University, 2012).

Personality Questionnaire is the new and innovative method through which different questions can be framed for the candidates. To manage the process of recruitment, it is essential to prepare different set of questionnaire on a definite level. The level of frames questionnaire can be simple to complex.

Steps and Procedures related to Recruitment

Reference Checks is the procedure by which the candidates who are applying for the post provides accurate reference for the identification. The recruitment team of Telstra will do the cross checking and identify major aspects related to the organization on a wide level.

The Background Checks is the procedure through which the past experiences can be checked. The different type of procedures for enquiry will be conducted. To manage enquiry, the employment, residential proof, relevant professional qualification can be checked. It is the procedure by which the documentation and other personal records are checked on a broad level. This inspection is considered as the proof of quality checking. By this quality checking, final procedure related to the joining can be done easily (Fitzgerald & Law, 2017).

Dispersal of offer letter is the last step through which suitable offer letters are dispersed on the organizational level. All formalities related to the joining are clearly explained to the employees at the time of joining. After clarifying norms, the suitable process related to the recruitment can be managed.

As Telstra is identified as one of the iconic organization of telecommunications, so it is essential to select those candidates who are mainly identified on the preference of technical background. The technical handling is the basic requirement for this industry. To recruit such candidates, Telstra is facing various challenges related to the recruitment. Some of the challenges are specified below.

In a month, Telstra is getting approximately 15,000 resumes from which they have to select most of the suitable candidates. Selecting the best candidate is considered as the most challenging task. The different strategic aspects and different type of blueprints related to the recruitment are considered on a large scale (Kehinde, 2012).

The continuous changes in the strategic point of view for recruiting the candidates are considered as the most important aspects to be identified. Telstra has to prepare new strategy and approaches while recruiting the candidates. The framing of new strategy every time is not possible, so updating on the local and international level is essential which needs to be considered while recruiting the most appropriate candidates (Zinyemba, 2014).

The third challenge is identified as the adaptation of new methods. The candidates belong to different platform and working criteria, so it is essential to look forward for the developmental aspects on the new forms. The procedure for the new methods should be slow and static, so that the new candidates can adapt easily (Sullivan, 2013).

Managing these challenges on a definite level is considered as the most important task. The different set of strategies are discussed below. These strategies are identified as the solution for the process of improvement.

The strategic approach designed for the challenges is considered as one of the most promoting and specific aspect, which helps in providing assistance for solving the issues related to the recruitment. There are various strategies that are planned at an initial level to face the challenges.

The employee brand and different type of advertising is considered as one of the opportunity through which challenges related to the recruitment can be managed. Telstra is continuously focusing on the global expansion of products on a wide level. This global expansion needs specific and framed approach related to the recruitment (Pillar, 2015). Apart from this, the advertising is also considered as the most specific method through which new opportunities related to the recruitment can be published. On an organizational level, other strategies to face challenges are defined below.

Challenges related to Recruitment

Advertising strategy is one of the most important strategy which assist in an improvement of the organization. The detailed and well-defined advertisement will aid in providing assistance for the process of recruitment on a large scale (Havas People, 2017).

Interview Strategy is another firm step towards the strategy, through which challenges related to the recruitment can be solved. The interview strategy mainly helps in planning the strategy in a specific manner, through which issues related to the recruitment can be resolved.

Project Management is again considered as the strategy which is remarkable for facing the challenges associated to the recruitment in Telstra. The insufficient timelines, lack of coordination and inappropriate structure for the recruitment are considered as some of the points which needs to be discussed. These all can be solved by applying specific structure related to the project management.

Apart from this, there are various planned activities identified which may assist in throwing light on the challenges related to the recruitment.

Work force management is identified as one of the perspective which plays an important role in the process of recruitment. The workforce includes the labor and supply management related to the organization. In reference to Telstra, the worldwide demand in regards to the telecommunication will directly influence the demand and supply of labor. The individual concept interrelated to demand and supply of labor is essential to be identified (Connel & Burgess, 2015).

The demand of labor will directly increase, if the demand for the products can be increased. By taking a live example from Telstra, it is considered that the new projects are allotted on the international level. For this international allotment, the requirement of labor will also increase simultaneously. The more expansions of the new services like connections, ASDL and cable plans and definite set of product and services can be done when there will be an increase in the labor. This rise in the requirement of labor will directly increase the process of recruitment in a wide level (Paille, 2015).

Apart from this, the demand of supply may also increase from the organization’s end. The organization defined specific aspects related to the supply. For an example, the connections related to the ASDL cables are expanding at an international level. This expansion on the organizational level will also increase the supply of products and services. Similar to this, the demand of products and services will directly influence the flow supply for the candidates.

The organizational image of the company is considered as iconic. The contribution of the organization is closely observed in the environmental and social services. This will directly improve the image of the organization on a wide level. The local as well as the global assistance can easily be achieved at an organizational level. For the CSR services and to improve the employability from other backward areas, Telstra continuously approaches with different framework (Trujillo, 2007).

In case of managing demographic aspects, the different factors like ageing, lifestyle, living behavior and other aspects are considered on a wide level. The location of the telecommunication subsidiaries will decide the specific aspects related to the recruitment of candidates. The local language and environment linked to the local area will be helpful in promoting the subsidiaries. This point is also considered on priority while deciding the actual scenario related to the recruitment in the organization. In fact, an implementation of the new projects and plans can also be identified by understanding the demographic conditions related to the organization.


The report shown above is successful in delivering the basic ideas and approaches related to the recruitment in Telstra. By identifying these approaches, some of the basic perspectives are considered on a large level. It is recommended that the process of recruitment should be planned as per the scenario of local environment. On an international level, the IHRM has to be prepared with the specific set of strategies (Dame, 2017). By this, definite and framed approaches can be identified at an initial level. It is also recommended that approach towards the recruitment strategy should also be organized and well-versed. The specific procedure and guidelines should be provided to the candidates at an initial level. This will also help in framing the actual procedure related to the recruitment. The report is successful in defining the basic perspectives in a focused manner. The only consideration is the collection of definite data from the different areas and locations. The data which is identified from different location will aid in providing assistance for an improvement in the process. By the help of this, the most organized phase of recruitment can be defined.


Angila Ruskin University. (2012). Staff Recruitment and Selection Policy and Procedure. Retrieved from

Connel, J., & Burgess, J. (2015). The challenges of an ageing workforce: an introduction to the workforce management issues. Labour & Industry: a journal of the social and economic relations of work, 25(4). Retrieved from

Dame, U. o. (2017). Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring. Retrieved from

Fitzgerald & Law. (2017). Recruitment procedures - seven steps for good procedures. Retrieved from

Havas People. (2017). Telstra employer brand: A colourful way to connect with a new corporate brand. Retrieved from

Kehinde, O. (2012). Organizational Culture and Its Corporate Image: A Model Juxtaposition. Business and Management Research, 1(1), 1-12. Retrieved from

Paille, P. (2015). Environment, Workplace and Employment. IJEWE journal, 4. Retrieved from

Pillar, T. (2015, March 19). 8 Challenges Facing The Recruitment Industry in 2015. Retrieved from

Sullivan, J. (2013, December 16). The Top 25 Recruiting Trends, Problems and Opportunities. Retrieved from

Telstra. (2017). Telstra: Online privacy. Retrieved from

Trujillo, S. (2007). A broad band of responsibility: Telstra’s Corporate Responsibility report. Retrieved from

Zinyemba, A. (2014). The Challenges of Recruitment and Selection of Employees. International Journal of Science and Research, 3(1), 1-5. Retrieved from

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